captainswanfire · 8 months
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honestly….what a good ot3
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captainswanfire · 8 months
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I came out of the finale shipping these three and believing in their bright future of going totally viral online as the first racing throuple.
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captainswanfire · 8 months
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the triad that beats the shit out of a man together or however the saying goes
PIT BABE | Ep 13
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captainswanfire · 8 months
So I was going through an image gallery of these old Wizard of Oz promotional pictures and uh-
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captainswanfire · 8 months
polyamory and bisexuality could have saved camelot
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captainswanfire · 8 months
Is this not the Leverage trio
absolutely it is 😭
hardison drinking nothing but orange soda is bASICALLY already canon and it's just *chef's kiss* perfect that elliot is stressing about both of their health while simultaneously successfully taking out the mark (in two ways!) (let's say that was a tranquilizer dart💀)
Parker doesn't drink that much water btw she was just Lying
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captainswanfire · 8 months
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Does this count as a polyamory meme?
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captainswanfire · 8 months
Moodboard: Scilira
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captainswanfire · 8 months
teen wolf polyamory week - scott/kira/stiles
for day one, fave ot3 - teen audience
It wasn’t that Scott and Kira were subtle about it. Quite the contrary, in fact, but Stiles could simply not get that they were flirting with him. Sure, at first it only started with little hints: them making out in front of him, and never in front of other people, or inviting him alone to “study”. But as Stiles kept oblivious to everything they did, they grew bolder.
Little touches, from time to time. Stroking his cheek, or even kissing it, hugging him for longer than usual, holding his hand. Not once did he back out, too away his hand or said anything. The problem was exactly that, in fact: he would never say anything, whether he was liking it or not, about this flirting. He simply became a shade redder, and Scott could always hear his heartbeat rise a little, which, he thought, was a positive sign.
Moreover, it was not as if he could not smell Stiles’ arousal when they were making out. It was so strong, so intoxicating, that Malia had once complained about it to Kira as she had smelled him from ten metres away. They knew he couldn’t help staring, and according to his neuro-chemicals, he liked it better when they hands wandered along the other’s body. Scott had even once even touched Kira’s chest to see his reaction, and Stiles’ heart had seemed to find it difficult to recover from it. So really, he should’ve enjoyed their proposition, right?
Kira and Scott’s problem was their lack of daring. They had already been kind of quick to date each other, so, they couldn’t do that each time. And adding to that the fact that Stiles was Scott’s best friend, a relationship he couldn’t lose, the situation looked like a dead end.
So that was why Kira decided one day that she needed Malia’s help.
“He won’t understand! We want him to be with us, you know? All three of us? But he seems to think we are just friendlier than usual.”
“Yeah, I get it. Don’t worry. I’ll come up with a plan after class.”
It had been an unusual answer from Malia, who was more fond of action rather than planning, but Kira finally understood what was happening when she was Stiles coming towards Scott and her one hour later, his whole face burning red, and Malia eyeing them from a few metres away.
“So… Apparently you guys are into me?”
None of them knew what to answer. They waited.
“I mean. I’m totally cool with that. I’m super into you, too.”
And that’s how they all started dating. Which was a lot like before, except that, now, he could join their intense make-out sessions.
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captainswanfire · 8 months
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maleo week | day two → favourite poly ship + maleo
Scott/Malia/Theo in 5x06 - Required Reading
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captainswanfire · 8 months
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scott x malia x theo | feral
what if: with every new moon, though her control over the shift improves, malia misses her old skin more and more, causing her urge to affect the pack bond and infect her alpha. theo, thanks to his coyote side and natural connection to malia, is only too happy to indulge malia and let the shift take over, running away with them. but for how long?
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captainswanfire · 8 months
“do any of the clothes you’re wearing belong to you?!” for scott/malia/theo, please?
Malia blinks and yawns loudly, stretching her hands above her head. Scott gives her that look that means she's probably doing something a little off in public again, but she can't be bothered to care. They'd been up all night putting the final touches on Theo's resume, and she's tired.
Violet, their favorite waitress at the dinner, shoves a pot of coffee in her direction, and she sighs with gratitude. Technically speaking the only one who gets actual benefits from the caffeine is Theo, but she's acquired a taste for it.
Scott stares at her and shakes his head slightly.
Theo stumbles back from the bathroom looking.... handsome in Scott's best suit. The one he'd worn to graduation last year. It's a little too big in the shoulders and Scott had spent time hemming the pants last night.
He looks good. Grown-up. Put together.
"Where'd you get the tie?" Scott stares at the green and black striped piece of fabric.
Theo shrugs. "Stiles insisted I borrow it. Said he can't be having me 'mooch of his best friend forever.'"
Violet brings them platters of eggs and pancakes and more coffee.
"Do any of the clothes you're wearing belong to you?" Malia says after a few bites of breakfast.
Theo grins. "Nope. I'm wearing your panties. For good luck."
Malia is grateful she wasn't drinking right then. Scott sounds like he's choking on his hot chocolate.
polyam ficlet prompts here
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captainswanfire · 8 months
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captainswanfire · 8 months
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2 all the way up to 10 people hugging/cuddling !!
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captainswanfire · 8 months
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poly-truthing the torchwood 3 team + rhys and martha
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captainswanfire · 8 months
Tag what poly ship(s) you think of whenever you listen to the song “So in Love with Two”
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captainswanfire · 8 months
Help a queer and black system pay their abusive father
Please, they are a friend of mine and the situation it's urgent! Any amounts helps! (reblogs are also fantastic)
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