captainrochefort · 11 years
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Hello there, this is a not so new Red King blog looking for fellow roleplayers to interact/follow/love down. I would enjoy it if you all gave this a like or reblog this so others could do the same. I would appreciate it a whole lot <3
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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//Sorry sorry sorry sorry! I'm trying to be active here again, but he's been an uncooperative a-hole most of the time, and I'm a procrastinator. 
But I'm working on it, promise!
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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The Three Musketeers - Rochefort and his braid
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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So. .
"I guess I’m married now."
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captainrochefort · 11 years
Reblog if you're sometimes unsure of yourself or the quality of your character, whether original or not.
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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Count de Rochefort.
Guess who’s my favorite;)
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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Mads Mikkelsen as Nigel in Charlie Countryman (2013) [x]
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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Okay the fact that I even reached three hundred is amazing so for that I am completely and utterly grateful. To each and every single one of my followers. So I am doing a giveaway. Now I am not great at graphics but writing is something I am good at so I will be doing writing stuff tehe.
The Rules!:
You must be following me to qualify! I will check. And no unfollowing after you win. If I find out you have unfollowed me, I will redraw for that prize and you will loose out.
Reblogs are what will count. I will be putting each name in to a word document list that is numbered and then will be doing a random number generator for the number corresponding to the name. And yes, if you reblog more than once your name will go on the list more then once, increasing your chances.
There must be at least 20 reblogs for people to qualify for prizes
The entry in to the giveaway will end October 14th. One, it is a day I will have off to focus on the prizes and two that gives plenty of time for people to enter. 
The Prizes!:
First Prize - One Winner
A link on my page to yours for a month.
Promos twice a week as well as stating why I feel everyone should follow you  (Tons of love will be coming your way from me don’t worry).
A drabble with a theme being the winners choice
A customized starter from any of the available verses on either characters page (So mine or yours)
An AU involving our characters in any manner decided by the winner (This is completely wide open to all possibilities).
Second Prize - Two Winners
Promos once every two weeks for a month stating why people should follow you.
A customized starter placed in any of the available verses on either characters page.
A drabble with a theme being the winners choice.
Third Prize - Three Winners
One promo stating why people should follow you.
A customized starter placed in any of the available verses on either characters page.
Fourth Prize - Four Winners
A customized starter placed in any of the available verses on either characters page.
Reblog! It closes October 14th. Good luck to everyone and again thank you for following me!
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captainrochefort · 11 years
Indeed.  You are the child of Monsieur de Tréville, correct?
0.0 It’s nice to finally meet you
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captainrochefort · 11 years
Bonjour, Mademoiselles.
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Rochefort…. Captain Rochefort……….. We see you »
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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Semi Transparent Cat (fur matches colour of your blog) Made by Totally Transparent
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captainrochefort · 11 years
One more till 350 -Screeches and faints- 
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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 I worry I don’t do my character justice.
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captainrochefort · 11 years
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Mills. Henry Mills.
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captainrochefort · 11 years
Born as Rapunzel, Penelope Withers has been trapped in Storybrooke with her twins, Liam and Alice….
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captainrochefort · 11 years
New Indie Fairy Godmother RP Blog
"Why, I’m you’re fairy Godmother, dear."
Lorraine Eleanor Trask is a humble and happy heart. She resides as close to the center of town as she can, wanting to be close should anyone require anything at all. Not only does she offer over her bright smile and kind words, but she does so much for so many people and never asks for a single thank you.
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