caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Send me  “ 🕸 “  for our muses to explore an old, abandoned place together
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Go anon ( or not ) and insult my muse’s loved ones. Feel free to go after any ships you’ve seen me on this blog. Nothing is off limits.
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Send “How did you get this?” for my muse’s reaction to your muse observing one of their scars.
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Starter Call!!
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((LIKE or REBLOG to be greeted at the Fairy Garden!))
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Open Starters?
So I need to work on interacting more and getting my muses out there. If anyone sounds interesting lemme know with a message or something. Or like for a random muse.
@superiorfirepower - Liam Tine, a generic Trainer™ who’s also a pretty good chef.
@lillypadtine - Lillian Tine, Liam’s cousin, she’s more interested in contests than battles but sees the Galar league as a chance for her to gain some renown and popularity.
@caretaker-dexter - Dexter King , Pokemon breeder who has some pretty big social anxiety when humans are involved. He would much rather hang out with the pokemon he raises for battling trainers than deal with the trainers himself. 
@silxntium - Burned Ex operative in the Pokemon universe. He’ll help people, for a price, and has a strong sense of morals. Those same morals are what got him in trouble to begin with. ((Basically I watched a bunch of burn notice and thought that a character who was chaotic good as heck would be fun.))
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Send “Tell me” along with whatever you or your muse wants to know regarding my muse and they have to answer truthfully.
It can be something from their past, their dreams, what they want, etc…
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
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His parents had finally gotten around to leaving taking the Persain with them. that left the entire afternoon for him to explore the town… Great.  He checked his rotomphone again and sighed, he’d made Memory wait awhile this time maybe he shouldn’t respond. It’d probably seem like he was ignoring her or something. Although, if he really did not reply at this point he would be ignoring her, albeit, not on purpose. Arceus he hated these types of situations. He gave it a few more minutes to make the task seem important then sent a text. [txt] Sorry friend got whisked away to a private party with my parents. I weaseled my way out of it so. Now I’ve got the rest of the day to myself.[txt]
the next text he sent without thinking or without really planning on what he’d ask next.
[txt] Are you busy?[txt]
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A good 45 minutes had passed, but Memory hardly noticed the time. Writing down new lyrics when they’re thought up was really important; who knows, they may be the next big hit! Humming softly, she worked on her song. Making sure she used the right words and that it all flows was a challenge, but one she had been working on for a long time. 
When her pokenav finally buzzed again, Rutabega woke up. “Good morning sleepy head.” Memory chuckled, then checked her pokenav. “Oh wow, it’s been that long! I should be heading back.” She started packing her things while reading Dex’s text. Once everything was in her bag, she replied.
{txt} No, not really. Rutabega and I were writing a song, but we’re done for now. Why??? {/txt}
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What had he done? He stared a little in shock at the text. He’d asked memory if she was busy. Obviously, she was busy she was in Motostoke, writing songs, and who knows what else. Dexter’s brain was in full-blown meltdown worrying about every possible outcome. What if she said no? What if he sounded pushy and it upset her? What if. . . and this was possibly the most terrifying she just ignored it. 
A matter of minutes was all it took to reach full-blown critical mass. You could practically see the steam rising from Dex’s head. It was shut down by a sudden sound from his pocket. It was Memory and she, wasn’t busy, at least not anymore. 
[txt] Oh a new song? Or one you’d been working on? [txt] perfect a way out just change the subject and he wouldn’t have to worry in the slightest.
Texts from a Friend
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
It's Munday! Go on ask questions about the Mun and the Muse will answer.
They will give their opinion and judge and just tell you how it is to be in Mun’s head all the time. Any question. Mun can’t do anything. 
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
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In between messages, Memory pulled out a composition notebook and started brainstorming lyrics for a new song. The notebook itself was filled with doodles and notes written in various different colors. Sections were underlined while others were scribbled over. She had barely written a line when her pokenav buzzed.
{txt} Well you better! You shouldn’t be working yourself too hard. If you’re overworked, then you won’t be able to work your best! {/txt}
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His parents had finally gotten around to leaving taking the Persain with them. that left the entire afternoon for him to explore the town. . . Great.  He checked his rotomphone again and sighed, he’d made Memory wait awhile this time maybe he shouldn’t respond. It’d probably seem like he was ignoring her or something. Although, if he really did not reply at this point he would be ignoring her, albeit, not on purpose. Arceus he hated these types of situations. He gave it a few more minutes to make the task seem important then sent a text. [txt] Sorry friend got whisked away to a private party with my parents. I weaseled my way out of it so. Now I’ve got the rest of the day to myself.[txt]
the next text he sent without thinking or without really planning on what he’d ask next.
[txt] Are you busy?[txt]
Texts from a Friend
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Do they find a need to be in a relationship, or do they have a ‘if it happens it happens’ feeling?
Dexter has never been in a relationship before, in fact, he’s never even liked someone in that capacity before recently. He definitely has if it happens it happens feelings because he doesn’t even recognize his own feelings of liking someone as those kinds of feelings yet.
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Soft Sunday meme
Favorite way to receive affection? 
Favorite way to give affection?
Non-sexual thing that always makes the muse melt?
Places they don’t like being touched non-sexually?
Do they like giving nicknames to their significant other?
Do they like being called a nickname?
What’s something their significant other can do to make them feel safe?
What’s the best way to calm down your muse when they’re angry?
Little things your muse does to show their significant other they care?
PDA that’s a definite ‘no’?
Does your muse want to have kids? If so, how many and what’s the reasoning behind the number?
Are they loud and proud about their relationships, or do they keep it private?
Do they workout or put on makeup for their significant other?
Do dirty jokes go over their head, or are they the one making the dirty jokes?
Do they find a need to be in a relationship, or do they have a ‘if it happens it happens’ feeling?
What food or drink can be given to them to show that their partner really cares?
Is your muse good with kids? What ages?
Would your muse be the one doing most of the cooking or not?
Is your muse good at housework? 
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
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Memory patted Rutabega, drinking her milk tea while kicking her feet. Oh, how nice it would be to go to the beach! The sand in between her toes, the refreshing water keeping the sun’s heat at bay, all the cute people with their cute pokemon just enjoying their time. It reminded her of home.
Once the picture of the persian downloaded, the girl gasped! “What a cute persian!!! Don’t you think so Rutabaga?” She showed her Larvesta the picture, but he was definitely taking a nap. She giggled.
{txt} They’re so cute!!! You should absolutely take them to the beach with you. I bet they’d enjoy it!!! Y’all need a break. Making sure you have time to relax is just as important as getting work done too, yknow! {/txt}
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Memory had no idea how much Dex hated crowds of... people, well. It wouldn’t be bad if he knew someone there but going alone, with a very expensive Persain in tow, not his idea of relaxing.
[txt] They appreciate the compliment at least, I'm sure they would if I could speak pokemon.[txt] He attempted to share his thoughts on the beach several times. Typing out his dislike in entire messages, deleting them repeating the process nothing seemed to stick everything sounded goofy or too over the top or way too exaggerated. Instead, he gave up with an exasperated sigh. For being the only human Dexter felt easy talking with she was also the most difficult sometimes. With nothing working and not wanting to just drop the conversation Dexter simply went with a quick message of reassurance. [txt] We will find something I am sure of it![txt]
Texts from a Friend
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
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Dexter had gotten a drink at this point and let the Persain out to stretch it’s legs. sipping he heard his phone go off and checked another text from Memory this one telling him to go to the beach?  [txt] I can’t tell you the last time I found time to go to the beach. Let alone relax at one. [txt]
he laughed a bit even trying to picture himself, stiff as a board amid all those unfamiliar people. no thanks. he’d much rather stick to the pokemon in his care.  [txt] Besides if I goof off. Who’s gonna take care of this sweet little persain my parents are using as proof of what our ranch can do[txt] [txt] downloading photo [txt]
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Texts from a Friend
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Another few minutes and Dexter was sure he'd lose his mind. He didn't have much of a team to speak of right now since he'd been expecting this to be a short trip and left his Pokemon with the ranch hands so they wouldn't have to be cooped up in their balls. Now he wish he'd brought anyone along with him so he wouldn't feel so alone. As his parents continued their conversations ignoring him in hopes of scoring more brownie points with local trainers.
[txt] It's a city called Hulbury? I think? We're by the ocean and there's alot of ships. I suppose it's pretty.[txt]
Dex sighed checking once again and it seemed his parents still weren't ready to leave. They'd been there nearly three hours after the event had ended he'd feel terrible leaving the poor Pokemon in it's crate but he was really starting to get tired of sitting around and listening to them prattle on. He loved them but they really could be too much some times.
[txt] I wouldn't know, I'm basically stuck hauling around Pokemon for my parents to show off for now. It's a business trip for the ranch. [txt]
Texts from a Friend
{Continuation from here} { @caretaker-dexter-blog​ }
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Memory sipped her taro flavored boba happily, kicking her feet in her seat with Rutabega in her lap. He was quite the snuggle bug. The bench in Motostoke she was spending this moment in was relaxing in the afternoon sun, especially after a tough morning workout. A grin couldn’t keep itself from spreading at her friend’s response.
{txt} WAIT REALLY??? OMG Dex I had no idea you were here too!!! What city? Is it nice????? {/txt}
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Dex sighs back stage at another Pokemon show his parents rubbing shoulders with some uppity contestants he didn't really want to deal with. He was there to keep an eye on the Persian. They'd be in Galar for awhile working on a partnership with several contestants. So he decided to get himself a phone.
[Txt] Yeah I uh.... I'm not the best at keeping in touch I know but I remember you saying something about Galar last time we talked.[txt]
[txt] turns out I'm going to be here for awhile myself. So I figured I would say hey.[txt]
[txt] Hey I just picked up a rotom phone that was ... A hassle and a half but it let me import my contacts how's galar treating you? [txt] @caretakerdexter
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It was a rather sudden jolt in her pocket that almost made her spill her boba. Not too many people texted her, namely because she didn’t give her pokenav number to people... But hey, there’s a text! One from someone she hadn’t heard from in a while!
{txt} Dex!!! YOU”RE ALIVE!!! OMG hello there friend~! Galar is very fun, though I sort of just got here. HOW ARE YOU THOUGH????? {/txt}
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Silence, drawing into himself prone to isolation for certain. Then much more focus on his Pokemon. He may not be able to control the world around him but he can care for his Pokemon and make sure they're alright.
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caretaker-dexter · 4 years
Send me an emotion and I’ll describe how my Muse expresses it non-verbally.
Indifference Anxiety Frustration Excitement Impatience Boredom Sorrow Love (specify if platonic or romantic) Confusion Lust Disgust Exhaustion Panic Fright Enthusiasm Mischief …Or any other you can think of!
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