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Rey + Smiles
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A New Hope (1977) / The Force Awakens (2015)
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Chocolate Box 2017
Hi! Welcome into my little world. I will love whatever you write or draw for me. :) 
General pointers about my taste and some things that are bulletproof likes:
I am a fluff person, not a grimdark person. Homophobia, sexism, racism, etc., are not things I enjoy.
I like porn, and I like handholding and shy kisses, and I like friendly shenanigans and banter. Any and all ratings are great. PWP is not really my thing, though.
Casual, organic worldbuilding is really fun. For example, I’d love to know what date night options are available for couples on a Resistance base, or how Padmé deals with the bureaucracy of being a Senator, or the idiosyncrasies of the Millennium Falcon that Leia slowly learns to navigate.
Bulletproof likes:
Friendship, found family, leisurely kisses, secretly holding hands, sex in semi-public places (but not actually being caught or having someone watching, sorry, I’m finicky), very different personalities appreciating each other and becoming friends, flyboys and flygirls being hotshots, bridging upbringings/countries/planets/etc., sarcastic banter (if in character for that character), awesome hair and hairstyles, cross-generational bonding, stolen peaceful moments in the midst of war, relationships that are full of laughter.
General Note 1: I am not a fan of Kylo Ren, any ships involving Kylo Ren, any heavy angst involving Kylo Ren, or fics set during the period in which he turned. Obviously fic involving Leia or Han can totally mention him, but dwelling on him wouldn’t be great for me. (Baby/toddler/kid Ben Solo is fine.)
General Note 2 – feel free to mix and match ideas and pairings between sections, if they fit your story/artwork. If you want to write a fic in which Chewbacca holes up in the cockpit playing loud Wookie death metal to drown out the sounds of Han & Leia boning all over the rest of the Falcon, and then cut to twenty years later when he comforts Leia after the events on Starkiller Base, go for it. Or a sketch of Rey/Jessika and Poe/Finn on a double date. Etc.
Specifics after the cut.
Fandom sections:
i. Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Breha Organa & Leia Organa Bail Organa & Leia Organa
Breha, Bail, or both, on the day Leia enters their lives. 
Raising Leia and hiding her in plain sight.
What it means to raise Darth Vader’s daughter.
Teaching Leia the things she needs to know, both for now (to keep her safe) and for later (when she takes up her heritage).
The day that Leia demands to be part of the rebellion.
How much of Leia is nature (Padmé and Anakin) and how much is nurture (Breha & Bail)?
Breha Organa & Padmé Amidala Padmé Amidala & Obi-Wan Kenobi Padmé Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Bail was Padmé’s closest ally in the Senate, but Breha was her friend.
After Padmé is gone and Breha is raising Leia, Breha can sometimes see her departed friend so strongly in the way Leia holds her head, or the way Leia demands justice for small childhood wrongs.
Padmé and Obi-Wan have such chemistry in the movies. Whether you go with friendship or romance, tell me more!
During the clandestine marriage, Padmé struggles with the necessity of deceiving Obi-Wan.
It’s Obi-Wan and Padmé who fall in love, not Anakin and Padmé. How does this change the course of the galaxy?
Padmé survives, and she, Obi-Wan, and the twins go on the run together.
Padmé Amidala & Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker
Padmé survives and goes on the run with the twins.
Padmé survives and goes into hiding with one of the twins, separating the twins to keep them safer, and much later is reunited with the twin she gave up.
Obi-Wan shows up in the Force Afterlife and tells Padmé about Luke and his life on Tatooine. Later he brings her news as his Force ghost goes traipsing around during the Original Trilogy.
ii. Rogue One - A Star Wars Story
Bail Organa & Leia Organa
It’s time at last for Bail to bring Leia out of hiding. He’s not just sending Obi-Wan the plans - he’s sending Obi-Wan Leia.
Saying goodbye to Leia before going to Alderaan, knowing that the next time he sees her she’ll be on the way to becoming a Jedi, and she won’t ever be quite the same woman again.
Seeing Padmé in Leia more strongly with every passing year.
Bringing up a young firebrand and being so proud of her; sparing her what hardship and darkness he can, while knowing that he can’t spare her forever.
Jyn Erso/Leia Organa Jyn Erso & Leia Organa Jyn Erso/Luke Skywalker
The “Jyn meets the twins” ships! Setting it either before the events of Rogue One (a chance meeting while Jyn was on her own after leaving Saw, perhaps?), during the events of Rogue One (while Jyn’s on the rebel base), or afterwards (an AU in which Jyn lives) are all great. 
Leia’s an 18-year-old Senator in a galaxy falling more to shreds with every passing year. She meets another young woman somewhere (Coruscant? A fact-finding mission on some planet? Whatever you like), and chats with her/flirts with her/falls into bed with her.
With the Rebellion starting up in earnest, it’s ‘live for today’. Leia kisses Jyn in the hours leading up to the departure of Rogue One, just to establish a human connection and ground all the sick adrenaline racing through her veins. K-2SO observes and does not approve.
After relaying the plans, Jyn is captured by the Empire and taken off-planet before it’s blown up. Later she’s thrown in the same prison block as Leia and rescued at the same time. Cue any of these three relationships while New Hope happenings are happenin’.
Cassian Andor & K-2SO Jyn Erso & K-2SO Jyn Erso/Bodhi Rook Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus 
a) I’m equally a fan of the real ending and of AUs where some or all of them live. b) I do not ship Bodhi/Galen, sorry, so please no implication of that. (I read Bodhi more along the lines of Galen’s surrogate son.) 
I love Cassian and Jyn’s relationships with K-2SO and am very interested in fic or drawings involving either pair. (Or all three of them.)
Jyn and Bodhi are both exceptionally pretty and I am very shallow and would enjoy stress-relief ‘we’re gonna die’ kisses/sex. 
Jyn and Bodhi become an item after the events of Rogue One (obviously a they-live!AU).
Chirrut and Baze are awesome and I would love any romance fic about them. What were their adventures like before the events of Rogue One?
iii. Star Wars Original Trilogy
Leia Organa/Han Solo
Interstitial adventures.
Alllll the banter.
Post-RotJ happiness and adventures and laughter.
Quiet moments when nothing needs to be said.
They have amazing sex, all the time and everywhere. They nearly get caught many times, but somehow they never quite do.
Luke Skywalker/Han Solo
AU in which Han and Luke are the ones to fall in love instead of Han & Leia. What changes?
Luke plays peacemaker between his boyfriend and his sister, because Han & Leia may not be together, but they still spar all the time.
Han coming back to save Luke’s ass in A New Hope because he can’t quite bear to have Luke blown to smithereens.
Han getting teased by old hardened smuggler buddies about his wide-eyed quiet boyfriend, only for Luke to surprise them a bit.
Lando Calrissian/Han Solo
Smugglers who keep running into each other on different worlds, and falling into bed on a kinda regular basis.
What is Chewie’s POV on this?
When the Milennium Falcon’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’.
Lando makes it up to Han for betraying him to Vader.
Han makes it up to Lando for stealing the Falcon.
I’m also interested in a threesome with Leia involved if you like! Or Luke, for that matter, but I think Lando was more interested in Leia. ;)
iv. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Force Awakens
Finn & Chewbacca Rey & Chewbacca
Chewbacca bonding with Finn or Rey (or both), either during the movie or afterwards. (Particularly Rey if ‘afterwards’.)
Chewbacca and Rey becoming best buddies in an alternate universe in which she does get to cruise around the galaxy as a Falcon crewmember. Han says they’re ganging up on him.
Chewbacca comforting Rey after Han’s death.
Leia Organa & Rey Finn & Leia Organa
Leia bonding with Finn or Rey (or both), either during the movie or afterwards.
Leia telling Rey what she can about the Force, answering questions about Rey’s powers, etc. (Without a Kylo Ren focus, please.)
Leia telling Rey about Luke and what she can expect from him. Humor is great.
Finn’s heard Imperial stories about Leia. She’s a legend to him. Getting to know a legend is daunting!
Finn & Rey
Finn and Rey, best friends for life.
Finn and Rey have adventures. 
Finn gets to come with Chewie once to visit Rey during her training.
Rey and Luke arrive at the Resistance base and the first person she wants to go see is Finn. They share all the stories about what’s been happening to them. 
Finn & Rey & Poe Dameron
More of the above! I am totally here for platonic bromances and found family and all the awesome space adventures.
Finn/Rey Jessika Pava/Rey Poe Dameron/Finn & Jessika Pava/Rey Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey
The ships! Tell me a story or draw me a picture of finding love during a time of war.
Having sex in a X-wing doesn’t sound like a good idea but you know Poe’s done it.
Porny threesome fic is always a great choice. Especially if it’s funny as well as hot.
One of them is a matchmaker.
Everybody sleeps with everybody on the Resistance base, because hey, it’s wartime and you’re only young once and you might die tomorrow. 
Alternate additional option to the last prompt: and sometimes people catch feelings for each other. :)
Leia Organa/Han Solo Poe Dameron/Leia Organa Poe Dameron/Leia Organa/Han Solo
Please no dubcon power-dynamics with Poe; I love these pairings only when Poe is 100% on board (and not in Leia’s direct line of command).
Leia misses Han, whether during the AWOL years or after Starkiller Base.
Leia and Han meet during the AWOL years. 
Please tell me there’s a missing ‘reunited’ scene in Force Awakens.
Han is gone for years at a time. Leia’s never been someone to pine away forlornly. And she’s always had a weak spot for flyboys...
After a long day fighting with the Republic for more funding and worrying over intelligence reports, it’s pretty great to come back to her quarters and lay it all aside. Poe gives great massages.
Poe sings in the shower, hums while he’s making breakfast, and traces poetry on her skin. Leia’s not sure if she likes it or not, but she’s coming around.
Han, Leia, and Poe all in bed together would definitely blow my mind a bit with the sheer hotness level. Anything would be fantastic; one particular image that sticks in my head is Han fucking Poe while Poe goes down on Leia.
v. Star Wars RPF
Carrie Fisher/Mark Hamill Carrie Fisher & Mark Hamill
I read The Princess Diarist, and during her difficult fling with Harrison (in which she was constantly insecure, he never talked to her or seemed to like her very much except one time that she did an impression of him, and she was so young and inexperienced), Carrie explicitly told her diary at one point something along the lines of “why couldn’t it have been Mark?!” So of course I thought - what if it HAD been Mark? I bet that relationship would have worked much better, because Mark seems like a total sweetheart.
Alternatively, Carrie & Mark’s friendship over the years.
Carrie Fisher & Daisy Ridley Harrison Ford/Oscar Isaac Mark Hamill & Daisy Ridley Mark Hamill/Oscar Isaac
Carrie giving Daisy advice about entering the Star Wars universe. Canonically the only advice I’ve heard is that she told her to fight for her haircut and her outfit more generally (e.g. no buns or metal bikinis).
Mark and Daisy bonding during filming and developing a father-daughter or older brother-younger sister type of relationship. (I love that picture of her carrying him on her back like he carried Yoda!)
Oscar and either of his older counterparts have a torrid one-night stand. This is a very shallow request, I admit it. It’d be super hot either way but especially hot if Oscar was topping, for some reason. IDK. (I am not good at giving porny prompts. I get all blushy, lmao.)
John Boyega & Oscar Isaac & Daisy Ridley John Boyega/Oscar Isaac John Boyega/Daisy Ridley
The new trio bonding! Becoming friends during filming and marketing and watching the whole world going apeshit over you.
John Boyega falling in love with either one of his costars. <3 Romance or porn are both great. (Or both.)
Felicity Jones/Daisy Ridley Oscar Isaac/Diego Luna Riz Ahmed/Oscar Isaac
Crossover pairings! Romance, porn, or a combo are all great. 
Oscar Isaac is in a lot of these pairings, I’m noticing now. But he is really hot. Sob.
Also, this is of course totally totally optional but I just saw the Golden Globes and damn damn damn I’ve fallen in love with Oscar Isaac/Gael García Bernal, soooo if that appealed to you and you felt like writing them, be my guest.
Riz Ahmed/Diego Luna Riz Ahmed/Diego Luna/Alan Tudyk
And finally, the Rogue One pairings! Whether you go with just Riz & Diego or with the full threesome, I think it’d be really hot. :) You could also go Riz/Diego & Alan if that dynamic appeals to you than Riz/Diego/Alan.
0 notes
the last princess of alderaan
the last princess of alderaan (5464 words) by songstress
Chapters: 1/1 Fandoms: Star Wars (Movies), Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leia Organa/Han Solo Characters: Leia Organa, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker Additional tags: Post-Traumatic Stress, healing process, Recovery, Adoption, Family, Canon - Movie
Summary:   Leia always considers herself a citizen of the galaxy. She never knows how Alderaanian she is, until Alderaan is gone.
0 notes
Not Prime Time, 2016
Hi! Welcome into my little world. I will love whatever you write for me, so you can stop being stressed right now. :)
Right now Star Wars has kinda eaten me alive, so I decided to theme my signup and request it in three flavors! I am unashamed and totally own my choices. ;)
General pointers about my taste and some things that are bulletproof likes:
I am a fluff person, not a grimdark person. Homophobia, sexism, racism, etc., are not things I enjoy.
I like porn, and I like handholding and shy kisses, and I like friendly shenanigans and banter. Any and all ratings are great. PWP is not really my thing, though.
Casual, organic worldbuilding is really fun. For example, I’d love to know what date night options are available for couples on a Resistance base, or how Padmé deals with the bureaucracy of being a Senator, or the idiosyncrasies of the Millennium Falcon that Leia slowly learns to navigate.
Bulletproof likes:
Friendship, found family, leisurely kisses, secretly holding hands, sex in semi-public places (but not actually being caught or having someone watching, sorry, I’m finicky), very different personalities appreciating each other and becoming friends, flyboys and flygirls being hotshots, bridging upbringings/countries/planets/etc., sarcastic banter (if in character for that character), awesome hair and hairstyles, cross-generational bonding, stolen peaceful moments in the midst of war, relationships that are full of laughter.
Specifics after the cut. 
SPOILERS BE BELOW (though I try to be oblique)
General note – I am not a fan of Kylo Ren, any ships involving Kylo Ren, or really any fic about Kylo Ren at all. Obviously a fic involving Leia or Han could mention him, but dwelling on him wouldn’t be great for me. (Baby/toddler/young kid Ben Organa is fine.)
Second general note – feel free to mix and match ideas and pairings between sections, if they fit your story. Also feel free to draw from my Chocolate Box letter! If you want to write a fic in which Chewbacca holes up in the cockpit playing loud Wookie death metal to drown out the sounds of Han & Leia boning all over the rest of the Falcon, and then cut to twenty years later when he comforts Leia after the events on Starkiller Base, go for it. Etc.
i. Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
(Padmé Amidala)
If you are writing Padmé, I would love both gen and ship, whichever you prefer.
I ship Padmé with Obi-Wan, Sabé, or another of the handmaidens. (I’m also open to reading her with an original character, perhaps another Senator - not Bail - or a different Jedi.) I’m not a fan of Padmé/Anakin, however. If you’d like to write a canon-divergence AU, where Padmé falls in love with somebody else instead of Anakin (or where Padmé doesn’t die and falls in love with Obi-Wan/Sabé while on the run after Anakin turns), I’m totally up for it! I enjoy both falling in love/first time fics and established relationship adventures/fluff.
On the other hand, I would also love a gen story about Padmé the senator. What does her job look like? What are her adventures? Her triumphs? How does she adjust to life on Coruscant? Both Padmé and Leia are senators - how does their experience differ, and how was it the same?
ii. Star Wars Original Trilogy
(Leia Organa)
As with Padmé, I’m happy with both gen and ship here, whichever you prefer.
I ship Leia only with Han in the original trilogy timeframe. Shipping ideas:
Interstitial adventures during the original trilogy.
Post-RotJ happiness and adventures and laughter.
Quiet moments when nothing needs to be said.
They have amazing sex, all the time and everywhere. They nearly get caught many times, but somehow they never quite do.
They were always too busy to get married. When they finally did, it was kind of an accident. (Or, five ways they could have got married, and one way they did?) [I was lucky enough to get this prompt filled for Chocolate Box, and I adore that fic! But I will always love to get more takes on it.]
Gen ideas:
What is it like to be a Senator during the Empire?
Gen adventures with Han, Luke, and/or Chewie.
Her relationship with Shara Bey and little Poe.
Leia learns about Naboo (does she visit?) and her maternal heritage. 
What does Leia think about being a galactic rockstar? 
iii. Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
As with Padmé and Leia, I’m happy with both gen and ship here, whichever you prefer. 
Shipping-wise, I enjoy both falling in love/first time fics and established relationship adventures/fluff. I ship Rey with Finn and Jessika Pava (not at the same time). I’d also be open to reading her with an original character, probably another female Resistance pilot. I do not ship her with Poe or Kylo Ren. 
As far as gen is concerned, I’d love to read about Rey’s training, or her adventures with the Resistance, or her friendship with Finn/Poe/Jessika/Chewie/etc., or an AU in which she joins Han and Chewie and becomes a smuggler, or just about anything really. I’m big on Rey having adventures. Oh, and I’d love to see her bonding with Leia. :)
Other gen ideas:
Found family and adventures and laughter
Rey comes back with Luke and shows off the things she’s already learned to Poe & Finn
Finn has never had a brother and a sister before. Rey has never had brothers before. Poe has always been surrounded by a Resistance fraternity, but these two are special.
Telling stories about their pasts (especially with funny elements)
Any and all bonding experiences
If you’re not inspired by anything I’ve written, or just want more insight into my likes, do check out my Chocolate Box letter. Thank you for writing for me! I’m looking forward to reading your fic. :) 
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107K notes · View notes
my fave thing about rey is that a tiny droid she just met tells her ‘hey that dude stole my master dude’s jacket’ and she just fuckin wrecks him as if she’s not going to hijack an enormous ship like 5mins later
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Star Wars cast for Vanity Fair
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Star Wars Actors Then (1977) and Now (2015)
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It was just like a movie It was just like a song When we were young
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The Force Awakens + Cards Against Humanity
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Han and Leia’s extended kiss scene from The Empire Strikes Back
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I just really love these dorks okay
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In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society.
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#remember when luke didnt feel like saving the galaxy because it was dinner time
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I think I can handle myself
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