carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Road to Graduation : 2nd sem strike !
Lord ! Thank you sa mga answered prayers for letting me passed the 1st semester subjects. It was hard during that days. Being a 5th year computer engineering students , you need to strive hard in order to achieve your goal. Lisod man pero dapat kayanon! Taas man kaayo ang enrollment, officially enrolled naman pud. Hahaha 2nd semester, wherein gibati na gyud nko ang mga kakulba. Ma feel na nko ang thesis nga mga pressure and all stuffs. But kani tanan akng gihimo as challenge to my self para i push pa gyuf nko akng self beyond limits. With the guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ. PS. Naguban mig kaon ni Marie ganina. Sarap ng Lasagna 😋
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech101 - Week 17 : Hasta La Proxima
The lecture lately that given to us by the instructor was all about the for the customer specially the observation for the problem as well as the product. The use and usability concept gives an idea to have elaboration for our venture because this aspects helps our venture tohave our produc appropriate use to the customer's need. The meaning aspect also helps us to realize that our product that it should have a meaning to tge customers by validating every move specially relating the situation in terms of their culture and ways of living.Applying the concepts would help our product to be firm in presentation. This 17th week of technopreneurship is a grateful and progressive day for us since our team able to accomplished several requurements for this subject. We created lately the video pitch for our product. Also, the frontend for our monitoring system is already been set for the presentation purposes. For this week preparation, our team able to finalize the pitch deck for the final demo. The interfacing for the components also were been worked. But as of now, were able to interface only the flow meter sensor because we had lack of materials to be used in our pump and our microcontroller was malfunctioned lately because of their was no wifi inteface found and we cant even have the chance to download some modules for incorporating the monitoring system in the raspberrypi. Although this challenges is quite hard for us, we still able to find ways to overcome this kind of challenge. The lack of materials is not a hindrance as long as you still find ways to complete and able to present the following requirements in the finals. For now, its my last blog for our team's venture and for the whole journey of technopreneurship. I learned many lots of things in this kind of subject specifically the real scenarios in the industry and technology world. Creating a start up is not easy but the impact given to us as a technoprenuer was a grateful experience. The hardships that weve been through as a technoprenuer paids off by making the experience unforgettable. The interviews from the clients, the managements for the venture, the time, the value and lessons that weve gathered from this subject are really realizing us on how to become a professional technopreneur given the technicalities and expertise supports our venture to hold strong and lively happen. Its seems to be a farewell but the footprint that we leave for this journey will not be faded away. The start up that our team created will be slowly strike the technopreneurship world. The prayers to survive this venture strongly holds us. So help us and support us till the last day of our venture. See you for the next compose of my blog.Godbless and Goodluck ! Aja !
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101: Week 16- Prep for Finals
This week progress is slightly progressive for us. My team and I did the hardware and software testing for all the hypochlorinator system. Dividing the work made the system easier to implement. Eventhough the progress is slight, the team was able made the functions for all the sensors that we will be using in the system . The hacker of our team did the implementation of the two sensors which are the dosing pump for the chlorinator and flow meter sensor for the initial input of the system. The designer of our team did the software part of our system. The designer made some testing for the software compatability in relation to raspberry pi and for the sensors that we will be using. Also, the designer did some researches to find a proper implementation for the system specially for the database. The hustlers did the interviewing part for this week progress. We able to email some questionare to our customers for our software part which is the monitoring system so that we may able to know what features that the customers want. For the next week's preparation, my team and I discuss the following.First, the team decided to made the prototype for next week presentation that we may able to present its functionality. Second, the design for our system specially the interface itself. Making some GUI's for the monitoring system would be a great visual implementation. Third, the follow up for the interviews from the customers so that we may able to their insights. Also , the team decided to consult to the engineer about the prototype for the proper standard in term of chlorination process.The preparation for the next week presenatation makes our team into nervous because due to lack of time but we still need to find ways to overcome this kind of challenges and ables us to present the following progress in next week. This week progress for our team was so tiring yet we able to implement the hardware part. The progress is still slow due to many requirements to be submitted. The lack of time management and cooperation leads our team to be slightly progressive.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101: Week 15- Interview For Revenue Model
After the last week validation for the insights of household areas, our team decided to continue the validation of revenue model at the barangay officials. We prepared some open ended and closed ended questions so that the interview will be go in ease. Our team presented the survey results to our interviewed barangay official. We presented the household areas insight about the product which is good for their own opinion. As the interview goes on , we ask the barangay official about the revenue that they actually allocated in terms of implementing some projects witihin the barangay. They said that the process was very long due to its complexity in terms of decision making. We ask the following important questions. First, the budget that they allocate in their projects. They said that its starts at 50 thousand pesos for the minimum budget allocation. They said also that the budget itself tends to be changed depending on the project that they will implement. Second , the ways or process that the barangay would undergo in terms of implementing a certain project.They said that the process includes the making of resolution and budget matrix for that certain projects. The decision itself tends very hard because some of it will go for bidding if the projects goes up.Third, the expectations to our product. They said that they wanted to see some samples for the working project or the prototype of the product. Lastly, the willingness of the barangay for our product. They said that they are willing to implement this kind of project but for a certain conditions. They wanted to see how it operates and benefits of it to their barangay. After the interview , my team and I gathered the informations and discussed the following for the changes of our revenue model and channels.We discussed the strategies that we will do for the remaining weeks. This includes the making of pamphlets and making our revenue presentable to the customer since we are single sided market. We also started the testing of our product since our materials was already arrived. Our hacker started to implement the hardware part of our product. The designer also started to make the design for our monitoring system to display the following outputs.After making this two stages , we decided to connect this two stages to implement and test the whole system. The 15th week of technopreneurship is really hardest week for us becasue we havent get into 50 percent for the output. The time management is very hard for us because there are many activities to be submitted and also the schedule for the interview is slightly a hindrance for us because the time was wasted for waiting for some response. Although there are many challenges that we may encounter in our venture, we still get into optimistic into our product that it will be completed untill the last day of presentation.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101: Week 14 - Validating the Revenue Model
The final demo day for technopreneurship is fast approaching. There should be a lot of preparations to do make our venture presentable at the finals. Throughout this fourteenth week in our venture , our team were setting up the things that we should do in our next presentation. The task lately that given to us was the validation of revenue model in relation to the customer segments.It was really hard for us since we haven't really prepared the shedules for this week visitations for the barangays yet my team and I find ways to tackle this kind of challenges. We planned to visit the household areas within the barangay. My team and I visited the Barangay Cugman for the validation of revenue model. We planned this kind of interview because we've sighted that this kind of people really gives great help for our venture. We planned that we should interview them also because they are the one who will be affected for this kind of implementation.We should consider their insights about this kind of product that we will offer to them before we present it to the decision maker. The validation was slighty very hard because some of them were not interested to implement this kind of product because they see that they haven't been affected by overchlorination or some outbreaks in their barangay. They said also that they using the mineral water as thier source of drinking water. Fortunately , some of the household were relying in natural source of water such as the spring. These households were glad to hear and understand to this kind of implementation since they will be confident to drink the tap water. Our validation was not fully complete since we should make our move towards the decision maker and present to them the surveys that we gathered lately in their barangay. The experience of validation in the barangay officials was really hard since we should set a schedule for the interview. But , for the other barangays we already follow up them through emails about for the revenue for this kind of implementation. This week was not best for our venture. We should strive hard more and fastly determined our early adapters because there is only 2 weeks left for the preparation. My team and I decided to create a plan for this coming 2 weeks. We planned to make a questionnaires and pamphelts to save more time for interviews. We also already planned the platform for our software to be used and able to test the prototype since our materials were already arrived this week.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101: Week 13 - Revenue Model
After the long week of customer relationship activity and validation, the class was given another task which involved the another element of technopreneurship. The topic was all about the "Revenue Model". Our instructor given us some insights and knowlegde about this kind of topic. The topic involves of the following matters. First, the revenue model tells a technopreneur of what would be there customer segments. This includes the daily revenue of a customer segments as well as its characteristics as a user of a certain product.It tells of how to make money out of these customer segments.Second , the revenue stream which compose of many streams of where should a company can communicate in terms of revenue.This revenue stream is also called strategies.Lastly, the value that you can give to these customer segments in relation the product. A revenue model states and explains the revenue earning strategy of the business. It includes the productor service of value, the revenue generation techniques, the revenue sources, and the target consumer of the product offered. A revenue model includes every aspect of the revenue generation strategy of the business.A revenue model is how a business makes money. Customer pays on the solution to a certain problem. By exchanging values from the customers the company would be easy geeting their revenue. After the lecture, my team and I gathered to discuss this following components in compliance to the task given to our venture. We discussed of how we should create our revenue model of our company. So. we thought about of in what ways should our customer pay for us. We came up into an asset sale for our revenue stream in relation to our product which our product is hardware and software system. This revenue stream was made for the rural barangays as our first customer segment.For the revenue stream of our second customer segment which is the water providers and engineering firms, we decided to have the licensing because these customer segments already known this kind of system which they need to adapt the new system through our product. Also, we wanted to protect our righta in terms of intellectual property. We also discussed the pricing in relation to our product. The pricing for the rural barangays is the fixed price since they tend to buy our product as an asset sale. For the water providers and Engineering firms, we decided that they would also have the fixed price since they would be using our product as their part of their system. To get a monthly revenue from these customer segments we offer the following services such as the monthly maintenance of the system for the rural barangay and monthly licensing for the water providers. This week of revenue model activity was made me a lot of learnings. I learned the aspects of the customer side. It tells me that these customers have a certain characteristics that would probably helps our team to be fit in this kind of market. We can determine the customer needs and how to convince these customer to buy our product. The streams are very helpful to our team because it would clearly tells us in where we should make our revenue model in terms of the value we can give to these customer segments.The pricing activity also helps our team of what would the price our product. It able to helps us to understand the revenue cylce of our comapany in relation to each customer segments. It ables to track the revenue in easy way by the use of the model.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101 - Week 12 : Channel
Channel is one of the important element for a certain product. It helps the product to have communication within a customer. It delivers message for a certain product towards the customer segments. But channel comprises of many attributes so technopreneur must know it before doing any move directly to customers. The last day meeting of the class was slightly embarrased. The class was assigned to complete the task about the user persona and the value proposition that we may offer to our customers. Each team presented thier output but all of it was lack of some details. All of the team are nit well prepared because of the activities during the intramurals. So , the teams were not able to further do some interviews to their another customers. Our instructor criticize each team's presentation and some considetations. Our instructor warned us that we have only 6 weeks left to complete our venture. Our instructor discuss the final requirements that should be pass this coming 6 weeks.Our instructor teaches us the Customer Relations and the channels to be used in our ventures. So , my team and I gave each feedbacks about of this situation. Our team gathered to discuss the following plans for the 6 weeks remainings of our venture. We discussed about the clarifications and ponts that given to us during the presenttion. Also, we planned out clearly the strategies that we should make in terms of interviews and the progress of our product. My team and I constructed some ideas for our presentation about the customer relations and the channels. We decided to have our channel would be a physical since our product will be a prototype. We still need to gather details in terms of our prototyping since the product is large scale to be completed and takes more time to finish. We need also the feedbacks from our potential customers so that we will know that our channel that we will be using is effective to them. We discussed also about the revenue or the economic channel that our product should possess. The cost of goods are the materials that we will be using to create the product and the administrative cost for all the expenses in terms of our efforts to create the product. We still clarifying this portion since we shoukd make further research in the materials that we will be using and the availabilty of it.In terms of profit , we discussed to have it ranges from 2 thousand. The product will be sold ranges from 10 thousand since the current existing device will be ranging from 15 thousand. We made our move for our assumptions so that we can validate each of this. We visited the rural barangays that weve targeted since they are the people that would suit in our product.Some rural barangays get their water source from grounds and not able to have a water treatment system. As we go through to our interview , we discussed to the barangay officials about our product specially its benefits. We asked them questions such as the water source that thier barangay's using. Also , the present water treatment system if there is such implemented in their barangay. Throuhgout the interview , we found out that they seem to be interested in our product since their barangay was unreachable of this kind of watertreatment system.They are willing to implement our product since they found out that our product will have a big impact in terms for the security of health for the people in their barangay. The details from the interview were very helpful since it gave our product a good impression. The details that we gathered lately able to help our product to have an upgrade that would fut to the customer needs.We found out that these details is validated since the customers are really interested of it specially the benefits of it. The channel that would be using in a product can be progressive if the customers only satisfy and comfortably to this kind of channel.Channel is an important element where it can give the product a reliable ways in terms of commnicating the customer's need.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101 : Week 11- Experimental Validation
This 11th week experience in technopreneurship was slighty productive since the school celebrated its annual intramurals. Where my team and I joined and participated to its designated events.We might not able to meet each other yet we still contacted each other through social media. We discussed about the assignment given to class which is the experimental validation. We constructed and formulate ideas that could be put in the experimental validation. This week was hard for us since we cant focus to our activities because of the intramurals. Due to this scenario, we still got to plan everything for this week activity. My team and I gathered for short duration of time to discussed about the researches that weve been studied lately. We shared ideas in each of us of what we actually important details that weve read. Each of us assigned to specific topic so that the work can be easily done. We shared about the other relative literature of our product since our product is also our thesis proposal Also , the theories behind it so that we can easily understand of what the process may go in. Our product is also our thesis that weve been working as of now. After gathering the critics from the panels, we researched a lot of informations so that we can still got answes to the questions about our product. After research, we analyzed the calculations that could be possiboy use in terms to the programs in our product. We created scaling for our producy so thay we can possibly see the whole parameters that we wil be using in our product. This week was assigned to us to make a experimental for our product. Where we need to create assumptions about our product's benefits and evaluate for further understanding about our product.Experimental validation teaches us on how to evaluate our products towards other factors such as competitors and customers insigths. It ables to design our product based inthe costumer's insights. Through feedbacks, the product might be able to have enhancement so that it will be fitted to customers need.As doing the experiment, we get into a planned to have some interviews for our first experiment for our product. We emailed some barangays that would be fit in our product and contacted some water providers such as Merwasco in Medina. Unfortunately we still haven't got the respond to the but as of now we still got into contact in a water engineering firm that help us eventually in our product. This 11th week experienced as a technopreneur was a fruitless week for us since we still not able to find relevant details for our product. But this week teaches us to work harder so that we can still patch up the progress of our product.This week helps us to find an easy plans so that there could be easily solutions to the challenges that we may encounter in our venture.Planning is best way so that work can easily be achieve its progress.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101: Week 10 - First Pitch
Last week was the prepration of all including the pitching deck that will be presented for the first picth. Eventhough the preparation was not enough for our team , we still completed the content of our pitching deck. As a presentor , I really did the best of me to prepare the picthing. First , my team and I help each other to construct the script for making the pitch perfectly good and convincing. We ble to put some ideas as well as emotion specifically to the problem so that listeners might able todirectly know of what should be the problem. Also , we able to construct a solutions that we can offer in our product and present the feature of our product. Lastly as a representative , I gradually did the memorizing so that I might able to present the pitch fluently. The day come for the presentation of first pitch for our product. The nervous within us was very high. Full of doubts because of thinking the other circumstances that might be happen as we present our product. The thoughts that we might not able to clearly present our product. As the representative for our team for doing the pitching, the felling was in mixed emotion because its my first time to talk in front of panels at the same time doing the pitch for our product. It also a very hard for me since my teammates trusted me to this kind of things but also the ratings for our midterm will be based on how I will deliver our product. As we presented our product and my pitch, it seems that the listeners was convinced in our presentation. After we presented, the panels did the critics for our product. First, the parameters was not clearly emphasized. Second, the steps for our product was not really good since it must be clearly segmented into each parts the system. Lastly , the schematic diagram for our product should be consulted first witj some engineers to confirm the correct functionality of the said product. The panels also are intwrested in our product and able to gave us some inspiring thoughta that our product might be comercialized and we might able to get money out of it. The class also was given a task by our instructor to attend a seminar for another lecture series entitled " Impact Hub". This lecture series was able us to understand and learn the insights for the customers. The lecture taught us the pains, gains, and the key features for our produc. It help us on how to evaluate pain and gains within the customer. Also the pain relievers and gain creators was taught us to help us to evaluate the company's side. The " Fail Fast " word was hitted me a big impact which this word it helps me to understand more the technopreneurship. It said that its nice to be fail faster so that as an technopreneur you can easily move on to the next experimentation and might able to point out the perfect timing. The speakers was very effective since they able to help us to have some insights about technopreneurship as well as they eventually feels us their stories of their success. The lecture also gave workshop for it so that it would be entertaining but also a learning. After the seminar, the class was able to attend for the next lecture of technopreneurship handled by our instructor. The instructor presented the run through about the content of the seminar. Our instructor also gave insigths about the seminar. I learned about the validation system for the product and the making of customer persona. These elements were very important so that the pivot of the product will be achieved. It ables to help us to be encouraged to do our product to be effective. Our instructor also gave some task to be completed in two weeks for our venture. This include experimentations , constructing pains, gains, and key features. The 10th week of technopreneurship was very awesome since it able to help our team to construct our product in good terms. It able us to exert more efforts so that our product will fuction clearly. The whole lot of experienced was very memorable to us because it makes us to be productive and effective technopreneur.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101: Week 9 - Pitching Prep
Research is very important. Know the product, audience, and competitors well and should be prepared to answer any questions potential investors may have. It is important to ensure that pitching the idea must go to the right people. Doing research potential investors and pitch idea is well-matched to their interests. My nineth week of experience in technopreneurship was a effortful week.Since the day we conducted interview this past few days , we still get into communicate with our potential customers. We do emails for the endorsement of our product within the baranangays as well as the firms or water providers. My team and I gathered to discuss the current insights from our custumers.We do formulate of how we should update our BMC from the last times results of interview. The last week BMC that has been updated and uploaded was received a feedback from our instructor.The feedback shows that their no interview goes on to our venture. The value proposition from our last week BMC was incorrect. So, my team and I gathered to discuss the following feedbacks. We evaluated the insights from our customers to our last week BMC. We found out there was an incorrect understanding within the customer's problem. We tend to focus on our product without even knowing the possible outcomes when the user use it. We even realized that there is an a lack of preparation in terms of interviewing due to be its our first time to encounter a professional interview. We found out that our value proposition was not fitted to our customer segment. My team and I discussed and changed the value proposition for specific customer. We changed the value proposition of the barangays as to lessen its outbreak towards water borne diseases involved when there is an outbreak occurs within their barangays. We changed also the value proposition for the engineering firms into easy operation for chlorination and possible refferals for new innovative system. Our team created a strategy to go further for our venture and able to gather more customers. We decide to conduct interview of some water providers that using hypochlorinator for their water treatment system. We do emails to endorse our product in Merwasco in Medina where lately outbreak happened. We also contact some of barangays officials and ask them to conduct an interview for our product. Since this week is effortful, the class was assigned to prepare the following for the incoming pitching.First, we prepare the informations to be gathered to be put in our pitching deck. We do th research for some informations about the statistics of water source of the Philippines as well as the current percentage of households that depends on the facilities and sanitation of water. We also put in our pitching deck the problem, solutions , target market size and our product. This whole week of prepation for the pitching was not really enough for us but for the sake of the compliance we accomplished the following contents so that we may able to present our product next week.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech101: Week 8 - Value Proposition
Value proposition is something real humans are supposed to understand. It’s for people to read.Value proposition needs to be in the part of the customer. It should join the conversation that is already going on in the customer’s mind.A key role for the value proposition is to set apart from the competition. A value proposition isn’t just the product or service agree to deliver to the customer it’s the ingredient of business that serves as an ideal and unique key towards success.Its the value that other competitors does'nt have.
The last week activity was the initial interview for our potential customers.We targeted the small barangays as our initial customers.We picked and put this target in our BMC because we have a lot vision of them thatthey will need this type of product or solution in terms of their water projects/systems.As we go on to our interview, we found out that there is an actual happenings involved in their water system. We visited the Barangay Iponan and Barangay Puntod for urban areas. The present problem in the barangay Iponan was the overchlorinated water system while on barangay Puntod was the unconstucted data when it comes to thier water projects such as the pipe leakings.Both barangays was not been experienced the outbreak from the water source. We introduced to them about our product including its works and process of the system. We also discussed to them the benefits of our product when it is implemented to their barangay.The both barangays gave their insights about the proposal.The barangay chairmans also told us that their were also a water reservoir that is not been used due to its not clean and mostly its untreated.The barangay chairmans wants us to overcome this kind of problem specially they want also to use the water reservoir which is needed when their is an emergency like lack of water to be drink.They wanted us to have a solution of it. The barangay also permitted us to conduct a house to house interview within their vicinity.After gathering the insights, we found that their many factors that involved within their water system.not only just the chlorination but also the unusage of some water reservoir.
This week was the value proposition week. Where we gathered a lot of learnings which we can really add to our product.This includes the following. First,the value that we will give to our customers when it comes to our product. Second, evaluating the customer’s persona.Third, the pains, gains and key features that we can offer to our customers basef on our product.It ables us to understand of how pain can be identified when it comes to customer’s experienced. It ables us to formulate a gain creations for the customer and the key features that we will give to our customers based on their needs when it comes to water projects.The pain we want to be vanished is the unbalanced system when it comes to chlorination for water sources.
After the lectures, my team and I discussed the following that we must include to our BMC. We discussed the pain relievers and gain creator with our product.The paon reliever we formulated was the easy usage of product because we innovate the product into automation so that better accuracy of chlorination within the water systems.The gain includes the chance and able to purchase by the barangay a cheap chlorinator. For the key features,we offer the automation and monitoring system so tht customers might able to know that the system is properly working.
The 8th week of technopreneurship was productive to our team. We able to have some two potential customers and able to visit their barangay. We able to interview and gather some insights that we might use for our venture. This week experience was tiring yet a priviledged.This week taught me of how good values created. A good product creates a good values towards customers. It gives customers satisfaction and helps their lives to be in ease.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101- Week 7: Approved
Approval is one of the half way success of each proposal. It gives the signal for the company or certain project for starting the venture. Approval seems to be hard because its must compose of special ways for being approved such as the review of problem , defining the problem clearly, the right solutions, and possible activities that should do for starting the venture. Approval is normally given or felt when someone has a positive opinion of something.The fluency of approval process plays a very important role in determining whether other related processes get delayed as well. Approvals for purchases are a very important part of getting the work done.Good ideas leads to good proposal. Good proposal leads to achievable approval. The last week struggles was been so unhappy for us. Our team decided to settle directly the issues behind it and compse an idea since we presented lately our thesis proposal.Our thesis proposal was been approved by our instructor which would be also our Technopreneurship venture. Were very not much likely happy since we have doubts because weve been challenging a venture that involves hardware. Our team can't decided it clearly but we have no choice to made. So, my team and I gathered to answer the following basic questions which could be possibly a help and guide us towards the approved proposal.We had hard time to formulate the answer since were facing a kind of problem that must be worked gradualy so that the venture might be successful. After answeing the basic questions, my team and I prepared the activity that was given to us which was the BMC. After the approval, my team and I created the updated BMC which tackles the " Automated Calibration for Hypochlorinator" .We updated the customer and company's side. For the customer, we put the small barangays and engineering firms as it is since as of now they are the only segments that we found out. We will channel it using the prototype presentation. We offered also the relationship value for customers such as the email for interview , dry run for the of testing the device and keeping them grow would be giving them discounts.For the value proposition , we put the cheap and user friendly device. For the company's side are the system design and activities for making the venture possible.Finally , we presented it to our instructor to finalize the proposal. Eventhough the approval of the proposal was doubtful to us, my team and I was able to comply everything that to be needed yet we had to faced the challenged given to us which is the interview at the barangays for the compliance of validation.So, we created a strategic ways to make this interview worked. First, we spotted some possible barangays in rural and urban parts which these MVP would be applicable to them. Second, we also maked some research about the case studies consist in that particular barangay so that we might able to address the need of the barangay in terms of water works and projects. Third, we created a formal letter for the interview for each barangays so that these barangays might able to know that we are conducting the interview. Lastly, the formulation of questions that we will use for the interview. We formulated the close- ended and some open-ended questions so that we can directly gather the data from them.We visited the first spot which is the barangay Puntod and we conduct interview from them. We gained some insights from them which could be a big help for us specially for our BMC. The seventh week of experience was an undecided week for our team. We need to push and put more efforts specially in our interviews so that we can have a succesful venture. This whole week experienced was able to gave me some motivations to pursue this venture eventhough were about to implement the hardest part of it. It teaches me another skills which is the strategic planning of everything specially for the interview matters.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101- Week 7: Approved
Approval is one of the half way success of each proposal. It gives the signal for the company or certain project for starting the venture. Approval seems to be hard because its must compose of special ways for being approved such as the review of problem , defining the problem clearly, the right solutions, and possible activities that should do for starting the venture. Approval is normally given or felt when someone has a positive opinion of something.The fluency of approval process plays a very important role in determining whether other related processes get delayed as well. Approvals for purchases are a very important part of getting the work done.Good ideas leads to good proposal. Good proposal leads to achievable approval. The last week struggles was been so unhappy for us. Our team decided to settle directly the issues behind it and compse an idea since we presented lately our thesis proposal.Our thesis proposal was been approved by our instructor which would be also our Technopreneurship venture. Were very not much likely happy since we have doubts because weve been challenging a venture that involves hardware. Our team can't decided it clearly but we have no choice to made. So, my team and I gathered to answer the following basic questions which could be possibly a help and guide us towards the approved proposal.We had hard time to formulate the answer since were facing a kind of problem that must be worked gradualy so that the venture might be successful. After answeing the basic questions, my team and I prepared the activity that was given to us which was the BMC. After the approval, my team and I created the updated BMC which tackles the " Automated Calibration for Hypochlorinator" .We updated the customer and company's side. For the customer, we put the small barangays and engineering firms as it is since as of now they are the only segments that we found out. We will channel it using the prototype presentation. We offered also the relationship value for customers such as the email for interview , dry run for the of testing the device and keeping them grow would be giving them discounts.For the value proposition , we put the cheap and user friendly device. For the company's side are the system design and activities for making the venture possible.Finally , we presented it to our instructor to finalize the proposal. Eventhough the approval of the proposal was doubtful to us, my team and I was able to comply everything that to be needed yet we had to faced the challenged given to us which is the interview at the barangays for the compliance of validation.So, we created a strategic ways to make this interview worked. First, we spotted some possible barangays in rural and urban parts which these MVP would be applicable to them. Second, we also maked some research about the case studies consist in that particular barangay so that we might able to address the need of the barangay in terms of water works and projects. Third, we created a formal letter for the interview for each barangays so that these barangays might able to know that we are conducting the interview. Lastly, the formulation of questions that we will use for the interview. We formulated the close- ended and some open-ended questions so that we can directly gather the data from them.We visited the first spot which is the barangay Puntod and we conduct interview from them. We gained some insights from them which could be a big help for us specially for our BMC. The seventh week of experience was an undecided week for our team. We need to push and put more efforts specially in our interviews so that we can have a succesful venture. This whole week experienced was able to gave me some motivations to pursue this venture eventhough were about to implement the hardest part of it. It teaches me another skills which is the strategic planning of everything specially for the interview matters.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101: Week 6- Business Model Canvass
Last week activities seems to be a hardest and very challenging for our team. Last week preparation was not ready enough since we must find and formulate another new idea, It seems to be hard since because our last proposal had been rejected due to unclarification of the problem of the freelancers.Our team got into shocked to what happened directly.After encountering this kind of challenge, my team and I gathered and formulated an another idea which was a big challenge for our team since we must patched up the activities that we have been left. This long week of preparation for our proposal was another challenge for us since this week activity must be able to showcase or present the Business Model Canvass of our proposal. This week activity taught us of how the BMC works and important when it comes Technopreneurship.The BMC taught us the following.First,the customer validation which involves the validation of the problem throughout customer experiences.Second, the customer discovery which it tells the technopreneur about the marketing matters since the problem needs to have a perfect solution.Lastly, the format of making the BMC needs to be understandable , brief and presentable. These involves the key activities, partners, resources,cost for the company aspects while for the customers side are the relationship, segment,channels and the revenue of the product.After the discussion, each team was given a task about the making of initial BMC but our team struggled to have a decision since our proposal was lately been rejected. Since we've been rejected, my team and I tried to consult to our instructor about for the new formulated idea. Unfortunately, we've been rejected again. We've losing hope but our instructor ask our team about what would be our thesis proposal. So we presented our thesis proposal and explained everything. We included the process which our thesis proposal involves software and hardware aspects. After presenting, our team's proposal was criticized about the target market of our proposal.We answered the BMC with the new idea which is our thesis proposal. We based our answers through the learnings and examples given by the instructor. Our team decided to consult for conforming the proposal. The consultation shows that the proposal must have to be validated. The validation of customer is very important since it determines the best solutions to implement in this kind of problem. After the initial BMC, the class was assigned to update each BMC and must able to present it next meeting. So, my team and I gathered and answered the following questions in BMC and update the other categories in our BMC. Our team was able to present an updated version of our BMC. The critization starts at the target market and validation of the problem specially to the barangays.We must also tap some engineering firms and discuss to them about this kind of implementation. The 6th week of technopreneurship was unstoppable since we must able to present directly the proposal so that we can start doing our BMC. The biggest challenge in our team was the interview for engineering firms and barangays which would take more time for implementation.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101- Week 5: M.V.P
An MVP is an iteration process where there is repeatition of each process and find out the possible solution to the problem.Identify your riskiest assumption, find the smallest possible experiment to test that assumption, and use the results of the experiment.Building a product could be possibly make many assumptions.Assumptions of what users are looking for, how the design should work, what marketing strategy to use, what architecture will work most efficiently, which monetization strategy will make it sustainable, and which laws and regulations you have to comply with.
After the long week of process for initial proposal, my team and I learned the new aspect of tecnopreneurship which is the M.V.P. It truly relates us students of how this certain aspect really help the technopreneur specially in making their products and services as well as the creation of ideas. We gathered a lot of learnings about M.V.P specially how should M.V.P plays in technopreneurship. It teaches us the techniques of technopreneurship of how they really be succesful since we’ve encountered a lot of many case studies in our lecture.The case studies we’ve encountered really inspire us since it gives breif description and succesful process or stories of technopreneur.The hypothesis of the problem really helps the problem to be valid in making of solutions.The validation of problem really gives a big help towards the tecnopreneurship. Since it comprises of how the technopreneur can attack the problem and formulate some ideas to find solutions to the problem.
As part of the requirement of being a technopreneur, I attended the lecture series that compose of the team formation and team dynamics which is handled by the guest speaker “ Streetby”. The speaker gave insights of how Streetby actually grows and the history of streetby specially in building their team.He presented the vision/mission of their company as well as the current staffs of streetby together with thier designations. He gave also the tag line of their company which is the “ convenience and innovation as well as provide cheapest cost for small business”. He presented also the core values that their company possess.These core values really helps the company since it helps the team to be in lined with the vision/mission of the company which results to well communication of the company.He gave also some ideas of how would be the team formed such as the composed of visionary, product, operation, finance , marketing and accounting together with their designated skills such as builders , designer , CTO, and support so that the company will function successfully. He gave also insights about team dynamics which is team dynamics should have the ideation,formation that focuses on share values as well as the idea must also in lined with the vision. Also, taking risk and have an integrity towards the product.Most importantly, the prayer and faith on the product that have been worked so many weeks.I learned a lot about the lecture series since it gaves inspirations of how would be technopreneurship is wonderful and inspire many business beyond its succesful journey.
My team and I discussed about the new idea to be presented for the next proposal. My team and I together with their knowledge that we gained after the lectures, we formulated the idea with some validations such as the real existing scenario of the problem and the formulation of hypothesis for the support of problem’s validation. My team and I encountered a lot of problems when formulating the ideas since it must include the new aspects such as the MVP, team formation and team dynamics.
After the long week process of lecture, it realizes me that these aspects helps greatly technopreneurs in validating itself in support for the strong firm of the problem as well as the fast formulation of solutions to the problem. MVP , team formation and team dynamics must be included all the way success of being a technopreneur.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101- Week 4: Initial Proposal
Initial proposal is part of being a tecnopreneur. Proposals are need to be polished as you go on to your venture. Proposals includes the goals and objectives, recommended solutions, estimated project schedule, steps and terms and conditions. Initial proposal helps also the students to be practiced in the business world. Throughout this week of initial proposal for technopreneurship, my team and I prepared the initial idea/proposal which answering the basic questions. This basic questions strongly helps us to evaluate our initial proposal and validate the possible outcomes of the initial proposal. My team and I presented the initial proposal as it is the requirement for this week activity. My team and I picked the best idea we formulated last week and that is " Online transaction for Electronic Gadgets". We presented of what problem do exist in online transaction for E-gadgets and we presented also the answers to solutions and benefits as well.Second, the affected area of study such as social media. Third , the mindset of users should be change about this idea and adapt it such as the rampant usage of social media as their medium for transactions.Lastly, the competitors behind this idea that actively existing nowadays. After the presentation, our team's proposal was criticized by our instructor and gave some points that would greatly enlighten us about how to attack this kind of problem/idea. Our proposal was criticized by the following issue. First, the existence of active applications/websites such as CAROUSELL and OLX.PH. It tend to realized us on how to competitively participate with them in this kind of stabilize platform for E- commerce. The existence of this competitors was greatly a big challenge for our team because we don't have a idea on how to compete with them. Second, the trust issue must be plotted clearly.My team and I answered this by implementing security measures such as presenting a barangay certificate or business permit for the seller before using the application. The seller should honestly do in posting items but our proposal got into problems because we found out that carousell did more securities to their application and they have also an option for the buyer such as "report this listing".Lastly, the uniqueness of our proposal which need to be seek and do some research. All the critics we encountered in our team was able to help us to discuss furthermore our initial proposal. So, my team and I gathered together with each task such as research about the competitor's history, marketing and process of their platform. We discussed about the diffirences of carousell and olx.ph especially to their process of transactions. We highlightened also the security procedures of each competitors and how they validate their customers. We also gave some insights of each competitors especially to their special features they offered to their costumers. After the discussion, my team and I constructed the differentiators of each competitor but unfortunately our team was not able to pin point or look into something useful points where in we can use this points for making us able to compete and participate to our competitors. Initial proposal was a very exciting and hardest week for our team. It is excitement because it was our first time to present a new kind of presentation which involve the marketing matters. It is hardest week because our team was not able to defend and verified the critics we encountered. So, my team and I planned to make another proposal which would help us to have this kind of experienced and use this as our reference for the next proposal.Its not easy to be fail but failing makes your ideas be systematically furnish and structured and could be possibly be a productive idea in the next future.
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech 101- Week 3: Oppurtunity Recognition
Every good ideas seeks a good oppurtunities.Good ideas comes from creative formulation.This creativity includes the pursuit of ideas and the innovation process. Creative thinking and systematic analysis measure success. This oppurtunities are created to fill the needs and wants of the consumers as well as the global economic crisis. Oppurtunities in a single idea hits a big impact towards the innovation. The way that this oppurtunities helps individulas realizes on how world plays on the new trends.
After the long week of process of ideation, my team and I gathered and discussed the last week’s three formulated ideas. Each of us marked and criticized each problem and noted them as well as we were obliged to document each progress of it. Recalling the basic questions helps my team to able to understand this each problem’s involvement to the community and how it has an impact to the world.Our team found out that this three formulated problems have a long process of implementing a solutions due to some implications such as environmental availability and social crisis. Although this problems have big implications, my team and I tried to analyze and formulate again the archives that have been noted lately.
Through the third week of knowledge about technopreneurship, the oppurtunity recognition helps my team to be able to open up again our goals.My team and I decided the finalization for the presentation of the proposal.My team and I gathered and decided to which problem should we pursuit as we were implementing our technopreneurship.Unfortunately, our team found out that this three problems were made very hard enough for us for the implementation.We were obliged to create a single or one idea for the proposal’s presentation.So , my team and I formulated again and come up with a new idea with the help of oppurtunity recognition.Our team formulated an idea about the market of gadgets which involves the buying and selling system. By this , my team and I started to have a random interview of people and asked them about this kind of market.Three of customers said that they don’t actually familiarize or used this kind of market. Out of eight customers, five of them said that this kind of market is really exist and gladly using this kind of market . As we go further to our interview, we tend to asked to the customers of what do they usually realized when using this kind of market especially using the social media / online websites. We noted also the comments of the customers especially of the negative side of the idea.Through interview, our team found out that the oppurtunity behind of this problem would probably helps to formulate an efficient way for the process as we go through to our implemention.We found out the oppurtunities would be the following. First, the usage of social media nowadays is very rampant. Usually customers says that they used social media as their channels/medium for the transactions of buying and selling process. Second, the available websites or applications that present nowadays are very convenient to use when it comes to finding products and has an easy transactions. Lastly, the experienced of the customers when it comes of using this available kinds of channels/mediums.
Oppurtunity recognition stage was a creative week for us students because it greatly realizing us to observe the environment especially to the community that there is a certain oppurtunity available for the certain idea. It ables us to create a creative way of finalization of decisions when it comes to proposals. It open chances to us experienced the social aspects because the best ideas comes from customer or users and would make this idea had a best chance of selling.
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