carrelsmith · 4 months
Vito: "I am not a goob. I do not think goob is even a thing... And what do you think of my mother?"
Carla: "Carrie. How do you expect to be the worlds most expensive escort if you dont know about any of the finer things in life? Rich people do not like common women" she picks her up. "Starting yesterday, you should be learning how to be the most cultured woman ever"
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carrelsmith · 4 months
Vito: "What's it supoose to mean? The idiot?" Daaaaamn. Get dunked on. "And how dod you already join a school sport?"
Carla: "It's ok. Im his big sister. He listens to me. So if I say it's ok, it's ok. But only when I say it is. So dont even think about doing it on your own. Besides, how can you enjoy French cheese without some wine?"
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carrelsmith · 1 year
Lover: "Fine fine, paw patrol. Everyone to the theature room. I'll put on the movie" the little kids start rushing. Damn you oaw patrol! Look what you do to our young!
Reilly: "Well Im not gonna watch that. Wanna go to my room, Reze? We can watch something else there"
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carrelsmith · 1 year
Lover: "Yeah. Be nice to.touch base. Plus the kids should kniw their family. So whever you're willing..we'll go
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Carrel: "Yeah. Lucky..." he looks at his body "Odd. I droped my look" he changes back to his pony form "So before we sleep. Any plans for tomorrow?"
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Carrel: "Mmm! Take it! Take it whore! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take!..." She feels the first few drips. Carrel couldn't hold back so he slams in the last one. "IIIIIIIIIT!" He came inside her. When he does, he drops his pony looks and goes changeling look. Then he falls onto her
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Carrel: "Ooooh Kimiko... Are you always like this when you're drunk? Cause I kinda like it~"
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Carrel: he gets super relaxed now. So relaxed he grows 2 more cocks. Carrel is a hard negotiatir after all~ But it looks like he was starting to feel appreciated
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carrelsmith · 2 years
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@theblackcubeofdarkness @carrelsmith
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Carrel: "And... How do you feel about this? I know your mom is also your dads sister so... I dont know where Im going with this. But how do you feel? About Carla and the fact Im her brother"
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Reilly: "W-What?...." he starts crying. He never heard that "joke" before. Good job Lava. You made you son cry.
Rebel: "Where do you think I got the bacon?... Kidding~ It's fine. I'll eat him one day. Now are you gonna eat or-" the door bell rings "Huh... That doesn't happen..." he leaves the kitchen go answer the door. Then he comes back and looks annoyed. He pours two glasses of coffee and starts drinking one
Lover: "Aww well thank you sir~" He takes the glass and takes a sip. "Ah. You must be Princess Twilight. Pleasure to meet you. And you're Minos. Good day. Im happy to-"
Rebel: "Get on with it, boy. I'd like to enjoy my breakfast..."
Lover: "Of course... Good day. My name is Lover. Im the new spy. I'll be taking over Mr. Booms job. Im here cause for some reason, my Princess Twilight thinks you two are a threat to the kingdom. Im here to say I disagree and will be keeping only a minimol eye on this place. And as long as this place stays as a ranch, you two should never see me again"
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Reilly: he comes dancing in. Cause it's food tume "Oh. You're cooking today, mom?"
Rebel: "Looks like Twi isn't having pancakes today" he takes her plate away and slides it over to Minos.
Minos: he comes in "Boss? This is a surpruse to see you here. Something happen?"
Reilly: "My meeting ended up leaving without telling me. Rude... But it's fine. Im back. Did you two not want me back?..." he looks at Twi
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Lover: "Hmm... Well that helps" he kisses Lavaca before continuing his book. But the next day he was gone. He left a note saying he had to do a quick task.
Rebel: "Kiiiiiids! Breakfast is ready!" He yells from the kitchen as he starts making his pancakes "Bacon pancakes. Makin bakin pancakes"
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Lover: of course there is. There's always something. Today was something simple and waiting in their bedroom. Meaning itnwas tike for a talk. "Hello dear" he says as he puts his book down "I got a job. Im a history teacher and a spy for Twilight. Sould be easy. Should also help you. But since Im a spy, I gotta play the card" he pulls out a black card. Through all these years, Lover had been open to Lavaca about everything. She knows his relationship with Denji. She knows all the secrets he found out about her family. The only things she doesn't know is changeling secrets for obvious reason. And besides Denji, Lover has never slept with anyone else. This black card was a sumbol. Something they talked about long ago. How there may come a time where Lover has to keep secrets. This was that time. "Im not gonna cut you out, of course. But just know there will be times I do things I cant tell you about"
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Lover: he takes her and starts to rock her "We are staying. For now. Thought you'll have to decide what will be your normal. Get some rest" he kisses Kia and tucks her in. Doing the same for Reilly "I love you both. Get some sleep" he leaves the room
Reilly: "...Kia?"
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Reilly: "Yay! Can we play in the dirt?! We can look for treasure there!" He was squirming around from excitement
Ash: "Oh stop. This work will easily get done. If you're done talk, I understand. If you wanna keep talking, we can do that too"
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carrelsmith · 2 years
Lover: "Hmm~" he puts a blanket over them "Goodnight my love~" He falls asleep too
The twins (I forgot my twins name) was knocking on Jakartas door
Meanwhile, the minator (who I forgot his name too) was out working the fields by now
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