carpefelis-blog · 9 years
yeah i’m ok! i’m totally ok i just (takes a deep breath) (starts screaming)
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
In order to become the supreme adult, you must perform the seven wonders:
Public speaking
Not being afraid of teenagers
Calling the doctor yourself
Arguing without crying
Having a normal sleep pattern
Having an answer to the question ‘what do you want to do with your life?’
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
sometimes i wonder what i would think of my body if it wasn’t my own? like if someone else had my body and i was looking at it from an outside perspective? i think two things would happen… for one, i would have much nicer thoughts about it. and two, i actually just wouldn’t really care about it? because i don’t notice anyone else’s body in the way that i scrutinize my own. i wish i was better at remembering that. absolutely no one is as critical of me as i am of myself
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
When I need to cheer myself up, I just remember that the script for the pilot episode of Merlin described Arthur as being ‘ripped like 50 cent’ 
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
I saw your message/email/text/voicemail and told myself I’d return it later when I was more awake/alert/in a better mood/had more information and I pretty much forgot about it until now I’m sorry I’m trash: an autobiography
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
It is a lie that women have been able to vote since 1920. 
White women have been able to vote since 1920. All Native American women couldn’t vote until 1924. All Asian women couldn’t vote until 1952. All Black women couldn’t vote until 1964.  
In five years there is probably going to be some big centennial celebration of women’s suffrage. But that will be a whitewashing of history. It will be an event that erases the struggles of non-white women. It will be an event that will try to hide the fact that white feminists heros like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton actively argued against the rights of people of color in order to advance their own goals. 
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
Imagine the smirk on Sirius’s face every time he enters one of those places with the “no dogs allowed” sign on the door.
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
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Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes
When celebrities read mean tweets about themselves, it’s funny. When homeless people do it, it’s heartbreaking.
In a powerful PSA by Canadian advocacy group Raising the Roof, people who are dealing with homelessness read actual tweets written about those living without stable shelter. See all of the emotional reactions here. 
Watch the full video here. 
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
hi i’m auditioning for the role of lord voldemort and i’ll be singing ‘say my name’
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
the signs as favorite things
Aries: laughing so much it hurts
Taurus: baggy sweaters/cozy clothes
Gemini: rainy nights & sunny days
Cancer: long hugs filled with genuine affection
Leo: making people smile
Virgo: knowing you can just be yourself
Libra: british accents
Scorpio: cats
Sagittarius: books you can't put down
Capricorn: hot cocoa/coffee
Aquarius: songs that explain how you feel
Pisces: the kindness of strangers
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
the whole idea of “stay in school!!!!” is great and all but hard to hear when you’re someone who couldn’t stay in school
so here’s a post for every person who’s had to drop out of school. whether it was do to illness or money or just because you didn’t want to be there, you’re no less of a person for dropping out. you own your own life, and you’re just as important as people who were able to graduate 
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
I love how humans have literally not changed throughout history like the graffiti from Pompeii has people from hundreds of years ago writing stuff like “Marcus is gay” “I fucked a girl here” “Julius your mum wishes she was with me” and leonardo da vinci’s assistants drew dicks in their notebooks just for the banter and mozart created a piece called “kiss my ass” so when people wish for ‘today’s generation’ to be like ‘how people used to’ then we’re already there buddy we’ve always been
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
Come lay with me. I wanna talk about nothing with someone that means something.
(via cgriggy17)
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.
Albert Camus (via sicksignal)
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
Isn’t it weird that in 20 years you are going to be a completely different person then you are right now. A different house, different friends hopefully faster wifi.
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carpefelis-blog · 9 years
whenever I’m traveling I always get tripped out at the fact that this is someone’s actual hometown like they know every back road and how to get everywhere and they’ve probably had tons of memories in this city
but I’m just someone passing by
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