District crashes are probably one of the funniest thing on ToonTown. Like, so many people lose connection because someone opened their mailbox from a weird angle.
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I really, really, really, really want headphones for one of my Toons.
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These guys did what Disney couldn’t do.
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While cleaning out my closet, I found my old TTO pins! I won these pins during TTO’s New Year’s contest where you had to make it onto the Top Toons board to win. I ended up winning the “Most Fish Caught�� category and I was sent these pins as a prize.
Now if I can only figure out where I put my TTO trading cards....
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I want to be able to rearrange my SOS cards based on how many stars they have. The game randomly sorts them and I don’t like that.
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One thing the TTR team should consider is allowing people to choose which task to turn in during special events like Storm Sellbot.
For instance, all my Storm Sellbot tasks are for merit rewards. I went to turn in one of my tasks and sadly, I didn’t realize the game would choose the 2,000 merit task first over my 500 merit task. So I lost a lot of merits since I only needed 600 for my next level up.
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I think TTR should incorporate auto healing when you are logged out. There a lot of people (like my brother) who rage quit while playing MMOs and they get frustrated when they log back on and see their toon isn’t ready to go. A lot of MMOs that I play have this type of auto healing already in place and it is really nice.
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TTR lag source? Is it my router? Is it my computer? Is it TTR itself? The world may never know.
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just a small question, but when does the TTR day switch over to the next day? o:
It switches at Midnight pacific time. They are using the same internal clock system that TTO had. Plants that are planted by Midnight TTR time (which is Pacific time) will grow when the day switches.
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The funniest VP I did today is a tie between:
1. A toon with the small toon reward needed to be healed but everyone's pies kept flying over her head so she had to start jumping at the exact time we were throwing pies.
2. A level 15 laff toon kept yelling "Git Gud!" over and over and then a Skelecog one shot him. His last words were "Git Gud guys....".
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I'm hoping that at some point, the TTR team gives NPC/shopkeepers accessories and nicer clothes so they don't look so boring compared to the players.
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Zilly's Rants: Shticker Book and Interface
For my fourth rant, I'll be talking about how the Shticker Book/Interface can be improved in TT.
I didn't do a rant last week due to having my appendix taken out and I couldn't sit down and play ToonTown for about a week. This is also why I'm choosing to do a rant about something that doesn't need much improved upon. It's just so I don't need to sit down for too long to type.
Below the cut are my ideas on how to improve the Shticker Book/interface of ToonTown.
1. Remove gag training tab
Once you finish your last gag training, this tab becomes pointless. It should be removed after gag training to make the Shticker Book interface cleaner.
2. Cog gallery fix
Minor fix needed here; some of the bolts cover some of them numbers. I don't know if everyone experiences this graphic glitch or if it's just for people who play in windowed mode.
If I try to look up how many Cold Callers are on a street, I can't see the number because there is a bolt in the way of the number.
3. Delete SOS cards OR give multiple SOS pages
I've already reached the point where I need to think about which SOS cards I want to keep and which ones to waste.
It annoys me the you have to go into battle to use the cards you don't want. Like, if I'm just going to purposely waste them in battle, why not just give me an option to delete them from my Shticker Book? It would be a lot quicker than going into battle and calling upon Shelly Seaweed 6 times just so I can get rid of her SOS card.
Another way this could be handled is by giving people multiple pages to hold SOS cards.
4. Add option to turn off nameplates
As someone who has played ToonTown for many years, I would rather not be pointed in the direction of Toon HQ in a playground. Nor would I like to know where every building is on a street while I'm running down it. Yes, yes... I know where my house is.... please stop pointing me to it.
I think it would be a great idea to add an option where you can select and deselect which nametags pop up on the side of your screen. With these options you can choose what nametags you want to see and which you don't.
This option should be for:
Toon names
Street cogs
Building names
Toon chat
NPC toons
5. Cog invasion timer
They took a step in the right direction by letting us see which districts had invasions going on, but I still need to use the invasion tracker site because I don't know when the invasion is going to end. No one wants to be inside a building when an invasion ends.
The timer would be best placed on the districts page alongside the invasion it's applied to.
 That's it for this rant! Thanks for taking time to read this if you did. If you have a Shticker Book or Interface suggestion of your own, feel free to drop me an ask to talk about it!
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Toon Escape has made me fear the trolley because if I hop on it..... I may not be coming back out.
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When you forget to pick/plant your garden for the day and you have five minutes to plant your garden before the ToonTown day switches over.
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Zilly's Rants: Battling
For my third rant, I'll be talking about the battling mechanic in ToonTown. Battling in TT is already great as it is but I think there could be a few things added in to balance it out and make it more fun.
Below the cut are my suggestions on how to improve battling in ToonTown.
1. More battle animations/tweak battle animations
When I mean more battle animations, I mean giving cogs a reaction when lure or sound misses. They just stand there after it misses. There are also a lot of cog animations I would like to see changed like not jumping into another cog to dodge a cake, etc.
As for tweaking current battle animations, there are a few that I'm going to list on what needs to be fixed.
Multiple sound animation: When different sound gags are used, the animation slowly goes out of time. The sound that plays doesn't match the time when the animation plays.
Slide dodge: This one isn't too important but being someone who doesn't like to see animation errors, I would like to point it out. When a toon slides out of the way of a cogs attack, most of the time the cog's attack animation is longer than the toon's slide dodge animation. Making it look like the toon is sliding right into the attack.
Drop stacking: Instead of having different drops fall through each other, have them stack on top of the cog. That would be freaking hilarious.
2. Taunting
Ok, so I'm bringing a whole new idea into this. Imagine you are on the street during a Spin Doctor invasion and you have a task for Spin Doctors. You want to fight as many of them as you can before the invasion ends but they keep flying away instead of joining the fight you're currently in. Wouldn't it be great if you could taunt the cogs to increase your chances of cogs joining during street fights?
Taunting would be an option you select while choosing your gags but you can still choose a gag to fight with during the same round. A single taunt would last a certain amount of time and the more toons that taunt during the time, the more likely a cog will join in a fight.
3. The "Unprofession" Skill
There are seven types of gags, you are only allowed to have six. My brother and I joke and say that the type of gag you don't choose is called your "Unprofession".
Sometimes it's difficult to work with people who don't compliment your missing track and I know it's really hard to work with someone who doesn't have Toon-up or Sound. (I once got put in a VP group with three Toon-up less toons all on my side. It wasn't fun) Even though it is difficult to work with these types of toons, I still believe that people should be able to play the way they want to play. So I tried to think of a way to make it better for everyone and I came up with the Unprofession Skill.
You may ask "What is an Unprofession Skill?". Simply put, it's a bonus stat that gets placed on your toon after you choose your final gag. It is an attempt to "make up" for your missing track.
For instance, a Toon-up less toon would have the Unprofession Skill of +2% avoidance to the group you are with. Or a toon without lure would get the Unprofession Skill of +2% of lure success.
It should be noted that none of the Unprofession Skills are beneficial to yourself. Like if you don't have Toon Up, the +2% avoidance goes to your team mates and not yourself.
It should also be noted that Unprofession Skills would be able to be stacked.
4. Doodles
I'll make this quick.... if they add Doodles back in and put them in battle, I want them to have a higher % chance they'll succeed. I remember back in TTO that my Doodle would ALWAYS do its tricks at my estate, but when I called it into battle it almost never worked.
5. Fix various glitches
Cog's fight animations get cut out and it goes straight to your move.
Cog's health color doesn't take push back damage or same gag track bonus.
Lag that causes people to miss their turn
After a boss battle, game sometime thinks all toons used all their level seven gags. (Really annoying and time consuming)
That weird glitch where a cog is dead but a toon can still use a gag on it.
 That's about it for this rant! Thanks for taking time to read this if you did. If you would like to throw in a battle suggestion or talk about my suggestions, leave me an ask.
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I have a V.P. story to tell!
I joined a power VP group which had six Hollywoods and one Mingler. I was the lowest suit there since I'm a Gladhandler.
This group was not suppose to SOS shop but one person left when they weren't satisfied with the SOS. So now we had three people on my side of the fight. One person missing isn't that big of a deal to me but the two other people on my side chickened out and left as well. Now I was the only one left on my side.
This was the only time I regret being a lureless Toon.
I told the other side that I was the only one left and they told me to stall as much as I could. Thanks to previous SOS cards and level 7 gags, I was able to fight my way to the end of the battle. I had only one more cog to beat when the other side got done.
The team agreed to continue and we ran into no more issues afterwards and we were able to beat the VP.
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Yesterday I got disconnected while gardening. I got back on later but forgot to finish watering my plants. Apparently plants in TTR don't need water to grow.
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