carlosquizon · 5 months
My Name is carlos Cajurao quizon and i am 21 years old from santa lucia resettlement Magalang Pampanga.Im currently Grade 12 General Academic Strand(GAS) Senior High School Student in Tinajero National HighSchool Annex.My top Hobbies is playing volleyball and any online games.My favorite food is Adobo paksiw caldereta and siomai .And my dream is to be a licensure police officer Someday.
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carlosquizon · 5 months
Story reporting
The Mysterious Treasure Map
Once upon a time, in a small town called Oakville, there lived a group of adventurous friends named Alex, Emma, and Max. One sunny day, they stumbled upon an old, dusty book in the attic of their grandmother's house. The book contained a mysterious treasure map!
Excitedly, the friends gathered around the map and started deciphering the clues. The first clue led them to the town's historic library. As they entered, they were greeted by the librarian, Mrs. Jenkins, who had been waiting for them.
"Welcome, young explorers!" Mrs. Jenkins said with a smile. "To find the next clue, you must solve a word hunt. Look for the following vocabulary words hidden in these book titles: adventure, quest, treasure, discovery, and mystery."
The friends eagerly scanned the shelves, searching for the hidden words. After a few minutes, they found all the books and arranged them in the correct order. Mrs. Jenkins was impressed by their determination and handed them the next clue.
The second clue took them to the town's park, where they had to complete a vocabulary challenge. They had to find objects in the park that matched the given vocabulary words: explore, ancient, valuable, uncover, and enigma. Each time they found an object, they had to use it in a sentence to demonstrate its meaning.
As the friends completed the challenge, they felt their vocabulary skills growing stronger. They thanked Mrs. Jenkins for her guidance and eagerly followed the next clue.
The third clue led them deep into the forest, where they had to solve a riddle using vocabulary words. The riddle went like this:
"I am a hidden treasure, buried in the ground, unearth me carefully, for I am quite profundity ancient markings and a gleam so bright, I hold the secrets of the past, shining in the light. What am I?"
After some brainstorming, the friends realized that the answer was an artifact. They dug in the indicated spot and found a small, ancient artifact that shimmered in the sunlight.
Excitedly, they returned to their grandmother's house, where they discovered a hidden compartment in the attic. Inside, they found a chest filled with gold coins, precious gems, and a note that read, "Congratulations, brave adventurers! You have successfully completed the word hunt and found the treasure. Use your newfound vocabulary skills to continue exploring the world!"
The friends celebrated their victory, knowing that their vocabulary journey had just begun. They thanked each other for their teamwork and promised to embark on more exciting adventures together.
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carlosquizon · 5 months
Own story
The group of friends that never can separate
Once a upon a time, there was a group of friends who live far away from each other. The group of friends name Carlos,Clarence, Rosh, Rem. one day they decide to meet in their favorite coffee shop they set up a date if when they will going to meet in their group chat.
In their group chat rosh started to chat them "hey guys it's been a months since we saw each other how about we will going to set a day so that we can bond again" then Carlos see the chat and started to reply in their group chat to " ow that's a great idea how about this Sunday of this week? U all don't have a work in Sunday right?" They replied " yes that's day is my rest day I will go for it" 
(Sunday) They all go at the coffee shop they talk about their life they shared about the successful things they do when their not seeing each other and no communication when they are busy, While they were talking, Rosh came up with a plan on how they could bond in a different way he suggest that they go on a nature trip and then they all agree. "Tomorrow we're will going on a hike" rosh said then they all nods after that they went home and they arranged their things
*In the morning they all exited going on a hike but they all heard the plan wrong Carlos heard they will go on a nature trip to had a picnic while rem heard that they will have fun playing frisbee while Clarence thought they will capture some memories and photo about nature after that rosh realize that they didn't listen and he laught you all silly all of you are nodded about my suggestion but you don't listen what we're going to do and all of them realize that they not focused about rosh saying and started to laught so they decide to do everything they thought they would do so that they can bond all they want and they will be not unfair to each other.
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carlosquizon · 5 months
In the realm where hearts entwine,
A dance of passion, pure and fine,
Where whispers soft as feather's flight,
Ignite a flame, a beacon bright.
Beneath the moon's enchanting gaze,
Two souls, in love's sweet serenade,
Entwine like ivy on a tree,
Their bond, a secret only they see.
As petals bloom in springtime's breath,
Love's essence, like a fragrant wreath,
Unfolds in colors rich and rare,
A tapestry that love does bear.
In the garden of affection's bloom
Love's essence, like a sweet perfume,
Wafts through the air, a gentle breeze,
Enchanting all who dare to seize.
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carlosquizon · 5 months
Contact information:
Carlos Cajurao quizon
Sta lucia resettlement magalang pampanga
Drama script
Cast of characters
1. Carlos - The adventurous friend because he loves hiking he loves to explore everything's that make's him happy but he's the sensitive in the circle
2. Rosh - The planner, he likes to make plans with his friends because he wants them to always be together and make memories he's the sarcastic in the group
3. Rem- The laid-back friend or the oblivious friend in a group he doesn't care about what is going around and his not aware in everything
4. Clarence - The overthinker, because he overthink that his circle will separate someday he is the peace maker of the group
Present day
A group of friends plans an outdoor outing, but each member has a different understanding of the arrangements, leading to confusion and comedic situations and A group of friends faces a misunderstanding when Rosh makes a sarcastic joke that unintentionally hurts Carlos feelings. Clarence tries to resolve the conflict while rem remains oblivious to the tension.
A park with lush greenery, picnic tables, and a serene lake,cozy coffee shop where the friends often gather to catch up and hang out
The four friends, Carlos,Rosh,Rem, and Clarence, are gathered at the entrance of the park, each holding different items like a picnic basket, a backpack, a frisbee, and a camera.
(They all go to the park were the meet up they said)
(excitedly) Okay, everyone, are we ready for our hiking adventure?
(confused) Hiking? I thought we were going for a picnic by the lake.
(shrugging) I thought we were just coming to chill and maybe play some frisbee.
(panicking) Oh no, did I misunderstand the plan again? I brought my camera for some scenic photography.
(laughing) Looks like we've all got different ideas of what today's outing entails.
 (smirking) Well, why don't we combine all our plans? We can hike to a scenic spot by the lake, have a picnic there, play some frisbee, and Emily can take photos along the way.
 (nodding) Sounds like a plan to me. I'm up for an adventure!
(relieved) That actually sounds amazing. I'm glad we could figure it out.
 (smiling) Great! Let's head out and make the most of our day together.
(The friends set off on their hybrid adventure, enjoying the beautiful scenery, laughter, and camaraderie along the way. Despite the initial confusion, they all agree that it turned out to be one of their best outings yet.)
(In day two they decide to meet at the coffee shop to have a another bonding with each other)
(Rosh, Carlos, Clarence, and Rem are sitting around a table at the coffee shop, sipping on their drinks and chatting.)
(Rosh, with a mischievous grin, leans in to carlos)
 You know, Carlos, I heard they're making a movie about your attitude. They're calling it "The Adventures of Mr. Sensitive."
(Carlos smile fades, and he looks hurt)
 (sarcastically) Ha-ha, very funny, Rosh.
 (noticing the tension)
Hey, come on, guys, let's not ruin the mood. Rosh was just joking.
 (sighs) It's fine, Clarence. I guess I'm just too sensitive.
(Rosh expression softens as he realizes Carlos reaction)
 Carlos, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You know I was just kidding, right?
 (nods) Yeah, I know. It's okay.
(oblivious) What's going on? Did I miss something?
 (trying to diffuse the situation) 
Nothing, Rem. Just a little misunderstanding.
(Rosh reaches out and squeezes Carlos hand)
Seriously though, Carlos, you're a great friend, and we wouldn't trade you for the world
 (his expression change with a big smile and his eye glared with joy)
Owww is that true rosh? it's heartwarming to hear that from you.
yes brow no one can replace you in this circle were so lucky to have u with our side 
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