captainsickleworth · 4 years
Looks like Chiara is filling in for Madame Pomphery.
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captainsickleworth · 4 years
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I ship them so hard 😤✊ 💛❤️
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captainsickleworth · 4 years
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maybe it’s…. subtle.
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
little league quidditch
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
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We don’t deserve this Werewolf girl!
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
When it’s the Quidditch update week, but you just want to break into the Ministry of Magic.
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
Why Barnaby Lee is the best character in Hogwarts Mystery:
Ditched Merula and Ismelda, as well as stood up against them and got mad when they tried to sabotage for Jacob’s sibling and their friends.
jumped in front of the MC and took the freaking hit, preventing Jacob’s sibling from being cursed
Said he liked Jacob’s sibling two times in the same day, within the same hour probably
Shamelessly said ‘’I smell like a Dungbomb. I have had more baths since I got hit with that Dungbomb than I’ve had in my whole life’’ straight to the MC’s face like it was no big deal.
admitted that Merula told him to spy on Jacob’s sibling.
Wanted us to prove to each other that we’re worthy of becoming each other’s partners. I wasn’t the only one who had to prove myself to him, he had to prove himself to me.
Said that he would ditch Merula if you won over him in a duel, but let’s be honest, he would have ditched Merula either way. 
Wanted to celebrate his new partnership with the MC over a Butterbeer. 
Opened up to Jacob’s sibling about his past, despite being afraid that they would think he was mad.
Never really engaged in Merula and Ismelda’s bullshit. Just lingered behind, making slightly dumb (funny) comments. 
literally ditched Merula and Ismelda in zero seconds. 
‘‘Didn’t you beg a bit when Jacob’s sibling beat you? I remember you crying, but I could’ve sworn you begged a bit too.’‘
Was told by the MC that this was between Merula and them, yet did not move out of the way. 
‘‘I like you. We should fight!’‘ lol
Gets called stupid 24/7 yet is surprisingly good at everything he does and gains house points like there’s no tomorrow?!????!
Thought clowns were more scary than Boggarts and got judged by Tulip and the group, but if y’all had been around for the killer clowns…
Wore rings as an 11 year old. How cool isn’t that. 
Doesn’t understand sarcasm which makes him that much funnier
Would probably be a great friend to Ben, protecting him and supporting him. Always making sure to boost Ben’s confidence.
‘‘You don’t want to fight me. I’ve never lost a duel.’‘ Literally beats my sorry ass two times in a row and sets me on fire. 
Imagine how annoyed Snape must be at Barnaby and his comments.
Almost died when Ismelda said she hoped the Cursed Vaults would possess something that could bring back Voldemort because HE IS SO NOT HERE FOR THAT. 
I’m sorry my favorite Barnaby moment ever is MERULA TOLD ME TO SPY ON YOU 
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
Some duelling tips that I don't know if applies to everyone but works for me most of the times so I thought it would be good to share:
★ When the opponent has lower attributes than mine their first move is usually sneaky which means the first move I go for is aggressive
(And then often their second move is defensive so I use sneaky)
★ When we have the same level of attributes they usually go for aggressive which means I use defensive
★ some powerful spells are: Depulso (agressive, -20 damage), aflipendo (sneaky, -15 damage) and Bombarda (defensive, -10, sometimes stun or burn or both for 1-2 turnes)
★ the healing potion is better than Episkey because it's healing over time and can save you from losing (+3 and then +6 each turn= 15) (Episkey only gives you immediately +10)
★ Also, Incendio is actually powerful and very helpful- it's better to cast it after the opponent "life" level isn't full and when it works they would burn for 2 turnes and it's very helping in a situation when you both don't have enough "life" cause even if you both "die" at the same time- you'd be the winner. (Aggressive, -10 each burn, -5 in general so when it fully works it's -25)
★ if the opponent won you over in a round sometimes if you close the game and your internet source fast enough it won't save their move
this guide is obviously not 100% accurate but let me know if it helped you! ^^ percentage
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
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Sweet summer child ~ I love her
Someone should make a fic about the Hogwarts punk club/crowd (preferably someone familiar with 1980s punk)
Also, what does she say for the other options?
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
harry: my dad didn’t strut!
snape and lupin: *looks into the camera like in the office*
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
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Just some dark angsty moments for these girls
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
Annnd no Chiara side quest this week :(
Looks like it's just Quidditch...
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
Rowan: where's MC?
Andre: somewhere disappointing God.
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
I'm actually really glad that they did not drop the Chiara side quest this week as I'm super busy.
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
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I see what you did there, Jam City...
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
Sirius: When have I done something irresponsible?
James: We keep a list.
Remus: It's alphabetized.
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
MC, after meeting Cecil: I never thought I’d say this, but I think Barnaby got the brains in that family.
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