caribbeanroyal · 8 years
Bringit UK!!!! #TeamUS
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caribbeanroyal · 8 years
We, refuse to be generalized! Latinos, One community!
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Latino people are refusing to be generalized by Donald Trump or anyone else.
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caribbeanroyal · 8 years
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Happy Birthday to Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg!!! (© Cour grand-ducale)
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caribbeanroyal · 8 years
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RIP Alan Rickman, 1946-2016, Always!
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
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Princess Charlotte! Taken by her Mom, the Duchess of Cambridge.
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
Ladies and gents; Betty White, THE legend.
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
I have to admit that this brought tears to my eyes. A letter like this is so beautiful. I wish I have the opportunity to recieve something like this in a day so special.
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
You answer yourself in the first line, “everyone has a past and makes certain decisions/mistakes and learns from them”. You dont have to put a poster in you chest saying what  actions you did that were wrong. You make a resolution with yourself, start doing new/goods deeds and that's it. You can't be a martyr of your actions your whole life.
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“It’s not Sofia’s past that is troublesome (everyone has a past and makes certain decisions/mistakes and learns from them). What bothers me the most is the fact that she didnt even bother to think how this would impact her later. How is she going to explain this to her future children? Also, she never really admitted that what she did may not have been the smartest choice. That just shows ignorance on her part.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
This is a very intense debate in the Island. It’s been an issue for a very long time now, as we are the last colony. We pay the same/or more in taxes but we receive very low money for health or schools programs, even when we have more populations than some regions in the US. The injustice can be seen even in our veterans. If they retire in the States, they can receive all they deserve, but if they stay here, it's minimun
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
An article by HRH The Duchess of Cornwall (aka Camilla’s crusade for victims of rape)
Over the past five years, I have visited many centres for victims of rape, here and overseas, which offer survivors a safe haven and a different future. I have spoken to many of them, whose bravery in speaking out and sharing their stories was truly humbling. This is, both for the speaker and the listener, a harrowing experience.
Rape and sexual abuse: these are words that make most of us feel uncomfortable. Until recently, they were issues which were not really discussed but now, I hope, there is a change in the air.
This challenging subject has been brought to the fore in recent years with some shocking news stories; these last for a few weeks, but for those who have been the victims of rape and sexual abuse, the traumatic effects can be long-lasting, not to say life-long. They leave their indelible mark.
I have seen for myself some of the remarkable work being done by the representatives of rape crisis organisations, the NHS and the police across the country. During these visits I have been very impressed by the professionalism and commitment of the individuals who provide a life-line to the women, children and men who have been left traumatized and often made to feel worthless through no fault of their own.
There are no easy answers and no quick fixes, but that should not stop us thinking of small ways to help. One project (piloted at the three Havens centres in London) which I think has helped provides survivors with a wash-bag filled with some special products. It can’t change what happened, but it is a gesture which I hope shows a little thoughtful care to sufferers of abuse at a very fragile time. It is not for me to discuss the underlying problems which may cause sexual violence and abuse, but I have glimpsed some of the appalling aftermath.
The statistics remain truly horrifying. There are, however, more centres now where comfort and help to recover can be found.
I will continue my work in the hope that it will help to shine a light on the violence hiding in the dark corners of our society. I have said it before and will say it again: we must try to build a future where we will simply not tolerate rape and sexual abuse any longer.
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
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Pictorial description of powerful women
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
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“Another WellChild Awards, another emotional rollercoaster.
Thanks, Colin.
This is my eighth WellChild Awards now and every year, without fail, I am humbled by the people and children I meet. You guys are awesome.
The stories we have heard tonight are moving beyond words. They remind us of the utter insignificance of our everyday worries.
Yet, one of the things that always stands out is the positivity shown by those in the most difficult and testing circumstances.
It is heartening to hear so many stories of happiness and hope, even through the dark times.
And that is why we are all here this evening; to show our admiration for all the Award winners and to honour their strength of human spirit. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to recognise you all.
Sadly, many stories we have heard this evening highlight the challenges that many families all over the UK are confronting each day.
The greatest challenge for families with seriously ill children is often ensuring they have access to the best possible care and support.
It is easy to take it for granted that the necessary support is always available.
But in many cases that would simply not be the case without WellChild, especially the incredible team of WellChild Children's nurses who provide life-changing assistance for so many families.
I have been fortunate to spend time with some of the WellChild Nurses this year and have learnt more about how they are supporting families on the pathway from hospital to home.
This insight really helped bring home just how vital the entire network is across the country.
WellChild has also been able to fund a record number of new posts for Children's Nurses over the past 12 months, significantly increasing the number of children we are able to reach over the coming years.
As the charity grows and its support to children and young people expands, the demand for its help also will increase, as more families who need our help come forward.
Without the involvement and support of everyone in this room, WellChild simply would not be able to deliver the level of life changing work it does.
We have all seen this evening the mountains some children and young people have to climb on a daily basis, and just how important this work is.
You are all doing your bit – we simply couldn’t do it without you – but please spread the word so that others can do the same.
Finally, on behalf of everyone in this room, huge congratulations again to all the winners, and to your families and friends.
The example you set to us all makes us so proud to be associated with this wonderful Charity.
We literally have the bravest children in the UK in this room.
Thank you.”
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
I wonder if he knew what he was saying! hahaha I love this!
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In 2009, during a State Visit to the United States of Mexico, the then Prince of Orange, Willem-Alexander, gave a speech during the seminar ‘Energy Efficiency and Sustainability’, in which he referred to a popular proverb, “a shrimp that sleeps gets carried by the tide”, but, instead of tide, he used a very… particular word. 4th November 2009. The word 'Chingada’ is a filthy term or swear word used in Spanish speaking countries (mostly Mexico), with the relative strongness of the word “fuck” (but without its sexual connotation).
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
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hahaha some kids! 
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caribbeanroyal · 9 years
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Badass vintage and modern female movie characters
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