captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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dog stuff, from twitter
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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Dungeon Meshi Ep. 12 - Red Dragon ll
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
happy june everybody i hope you get fucked and/or sucked this month
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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lets hear it for this real tiny falin
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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vision from god
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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whenever i see people draw garfield as a catgirl they always make him feminine and young. you dont understand him like i do. anyways theyre both transbians to me
[image description: a drawing of garfield and arlene from the garfield comics depicted as catgirls. garfield is depicted as a fat, light-skinned, hairy woman with short orange mullet hair, freckles, a white tank top, orange shorts, and orange sneakers, and arlene is depicted as a tall, dark-skinned woman with short curly pink hair, red lipstick, a red dress, sheer tights, and pink pumps. arlene is sitting on a countertop and looking down at garfield, who is sitting in a chair with his legs spread, picking at his teeth and smiling. the drawing is made to look as though it were a real garfield comic panel. end id]
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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silly idea
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
tried to vent in a trans space about how, as a trans man who’s been on T for a long time (over 7 years now), i have noticed that the more i pass as a man, the less welcomed i am in queer spaces unless i go out of my way to feminize myself. and how that sucks! and it’s isolating!!! and it feels horrible to see ppl who used to like you and be close to you drift further and further the more masculine (& therefore more comfortable in urself) u become…
only to get ppl replying to me and saying “well if you dressed more fem then ppl wouldn’t be intimidated by you. you signed up for this”
i’m sorry but i didnt sign up for social isolation when i transitioned, i signed up for gender euphoria and comfort in myself and my life. and i had hoped that the ppl in my life would be able to see how much joy that brings me and continue to love me.
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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Happy Pride
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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au where pit’s a trans girl who hasn’t figured it out yet and then the mirror of truth speedruns dp’s transition. and nothing else changes.
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
People are always like "why do they let Data play poker with them, his brain is a computer, he has an unfair advantage," and the answer is simply because it's for fun!! He's their friend! Like can you imagine if they told Data he can't play, he'd be like "I understand, that's a logical decision, and as an android I am unable to feel left out," but then any time the poker game came up he'd be looking at Riker across the bridge like
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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I was bored in class
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
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something's not right.
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captain-lazerbow · 9 hours
I met god sitting on a park bench.
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I thought of my childhood. Of frutiger fields and the sweet embrace of surreality.
Movies I've never seen and games I'll never play.
She smiled at me and the ground cracked beneath my feet.
She extended a pane and I forgot where my hands were.
She found me anyways and pulled me through the event horizon.
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Endless windows of every memory. Every experience. Folded into one.
I asked god if I could go back.
She did not understand my question, and apologizes for the distress.
I will say "so is this it?"
"so is this it?"
she will respond "yes"
It is, indeed.
"now what?"
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Well. when life becomes another footstep on your path, and infinity boils down to a single wrinkle upon your pinky finger, you might take a different type of look at life.
thats all it was just a little peek
And when you get a look, you realize what we all must realize.
it's all just the peak before the drop. the dark before the light. the last ray of summer's light. yearning for the cold in the warm, aching for the warm when you're freezing cold.
dualities, dichotomies, binaries - they're all arbitrary. none of them matter. that's why you look for the contrast. you find the edge between yourself and I, and you define the fractal that's there along your edge.
you carry that fractal with you, and never forget that infinity is contained within a finite you.
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I love you.
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captain-lazerbow · 15 hours
Genuinely I think Chainsaw Man ends with Denji being queer in SOME way. I used to be a cishet Denji truther early on because he was aggressively straight and dudeish but now it is more clear than ever he is absolutely that way because he is Fucked Up Beyond Belief and I see the light
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