carlylovescats · 4 years
Too nervous to talk to customers.
He gets sent to the back.
Too sweet to hurt anyone’s feelings.
He’d do anything for anyone.
He sings the best version of “Blank Space”
I’ve ever heard.
With the stature of a brick wall,
He’s always in the way.
He’s the best dishwasher around.
Even though he sprays.
He’s always hungry.
He eats all the mistakes.
When he makes milkshakes,
He always makes a mess.
But that’s just Justin, my lifelong friend.
Too nervous to talk to the scary people that come into the restaurant to order ice cream
He gets sent to the hiding place
Too caring to hurt anyone’s feelings.
He’d jump in front of a car for anyone.
He sings the best version of “Blank Space”
I’ve ever heard.
With the inability to move out of anyone’s way and being large
He’s always in the way.
He’s the best dishwasher in the restaurant
Even though he sprays water on me because he’s not paying attention
He’s always hungry.
He eats all the sundaes we accidentally put peanuts on because the customer has a nut allergy
When he makes milkshakes,
He always literally sprays ice cream all over the counter and walls
But that’s just Justin, my lifelong friend.
This was really hard for me because I don’t like to describe specifics in my writing, I like to leave things up for interpretation. I found myself just clarifying what I meant and adding in more details.
Try this 4.7
Too nervous to talk to customers.
He gets sent to the back.
Too sweet to hurt anyone’s feelings.
He’d do anything for anyone.
He sings the best version of “Blank Space”
I’ve ever heard.
With the stature of a brick wall,
He’s always in the way.
He’s the best dishwasher around.
Even though he sprays.
He’s always hungry.
He eats all the mistakes.
When he makes milkshakes,
He always makes a mess.
But that’s just Justin, my lifelong friend.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Overwhelming stress envelops me.
My insides are tight
My throat can’t swallow
My mind won’t stop
Everything overwhelms me
I’m overwhelmed
I try to think rationally
But I just avoid
Avoid doing anything to prevent it
It just comes
Comes in waves
That envelop me
I find other ways to feel productive
Clean room, laundry done, dishes washed
But nope my paper’s still not done.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
So I decided to look up and see what kind of nose I actually have. Turns out I have an aquiline nose or a hook nose. It comes from lots of different backgrounds. It used to be associated with intelligence, status, and personality. So that’s pretty cool. My nose doesn’t look exactly like that picture btw, but it looks like the more modern examples of a hook nose. I could use this to give more history and context about the type of nose I’m talking about.
Try this 3.9
The center of my face. The big thing in the middle.
Passed down for generations.
I’ve tried to find appreciation, but I’m not quite there.
I hate my profile, don’t look at me from my side.
If only I got my dad’s nose.
Would that really make me feel better?
Why can’t I be grateful?
My nose is just so big.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Try this 7.3
Hello, I’d like to place a complaint about my cat. You see he is too cuddly and I never get anything done. I can’t help but stare at him all day while I’m supposed to be on Zoom. This wouldn’t be too much of a problem if he would just wait to cuddle when I’m not busy. So I was wondering if you could please ask him to schedule his snuggle times. Yes mhm. Thank you.
Try this 10.3
My cat Nugget
The cutest little guy
Always looking to play
He’ll bite me all day
He loves to snuggle
But only on his terms
Ears like a satellite
You can never sneak by
He loves snacks
Meows until he’s fed
He loves being outside
He always comes when he’s called
And loves to play with his ball
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Trade or Dare
@blog-bwhitt-posts Dared me to write an inner monologue of a dog who thinks he’s a cat that is surrounded by cats lol, so here it is. 
“Come on guys!” “Let’s play!” “Wait, where are you going?” “Oh well” “What are we doing now?” *The cats all jump up on the table* “ What the heck guys?!? You know I can’t jump that high.” “Oh! The human’s giving us food!” “yayayayayayayay” “I want the little, tuna flavored food, Human.” “Come onnn, I don’t even like steak flavor.” “Wait, you guys only took like three bites.” “Ok, whatever, now what?” “Ya’ll really just gonna sit around and lick yourselves?” “I’m bored, let’s play now?” “Ugh, okaaayy, I guess it’s nap time” “Heh heh heh, perfect time to sniff your butts!”
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carlylovescats · 4 years
My insides are tight
My throat can’t swallow
My mind won’t stop
Everything overwhelms me
I’m overwhelmed
I try to think rationally
But I just avoid
Avoid doing anything to prevent it
It just comes
Comes in waves
That envelop me
I find other ways to feel productive
Clean room, laundry done, dishes washed
But nope my paper’s still not done.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
This is a tiktok I found that has a girl reading a poem. She uses amazing imagery. It rhymes and she’s almost singing it. It’s a beautiful poem that talks about not being the “perfect girl” and not being a “main character”. I also enjoy how she plays her guitar in the background.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Micro Manifesto
I really enjoy the cross-genre writing. I like to write short poems that are more of a story. I really like the poem my Harjo that is provided, and I want my writing to have that aspect where you don’t fully understand it. It leaves the intrpretation up to the reader and I want my writing to have that aspect, as it makes it more relatable to any reader.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
This flash fiction is about a student emailing a teacher about his own mother passing, on the anniversary of the teacher’s mother’s death. The teacher instinctually replies and extends deadlines, but the teacher can’t focus on the real world because he/she is grieving her own mother. It gives a flashback to that morning that describes the setting, which gives us the insight to know the teacher is grieving. 
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Try Shovel
I can’t say it
It will hear
Hear my heartbeat
Beat on the door
Door can’t hold
Hold onto secrets
Secrets never told
Told me to go
Go where?
Where ever you can
Can not be yourself here
Here, you must not stay.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Try this 10.20
Summer, summer
It is so hot
When I see the temp
The sweat starts gathering
While mosquitoes bite
And here is my shorts
Which keep riding up
The air is so thick
My hair is being a dick
And it feels so good
To jump in a pool
Poem #1
Fall, Fall
It is so beautiful
When I hear its call
The leaves look changing
while the grass is gone
and here is my life
which keeps bearing on
The sound is so nice
it comes at no price
And it feels so smooth
which puts me in a groove
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Try this 10.3
My cat Nugget
The cutest little guy
Always looking to play
He’ll bite me all day
He loves to snuggle
But only on his terms
Ears like a satellite
You can never sneak by
He loves snacks
Meows until he’s fed
He loves being outside
He always comes when he’s called
And loves to play with his ball
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Well, I want to write something about losing my cat in August. I’m not sure how to do it. I want it to be really special. When he first ran away I wrote him a letter. So to start this writing I decided to go read it. BIG MISTAKE. Now I’m crying, and I’m gonna have to wait to do this. Here’s a picture of my baby to give you something to look at lol.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
Try this 8.3
When I was in like 3rd grade I think, I told my mom I wanted to cut my hair short. I didn’t like my long hair. I hated brushing it, washing it, and never did anything with it. So I cut my hair short, and I still didn’t do anything with it. It still looked bad. Lol
My mom has beautiful curly hair, but she hates it. I did not get her curly locks, but sometimes when it’s humid my hair will curl. She LOVES when my hair curls on those days. If only she would appreciate those curls on her own head, but she straightens it everyday.
My hair right now is long, and I’ve never dyed it. I started growing it out in middle school when everyone else had long hair, and I started wanting to be like my friends. Now, my hair is my security blanket, I still don’t like taking care of it.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
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A family flight a battle with nature in trying to maintain their birdhouse.
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carlylovescats · 4 years
A pretty girl who has been warned about the dangers of the male race, decides to go rogue. 
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carlylovescats · 4 years
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Dear Nolan,
Mom left again.
I’m fine. Dad’s not. He’s up all night and won’t say anything. I wish you would come visit. I miss you, we all miss you.
No one knows where she went this time. Rumors are spreading about her going down to Texas to be with Uncle Dave. But we both know she would never do that. We both know exactly where she’s at.
Please get back to me, Love you!
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