cardcaptorusagi · 1 year
Hey uh I just had a wild dream and
Has. Has anyone else seen Loki as heavily associated with the color pink??? It was all over the place in the form of tissue paper. Also in the dream he was depicted as his "long-haired ginger" self on gift bags and postcards, usually in the woods or around a fire.
I'll post screenshots of what I wrote down when I woke up for people to interpret; have fun deciphering any of it
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cardcaptorusagi · 5 years
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Sigil by @french-baby-witch
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cardcaptorusagi · 5 years
emoji spell to attract a healthy romantic relationship
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cardcaptorusagi · 5 years
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“I Will Find Answers in My Dreams” 
 Sigil requested by anon
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cardcaptorusagi · 5 years
Astrology 101 - Planets & Houses
Sun: your personality, your ego, self-expression Moon: your emotions, your inner self, how your loved ones see you Mercury: how you speak, communicate, think, and plan Venus: expression in relationships, style, interests Mars: what you’re passionate about, aggression, assertion, energy Jupiter: your higher self, your talents, your wisdom, your luck Saturn: your karma, restrictions, fears, and limitations Uranus: your generation’s changes and revolutions, your originality, your inner awakenings Neptune: your generation’s dreams, spirituality, illusions, and fears Pluto: your generation’s secrets, transformations, and your generation’s way of channeling rebirth and renewal *The Houses Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are in will be personal to you and you only. Look to them for more information about what the planets mean for you. The signs they are in are generational and those born around the same year as you will have the same signs in those particular planets.* 1st House: your public personality, the impression you give off 2nd House: your values, how you handle finances and possessions 3rd House: your childhood, early communication 4th House: your family, home, and how you were brought up 5th House: your creativity, hobbies, interests, and future children 6th House: your work ethic, your health, your pets 7th House: what will complete you, partnerships, marriage 8th House: your trauma, how you heal and transform, your inheritances 9th House: your beliefs and morals, your education, your knowledge, travel 10th House: adulthood, your reputation, your career 11th House: your social groups, friendships, goals, and cooperation skills 12th House: your secrets, your fears, your dreams, your burdens
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cardcaptorusagi · 5 years
MARTIS - A Tradition for Persephone and Demeter
“The tradition of “Martis” entails that everyone, regardless of age, adorns themselves with red and white bracelets made from thread, from March 1 until the last day of the month on March 31.”
As spring comes around, and Persephone returns from the Underworld, us Greeks are celebrating an old tradition in a modern way, and we invite all Hellenic Polytheists around the world to join in and celebrate!
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This ancient tradition comes all the way from Ancient Greek times. People who were part of the cult for Persephone and Demeter, would wear a bracelet called a “kroki” as part of the Eleusinian Mysteries, a form of initiation into the official worship.
In addition to wearing the bracelet, you can also tie it to the first blooming tree you see of the season!
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This beautiful red and white string is said to honour Persephone and Demeter, and in return you will be protected from diseases as well as the harsh rays of the summer. The bracelet tied to the first blooming tree is said to bring plant vitality and a plentiful harvest and abundance for the upcoming warmth. 
While it might not be warm yet, or perhaps it is already warm (for those of you in the southern hemisphere), this is a lovely tradition that you can participate in, either in March when it becomes warmer or when the first blooming tree shows up where you life. 
Consider making your own Martis bracelet, or perhaps buying one from Greek sellers on etsy!
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cardcaptorusagi · 5 years
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The gang’s all here.
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
emoji spell for good luck!
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
samhain/halloween luck spell
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
TAROT tips for Beginners 🌙
⭐︎ Cleanse your deck after you buy it!! This is so so important, because you want to start working with a new clean energy.
⭐︎ There are thousands of ways to cleanse your deck. Cleansing can be something super simple, as just knocking on your deck 3 times or placing a crystal on top of the deck! Just do what feels right.
⭐︎ Interview your deck! After you buy new cards, talk to them, ask them questions and figure out the decks personality. There are a lot of fun spreads for this.
⭐︎ Sleep with your deck. Another good way to bond with your deck is sleeping with it near you. Just put it under your pillow or somewhere close to you over night!
⭐︎ You don’t have to read reversals. It’s up to you if you decide to turn the card back around. Again, do what feels right!
⭐︎ Reversals don’t always equal opposites. If you decide to read reversals, remember that it can have completely different meaning then just being opposite of the upright position.
⭐︎ Start simple. Start out with something simple like past/present/future spread. It’s super easy and gives you clarity on any situation.
⭐︎ Spend time looking at the picture. When you pull a card, really spend time observing at all the different colors and symbols before you look up the meaning. 
⭐︎ Jumping cards usually have something important to tell you. If you’re shuffling your deck and a card jumps out, look up what it means and what message it has for you!
⭐︎ Pull a daily card each morning. This is super fun and easy. You definitely don’t need to do this everyday, but it’s a good way to memorize the cards and their meanings.
and finally, practice, practice and practice! It’s going to take a while until you remember all the meanings, but just have fun and enjoy the process!🦋
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
‪Fall has huge heart opening energy. Venus is going into Scorpio and then retrograde. Love is really all that matters. Anything that is blocking you from embodying true honest love will be brought up for major healing.‬
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
‪September is a 9 universal month with a new moon on the 9th. The 999 portal will be activated and open for the next few weeks. 9 is the number of completion, endings and transformation. September is going to be a major metamorphosis of what we have all been working towards.‬
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
If you fail to see what a card is saying, draw four more: what it does mean, what it does not mean, what helps you understand it, what prevents you from understanding it.
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
🕯️interviewing your deck🕯️
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i recently got gifted a beautiful new deck, and whenever i get a new deck, the first thing i do is bond with it! one of the ways i do that is holding a little interview session with it.
you’ve probably seen hundreds of ‘deck interview’ spreads, and they’re all really helpful! however, i find them a little limiting. i tend to use a different, more conversational method of interviewing my deck. i talk to my cards, pull cards when i feel an answer is ready, and just keep going and pulling cards as i go until i’m satisfied i know the deck well enough to proceed! here are some useful questions i tend to use for this.
who are you? (how do you see yourself?)
how do you see me?
what are your main goals?
how do you view life?
what’s your main characteristic?
what can you teach?
what kind of questions do you struggle with?
how should i continue with you?
what can you offer me?
what will the outcome of our relationship be?
what do you think i need to know?
how can i achieve that?
what do you want from me?
do you want to be used for others?
do you want to be used for paid readings?
should i read reversals?
from these questions you can get a scope of how the deck answers questions, its nature, whether it’s optimistic/pessimistic/realistic, whether it sugar coats or gives it to you straight… honestly, interviewing new and even old decks is invaluable.
also, this way i manage to get a feel for how the deck likes to be handled. all my decks like to be shuffled, cut and stacked in different ways - handling them how they like for me tends to give more accurate and helpful readings!
(if you like this post and want to support me, i offer paid readings and handmade goods here at my etsy store! please check it out if you have the time. thankyou!)
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
There are seven days of the week, & seven major planets of astrology. Each day corresponded to a planet/god-ess, & thus, each day is drenched in their power. The day of your birth can reveal powerful, interesting secrets about you & your own destiny. Which day were you born on?
“Monday’s child is born with Grace”
Monday is the day of the moon, otherwise known as ‘moonday’. Artemis/Diana is your patroness goddess. The Lunar Forces bless the child born on monday with tremendous psychic abilities, a gift to understand others & the gift of empathy.
Monday children are very sensitive, yet, they get easily angry as they feel very frustrated with the emotions of others. Usually, they are gentle & soft spoken as the light of the moon sweetens them from the inside. Most monday children are said to suffer from insomnia as the moon watches them at night & cannot easily let her children fall asleep. Monday children have a natural ability for glamour/beauty spells, & they also have a very powerful healing magic. The key to unlock their power is water, as the ancient magic taught us that the moon rules over all waters.
“Tuesday’s child is born with Valour”
Tuesday is the day of Mars, associated with Tyr’s the Norse War god & Mars/Ares. The passion of Mars blesses the children born on Tuesday with a fiery will & great enthusiasm! Tuesday children act spontaneously & love to alway take what they want. They are warriors, & this is either easily noticed or ignored. Their calling is to claim their power & become the brave children of mars, as the God of War intended.
Self righteousness is one of their characteristics as a child, but as they grow up, they will realise that more opinions are needed to be expressed & to see both sides. They are also prone to accidents, but considered very faithful & mighty. They have a natural ability for offensive spells, fighting evil & exorcisms. They are also very good at channeling enthusiasm & inspirations - hence, the key to unless unlocking their powers is enuthusiasm & inspiration.
“Wednesday’s child is born with Agility”
Wednesday is the day of Mercury, associated with Odin the Norse god of Wisdom & Mercury/Hermes. The Wisdom & Agility of Mercury blesses the child born on wednesday with avery strong, practical & powerful mind. Curiosity is second nature to them & they have a natural talent for business & communication.
Their calling is to discover & learn more & more every day. Children born on wednesday are gifted with the ability to cope with different stimuli st the same time, giving them the ability to multi-task & make them great at almost any job. It it said that children born on wednesday are usually very happy with their lives. Wednesday children also have a natural ability in astral projection & telepathy, as their consciousness is extremely powerful & they know how to control it. The key to unlocking their magical powers is their curiosity.
“Thursday’s child is born with Nobility”
Thursday is the day of Jupiter, associated with Thor the Norse God of Thunders & Jupiter/Zeus. The Royal nature of Zeus blesses these children with optimism & good luck. They have a strong sense of justice, which blesses them with respect from others & gives them a strong ability to know exactly what’s good for them - & chase that from a young age. They attract attention & opportunities - hence, doors open right infront of them.
These children are gifted with the ability to find their way to success - although, this may take time. They are often well behaved, yet, sincere which sometimes causes them problems. They have a natural ability for good luck spells & spells for any kind of success/or evolution. The key to unlocking & igniting their powers is optimism.
“Friday’s child is born with Charms”
Friday is the day of Venus, associated with Freja the Norse Goddess of Love & Beauty & Venus/Aphrodite. The Great Enchantress of the Pantheon blesses these children with a natural ability to enchant almost anything once they accept their nature & realise how beautifying they are. They are extremely talented artistically & have an amazing ability to bring peace, harmony & beauty wherever they go.
It is said, that the shadow of children born on Friday can beautify anything that falls on to it. As they grow older, they tend to understand their powers more & begin to realise that beauty can be found in the most unusual/strange/amazing places. These children are kind hearted with the ability to soften people whose hearts are/have been broken. They have the natural ability for love, beauty & peace spells - & generally they know this. The key to unlock their powers, direct their charms & make their spells even stronger is satisfaction!
“Saturday’s child is born with Power”
Saturday is associated with Saturn/Kronos. The God of Time blesses these children with extremely magical powers. Saturn is said to be the planet of the witches, thus, children born of this day are said to have very strong, sometimes ridiculously strong, abilities.
These children are hard workers, who are determined to go as far as they have to in order to find exactly what they’re looking for. They can endure match, & are very patient. They tend to be materialistic & often, this is a prison that their spirit desperately wants to try to escape. Once these children realise their divine nature, nothing will be able to stop them. These children are born with the ability to manifest anything they say - as long as they believe it. They have a natural ability to perceive evil influences & send them afar! The key to unlocking their power is honesty.
“Sunday’s child is born with Light”
Sunday. The day of the sun, associated with Apollo, God of Sun & Light. These children are blessed with generosity, valour & honour. They are great at sports, talented in the arts & possess great magical powers.
These children are noble, but not humble & they are very generous, as long as it is appreciated. They are optimistic, feeling that life will soon smile at them. Generally, that hang with many people - who most likely admire them - but only have a few strong friends. They are sensual people, but somehow very hurt by love. They have good hearts & like to help anyone in need. They have a natural ability to cast any spell - as long as it requires a candle as the flame symbolises their divine nature & origin from the sun! They are inspired people who have their way with magic, & the key to unlocking their powers is faith.
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
Meditation: Myths vs reality, and One Method!
You don’t have to stay completely still to meditate! Wiggling is often fairly essential to getting comfy, and if a position is getting uncomfortable after a while, of course you’ll want to move! Allow yourself little twitches and involuntary movements, and if you’re experiencing discomfort, of course move! Discomfort distracts from your meditation more than making a minor adjustment to get comfortable! Your goal is to be comfortable enough that you’re able to let go of your physical senses, NOT to stay still for ages!
You’re totally allowed to have thoughts! If you have a thought, you’re not “meditating wrong”! The real skill comes with redirecting your consiousness away from thoughts after acknowledging them. Feel free to acknowledge your thought, greet it, and recognize it! It’s a thing! But then tell that thought that you’ll come back to it later, and gently send it on its way. Instead of focusing on the things floating in our stream of consiousness, we want to learn more about the stream itself!
Meditation is incredibly useful for many things! And many of those things have nothing to do with spirituality or magic or religion! Meditation helps us learn more about ourselves and how our brains work. It teaches us to relax and free ourselves from the vice grip reality and its stressors have on us. Through meditation, we can release unhelpful thoughts, and stress in the body and mind. You don’t have to be a witch, monk, or celestial being to meditate!
Again, meditation is more than transcending and magic! If you learn anything about yourself, find peace, de stress, ease discomfort, or really get any sort of benefit at all, you’re doing it right! It takes time to easily shift into meditative states, and even more time to easily get into trance/vision states, so not getting there immediately doesn’t mean you’re a failure! NEVER getting there doesn’t mean you’re a failure! So long as you’re improving your state of mind or body in some way, you win!
Uh, no. Meditation can take place in a temple, with incense and candles and all that fancy stuff, sure… But it can also take place in your pajamas while chillin’ in bed. Or in the back seat on a long, boring road trip. Or in a hot tub. Or on the bus. All you need to meditate is you, your brain, and a want to meditate. You CAN do a ritual before/after/during meditation if you like, but it’s by no means required!
You don’t need to make a leg pretzel to meditate. You can meditate laying down (if you feel you won’t fall asleep), you can be sprawled out in a beanbag, you can be lounging in a recliner… Whatever you want! Again; getting comfortable enough to let go of your senses is the goal. If a sitting, fancy position isn’t comfy for you, don’t do it!
Having a mantra or affirmation to repeat is helpful to some, but it’s not for others. You don’t have to have a mantra, and you certainly don’t have to use it out loud!
You don’t need mala beads to meditate! Mala beads or prayer beads are used to keep track of how many times you’ve said your mantra or prayer, and are more for specific eastern religions. You don’t need those metal ringy balls, though they can be helpful to have a feeling and motion and weight to focus on. Really, all of these things help to provide a focal point. Any skin-safe stone can provide weight or sensation to focus on, or you can even use a stim (cube, spinner, texture, chew, etc) to help. If you’re a fidgeter, or need stim to relax, stim away! But none of these things are required.
If you have a hard time meditating, problem solve! What was hard about it? Why? How can you improve the situation for your next try? Meditation isn’t instant, and it’s not effortless and easy for everyone! Take your time, move at your own pace, and find what works best for you.
HOW TO: (this is just one method, the one I use!)
1. Get comfy! If you’re able to change into comfy clothes, do it. If you’re able to get comfortable in bed, or a favorite chair, do it. Of course, things don’t always go our way, and sometimes we’re stuck with less than desirable situations, but do your best with what you have!
2. Get EXTRA comfy and relax. Slowly start relaxing your body. Wiggle around and get your torso and central body comfy, then wiggle and get your shoulders comfy, and then your hips, and then your legs and arms, and then your head, and then your hands and feet. Unclench your jaw, let yourself breathe slowly and comfortably (if you’re like me, counting doesn’t help; just get into a comfy, natural breathing pattern.)
3. REALLY relax. Go back through your body, head to toes, toes to head, bit by bit, and relax your muscles and body as much as possible. If you’re struggling, tense, hold, and then slowly relax each part, bit by bit. Let go of your physical sensation. Work to not feel your body at all. Breathe naturally, and slowly, slowly let your body fade away on its own.
4. Inward we go! Breathe naturally and slowly turn your mind inward, and watch your stream of consiousness. A thought may float along, and that’s okay! You can acknowledge it. Say hello to your thought! But then tell it you’ll focus on it later, and let it go. Gently free it from your focus, and let it float away. Do this again and again until you no longer really need to try on it. Once you’re to the point you can watch your thoughts float by without touching them… Congrats! You’ve reached a meditative state!
5. If you struggle to let your thoughts go, or find yourself worrying you won’t be able to think on it later, or you’ll forget, it’s okay. It’s natural! Instead of stopping and moving your body to pick up a pen and paper to write things down, consider getting a recording device of some sort, and simply give your thought a few keywords out loud, to remind you later, before letting it go. You can keep your focus internal, and just dictate absently if you need to!
A special thanks to @takemetotheastral for giving me the motivation to finally make this post!
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cardcaptorusagi · 6 years
welsh floromancy - part one
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In Wales, often used in predicting love, weather forecasting, as well as protection from spirits and the tylwyth teg. We have a lot of rituals and superstitions tied to them, and being a lover of using flowers in spells I’ve spent some time compiling an introduction to Welsh flower divination/magic use…
NOTE: These associations are geared to Welsh traditions. I think taking bio-region and culture into account is important when using flowers in magic, so yours might be different.
Bluebell (hyacinthoides nonscripta)
Spring. Enchantment and subsequent danger. The faerie realm. Do not venture in a wood to pick bluebells or you may be led astray. A field of bluebells indicates faery magic is at work, and the ringing of the flowers is a death omen. Take great care when working with them for they are prized among the folk.
Daffodil (narcissus poeticus)
Early spring. Water. Association with two Saints; Saint David and Saint Peter. In some areas they are called “babies’ bells” but only babies and children can hear their ringing, suggesting connection to the faerie realm. It is bad luck to see one blooming alone.   
Daisy (bellis perennis)
Spring. Water. Returning innocence and cleansing burdens. Known as llygad y dydd, “eye of the day”. Used in matters of love, especially in the youth. One will pluck a daisy with a question in mind, and with each removed petal chant, “much- a little - devotedly -not at all”, with the last petal determining the question. It is said those who die young are reborn as daisies. 
Forget-Me-Not (myositis species)
The Moon. Earth. Prosperity. Hidden wealth. Powerful when used for talismans and wealth spells. Unlucky for lovers. Do not trust faeries or apparitions who hold them in their hand.
Foxglove (digitalis)
Summer. A sacred and deadly plant associated with the Ellyllon, the Welsh grove faeries. Known as “meng ellyllon” as they and their Queen Mab wear the blooms as gloves. Used as offerings to earn their favour.
Lilac (syringa vulgaris)
Water. Predicting rain, working with rain. Ill omen if brought into the house. Guarding the dead. Mourning. The colour is said to bring on madness if gazed at too long.
Marigold (calendula)
Sun. Fire. Extroverted manifestation. Predicting storms, as they close when it will rain. Hang a garland on the doorknob to protect from evil spirits. Can used for yes/no or other picking choices in divination.
Meadowsweet (filipendula ulmaria)
Late summer. Death, eternal slumber, as well as brides. Gwydion and Math used meadowsweet (alongside oak and broom) to form the maiden Blodeuwedd. Useful in love spells, especially if done before the flower blooms in the wild.
Pansy (viola tricolor)
Water. Love. Marriage, partnership, all matters of the heart. A flower associated with brides. Do not gather on sunny days as it will rain and disappointment will follow.
Primrose (primula vulgaris)
Winter and early spring. Youth. A cure for pain and frenzy. Used in love drinks and potions, which become dangerously potent. They indicate the presence of faeries and can be used as offerings, but seeing them bloom in the summer is a bad omen. 
Scarlet Pimpernel (anagallis arvensis)
Spring and Fall. Predicting rain. Known as “ploughman’s weatherglass” for their weather-predicting abilities. Said to cure melancholia and keep sad thoughts from those who wear them. Useful for sleep spells or banishing lower spirits.
Sources and further reading:
The Physicians of Myddfai
Britain’s Wild Flowers, Rosamond Richardson
Folk-lore and folk-stories of Wales, Marie Trevelyan
British Goblins: Welsh Fairy Folk-lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions, Wirt Sikes
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