carlydiamante · 6 years
 Hours: 12pm-9pm [9hrs]
 Today is the day when The Divine Joke opens. All the works have been put up the other day and it looked great. Everyone has mentioned that this show was the most colorful they’ve ever had to date. It was a hectic day because only three of us had to do so much. Elizabeth I did word placements on the wall, we constantly updated the RSVP list, and I made a run out to Chelsea and west village to pick up materials and press releases. As the show neared, Kristen(gallery assistant) and I rested and prepared for incoming guests. Through out the night, while Elizabeth and Anita mingled and spoke to other guests, we had to maintain that everything is in order, no one entered private sections and that the gallery cleanliness is maintained, as well has make ourselves available to anyone with questions. I was able to meet and speak to two artists, a Polish one who invited a few people to tour his studio in Brooklyn, and a South-Korean artist who shared her history with me as well as her upcoming grant. I also built up enough courage to speak to the curator himself, Barry Schwabsky. A bit awkard but asked how the text and title related to the artists he choose. It was brief but a nice moment.The night ended in success.
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carlydiamante · 6 years
4/23 Hours: 10am-6pm [8hrs]
4/23: I was the only person at the gallery so awhile today. Elizabeth scheduled to come by in the afternoon so we may begin deinstalling the current and begin unpacking work for the next one. I spent some time putting together a list of all the artwork being displayed for the upcoming show. We also received the last of artwork from one of the artists. This show’s artworks are large in scale almost all of them shipped in crates. Elizabeth came by and we began taking down the Virva’s show. While unpacking new work, it was also out first time seeing them in person. They were not what I expected but looked amazing non the less. unpacking took some time because we had to drill the crates and handle the works with high care. We did not have to up any work up today because it would be more then a 2 person job and the curator himself would have to be present. once we unpacked everything, Elizabeth left and I was tasked with putting together a little cheat sheet so Anita can have important facts about each artists before meeting them.
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carlydiamante · 6 years
4/16 - 4/19
4/16 Hours: 10am-6pm [7hrs]
4/19 Hours: 11am-6pm [6hrs]
4/16: ______
4/19: Today was a good day of training. I was taught hot to use ArtNet more and played around in MailChimp, a mass email program. It was great to learn these as I have realized being comfortable with MailChimp is a must in a majority of ob searches I came across. I put together a mock email invite as if sending it out to recipients about our show opening day. As most paperwork for the upcoming show has been completed, I was sent to the drawing center to see if they displays out show crds as well as getting some fre time. I went a took a look around and it was good to see some art that was not within the gallery. 
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carlydiamante · 6 years
4/9 - 4/12
4/9 Hours: 10am-6pm [7hrs/-lunch]
4/12 Hours: 11am-6pm [6hrs]
4/9: today was a slow day. I spent most of my day updating essays and articles written about Francesco Polenghi, one of the exhibiting artists in the group show. While familiarizing myself with each artists and their backgrounds.
4/12: After discussing with Elizabeth, I began more in depth training in art market programs and have been tasked to editing and adding a few things onto the gallery website. Throughout the day, I researched and listed LA based art galleries whom do not have affiliations or gallery locations in New York, so the gallery owner herself can expand her connections. One flaw in my research is that I had to look for galleries with similar style/taste and shows as the Anita herself. LA is a very progressive city so a majority of the galleries and artist represents are pop and installation art, styles that Anita will not accept. I managed to make a decent list of galleries which show abstarct work and pinpoint a few artists so the gallery isn’t overlooked. 
hour 1/25-4/12: 115
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carlydiamante · 6 years
3/26 - 4/4
3/26 Hours: 10am-6pm [8 hrs]
4/4 Hours: worked from home. half day hours [5 hours]
3/26: Today it was just me in the gallery and a few girls from the other company working in the back. Elizabeth does not come in on Mondays and Kristen had a different schedule this week. I was very nervous because I also had to close shop and lock up. Through out the day, I was tasked with updating and creating files on one particular artist for our upcoming group show. Because he is older and Italian, I had to do deep extensive research on him, for he did not have a proper CV and it was tough finding articles about him. I did very well on my own and did the best I could. Between the researching, I continued to familiarize myself with GalleryManager. I’m starting to get the hang of it and even updated some information on our inventory. Closing the gallery was easier then I thought although locking the door was a little difficult. But i was very comfortable with myself today and if I had nothing to do, I searched around what needed to be updated and organized. 
4/4: Today was a simple day working from home. I continued research on an artist and research for inexpensive hotels close to the gallery for the traveling artists. 
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carlydiamante · 7 years
3/19 - 3/21
3/19Hours: 10am-6pm [7hrs/-lunch]
3/21 Hours: worked from home. half day hours [5 hrs]
3/19: Today I met the new gallery assistant, Kristen, a recent Cornell graduate. I Finished and went over all the CVs and press articles I put together as well as finish one of the contact lists I’ve been working on. Kristen was tasked with s ew things so i decided to help. The owner, Anita, wants to sell prints of her father’s work, so I researched and compiled a list of legitimate online companies that would sell as well as printing services to print the work. I finished everything by 3pm. I spent the rest of my time brainstorming other events we could host because Anita saw how successful the Women in Arts event went and wants to do more. Getting the obvious topic out of the way like artist talks and success in the art world, it was challenging to think of something outside of the box that has not been discussed already. My supervisor was thinking about a “young collectors night”, inviting young professionals to talk about how to start collecting and such. To gain insight and ideas, I researched young collectors and their role in the art world. Again, I have learned something new about the art world and importance of collectors, considering my thoughts about them.
3/21: Due to the weather, the gallery closed early so I worked from home. I did some extensive research on an artist who is a potential to be our next exhibition. It was difficult to find information on him, but i did the best I could. I continued to brainstorm some event ideas and typed up yet another CV.
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carlydiamante · 7 years
3/15(thurs) Hours: 11am-6pm [6hrs/-lunch]
3/15: Elizabeth praised my assistance during the event on Monday, making me feel very accomplished. The gallery assistant, Rachelle, is no longer works with us so I will be working with a new one the next time I am in. Throughout the day, I edited and continued with work Rachelle left off. I formatted a new CV another artist sent and continued putting together press articles for another. Between doing those, I have been going through different art news sites to keep with with contemporary art and what is going on in the now.
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carlydiamante · 7 years
hours: 4pm-9pm [5 hrs]
Today is the A Conversation about Women & Art World event, The panelists included the gallery’s owner, Anita Rogers, Lisa Small (Brooklyn museum curator of European Art), Danika Druttman (creative director at the Roger Smith Hotel). We started by setting up the gallery space and in between, I struck up a conversation with the owner and director from Women of Culture, the organization we collaborated this event with. She was very nice and talked about the organizations aim as well as some personal details about herself. As guests began to flood in. I made sure everyone was well-entertained, had an information sheet, found a seat. As the talk began, I was tasked with taking photos and videos for social media. As the event went on, I was very fortunate to hear about how each panelist’s beginnings. Lisa Small, the curator, talk bout how she started in retail then slowly emerged in the art world as an intern, then assistant, then saw the curator position at the Brooklyn Museum and gave it a shot. She was very inspiring, and has curated successful exhibitions before working in the European art department.
As the event came to an end, the gallery assistant and I handed out goodie bags for the guests. I converse with the two owners of the artisanal chocolate brand that we added in the goodie bags, they were very nice and gave me their card for future events and such. What really made my night was meeting a young woman who was around the same age-range as me. She was interested in my story and my role as gallery intern because she works for ArtTable, and organization for women in visual arts. She had the same story as Small and recently graduated with an MA in museum studies. I mention I am at St John’s University and she too went there for her BA and MA. We spoke more freely and knew the same professors. In the end we exchanged contact information, I hope to speak to her sometime in the future soon.
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carlydiamante · 7 years
3/5 - 3/8
3/5 Hours: 10am-6pm [7hrs/-lunch]
3/8 Hours: 11am-6pm [6hrs/-lunch]
monday (5th): Today was more of a free flowing day, I finished and edited my contact lists and press pages. Throughout the day, I researched multiple art news sites to read up on current events in the art world today and read about fairs and shows going on.
thursday (8th): Today I was focusing on preparing for the women of culture event on the 12th. Due to some mishaps, I had to find a reputable company to rent chairs from under a budget, It was not easy because a majority of companies within NYC required $400 max. I spent the rest of the day coming up with a social media strategy and continued to educate myself in today’s art world.
Total Hours 1/25 - 3/8: 66 Hours
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carlydiamante · 7 years
hours: 11am-6pm[6hrs/-lunch]
Today Elizabeth and I discussed an event the gallery will be hosting. The event, “A Conversation about Women and the Art World” is presented with Woman of Culture Emerging Leaders New York Arts (ELNYA). It is to be held on Monday, March 12th. I talked it up on social media, researched the guests who will be attending and even suggested a curator from the MoMa and shared her contact information because she spoke in my class once before. I kept working on my Connecticut contact list and press pages.
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carlydiamante · 7 years
2/19 & 2/20
2/19 Hours: 10am-6pm [7 hrs/-lunch]
2/20 Hours: 11am-4pm [5hrs]
monday (19th): Today was a very busy day. Artist, Virva Hinnemo and her husband came to the gallery to set up for her exhibition which opens the upcoming wednesday. Once I arrived to work, my supervisor, Elizabeth had me go to staples to pick up prints about the show for the opening. After that, we packed up artwork from the previous show, upload and gather information about the art work to galleryManager such as information about each piece and the price point. I made a few runs to stores to pick up any tools the artist needed as well as go over and add guests to the RSVP list. Through out the day, I posted about the setup over social media to build up hype and attention for the show.
tuesday (20th): today was a short but busy day. We put together final prices and lists about the show, Anita was in the gallery today and went with Elizabeth to a lunch meeting with an artist under our gallery. While they were gone, I continued to work on putting together press pages about the artists I researched about.
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carlydiamante · 7 years
2/12 - 2/15
h2/12 Hours: 10am-6pm [7 hrs/-lunch]
2/15 Hours: worked from home. half day hours [5 hrs]
On monday the 12th, I spent most of my day continuing research on the artists for our future show which will be curated by Barry Schwabsky, a well known figure in the art world, an art critic, historian, writer, and poet. I also continued researching contact information of Conneticut based companies. It can be difficult because I must try my best to find a valid email address of someone with a high position in the company, like the CEO, CFO, president, board member, etc.
the following thursday, my supervisor said the gallery will be closed early so I can work from home. I edited some contacts from the Texas list when some emails bounced. Most of my time spent was researching Barry Schwabsky to prepare for his feature show. I gathered any information on the books and artists he has written or written about, as well get some idea about the art that appeals to him.
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carlydiamante · 7 years
2/5 - 2/8
2/5 Hours: 10am-6pm [7 hours/-lunch]
2/8 Hours: 11am-6pm [6hours/-lunch]
On mondays, instead of my supervisor, the gallery assistant is in. This is my first time meeting her. We went over some points regarding the gallery’s social media as both of us are in charge of posting and bring attention to the gallery. Over the weekend, my supervisor emailed me with a few tasks. I finished my Text contact list and began a new one, companies based in Connecticut. I worked on that during my first two/three hours through extensive research. After my lunch break, I started researching as many articles/reviews of four semi well known artists for on of our future shows opening April 25th. I put together a word document of links to articles and anything press related to each artist.
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carlydiamante · 7 years
hours: 11am-6pm[6 hours/-lunch]
As I slowly settled into my internship, I did not do much today except spend a maturity of my time putting together a list of contacts of companies based in Texas. This is to bring attention to the gallery as well as sell artwork to large corporations, especially real estate companies. Between the time I spent on the contact list, I was asked to look over gallery photos and post up art work photos onto galleryManager, a management and database software for the art world, We are even able to control our gallery website through galleryManager.
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carlydiamante · 7 years
hours: 11am-3pm [4 hours]
It is my first legitimate day. it was short but I felt comfortable right away after volunteering during December. Today I went over first day procedures, went over the employee handbook and my supervisor, Elizabeth went over tasks and the social media that I will soon take over.
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