carlsatan · 1 year
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carlsatan · 1 year
can tumblr make a community label for ‘x reader’ posts so i never have to see a single one ever again
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carlsatan · 1 year
new spell: *beats the shit out of you with my staff*
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carlsatan · 1 year
“Do you remember when we first met? I thought I had wandered into a dream.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien
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carlsatan · 1 year
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“I only do what I want to do,” SZA says, “and this makes me feel free and safe and unrestricted”
SZA photographed by AB + DM for Billboard (2022)
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carlsatan · 1 year
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Teodoro Wolf Ferrari (1878 - 1945) - Landscape. Birches and Wisteria. 1917. Oil on canvas.
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carlsatan · 1 year
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“The Sleeping Gardener” by Gary Bunt, 1957
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carlsatan · 1 year
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Dandelion, Barbara Regina Dietzsch
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carlsatan · 1 year
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i love cats named after things
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carlsatan · 1 year
i missed tumblr aw
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carlsatan · 1 year
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The Portone del Melograno (Pomegranate Gate) from 1907 is a door in Liberty Style (Italian Art Nouveau) designed by architect Pietro Fenoglio in Turin, Italy.
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carlsatan · 1 year
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Therapy is too expensive, but I can afford rain.
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carlsatan · 4 years
.:: Defining Traditional Witchcraft ::.
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What is Traditional Witchcraft?
According to Michael Howard, Trad Craft refers to “any non-Gardnerian, non-Alexandrian, non-Wiccan or pre-modern form of the Craft, especially if it has been inspired by historical forms of witchcraft and folk magic”.
Traditional Witchcraft, therefore, is not a single monolith. We can, in fact, distinguish between:
Operative Witchcraft or Folk Magic
Ritual(istic) Witchcraft
This first difference is taken from Margaret Murray; she used the first term for indicating the practice of magic, as carried out by cunning folk and folk magicians, and included the non-religious practice of spells, charms, divinations, etc. “whether used by a professed witch or by a professed Christian, whether intended for good or for evil, for killing or for curing. Such charms and spells are common to every nation and country, and are practised by the priests and people of every religion. They are part of the common heritage of the human race and are therefore of no practical value in the study of any one particular cult.” (The Witch-Cult, p. 11.)
The second term (also called “Dianic cult” by Murray) indicates, instead, “the religious beliefs and ritual of the people, known in late mediaeval times as ‘Witches’. The evidence proves that underlying the Christian religion was a cult practised by many classes of the community, chiefly, however, by the more ignorant or those in the less thickly inhabited parts of the country. It can be traced back to pre-Christian times”. Therefore we can say that Ritual Witchcraft is the cult of pre-Christian Deities or Spirits connected to the witches.
While the ideas of Murray about this cult have now been discredited, other scholars have reopened this field as a viable area of study, discovering many ecstatic witch-cults. The most known academics in this field are: Carlo Ginzburg, Éva Pócs, Emma Wilby, Claude Lecouteux, Wolfgang Behringer, Sabina Magliocco, Gábor Klaniczay, Gustav Henningsen and Bengt Ankarloo.
Relying on the work of these scholars, we can say therefore that Ritual Witchcraft was/is the religious system surrounding the Sabbath, the Procession of the Dominae Nocturnae from house to house, the spiritual flight, Elphame, the Wild Hunt, the Night Battles, etc.
As we can understand, even if the majority of the Ritual Witches were/are also Operative Witches (practitioners of Folk Magic), not all the Operative Witches were/are also Ritual Witches. The majority of Folk Magicians/Operative Witches, in fact, didn’t go to the Sabbath, didn’t astrally fly, didn’t astrally go with the Wild Hunt, from house to house with the Domina Nocturna, to Elphame/the Otherworld or to the Night Battles. Ritual Witches did.
We can say, therefore, that Operative Witchcraft is a practice, while Ritual Witchcraft is a religion.
Traditional Witches who are secular are, therefore, usually Operative and not Ritual Witches. While the distinction between Ritual and Operative Witchcraft is an established one in the Witchcraft community, I introduce a new, according to me useful, second distinction, inside Ritual Witchcraft (i.e. Witchcraft as a religion), by borrowing the terms “Revivalism” and “Reconstructionism” from Polytheism, in which it’s an already established terminology:
Hereditary Witchcraft
Revivalist Witchcraft
Reconstructionist Witchcraft
Hereditary Traditional Witchcraft brings together all the traditions that claim a lineage from the Witchcraft of the past.
Revivalist Traditional Witchcraft is inspired by folklore, trials and the figure of the witch without any presumption of hereditarity. Unlike the Reconstructionist one, it leaves ample space for personal initiative and the influence of other traditions, without slavishly following the history in every single detail.
Reconstructionist Traditional Witchcraft, finally, tries to resume, starting from the in-depth study of folklore, historical trials and documents, the exact practices and beliefs of Historical Witchcraft. For example, the pantheon of Spirits, the festivities, the structure of the Sabbath, the structure of the offerings, and so on.
An important aspect for those who practice Reconstructionism is the resumption of the names of the Gods (or it would be more correct to say, of the “Deific Familiar Spirits” or “Major Spirits”) forgotten and remained only in the trials papers and in folklore. The idea is to reopen roads, ways to these Spirits. Reconstructing therefore means paying homage to these Spirits and allowing those interested to re-establish a connection with Them.
We said before that Traditional Witchcraft is not Wicca. What’s the difference?
According to the Traditional Witchcraft author Lee Morgan:
“It could easily be said that one of the major differences between the modern revival referred to as “Traditional Witchcraft” and the other modern revival known as “Wicca”, is that Traditional Witchcraft draws on “folkloric material” and is largely “shamanic” whereas Wicca is more of a fusion of Western Occult ceremonial and natural magic traditions.”
(From: Lee Morgan’s “A Deed Without a Name: Unearthing the Legacy of Traditional Witchcraft”)
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carlsatan · 4 years
Basic Recipe of a Spell
Intent (what is the purpose of your spell?)
A correspondence (candles, stones, incense, etc.)
A source of power (your own energy, fire, a quartz crystal, etc.)
A binder to connect all of them (an offering, an incantation, dance, art, writing, etc)
A cleanser (a bell, ethically sourced sage, salt, etc.)
Cleanse your working space
Ensure that your intent is clear and loud in your mind for the duration of the spell
Set up your working space in an organized way
Activate your source of power
Activate your correspondence
Activate your binder
Repeat but in reverse
This is not a definitive guide, but is rather a very easy to follow guide to making spells for those who don’t know where to begin! I recommend you tweak it for your needs and to match your magickal style.
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carlsatan · 4 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧🤍
000 -  The universe is letting you know that new beginnings will help you elevate your vibration and connect with your full potential 
111 - You’re on the right path to abundance, alignment, and creating your dream reality. You’re manifesting things with ease. 
222 - Trust you are on the right path. Stay focused on the things you want in your life rather than what you don’t want. 
333 - The Universe is working with you on making your dreams a reality. Belive in yourself and trust your intuition.
444 - Your being guided and supported through whatever you’re focusing on at the moment. Don’t stop, continue and keep going.
555 - A quantum leap is ahead, Embrace yourself for massive shifts. Be open to new opportunities in all areas of your life. 
666 - You’re distracted and need refocusing on your goals. The Universe is telling you to wake up to your higher self
777 - You’re in the frequency of manifesting your dreams. Good things are coming your way, let it flow your way. 
888 - Financial abundance is on it’s way to you. The Universe is letting you know you’re successful.
999 - You’re being told to embrace change and step into alignment with your soul purpose and higher self 
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carlsatan · 4 years
Herbs & Their Uses: Glamour & Attraction Herbs
Cardamom Seed💧
This is like the spark to start a raging fire within someone. Cardamom seed is very sexy and spicy in all love works.
Catnip is a natural attractant, popular in Lesbian love works alongside lavender.
Cherry Bark🌲
Cherry bark can be used to make a lover out of someone who is married. Whether it is your spouse or another’s.
All around powerful sex and attractant spice. Use in cooking to influence passion, sexuality, and luck. Also good for money works. Attracts all things.
Attracts a fiery but loyal lover. Devotional men and women can be captured with coriander.
Cubeb Berries🍇
Spicy spicy spicy. Passion in both bed and heart come from works involving cubeb berries.
A very famous sex herb used in South American and Afro Caribbean traditions. Buy it as a loose herb and use it to dress anointed candles for love works.
Dill Seed💧
In glamour works, charms, or pouches Dill seed adds a powerful sense of irresistibility so long as you hold the right amount of confidence.
Gentian Root🌿
A famous love root used for all love both hetero and homo.
Ginger Root🌿
Spices up yourself or a client’s sex life. Add it to a doll stuffed with Spanish moss, damiana, and cardamom seed and place it under your bed for some fun. Smoke the doll every Friday with dragon’s blood.
Juniper Berries🍇
The liquor of love works. This one lowers inhibitions and enhances sexual activity and urges. Feed to your lover alongside Figs for fertility before trying for kids.
Lemon Mint🍃
Grow it in the southeast of your property. Pick it and keep a leaf on you until it dries and replace it until you find a new lover. In love works this herb attracts new lovers as well.
Lotus Root🌿
This one is used for both love and protection. I loved this Root in high school it’s a good way to deflect pettiness in young love.
Lovage Root🌿
A very Hetero herb. Used to attract one of the opposite sex to you. Tie your hair to it and sneak onto the person you wish to have. if it crosses the threshold of their home on their person - They’re yours. (Until they find the charm.)
Patchouli Leaf🍃
Burn to attract money and love. Good herb for grandiose glamours and luxury works. Also smells really nice.
Poppy Seed💧
Adds confusion to glamours. Not all glamours are about looking pretty, some of them are meant just to keep the mystery intact.
Orris Root (Queen Elizabeth Root)🌿
Attracts a man to a woman. Not good for Homo male love works. Very common herb for lover works.
Rose Petals or Buds🌹
Buds are used for new love to grow or old love to settle. Petals are used to promote love in general. Add the petals to a bath of sugar and honey to attract love and stuff the buds into a doll baby alongside raspberry leave and rue. Place the doll on its own altar and light pink candles on Friday for it. If a lover comes to you - do not let them find the doll. If that lover leaves you. Burn it.
Safflower Petals🍃
Daddy Petals - oop I mean safflower Petals are famous amongst gay men. Use them to attract a dominant man into your life. Before you go out grab three pinches - one to rub behind each ear - one to rub under each pit - one to rub on the bridge of your privates and your bum. Burn them on charcoal and smoke your body. This will help you get a dom gay man.
Senna Leaf🍃
Senna Leaf? More like senpai Leaf. Senna leaves are used to get the attention of someone who doesn’t notice you. Put it in a pouch or locket and wear to use as a glamour charm.
Violet Leaf🍃
Violet Leaf is used for attracting both new and old lovers. Good in reconciliation works if your ex has lost their love for you.
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carlsatan · 4 years
Spell for Sunshine.
Light a golden candle.
Draw a five-inch map of the area where you want the sun to shine.
Moving the map clockwise, circle it three times around the candle flame, imagining the flame is the sun.
Burn the map in the flame while making your wish.
You say:
Fair weather I ask you to shine,
On this special day of mine,
I’ve chased the clouds away,
So the sun will shine all day.
Your special day will be filled with sunshine.
Source: The Good Spell Book
Its raining all week and weekend off and on. I may just use this friday before we head out camping. 
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