caradocdearborns · 7 years
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Come back if you need to. Please, anytime. 
Already, Caradoc knew he would take him up on the offer. With every passing moment, he remembered Robert’s death all the more severely. It wasn’t going to end anytime soon. Wordlessly, he nodded; it was all he could do. Luckily, being the friend he was, Caradoc knew that was all Frank needed.
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
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“There is no point to be made. At least I’m not really trying to make one.” Kingsley frowned slightly, then sighed and let his gaze wander through the festive crowd while he kept talking. “He is gone. That can’t be changed.” His voice grew lower, graver, Robert wasn’t the first victim and it was highly unlikely that he wasn’t going to be the last. “We can only try to learn and do better.” He looked back at Caradoc. “What I was trying to say is that this place is protected and guarded and that, if you wanted, you could join the others, even if not for long.” 
There was a long pause between them as Caradoc stared out into the open, his eyes misting over with frustration and unacknowledged emotion.
“We can’t afford the risk,” Caradoc said briskly at long last, before stalking off. “Sorry. Just can’t.”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
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All I’m saying is it’s going to have to get public for me. 
Caradoc couldn’t get his grip on the finer details of Frank’s speech, but he was too tired to try. The weekend had been difficult, and he knew it was only going to get worse. He surrendered with a sigh.
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“Whatever you have to do to stop this.”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
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“I – Why does it matter?”
“Why does it matter?” It mattered, but Caradoc couldn’t figure out how to explain it to Dawn---mostly because he couldn’t explain it to himself. “You don’t belong here. You have a home to go back to, and people, and--- What could be so bad that you can’t go back?”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
“Well, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Mary replied, still leaning against the bar, “Although I’ve been told I’m a decent listener. I can provide plenty of food and drink in lieu of talking, if that’s what you want.”
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It wasn’t what he wanted. What Caradoc wanted was an out, a way to resolve whatever had happened to make things at work so difficult, an explanation for how they had gotten that way that didn’t involve the things he’d seen in his nightmares, and for a good night of sleep, maybe twelve hours’ worth.
For now, though, food and drink would have to do.
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“Just--- Whatever your favorite thing is, I’ll take that.”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
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“This is your parents’ house.”
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”What are you doing here?”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
Please don’t look at me that way, it makes me nervous.
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“I’m making you nervous?”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
It was an odd thing to get to the root of a person, and an even odder thing to have made a habit of it as of late. For the second time in a month, Caradoc found himself standing in front of a childhood home that didn’t belong to him. He imagined Dawn Withey growing up here -- or tried to, at any rate -- but that proved to be difficult, as there wasn’t much privacy for flying, or the farm of animals he imagined had followed her around like ducklings.
With far less hesitation than he had experienced at Robert’s house, Caradoc knocked on the door.
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
Mundungus liked parties because usually there were three important components to them: drinks, food and music. The fourth was a cherry-on-top sort of thing: people he could either talk to or rob. The Potter wedding had all four, except that he could not pick these particular pockets—out of respect for the bride and groom, and because of the presence of too many coppers—and he had his fill of talking for now. There was something like too much socialising; sometime a wizard just wanted to sit in the corner, smoke a cigarette and do his crossword in some quiet and peace.
But it seemed Mundungus was out of luck as someone was walking about once again. “If ya are looking for a place to snog, third bush to your right is free,” he said, with a sigh, barely looking up to see who it was.
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Scowling, Caradoc turned in the direction of Mundungus Fletcher, knowing the man by his voice before he even saw his face. “I’m looking to make myself useful is what I’m doing,” he said, rounding on the other wizard. “What about you? Looking for a bottle you haven’t emptied yet?”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
When Doug returned from his lap around the house, he was surprised to see Caradoc standing in the same spot he had left him. Or maybe not surprised, as it seemed the sort of thing that would out of Caradoc’s comfort zone. Making nice with a dead member’s parents’ wasn’t exactly in anyone’s comfort zone, maybe, but Doug could understand his reluctance. “They don’t bite.” 
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Caradoc jumped at the sound of Doug’s voice, but regained his composure quickly---what little he’d had. “Go on in then, if you’re so sure of that.”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
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Kingsley turned and let his gaze wander through the festive crowd, thinking, assessing. “I know. Anything could happen.” He nodded and looked back at Caradoc. “But are you going to stay here? All the time? All alone? You could join the others.”
“And then who would keep their eyes open?” Caradoc said sternly, a thread away from snapping. “If no one pays attention, it’s just going to be like this, always, all of us dying off.”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
We aren’t going to.
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
One of Kingsley’s eyebrows rose slightly in response to Caradoc’s not-so-cheerful answer. With a hint of a smile curling the corners of his mouth, he calmly commented, “I hope no-one does,” and he wasn’t kidding. “Keeping an eye on everyone and everything?”
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Caradoc nodded, the easiest thing he knew to do as the weight of the night’s anxiety weighed on him in full, finally. “There’s a big crowd here,” he told Kingsley quietly. “Anything could happen.”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
“How is it going?”
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Caradoc glanced around the reception and shrugged. “Well, nobody’s dead yet, so---”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
You agree with me.
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“We haven’t gotten anywhere yet like this, have we?”
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
“Yeah. We can only hope. I’m going to run a perimeter check before heading inside if you want to go ahead and introduce yourself.”
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Introduce himself? That was the last thing Caradoc wanted to do, ever, but especially not now. He glanced back at Doug -- which quickly eroded into a glare -- before turning back the front door. He swallowed hard and stared with his hands shoved into his pockets and his hood hanging ominously over his head, waiting.
Just waiting.
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caradocdearborns · 7 years
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“And what exactly does that mean?”
“If you feel that strongly about it, and you’re always going to, then what does it matter if people dislike you for it? You said so yourself, they’re the ones missing out. You’ve got the good end of the deal. To hell with anyone who doesn’t think so. Why worry about their mediocrity?”
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