i love having a corporeal form. i love eating warm food on cold days. i love taking hot showers. i love sleeping on clean sheets. i delight in earthly decadence. i wake up and eat warm bread slathered in butter. i own multiple pairs of soft fuzzy socks. this body is so comfy and i'm not returning it any time soon
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For people who haven’t heard: this month, the DSM (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) are planning on updating the criteria for getting an autism diagnosis. On paper, this sounds like a good thing. It’s not.
The DSM is the handbook used by healthcare workers worldwide, for diagnosing mental disorders and the like. You may have read that the autistic diagnosis criteria is getting updated and, like many in the autistic community, hoped that this meant that it would be expanded, to make it easier for AFAB, transgender, and non-white people to be diagnosed (as it is notoriously hard for anyone except for white, cisgender men to obtain an autism diagnosis). However, they recently released a statement saying that they were not expanding the criteria, but were instead making it more ‘conservative’, as they feel autism is being ‘over-diagnosed’. (Which is, of course, bullshit for a whole plethora of reasons which I’m sure you’ve heard before.)
As-of my posting this, they have not released the official, updated criteria yet, so there is not much we can do right now. But there is one thing that we must agree upon: DO NOT SHAME PEOPLE FOR SELF-DIAGNOSING WITH AUTISM. Because obtaining an autism diagnosis is, quite literally, only getting harder.
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“The focus on cis white male presentations of autism creates a massive diagnosis barrier for marginalised people. Our actions are viewed differently depending on our race / gender etc. We need better representation in media and we need academics to understand and embed cultural nuance, not seek to further restrict diagnosis.” (@girl_unleeshed on Twitter)
Here’s the second comic I worked on for Autism Acceptance month! This comic is a collaboration with Leesha (@girl_unleeshed). Please check out her Twitter to read more of her awesome and thoughtful writing!
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Reasons I like subtitles:
1. I can see how people’s names and the cities and the countries are spelled.
2. I don’t miss any words, so everything they say makes sense.
3. I get to know what background noises and conversations are.
4. The descriptions of the noises people make are freaking awesome. Ex: splutter, grunt, chuckles.
5. I can see who says what.
6. I don’t have to have the volume super loud so I can hear the dialogue, and I don’t blow my eardrums out because the ambient noises and music is SO FREAKING LOUD.
I freaking love subtitles.
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You Are Not Wasting Time; It Was Given To You As A Gift, Freely and Generously; Is Rain Wasted Because It Falls On Gardens, Grass, Disgruntled Birds, and Umbrellas All The Same?
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sick of music genres. give me a 8.5 hr playlist thats just Music For Staring Out Your Bedroom Window At 11pm On A School Night Imagining The Muffled Sounds of Rainfall-And-Or-Cicadas But Actually All You Can Hear Is The Neighbor’s Car Alarm Going Off For The 3rd Time This week
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"There's millions of Tumblr users" to you. To me There's only about 12 and we all reblog the same five posts from each other
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are you unable to perform any simple daily task without listening to music or are you normal
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Today is the only day you can reblog this
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it's because you're a slutty little candy man with poor circulation. try getting a heat lamp?
who the fuck just called me a slutty little candy man
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What's your best example of correlation not equaling causation?
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today I found out my mother doesn't know what dandelions are and now I'm wondering what other strange secrets she's been quietly harboring
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Y’know, a lot of focus on this site says that people don’t owe anyone forgiveness, and that is true, but it seems to have swung too in the opposite direction in which people won’t forgive people anything which turns into puritan culture that forbids fucking up. 
You don’t have to forgive people for hurts they’ve caused you, but holding a mistake over a persons head forever, even when they’ve made clear strides to be better not only helps no one, it’s actually a cruel act on YOUR part. Now this isn’t to say that you should forgive abusers either or anything, this is more like, if your mother sometimes slipped up when learning new pronouns but hasn’t in years, or someone said a slur when they were 11 and now they know better, then what you’re doing is counterproductive. 
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You’re the most recognised and internationally praised superhero, but you don’t fight any crime. Instead, you use your powers over stone and metal to repair the damage caused by the catastrophic fights other heroes get into.
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anyone interested in starting a cute lil friend group activities include coffee shop exploring and finding new parks and having picnics and baking cookies together and having movie nights i am accepting applications thank u
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