Dr shifrine said in this article do not deny your toddler from using devices. There is always danger lurking on unlimited access on devices for toddlers which will not be beneficial for toddlers to do. A touchscreen is a delivery tool for toddlers to use. Your toddler could be more creative by using touchscreen apps. Toddlers have become adaptable to this device for their own future.
Iyer S 2014 October 13 Tablet And tots: How Much Is Too Much.
Retrieved from; http://www.medicaldaily.com/toddlers-and-technology-american-academy-pediatrics-weighs-pros-and-cons-its-use-determine-306839
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This video show how addictive an i-pad can be for a toddler. This video shows us how out of control a toddler can get when spending to much time on a i-pad. This video also shows no matter what you give her she will always want a i-pad.
Pablohoney0907 2012 January 4 Toddler tantrum for iPad
Retrieved from; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXsy5EbctGs
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This video is called I-babies. It starts with the percentage of how many toddlers and babies are using smartphones, sense, and I-pads. 40% of 2-4 years are exposed to devices. James Steyer who was interviews, he is the CEO and founder common sense media, said that babies this day in age are born into the digital. The reporter says that sitting and looking at i-pads is not good for the toddler's health, but if the parents are engaging with their toddler it is very beneficial for your toddlers to see. Dr. Alan Green is a clinical Pro of pediatrics, he says that at the age of three their minds are getting creative so if the app is very creative towards the toddlers learning ability it is very helpful. Report say that's parents need to lead by examples.
ABC NEWS 2011 October 25 iPad Effect on Toddlers
Retrieved from; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mUPD4iyoVI
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In this article, it talks about how there should be no screen time for under two but over two you can allow. Use limitations, rules and boundaries. It is always good to choose the right app for your toddler's age group. There is set rules in this article from a doctor which are, limit exposure of devices, no TV in bedrooms and make sure it is educational. This article talks about e-books being useful because a toddler can swipe the tablet instead of rip pages in books. There has been some research done about toddlers vocabulary while using any devices, which is still in process.
Baby center April 2013 Is screen time good or bad for babies and children
Retrieved from; https://www.babycentre.co.uk/a25006035/is-screen-time-good-or-bad-for-babies-and-children
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This journal was a pleasure to read it talks about how technology impacts on a toddler learning ability. This journal also talks about how to inform an educator in an early childhood setting. This journal has a wide variety of ages specifically from birth to eight years old, but I'm only focusing on toddlers learning ability to use tables at an early childhood center. This journal also talks about the interaction aspects of how a toddler interacts with tables outside of the home.
National Association for the Education of young children
January 2012/ Technology and interaction media as tools in early childhood programs serving children from birth through to eight
Retrieved from; http://issuu.com/naeyc/docs/ps_technology_issuu_may2012?mode=window&backgroundColor=%23222222
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I choose this article because it from Australia. This talks about how toddlers can make online purchases before they can tie their own shoes. Being in this new world of digital word toddlers are experiences a new way to play and learn through tablets and mobile phones. Toddlers learn best as a hand on experiences and are careful it doesn't get in the way with messy play. This article also talks about those at a disadvantage of not owning any devices because they can not afford it and may fall behind with their peers.
Marriner C 2015 November 30 Tables reshaping the way preschoolers develop play and learn.
Retrieved from; http://www.smh.com.au/national/tablets-reshaping-the-way-preschoolers-develop-play-and-learn-20151127-gl9ik0.html
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I chose this article because it is from the NZ Herald and in this article it talks specifically about how much screen time tots should have. An infant should have no screen time, three to five 1 hour per day. Research has studied that poor psychological well-being is due to being addictive to using too much internet. Jill Goldson do’s and don't are
Limit their time on devices (do)
No screen time at dinner table (do)
Involved yourself in screen time with your tot so you know what apps they like and if they are learning anything from the iPad (do)
Don't feel guilty when they contest you (do not)
Goldson J 2016 January 15 How to deal with young children using smart devices.
Retrieved from; http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11573848
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I chose this video because it shows how a toddler interacts with the game they are playing and how excited this toddler is when the music of the game comes on, super funny and entertaining to watch. It shows how quickly this toddler can pick an app and swipe to a game she is familiar with.
HouseofNerds 2011 March 15 My 1-Year-old plays angry birds
Retrieved from; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHqbcGgf90o
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I chose this article because it all about surveying parents and toddlers to learn how does technology affects a toddler development brain. This study is ongoing so it sounds optimistic. This is a very interesting read because it talks about how a toddler can turn on an iPad and swipe the iPad and pick which app they like to play with which is their favorite game.
Bedford R 2015 July 9 Should You Let Your Toddler Use An iPad?
Retrieved from; https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/if-babies-could-talk/201507/should-you-let-your-toddler-use-ipad
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This article from the psychology today's talks about how the parent uses their own devices for entertainment and distraction for their tots. Instead of taking toys the parents just bring along tablets or mobile phones to keep these tots busy .Bezos Foundation has shown that screen time is not substituted from one on one interaction between mother or father ability to nurture and speak to their own toddler. With this foundation, there are supports out there to make sure spoken language is better for your tots. Having a great bond with your baby and always reading to your baby will be far better for your tots to appreciate you more instead of fighting to have an iPad or mobile in their hands.
Newman S 2014 July 31 How Digital Devices Affect Infants and Toddlers
Retrieved from; https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/singletons/201407/how-digital-devices-affect-infants-and-toddlers
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I chose this video because Hanna Rosin is the author of the magazine The Atlantic. In this video interview, she specifies talks about how there are great apps for tots and children that are very engaging and these apps are designed for tots to interact with these devices. Hanna Rosin talked about how there is anxiety around parents providing their toddlers with mobile phones and tablets but she is there to reassure parents it ok for a limited of time, so parents do not feel bad giving their mobile phones and tablets to their toddlers. The more interactive the apps are the more likely a tot will learn from. Hanna Rosin gave example like sesame street and blues clues TV show that gave the tot or child to response to the TV presenter of what they were asking which is a pause effect.
Suarez R 2013 March 28 Tech-savvy Toddlers Go for Tablets over Teddy Bears.
Retrieved from; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LKK8co7uBA
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I chose this interview it is around screen time with toddlers.
14.22 minutes is where you need to hear a brief outline of toddlers and technology. (Nine to Noon) with Sarah Putt.
This short interview talks a little bit about tots using technology. Having an iPad and mobile phone in any household fill of tots is sometimes a valid time for parents to take a quick break from their toddlers, also do not use it as a babysitter just a quick break. So it is suggested to have zero screen time for under twos and two hours for over two, but needs to be monitor. The researcher says to rethink anything to do with technology, tablets, mobiles, and TV watching.
This short interview is very straight forward about how many hours is good for tots, parents should do suitable apps with their toddlers.
Pitt S 2014 September 24 New Technology.
Retrieved from; http://www.radionz.co.nz/audio/player?audio_id=201771925
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I chose this article because it is from of my favorite parenting magazine called Mother&Baby.
This article has back around research from Jenny Radesky who is a pediatric development and behavior experts from Boston University. “ If you have tech-savvy tots, don't panic, here is some positive role with having smartphones and tablets in your family”.
Here are Jenny Radesky top tips; use it with your tot, Moderate its use, keep it interactive, Choose apps carefully and use it wisely.
This article talks a brief outline of Pros and Cons which are; On youtube you can find in-depth of subjects about space and whales and can teach some fine motor skills but on the other hand technology can not teach your tot social skills, empathy, and problems which can be taught from parents and teachers like how to share and be a caring toddler in sociality. Exposing your toddler to play group and preschool for interaction skills.
Mayo E 2016 April/May Tech For Tots Mother&Baby Pages 60-61
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I chose this article because it talks about how toddlers are our digital citizens for the future. This article is very appealing to read because it states research and how technology is a good thing for toddlers to use when there are parental settles so toddlers do not access unknown websites to them. This article says to set an example and doesn't try and deprive your toddlers of devices. Apps have expanded where is there a no mess no fuss art time which is ok but I still believe that getting dirty helps expand the toddler brain development as it is an experiment and life lesson to learn through play during your 1-3 years of life.
Mardigian T 2004 Young Children and the Technology Tread: Toddlers and Tablets Unite.
Retrieved from; https://www.webroot.com/us/en/home/resources/articles/digital-family-life/family-young-children-and-the-technology-trend-toddlers-and-tablets-unite
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I chose this diagram because it states how a parent feels when an iPhone is needed. This quote also says when a toddler wants to use mummy or daddy iPhone. I feel connected to this diagram because it is what I am thinking on the inside but haven't got the guts to express myself around other mothers.
(Dad and Buried.com) 2014 April 9 My toddler & My Technology
Retrieved from; http://dadandburied.com/2014/04/09/toddlers-technology/#comment-209291
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I chose this video clip because it talks about the pros and cons of how technology is good for toddlers learning ability and it shows how technology has negative effects on the development of toddlers brain. In this video clip, they interview a mother of two who works and her own knowledge of how technology has worked for her children. A specialist in the field of apple products talks about how to monitor and safeguard your toddler entering into websites unknown to the toddler. She suggests passwords on all devices and parental settings.
 Retrieved from; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqPbDp-XjbM
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The more interactive experiences on technology the better for the toddler to learn better. The bad habits of technology can cause depression and be prone to being addictive over time. It is time to do your research to find age appropriated apps for toddlers to learn from.
Roxby P 2013 April 19 Does technology hinder or help toddlers’ learning? Retrieved from;http://www.bbc.com/news/health-22219881 
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