carlottamills · 10 years
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Three is better than dos. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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carlottamills · 10 years
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San Fran VIP. Travis took a fans phone and took a picture of himself!
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carlottamills · 10 years
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😘 :*
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carlottamills · 10 years
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carlottamills · 10 years
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(More photos)
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carlottamills · 10 years
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the heavens opened up and gave us T Mills
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carlottamills · 10 years
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carlottamills · 10 years
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carlottamills · 10 years
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carlottamills · 11 years
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carlottamills · 11 years
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carlottamills · 11 years
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carlottamills · 11 years
Lovely travis❤️
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My name is Mariana and I’m going to tell my story to you. Everything started on 12/05/13 when I discovered the hotel which Travis was going to stay, so I decided to go there. I arrived there like 3.00pm and there were some Yfs, me and two friends were waiting in front of the Renaissance and he did not appeard. Then we saw a group of fans going to another hotel in front of Renaissance but we decided to wait a little, when we realized that Renaissance wasn’t the hotel Travis was going to stay, so I followed the other fans. When we arrived at Tivoli a few girls said to us they weren’t sure he was at that hotel, so me and my friends wenr out searching for another hotel near there. I caught a Travis picture and strated showing to the securities from each hotel, we went to 4 but we didn’t found him. It was 5.30pm, we were so of walkin the Paulista avenue, then I saw in a group on the WhatsApp that a girl knew in which hotel he was, I called her in a private conversation and she told me he was on Tivoli. We were a little bit far away but we went to the hotel, it was already 6.00pm, we were going up the atreet when my friend stopped, grabbed my arm with a face of despair. When I looked to the other side of the street I saw Travis, Klue, Panda, the producer and a security man walking normaly, I was freaking out cause the traffic light was taking to long to turn into red. When the traffic light turned into red, we crossed the street, they were heading to a restaurant. Travis waited for us on the other side, took a picture, recorded a video, was really kind, said good’bye and got into the restaurant. The perfect thing was that were only me and two friends, so waited outside of the restaurant whit two more fans that arrive after us. It started to rain, after a while we got out and talked to us again. These fans who arrived after us and my friend were without tickets and told him, he was really humble and cute, put his names in a list to get into the concert and wrote the name of everyone. When talked to him for the last time, I asked for the last hug, he opened a really big smile, gave me a really tight hug and said that was anxious to the concert. After talking to everyone, he said good bye, the rain started to get stronger and he crossed the street quickly and got into starbucks. It was the best day of my life. I was so happy that I didn’t even care of getting wet because of the rain and of getting into the subway wet and with a lot of people. I was surprised with his humility and simpathy of his part, got no words about it. I went to the concert 12/07/13 with my normal ticket and it was amazing, I just an say that after this experience my love and my pride just increased.
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carlottamills · 11 years
quality, not quantity
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carlottamills · 11 years
all i wanna do!!!!!
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carlottamills · 11 years
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carlottamills · 11 years
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