Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection
Key concepts: Perfectionism and Thinking ideas up vs. Getting ideas down.
So this week was about listening, letting creativity flow through me. Looking for silence, inner connection. I didn’t do the task about going to a sacred place, a church, an old bookstore, nature etc. although I’ve been really wanting to since Week 2.
I really liked the tasks of this week. It was about gentle self-care. Like drawing the sentence : Treating myself as a precious object will make me stronger. I tried to be gentle and kind with myself. This had different manifestations but they were somehow connected to me detaching from my date who I was seeing for 3,5 weeks and who now continued his Europe trip. 
Self-care was partly my involvement in starting up different projects for the Danish Burning Man, the Borderland. Organizing working groups, brainstorming with friends. Switching focus, feeling the support and the love of this community. Cocreating.
Partly by being more engaged in aerial silks. I’m falling in love again with this discipline. I can’t bear the fact that I’m so limited in practicing it once i’m back in Copenhagen. :’( The two days after my date left were sort of blue but aerial silks got me out of this feeling and made me feel great. I was also braver, sort of felt: I don’t care how much this trick hurts, it can’t hurt that much like my mourning. Interesting approach, good to know it for the future.:)
Partly by letting myself be in this small mourning process. When we said bye and he left the apartment, I sat there in the darkness on my yoga mat, looking out through the balcony window, inhaling a mixture of coffee and cinnamon, meditating, embracing all that came. It was beautiful and peaceful, really nurturing. My original plan was to go out in order to distract myself but I really didn’t need that, I was actually very fine where I was, especially because I didn’t sleep at home the two previous nights.
Partly by cultivating my interest in art and self-exploration: I bought 3 tickets to 3 dance performances, started to look up what’s happening in the art scene in Budapest. I went to an alternative festival in this community place called Aurora for feminist fitness and a workshop working with the 4 elements and with receiving. I discovered Aurora through a friend who brought me there on Tuesday. It seems like it’s opening new gates for me as an instructor and a performer. I’ve been having bad consciousness for not exploring enough the art scene during this visit and just feeling too comfortable at home in general. I wonder what’s the reason for this change of focus and energy? Is it the appearance of the Sun and warmth? Is it the fact that my Mom arrived back from her trip in Spain and home has been redefined? Because my date is gone? Is staying home really a block or is doing too much the real (disguised) block? 
Morning Pages: Yes, they are indeed great, making me deal with all the mess and fear I can have. Looking for solutions, taking my life in my own hands. Having a better overview. It is actually my sober,rational voice in a way.:)
My Artist Date: It was not necessarily planned as such but I read Antonius and Cleopatra by Shakespeare and it was really inspiring for the novel I’m working on. I started to read it in the bath tube which was also really nice. I can also mention the other book I read Saturday night: The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. A wonderful book. I was chatting with a French burner, she mentioned it because she is thinking about performing it on the Borderland. Now I’m also considering joining her although I don’t want to be too scattered like last year. But it’s tempting. Especially because I’ve been thinking about exploring acting more (synchronicity :) ).
Other synchronicities: So my period didn’t stop completely and that annoyed me and created some worrying in me since I’m having this romantic trip in the beginning of March (that’s another person than the one I’ve been writing about). And I was worrying about his reaction and just the confrontation itself. Now it’s gone but that was also a way to practice listening: What is this telling you? What can you learn from it?
On Sunday I was still lacking this task (actually 3, all connected) where I had to make a collage. It sounded like great fun but I just didn’t have any magazines to work with. But then they had it on this festival (C.U.R.E.). So after the workshop I had almost 2 hours before leaving to a dance performance, so i sat in this lovely cafe, did my collage while they played some cool music. It was a delightful experience. Through the collage I could find this is my past that I could look at with love and peace. Random lovelinesses. 
Interestingly enough, last Sunday night (Week 6), so before the Week even started and I even knew the theme, I had this semi-tripping experience, laying next to my date in the night, being half-awake. Images just came to me so clearly, so tangibly. I had to wake up to write them down but this whole experience was so surrealistic, almost out-of-the body experience. My mind was a bit altered but just with something casual. And then a similar (yet less sensory) experienced occurred to me on Wednesday, again laying next to my date but in the afternoon (this time completely sober). So I gathered all these images and wrote a poem I am quite proud about. It’s wonderful to experience creativity flowing through and me being the vessel.
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Week Six: Recovering a Sense of Abundance
Key concepts: Money, Luxury, Counting and God's Will
“I’m prosperous/I have it all right here” (Erin Stutland: Shrink Sessions)
I really liked the theme of this week, not so much the exercises, many seemed quite empty except for the reflective ones. I felt more tired this week so i couldn’t pull myself together to collect flowers and stones that i would have to deal with when travelling so i skipped those exercises although we are advised to especially do those exercises we have a resistance towards (like these above-mentioned ones that seemed pointless and boring). Mentioning tiredness, i had my period last week which is an interesting synchronicity for the week’s theme. Also, just before the week started, my bank card arrived (the replacement for the stolen one). And my mom told me that she got some new job offers (she does commercials as a director assistant) so she can pay for my trip to Spain. I visited a friend of mine in Bosnia and we did an affirmation-based workout by Erin Stutland together and the program she randomly chose was exactly about abundance!  She gave me access to these workouts you normally have to pay for so that is also in a way experiencing prosperity. And this special form of training is super worthy to study for my career plans!
But what does abundance mean to me? What gives me the sense of luxury? Here I found the Erin Stutland quote quite precise: Abundance is a matter of mindset. Her affirmation also says: “I choose faith over fear” (and then the quote above. Now this is something you shout while you are working out and it has to be simple enough to get stuck in the mind). I’ve been more optimist regarding my economic situation since last year. I didn’t have a place to stay for 5 months so I moved around but I also got to experience how much I can rely on others. The Burning Man community has definitely shown me to fear the future less. Yo have more of an abundance mindset (faith) than scarcity (fear) mindset. And I really like the exercise about writing my spending down. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while but never did. It just creates a much more realistic picture about my economic needs and preferences (also about useless spending). During the training, Erin also draws the attention on the physical aspect of abundance: believing in our perseverance and strength even when we want to give up our training. I’ve experienced so many times that my mind is more limited than my body/actual skills.
This abundance mindset actually helped me in my love life as well (big big thank you to the Morning Pages I write everyday): The guy I was seeing was supposed to travel further by the end of the week while I was in Bosnia. so on our date on Wednesday we decided to do a proper farewell on Friday. On Thursday I had mainly alone time at home and I was able to listen to my actual needs. And so dreadful as it seemed to act upon them, I did: I told the guy that I felt that our encounter was rounded off on Wednesday and I preferred not to see him before I travelled even though I was worried about regretting it a few days after. This sort of behaviour happens only very rarely. I am normally holding strongly onto people until the last minute, which actually comes from this scarcity mindset of not being able to repeat this closeness again and not ever finding anyone else. Which is seriously pathetic in the light of how often I get attracted and how luckily I often succeed in getting this feeling reciprocated. Anyways, i ended up going to Bosnia already on Friday and he meanwhile decided to stay for almost a week more so I slept at his place Sunday night when I arrived back. Abundance, huh? :D
The sense of luxury for me is actually strongly connected to timelessness and vacation/lack of duties. Yet I often constrain myself and handle time in a very measured way even when I have the freedom to use my time as I want to. This week I experienced time abundance on several occasions: I started my week having my date sleeping over and we stayed in bed till 12 pm next morning, having long talks and cuddling. Then we went for a walk since the weather was nice, had a long conversation about an activist we bombed into in the park then set in a cafe for some time with more conversation until I left to aerial yoga. I also had this feeling of luxury at my friend’s place in Bosnia: She lives in a small town so there was not much to see, we just had a little walk, set in a cafe etc. In the morning we did the Erin workout and she made me an amazing vegetable smoothie. Simplicity. My train ride itself gave me also a sense of time abundance: it was 8,5-9 h/ way but I had a great creative flow, writing a rap song + working on the melody, started working on my comics (Artist Date), sort of finished my new dj set. It was great! 
Now that I mentioned food, quality food definitely gives me a sense of luxury. For the cooking homework, I bought poppy seed flour (I can’t eat gluten) and it was fun to experiment with it although i generally don’t have the patience to spend much time on preparing my food.
Through the MPs and this theme I’m becoming more and more clear about that I need a bigger, nicer apartment with proper bathroom and heating. I like a lot about my current one,especially the location (almost couldn’t be better) but now I started looking into other possibilities. Interesting what these pages and exercises can do to you. :)
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Week Five: Recovering a Sense of Possibility
Key concepts: Limits, Wishing and The Virtue Trap
How Can I Fly Alone?
This question sums up my last week. On a very literary sense of it, I did practice flying alone since I took an  intensive aerial yoga instructor course. Something I decided to get into around December but every course I found was too expensive including also the travel costs. Then I arrived to Hungary (my home country) for a longer visit and I sort of accidentally heard about this course when talking on the phone with the head of Aerial Gymnastics Association. I mean I told her i was interested in teaching because I once saw something related on their website and luckily i was in the right time and right space. Synchronicity, you could say. This week we also had to find 5 wishes for our future and gather images to them in a folder. One of my wishes is to become an aerialist teacher (not just yoga but also silks) and well, i’m proud that i was able to take the first more serious step towards it (beside of doing silks). It’s almost unbelievable to get wishes fulfilled so quickly. :) And maybe this is only the beginning...I am practicing this mindset of asking for more in order to get more. More brings more. Abundance mindset instead of scarcity mindset. But it’s hard. Especially when you are an atheist so the whole asking thing is a big vague. But to quote a friend of mine: “I don’t believe in the law of attraction but it works for me anyways”.
My question also has a more abstract character. Thanks to the Morning Pages I can deal with some recurring patterns and some burning issues right away. Like depending on others. When you really want to be with someone and therefore don’t really make other plans but also haven’t settled anything concrete with this other person so you are just waiting for their reply, you are depending on their availability and mood. And not getting anything done in this waiting position. So I’ve been working on a bit on how to create an alternative fulfilling program for myself if this other program is not happening and how to practice freedom while waiting. Like chatting with other friends or practice rapping. This waiting position is definitely one of my favourite self-sabotages which we also had to reflect on this week. Also just in general, being over-involved in things, having too much program, being too little home and therefore also not having the time to create a tidy space, good food etc instead of having mess all around, in my head, emotions and surroundings.Not giving time to myself. Which somewhat happened this week.
Virtue Trap: It was encouraging to read those sentences about being nice and how destructive it can be. I had much more courage to stand up for my needs (i’ve been practicing this for a while but this gave an extra push).
Artist Date: I didn’t use a whole full hour for my artist but a little at least. I got interested in burlesque (was on my wishlist) so i spent some time in looking at performances and improvising a bit at home, looking for costumes. I also happened to meet a burlesque artist (synchronicity?) and asked where she brought her stuff because i wanted to check such a shop here in Budapest. But she explained that it is all handmade so i will try going to a hobby shop instead although i am really still at the playing stage of all this.
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Week Four: Recovering a Sense of Integrity
Key concepts: Writing Prayers and Media Deprivation
- Media Deprivation: Well, the PDF i’m reading still operates with the term “Reading Deprivation” but I did extend it to contemporary context. This meant: not reading books, articles, fb news feeds, fb/slack discussions, notifications, advertisements on the streets, not browsing pinterest, instagram, youtube. Unless I needed information that I was about to turn directly into action. Like if it was part of communicating with friends or I was about to write something or do artistic homeworks for the storytelling course I am taking etc. So my take on it was: no “passive information intake”, it has to be interactive. Now that the week is over, I can already sense that I am more likely to waste time on browsing. Yet I would also like to acknowledge that I often found important pieces of information/inspiration this way, like about a concert of a good friend of mine in the Music Academy the day I arrived to Budapest. And much more. But I have learnt from the deprivation and will try to be (even) more aware of the distractions. I did watch a Youtube video of a song because I was tired of the deprivation and thought that less than 4 minutes won’t really distract me. I also accidentally read billboards on the streets and even a fb post in the very beginning and started looking up technical terms connected to it when i realized what i was doing.:D 
- Morning Pages: Now I really like them! They help to organize my day and face the challenges ahead, thinking about possible strategies to handle them. I guess it is also due to the MPs that I see more clearly and things hurt on a more conscious level. I feel that it is hard to be who I would like to be here in Hungary, even in my family. I can’t be that boheme/burlesque-y/glittery/edgy whatever being I dare to be in Copenhagen. I feel that my wings are broken. That I would be perceived as immature, self-centred/exhibitionist/vain and cheap, ridiculous. Also, how dare I be happy and rock to the music in my ears when walking on the streets or standing in the line? When other people are so miserable? I also judge my body to a much higher extend. While in DK i would be considered normal and even women above size M wear whatever without being judged, here my impression is that the only categories that exist are ‘thin’ and ‘fat’, the latter with a negative connotation, also meaning that you should hide because your body is disgusting. I might exaggerate but that is how i am experiencing it, unfortunately.:( I try to stay strong, be the spark in the dark but that’s a tough fight to take The Artist’s Prayer definitely helps. i quite like the one i wrote to myself. it encourages to embrace myself, others and the flow.
- Extended Artist Date: I took my artist to a few-hours-long walk in a park. My original idea was to go up the hills and do some Steve Roggenbuck-style video recordings. But everything was extremely icy and I was worried about getting too far out of the city and worrying too much about the practical issues instead of creating. So I chose the safe path which is a bit sad since I realized again when revisiting my so-called Life Pie that I really lack adventures and risks in my life. I did go to aerial silks on Friday and had a bit of a romantic adventure as well but it’s all still in a relatively known setting (that’s how i feel about the burning man events which are rather healing than insightful for me than adventurous).Anyways, the Artist Date went ok well although there was a lot of noise in the park because of some construction work but I managed to do some visual recording I can use, also combined with some improvised electronic music from the free app Walk Band that i just started to explore.
Having mentioned the lack of adventures, I must also mention that “event deprivation” can actually also spark creativity. Saturday I really wanted to go to the city to just follow the flow, get out of my comfort zone, try something new. I prepared myself but then I got too tired. So i stayed at home and relaxed a bit. I took a longer bath in the bath tube and worked on the plot of my novel in my head. I ended up with a scene segment which I began to write as I came out of the tube. Also the preparation of the scene. Those were the very first pages in my novel! I’m so happy to have started! The novel I am developing through this MOOC visual storytelling course I am taking to which I finally created two digital art pieces to after a long silence due to my thesis. The first composition came quite clearly to me without much thinking process. The second one was a result of trial-and-error of the different filters and effects and although i found it quite a simple and not that interesting piece compared to the first one, i got quite good feedback on it, someone even called it ‘perfect’.  You can see my works here: https://www.instagram.com/carmen_storytelling/
And the storytelling course here: https://www.instagram.com/storytelling1o1/
Beside of my novel and visual storytelling, I also experimented with music. I’ve been working on a dj set for burning man events since last march (it changes all the time) without ever finishing it. but now i decided to change my focus and do a feel-good dj set for morning parties (Beats ‘n’ Breakfast in cph, similar concept to Morning Glory in london). so i created the playlist, the order, now i ‘just’ have to create the transitions and record it. it seems to be quite doable. I also composed two songs on the free app Music Maker Jam that i recently downloaded. it’s a lot of fun. i used to have it on my old computer. i might post some mixes when i will have more and feel more confident. :)
oh and ****BONUS***: my musician friend who sang in the Music Academy introduced me to his friends from choir as a dancer!! Oh boys, these affirmations seem to start working!! :)
This week is a bit more social and eventful but let’s see how much creative work i can still get done.
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Week Three: Recovering a Sense of Power
Key concepts: Synchronicity, Shame and Criticism
So I’m pretty late with this post given the fact that i was travelling on that very Sunday. Somehow I always end up being active and social these Sundays while during the week I have a lot of alone time. Much more than normally. Which is scary. But as I read today in Chapter 5, I need to give solitude to my inner artist otherwise i will abandon myself.
The music to this post refers to my first steps into learning to rap. I’ve been watching tutorials, did some freestyling at home and took some time to list words that rhyme with each other. As a result, one morning I composed- without planning- a silly little poem based on a conversation i had with a friend of mine the evening before. I wrote it on a postcard and gave it to him. I believe that daring to write that poem and even more, daring to show it and feeling good about it, is definitely a result of this week’s process of recovering a sense of power. My friend took it very well, saying that it was very catchy and reminded him of a rap song (and even quoted some lines he especially liked). Such a nice feeling. I also posted a more serious poem of mine on fb that i wrote to my late father which also got around 90 likes. 
Anger was also described in this chapter and was definitely present in my week. My mom visiting me, sharing my relatively small room, having an almost obsessive urge to create order in the house (which would be ok if it was not a now- imperative and with judging words). also calling my finally created easy-to-reach-and-get- inspired-art-supplies-corner a mess even though they were in absolute order in my perception (and who else do they need to be in order for?). So there were some clashes with her, also had some conflict based on misunderstanding with my landlord, oh and my wallet got stolen as well. Luckily I had no money in it, just cards (ID card, bank cards) that I all had to re-order and they obviously didn’t arrive before I left to travel for 3 months. But I’m still extremely lucky to have my mom generously supporting me economically when living at her place in Hungary. I was hoping synchronicity will turn my wallet back but it didn’t. 
-Synchronicity: I actually forgot about this theme by the second half of the week so I’m having difficulties with remembering synchronous events. But here are three from the beginning of the week:
*video about emotional eating: I was stressed and was close to fall into emotional eating as a coping mechanism. I’ve become better at controlling this but that day my impulse seemed to be too strong to handle. I decided I will eat when a Youtube video on Emotional eating appeared on my feed without even looking for it. I watched it and it actually made me resist the impulse at the end.
*avocados in the dumpster dive: I went for shopping but there happened to be some problems with the electricity so the shop was closed. I went to the one next to it and meanwhile it hit me that there is a good chance that food is thrown away. I checked the dumpsters and there was in fact a lot of avocados. I didn’t explicitly asked for it but I went for shopping on the right day in the right time. :) And avocados are also one of the best things to ask for :D It actually happened maybe a month ago that I had difficulties buying ripe enough avocados and then really nice ones showed up in the dumpster.:)
*writing synchronously with my tenant: that is not big of a wow but i am renting out my room and had to write to my tenant and we ended up writing to each other at the same time. along the same lines: especially in the beginning of the year when i was just back from a new year’s eve burning man and was really in the flow, people i wanted to write to ended up writing to me first, even those i didn’t communicate with for quite a while.
-Morning Pages: I’m more in peace with them now. On Tuesday I was defending my thesis in the morning so I postponed my MPs after the exam, otherwise it would have been too stressful. It has become a good tool to reflect on the things that bother me, getting into their core and try to understand my and other’s needs. Maybe it’s because of the MPs that when biking home after training, suddenly a strong wave of emotions and insights hit me regarding some hurtful experience I recently had with some friends. I both became very clear about the needs I had and that were not met but also how I was not able to communicate them hence they had little chance to act upon it. This I have to keep in mind for the future.
- Artist’s Date: I think in the hectic time of thesis-defending, graduation ceremony, my mom and friends visiting, I was not that generous with my inner artist, beside of the rapping episodes and playing around with face paint the day i defended my thesis. These are of course only excuses, I could have found the time if I really wanted to. 
Week 4 was quite productive, I’m looking forward to reflect on it.:)
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 Week Two: Recovering a Sense of Identity
Key concepts: Poisonous Playmates, Crazymakers, Nigel the Inner Critic and the Act of Attention
I apparently end up doing these evaluations late night on a Sunday although I wish to have more time for them. For where did my time go? As the theme of the week goes: attention. 
Well, I actually completed most of my homeworks in the beginning of the week, becoming more conscious about what I am fulfilled about in life (happily recognizing that I spend satisfyingly enough time and attention on friends) and what I am lacking (e.g.spirituality, in my understanding: devotion). Also, becoming more aware of the changes I want to make and how to work towards them, even succeeded with some e.g. getting enough sleep and exercising more.
Today was a bit hectic and with much external attention compared to the other days which were either super introvert, some days with some social intermezzos. I spent some time on preparing to defend my thesis on the coming Tuesday but also spent quite much time on looking into rapping (practicing myself), preparing a poetry video as the piece of the week, daydreaming about guys i fancy :D, facebook of course but also including organizing my farewell party & discussing important issues related to the burning man community in DK...also having some turbulence with my ex which occupied much of my attention, unfortunately. :( Discovered some interesting subtle self-sabotaging mechanisms, like this conflict i created with my ex but also regarding the morning pages: blaming the MP for not getting into the gym in time (hence having to wait till the afternoon for the next class) although there were other factors that actually caused my delay.
I wrote my MP every day but I am not enjoying them, especially when I am super tired. Let’s see whether they will bring me anywhere. I guess I don’t trust them either.
Affirmation exercises were really healing and today I was actually able to say when they asked whether I was a dancer that “I do dance. Sorry, I’m actually practicing saying it, so: I am dancer.”
Artist’s Date: Saw Perfect Blue recommended by the storytelling course I’m taking. I almost never give myself the time to watch a movie so that was quite a date. I also bought more face paint to start my experiments with.:) Also read about storytelling techniques, continued building the novel idea i have in my head. And some singing for the fun of it.:)
About the featured video: Steve Roggenbuck is one of my idols, he is so inspiring as an artist and a great role model to believe in myself, my uniqueness (weirdness) and what I am doing. Definitely among the top most attractive men on my list. :) This video I watched after Perfect Blue because I was afraid of falling asleep alone...
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Week One: Recovering a Sense of Safety
Key concepts: Shadow Artists, Core Negative Beliefs, Affirmations
Daily Task: 3 morning pages, Weekly Task: 1 h Artist’s Date
-Morning pages: In the beginning there was a flood of thoughts, a never-ending cunami, a TGV with weird word associations, rhymes, dimes and wise time-wise whys while white ties...you get it, just overflowing. 
Then I tried to wait.and listen. then. only. wordly. manage. hollow.apollo.sorrow.korro (coro?). yeah, words that don’t make sense. sentences that don’t make sense.just breath. just wait. there it is.
Then I tried to capture thoughts unfolding, body sensations, just writing down more structured stuff. Also worries about the day or things i want to remember. Thinking processes.
Today I arrived home around 7 a.m. and did the morning pages before falling asleep although the last half a page was a battle to write.:) Do morning pages have to be done after you wake up? What if you are awake for like 40 hours (happens sometimes...)? 
The other day I caught myself 
improv rhyming in my head
- a skill I always
to develop 
(but out-of-my-head).
word rambles
might take me 
(i only realize the melody when re-reading hence the format which originally was prosaic but I haven’t changed a word)
I also feel that my mother tongue is more available for my self-expression which is great! I have been living abroad for 7 years and can often feel insecure in my mother tongue.
-Artist’s Date: I did an actual date to Tiger (because consumerism is the way to nurture your dear inner child) and bought some long-needed fiber pens. Otherwise I am more receptive to when this inner child wants to play. Does she want to try on glasses? Play some instruments by herself in the attic when in a house party? Adding some calligraphy experiment when writing the creative contract to this program? Dancing around 5.30 am in the discount shop? Experimenting with cooking?(even though the censor says that it is soooo mainstream and unoriginal and she shouldn’t use her energies on this sort of “art”. ) And continuing building my story for the MOOC storytelling course- if that counts. :)
This connection has already made me more aware of my actual desires. This is so crucial, especially at this stage of my life where I am about to graduate. Where to continue? Do I dare to give space to the inner child? I have already started shaking my concepts about what I can do in life, trying to be really honest with myself. Not an easy task!
-About the tasks during the week:
My favourite one was when I had to play with the concept of what I could have become. I want to play more with this. I chose a ballet dancer and followed a ballet training on Youtube one morning. That was already a nice thing to do plus I got tools for different contexts as well.
My inner censor’s negative voice: How ridiculous it can become once made explicit! How easy it is to make counter-arguments and shut the censor down. :) So absurd. Yesterday I actually participated on a spontaneous music jam that lasted like for an hour, playing mostly the samba shaker (?)but even some ukulele (I used to play the guitar on a beginner level very long time ago so i wouldn’t dare to do this normally), giving myself into the flow. Was so amazing!
Timeline about positive and negative affirmations: What stroke me the most was to realize how much 2-3 discerning comments on my drawings have effected my identity as a drawer even though I’ve been drawing since I was very little, always receiving good feedback about the expressiveness and humour of my caricature-like characters. But then I abandoned drawing, coming back from time to time.
I also re-read old writings and feedback from my writer/poet friends who were actually much more supportive and acknowledging than I remember. So many good points and affirmations to gather from there!
Overall: It was a nice week, much more gentle than I feared it to be with all the tasks. But it all makes sense. It opens my horisont. It reveals a new sort of past and narrative possibilities.
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So this is a blog where I publish some of my reflections following Julia Cameron's 12-week-program The Artist's Way that aims to reconnect us to our inner artist through different immersive-playful exercises.
Each week should be closed with a weekly evaluation which I decided to do publicly here on Tumblr. Haven't blogged for years, time to play a bit around again.:)Enjoy.
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