carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Things To Know About Builder’s Risk Policy
If you are in the construction business, you will be very well aware of the risks involved in remodeling or even construction of a structure. During rainy seasons there are chances that lighting can strike on the newly installed electrical utilities. Also, there are chances of theft of materials stock in the open structure and there are also chances of wind blowing away some items that are not heavier. So, it is always better to keep yourself protected from these sorts of damages. How to do this? Here is the answer: Builder’s risk policy can be the best alternative for protecting builders like you from the risks associated with theft or wind or some other reasons. As many insurance companies are offering coverage under this category, there will be differences in the cost and coverage level and so before taking up such policies, it is better to consider the following points: Who is responsible? Generally, builder’s risk policy is purchased by the owner of the building. On the other hand, general contractors too purchase these insurances as a part of their contract. So, before actually entering into an agreement with any contractor for beginning the process of construction, it would be better for the landlords to inquire whether the policy comes within the services offered by the contractor. This type of coverage will be applicable when the contractor himself brings labor and other materials. Also, it is better to inquire about how much does the builders risk insurance cost? How to select an insurance company? The owner of the property will surely have contact with an insurance company with respect to other types of insurance policies like life insurance, car insurance, etc… It is better to select the same company. This is because, the companies will be offering the policies at the best cost to their current customers. The customers are also allowed to convert to the homeowner’s policy on completion of the construction process. How much should be purchased? Generally, insurance companies will be paying for the damages caused only up to the limit covered by the policy. So, it is better to cover for a higher amount. This is because, in case a fire occurs in the construction spot, it will destroy everything and the loss will be huge to the builder. On the other hand, when you have covered for a higher amount, you can get complete refund for the damage. It should be remembered that generally, the construction materials and the structure are alone covered and the land will not be covered. How much do builders risk insurance cost? The cost generally is decided based on the items that the building owner is planning to cover.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Putting the Agency’s Name on Everyone’s Lips
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to cut through the clutter and capture the attention of prospects these days, considering the cacophony of messages that are constantly being delivered via traditional media channels and new ones that seem to pop up every day. From television and radio to outdoor advertising, direct mail, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and ads that proliferate on every website, effectively making a name for oneself just got that much harder. When it comes to marketing for insurance agents, fortunately there are ways to create effective campaigns that leverage simple and inexpensive methods of promotion. Start the day off right-with a little caffeine Back in the day, one could buy a cup of joe (and some goodwill) for a nickel. It’ll cost a bit more today, but it’s still possible to offer free coffee to folks to start their day off with an unexpected treat. Set up a free coffee station outside a local hardware or grocery store, or arrange for the local diner or fast-food place to give out free coffee during the breakfast rush, courtesy of the agency (with signage that announces the beverage is compliments of the firm). It’s a sure bet that the agency will be on their minds as people sip their free drink, and the business cards or flyers that are positioned on the counter will likely net some calls from prospects requesting quotes or more information. Considering that the foot traffic in these locations at that time of the morning will likely include a lot of contractors on their way to their work sites, the need for a variety of products (such as general liability, workers compensation, disability, commercial auto, and so on) is quite likely. Another no-cost advertising solution Simply creating a signature block that automatically appears at the bottom of each email is in and of itself a promotion tool. It’s an opportunity to provide a complete host of contact information (phone and fax numbers, address, and so on), as well as links to all the social media platforms on which the agency has a presence. A tagline or mission statement that encapsulates the firm’s philosophy can also appear in the email signature, or perhaps a pertinent photo-for example, thumbnails of the contact’s classic vehicle if he or she writes collector car coverage. Marketing for an insurance agent doesn’t have to break the bank. With a little ingenuity and perseverance, it is possible to make a mark in the marketplace, regardless of the size of the operation.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
The Components of Title Insurance Fees
Title insurance fees are in place to protect the buyer of the land from some unseen instances when there may be problems. There is a good reason why institutions facilitate this form of guarantee. It protects the buyer from fraud, property liens and other title defects that may threaten the buyer’s investment. Errors in the research against the title can surface after the piece of land has already been bought and the problem becomes the buyer’s problem. The issue will get even bigger if the people who invested in the land did not take out any form of guarantee that protects them from these kinds of events. In some states, the seller might also opt to get this guarantee and pay for the title insurance fees in order to protect the transaction that went on between him and the entity who bought the land. The amount that is usually paid by either the buyer or the seller may depend on which state the transaction occurred. Each state has a different basis for the rates that they have when the seller or buyer takes out a policy for the land for which the transaction is concerned. Components There are a few components that affect the rate of the policy. These include, but may not be limited to, the premium charges of the policy and the service fee involved in getting one. Premium charges are usually regulated by the state and one can expect to have similar rates from companies that issue the policies, but there can be slight differences in the policies, which need to be considered by the person getting it. In some instances, the premium rates may be quite different from each company and the buyer or the seller might need to shop around for the rates that he or she can afford or have the policy coverage that meets standards and requirements. The title insurance fees for services are also another aspect of the cost of getting this kind of guarantee. The insurers who are part of the team who will be the ones to do the researching and digging up of the background of the piece of property may also ask for payment for doing so on top of the premium that is connected to the property. The buyer or seller of the piece of land is usually the one who will be paying the people who will do some footwork to make sure that everything is in order with the property. In some states, a lawyer may be asked to give an opinion regarding the property and the cost of this is added to the additional charges on top of the premium of the policy. People who wish to get a policy to guarantee their investment may need to ask the insurers to outline any other charges that they might ask for on top of the premium. In most, if not all cases, the insurers themselves will outline the premium charges as well as the other costs that are necessary.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Get to Know About Contractors Insurance (CI)
Contractors insurance is a specialized coverage for risks associated with contractor’s work as a result of a contract. The purpose of purchasing this insurance policy is to protect contractors against liability arising from personal or employee injury, property damage or in the event of any damage or injury to a third party, for which the contractor is held liable. Contractors face the liability of being sued because of errors As a contractor, your workplace is prone to certain hazards such as accidents or injuries and thereby you are likely to be affected by third party claims. It covers medical, legal and compensation costs. Let’s take a look at some of the liabilities CI covers. • General liability: Claims made by clients or third parties for bodily injury or property damage, that are caused due to the negligence of contractors are covered under general liability. For example, an employee accidentally injures a bystander while at work and the bystander sues contractor for causing injury. During such situation, general liability insurance will protect you against lawsuit and also pays for medical bills. • Employers’ liability: In employers’ liability, employers are held liable for an employee’s accident, illness or death during employment for which the parties may sue you. It covers the compensation for loss of wages and provides medical expenses to the injured employees. • Public liability: Public liability provides coverage for the risks of being liable to pay damages to third parties or damage to their property. Note that it doesn’t provide coverage for claims made by your employees. Things covered by contractors insurance It covers for injuries or damage to property of others (not the employee or the contractor himself) that is caused by the negligence of the contractor or employees of the contractors. Things that are covered under contractors insurance are: • Professional indemnity: This insurance is also known as errors and omissions insurance. This insurance will cover you against claims made by any client who suffered financial loss as a result of your negligence, loss or damage of professional documents, dishonesty, infringement of intellectual property and the like. • Protection of income: In case you are suffering from ill health or severely injured and you are unable to work, financial compensation is offered for the lost income until you recover. • Covers expenses of litigation: Lawsuits are expensive because you need to pay court fees, attorneys fees and other costs in connection with a lawsuit. Having been covered under contractors insurance, you need not worry of litigation, and can stay in peace of mind. Points to consider while purchasing contractors insurance Now that you understand the importance of having contractors insurance, you need to purchase a coverage according to your occupation. Make sure that you check for exclusions, if any, and also, if any liability the policy does not cover. To get a clarity on what is covered and what is not, you need to be fully aware of your occupation’s requirements and then discuss it with reputed brokerage agencies. They will give you professional advice on which and how much coverage is required for you, as a contractor.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Things To Know About Builders Risk Insurance
People, who are engaged in the construction industry are very well aware of the risks involved in constructing or remodeling a property. There are great chances of vandalism and even striking of natural disasters like heavy wind, lightning, etc… that can cause damage to the structure that is under construction or under the remodeling process. It is nothing, but a type of property coverage specifically meant for structures under construction. However, the type of policies, their cost and the protection offered differs from one company to another. Before actually engaging in a construction project, builders will have to find answers to the following questions for getting the best deal Who is responsible? Generally, this type of policy is purchased by the owner of the property. On the other hand, sometimes, the general contractors too make their purchase. To make it simple, an individual or a company with insurable interest in the structure should make the purchase of the policy. For instance, if an individual purchases a house with a view to renovate it before actually shifting to it or before renting it, he is known to have the insurable interest on the possession. On the other hand, the contractors too will have insurable interest in some cases. For example, a contractor involved in the business of developing homes in new sub-divisions will be paying for the labor cost, permits, materials and for other expenses as well and this is done sometimes even before the purchaser is secured. In such a case, the contractor will have to purchase the insurance for builders for ensuring that his investment will be protected. How to select a policy provider? The best place to begin with is the current insurance company of the owner of the building. This is because generally the service providers follow the habit of providing coverages at discounted rates to their current customers. Furthermore, when insurance for builders are purchased from the company with whom the homeowner already has purchased some policies, they will permit him to convert the builder’s policy into homeowner’s policy on the completion of the period of construction. So, when a builder is confused about ‘what does builders risk insurance cost’, he can just compare the costs at which these policies are offered with the help of online resources specially meant for this purpose. In addition to these questions, the purchaser should also conduct clear inquiries about what is covered and what are not covered. When comparing different companies and their policies, it will not be any requirement for the owner to worry about ‘what does builders risk insurance cost’.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Know About Different Kinds of Commercial Insurance
Irrespective of the fact that what type of business or establishment you have, uncertainties, mishaps and calamities can happen at any time! These unseen dangers and perils can have adverse effects on your business. Thus, it’s important to have proper coverage and policies to ensure the safekeeping and protection of your business. It’s also important for you to know that there are different types of business insurance policies and it’s important to know, which policy would meet all your needs. There are different types of cover, which are of great help to lessen the economic risks brought about by unpredictable events like accidents, natural disasters, and many others. However, there are different types of commercial insurance, which are of great assistance in different conditions. Before you buy a policy cover, it’s important to know, which one would meet your needs. Thus, you should seek an expert’s assistance. And, it’s also advisable that you have an overview about different kinds of policies, which are available in the market. This knowledge will help you make an informed decision. Worker’s compensation insurance: This is one of the most important coverage. It is absolutely essential for any business. It covers the damages and medical expenses of your employees for on-the-job injuries. It ensures that there is no financial disturbance, in case, any employee seeks compensation. Casualty or liability cover: This policy covers the loss and damages caused by acts of negligence or omissions. In case, the problem goes to the court, then, this policy also covers all the costs of lawsuits. This cover is generally paired with property cover, and is not particularly associated with life or health cover. Property insurance: This type of cover insures an owned, leased or rented property, including its contents, against damage or loss from fire, theft, vandalism, and other disasters. It is important that you identify the details of your property coverage needs because this type of indemnity can be specific and applied to only one type of risk. It is recommended choosing the exact coverage you require. Crime insurance: Essentially, the damages and loss of the business against robberies and even employee theft is covered by crime commercial insurance. The fact is that depending on your need and requirements, it is better to be ready than to risk your business to any fiscal crisis. And, a commercial insurance is a sure back-up plan when business trouble arrives.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Lawyer Professional Liability Insurance Offers Vital Protection
Attorneys, more than anyone else who has been engaged in some type of legal entanglement, know how liability lawsuits can destroy lives. However, many attorneys make the false assumption that they themselves are immune from liability simply because they’re knowledgeable about the law and work hard at doing their jobs well. However, even if they do nothing wrong, they, much like any professional, could still face thousands of dollars in legal bills if sued. And as is quite often the case, the person who hired the lawyer to protect them in court may later file a suit against them. That is why lawyers need to make the smart choice to invest in a lawyer professional liability insurance policy. Legal malpractice suits are a common everyday occurrence Lawsuits against legal practices are on the rise on a daily basis. Unfortunately, in addition to disgruntled client concerns, lawyers sometimes face litigation related to workplace issues that involve a staff member’s performance as well. Despite the fact that many of these cases have no merit, mounting a defense could be costly, not to mention the hours of time devoted to addressing the claim and the anxiety the situation can bring, which can be a very costly proposition. The whole ordeal could result in damage to their reputation, a loss of their business or, even worse, their personal assets. In fact, approximately 6% of all attorneys in the U.S. are likely to face an allegation of professional liability in any given year. What’s more, claims activity against attorneys has steadily increased over the past two decades and lawyers in all parts of the country, all size firms, and all areas of practice are at risk every year. Defending a lawsuit can be costly Dealing with a professional liability claim can be expensive. Having this insurance coverage helps to ease that burden both, by sharing some of the monetary risk, and by assuming much of the responsibility for responding to and defending against a claim. Furthermore, this insurance policy can also help protect clients against significant losses, by helping lawyers meet their obligations to protect their clients’ interests even in the worst of circumstances. Obtaining legal liability insurance is a common-sense step for any practicing attorney. Most lawyers know all too well how litigious our society has become. They’ve probably seen clients who’ve been victims of malpractice suits and whose lives and financial fortunes have been ruined. Professional liability insurance is the best protection money can buy, and something no law professional should be without.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Having Business Interruption Insurance Is Important
When you start a business, you put in a substantial sum in buying resources and office equipment, property and stock. All this, involves a fairly big amount of your money. But, the fact is that along with investments and profits, any trade has its own share of uncertainties attached to it. These risks might at times be a cause of major loss. Certain conditions like fire accidents, natural calamities may damage your industry premises or equipment and force you to close the operations momentarily. In such situations, there is definite loss of income. But, there are certain expenses that are mandatory and have to be met. Thus, to protect your business against such perils, it is always sensible to buy a policy that covers all kinds of risks involved in your business. A cover of suitable value would serve as a shielding tool for the purpose. When a tragedy strikes, the location may be temporarily unusable. Your company will not be producing profits and may continue to incur fixed costs. For situations like this, business interruption insurance comes to assistance. Did you know that standard property indemnity does not cover the loss of income due to the temporary closure of the trade? However, business interruption insurance can be incorporated in the property indemnity to cover this loss. There are a whole lot of things that this policy covers. To start with, it covers the revenue your company would have made all through the period your business location is unusable. Remember that this amount is determined by your historic financial records. The policy also covers the costs and expenditure acquired by your business even though the location is out of use. Again, these fixed costs are determined by breakdown of financial records. Along with this, the policy also covers the outlay incurred in having to move and operate from a temporary location. It also covers the ‘extra expenses’ that may be incurred by keeping the location open. However, keep in mind that extra expense coverage is offered by insurers to lower business interruption costs. The fact is that business interruption insurance is probably the most valuable coverage your business can have. Though it is easy to forget that revenue cannot be produced without a functioning business or because the business owner believes property insurance will cover all losses, but that’s a myth. After all, the property insurance only covers the physical loss or damage to the scene and contents of a business and it does not cover the loss of revenue. So, it would be a wise decision to buy this policy cover and be adequately covered.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Many Agencies Now Relying on Insurance Company Software
There are various companies that specialize in providing insurance carriers with a rating solution that allows for program customization. These services will provide access to forms, and other documentation, quickly and easily that are designed to be an efficient and cost-effective way to handle all types of business concerns. Many insurance carriers require rating technology that provides them with the ability to incorporate their specific rates, coverages, and business rules as they apply to their customers. They also have to deal with reporting requirements that require them to supply data when dealing with claims, policy updates, new clients and other insurance needs on a frequent basis. These applications increase efficiency and productivity by integrating underwriting and complex rating tools with traditional business management features. Insurance rating software also allows for real-time reporting on the impact of rating and underwriting across customer accounts, business lines and throughout multiple office locations. There are currently available on the market many types of insurance company software solutions which are designed to help deal with many areas of the marketplace. Some of the vital ways in which this software can help insurance agencies is by giving them:
This isn’t merely about purchasing software, but it also involves working with a company that provides a consulting team that understands, not only the needs of a particular business, but also that of their insurance agency partners as well. This particular software is capable of creating a cost effective system with limited need for additional IT resources, saving time and money by processing the information required much more efficiently than done in the past. There are also programs designed to help managing general agents standardize business practices, ensure compliance on E&O claims, and efficiently and accurately generate reports. Most companies would agree that insurance company software has made their jobs a lot less complex.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Key Reasons For Tradesmen Specific Insurance Cover
The job of a tradesman or woman is a very admirable one. You are the builders, plumbers and carpenters of society. Your services benefit society by catering to the needs of your customer and identifying opportunities to enhance the way of life of people. A person engaging in trading or a trade is a skilled craftsman and the very nature of your job as a tradesman or woman exposes you to risks that other people are not exposed to. This makes it paramount for you to protect yourself against unforeseen circumstances and events outside of your control. Your actions as a tradesman could also put others at risk. Due to these potential risks it would be wise for you to take out a tradesman insurance policy. A tradesman insurance policy outlines the conditions and circumstances under which you the policy holder will be financially compensated. Here are a few more reasons that you should invest in a tradesman insurance policy. Tailored to Your Needs A tradesman’s insurance policy differs from other insurance policies because it is designed and focused around the needs and risks that face tradesmen. There are different types of insurance policies offered to tradesmen; the two major ones are the tradesman public liability insurance and the employer’s liability insurance. The list below highlights other policies that are offered to tradesmen. Types of policies specific to tradesmen include
Avoiding Risk Risk management is important, especially to individuals involved in service oriented industries. Having a tradesman insurance policy hedges the probability of uncertainty or loss that you might face in your day to day business activities. Regardless of the size of your company or if you operate a sole proprietorship trade insurance is important to protect your business and your future from the uncertainties of life. Public Liability Today society has evolved into a litigious society, which means that individuals and businesses are unreasonably prone to go to court to settle disputes. Purchasing a tradesman insurance policy gives you more control over the risk of doing business. Many trades’ people are self employed, which means they have the benefits of earning a living for themselves by trading their services; however you may not have the protection that an employee would have at a company. Affordable Options Insurance can be an expensive undertaking especially for a small business that is trying to manage their expenses by cutting costs where they can. By finding an insurance provider that caters specifically to tradesmen, you can find affordable options to suit your needs. Tradesure for example is dedicated to providing insurance for tradesmen; they provide custom insurance business packages for builders, layers and even lawnmowers at competitive prices. The policies are specific to your precise requirement and you have options to pay an annual premium or monthly premium at no additional cost. There is no Denying Denying the importance of insurance by justifying saving on expenses could cost you a lot more in the long run. Catastrophic events such as the Queensland flooding in Australia have demonstrated the importance of having a good insurance policy. There are many insurance providers but finding the right one to suit your specific needs is crucial to having the protection that you need. Finding an insurance provider that deals specifically with tradesmen, gives you the opportunity to be able to discuss the risks and hazards associated with your line of business.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Equipment Breakdown Insurance Protects Critical Tools Of The Trade
There are many things that can trip up a commercial enterprise no matter how large or small it might be or where it may be located. A home-based business, for example, could be paralyzed by a simple power surge during a lightning storm that knocks out computers, printers and other electronic devices. Likewise, a power surge in a factory could cripple large machinery costing tens of thousands of dollars or more. But an equipment breakdown insurance plan would protect against such potential disruptions as well as other possible perils. Normal property and casualty policies offer a great deal of protection for buildings and property as well as liability arising from mishaps causing injury or damage to others. And, unfortunately, even commercial insurance policies often times exclude protection for temporary losses of the very tools needed to keep a commercial activity viable. But without the additional protection of specified equipment breakdown plans, even a temporary loss of critical components can force a successful enterprise into bankruptcy. Formerly known as “boiler and machinery” coverage, equipment breakdown policies are as important for small commercial enterprises as they are large ones. With rapid communications as well as delivery of goods and services becoming even more important for 21st century enterprises, the loss of the tools of the trade make the right level of protection critical to maintaining business. And equipment breakdown coverage is necessary to protect against sudden interruptions due to the temporary loss of important gear. The policies can help insure against the loss of fragile computers and other electronic items, for example, due to power surges or other perils. And new ways of engaging in commerce make it critical for owners of commercial enterprises to ensure they can be back up and running in the shortest time possible. Even a couple of days down in the current era of rapid, online communications and commerce could cause a permanent setback that might force a bankruptcy filing. Equipment breakdown insurance can pay to repair or replace vital gear as well as recoup the costs of service interruptions, lost revenues and the pay needed to keep workers employed even while they have no work to perform during the interruption. Knowing what level of protection is needed varies greatly by each commercial activity and is best determined by a consultation with a respected insurance producer who is an actual expert in such matters. But, in general, the more rapidly goods and services are provided at a great profit, the greater the level of coverage needed.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Business Insurance Provides Extensive Liability Protection
There are a many kinds of commercial insurance plans available to help protect the wide variety of business types that exist. The Small Business Administration (SBA) has identified several kinds of liability plans for commercial enterprises regardless their size that can protect against nearly any kind of risk. A general plan will protect against the costs of fighting a legal battle caused by alleged accidents, injuries or possible negligence that might have resulted in a loss to a customer or other party. Any costs arising from bodily injury, medical treatment, property damage or accusations of libel, slander or defamation would be insured by a general policy. Whenever marketing goods, a product liability policy will help protect manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers against potential lawsuits arising from their use due to any possible defects. The policies will pay the costs of any bodily injuries, property damage or other harm caused by defective products. Some enterprises are more in need high levels of protection for their products, such as automakers or manufacturers of construction equipment. But clothing stores and tailors, for example, would need far less coverage for their products, according to the SBA. A commercial property plan insures the commercial enterprise’s actual property, from the land and any buildings down to the smallest bit of equipment and inventory. There are two types of such coverage. One is called “all-risk,” which, as the name implies, insures against an extensive range of potential perils as outlined in the policy. The other type is called “peril-specific” and provides coverage for those dangers outlined in the plan as chosen by the policyholder and agreed upon by the underwriter. Such dangers might include flood, fire or criminal acts and depend upon which ones a commercial enterprise has a greater likelihood of facing. Professional liability insurance gives business owners the protection they need against potential financial responsibilities arising from daily activities, such as filling out and filing paperwork or acting in a fiduciary capacity. Also called an “errors and omissions” policy, such protection is required by law in most states for professions that have a great amount of fiduciary responsibility, such as insurance producers, accountants and stock brokers. If a client suffers a loss due to negligence, errors or malpractice, it would be covered. Even home-based businesses can be protected with liability policies, which are not covered by typical homeowners protection. Fortunately, riders can be added to ensure homes are not lost if a client sues for some reason and wins a large judgment that otherwise might force the sale of the house. No matter which kind of commercial enterprise in which someone might be engaged, there is a suitable level of protection available to prevent tragic losses.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Crime And Fidelity Insurance Protects Business’ And Other People’s Assets
Whenever a commercial enterprise or other organization is engaged in handling assets or funds that belong to other parties, a crime and fidelity insurance plan can protect all parties against potential losses caused by theft or other perils. Such plans can cover claims arising from employee theft, workplace dishonesty or burglary. Among items insured are cash, securities or inventory that might wind up pilfered or lost through other criminal activity. Among ways criminals can steal valuable assets that can be liquidated quickly include loss caused by a dishonest employee, robbery, embezzlement, forgery, burglary of a safe, computer fraud, counterfeiting, wire transfer fraud and other kinds of criminal acts. And with modern technology empowering more criminals every day with new ways to engage in criminal activity, having crime and fidelity insurance in place can ensure any stolen assets can be replaced and help avoid a possible lawsuit from clients and others. Among some of the more advanced ways criminals can invade a firm and steal from it as well as its clients are by creating fake accounts that draw funds from legitimate sources, creating fraudulent supplier networks, counterfeiting securities or monies and embezzlement using computers and other types of modern technology. With so many potential threats facing businesses and other organizations, a crime and fidelity insurance plan can help manage such risks and ensure people are reimbursed if their cash, securities or other assets are stolen while in the custody of a commercial enterprise or other organizations, such as non-profits and governmental entities. Most property insurance plans will not protect against the loss of cash, securities and similar assets due to the difficulty in proving their existence or the actual amount lost due to theft or other criminal activity. And when a business or other organization has a fiduciary responsibility, there is a great need for the proper level of protection provided by insurers, which is what a good crime and fidelity plan gives. On average, a business loses about 6 percent of its annual gross revenue due to losses caused by employees engaged in criminal activity at the workplace, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. And about 20 percent of commercial bankruptcies are caused by employee dishonesty, according to the American Management Association. With normal kinds of property insurance not covering such losses, a crime and fidelity plan is the answer for organizations with fiduciary responsibilities to others. Among exclusions are when a policyholder is the source of the loss through criminal activity or other intentional acts. Otherwise, such policies are among the best available.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Package Policies Provide Extensive Protection
One of the most useful of all commercial insurance plans is the package policy, which combines traditional property coverages along with liability under one plan. Generally, small- to medium-sized businesses have package policies in effect whereas larger enterprises typically choose individual coverages with much higher limits than those given to smaller enterprises. The commercial property aspect of package policies offers traditional protection for buildings and other structures, business personal property and inventories. Like most such plans, coverage can be provided based on actual cash value or replacement cost. Actual cash value takes into account depreciation as well as market factors when determining the amount to be paid if a claim is filed and is more affordable than replacement cost plans, which pay claims based on whatever the price is to repair or replace the damaged, destroyed or stolen items. Another insurance type available with package policies is called commercial inland marine, which covers goods while in transit or while awaiting transit. Such plans arose from one of the oldest forms of insurance ever offered – marine insurance, which protected cargo while being shipped along the world’s waterways and since has become known as “floaters” that protect cargo while being transported overland. An inland marine floater will insure goods while awaiting transport from a warehouse, while they actually are being transported over roads and railways and while awaiting shipment from various holding facilities until they reach their final destination and become the responsibility of someone else. Commercial auto is the other type of property coverage generally available with combined policies. Commercial auto covers one or more vehicles used for business purposes and even can protect vehicles being used on a temporary basis for such types of activities. A wide variety of vehicles can be insured with such plans, including delivery vans, pickup trucks, tow trucks, semis and dump trucks, among others. Liability insurance is the final component of package policies and can be one of the most important aspects of combined coverage plans. Liability protection will insure against lawsuits and other costs arising from any mishaps that might occur during the course of normal business practices. If someone is injured or killed while on the premises or due to goods or services provided, the liability protection will cover court costs and any judgment or settlements reached so the business can continue operating rather than shutting its doors due to bankruptcy. The combined protection of packaged plans is one of the most affordable and necessary ways to prevent a sudden loss due to damage, destruction or lawsuits.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Why Having Business Insurance Is Important
When it comes to running a professional business in these modern times you can never be too careful. There are a variety of different things that can end up derailing your plans of moving forward and for that reason it’s imperative that you look into covering yourself from issues that may arise. One of the main reasons why having business insurance is important is so that you aren’t stuck with a lawsuit that cripples your workflow and causes you to lose it all. All it takes is one major court lawsuit and any small to medium size company could end up falling to the wayside. These types of events are not uncommon, just look for news and reports online about the subject and you’ll be surprised at what you find. Business insurance is not just about covering your creativity and ideas, it’s about covering employees and other financial assets that could end up getting toppled by calamity. For instance, if you have cars that you’re utilizing for the purpose of making deliveries and more, you’d want to have commercial insurance that covers the driver and the vehicles. If the automobiles were to be in an accident, you could end up losing a great deal of property that helps with the cash flow and profit of your company. Not only will you have to worry about damages but an employee could get injured, and your workforce diminished as a result. As the bills and creditors start to pile up, you could end up going bankrupt just trying to get back on your feet. There are a lot of variables that you can account for in today’s busy world, but when it comes to business insurance, you’ll need to make sure that you get the right coverage for all of life’s little problems. Whether it’s due to a natural disaster, major profit loss due to hardships, injuries, accidents, and beyond, you may not have the cash flow to cover things. When life throws a curveball and your business is the target, you can file a claim and get compensated instead of reaching into your pockets. That sort of peace of mind can allow you to work and keep your eyes transfixed on business, rather than worrying about every little thing that could go wrong. Many people fail to consider business insurance and end up missing out on an opportunity to hedge their bets against loss or damage to their property, vehicles, and even against theft. If you own a storefront and someone robs you, filing a police report and trying to catch the culprits will not get your business back on track. The costs could be in the tens of thousands, and without a policy you would have no major recourse. That’s why it’s very important to ensure that you have a good insurance plan that will cover you in case of theft, damages, and many other variables that could cause your company to spiral into chaos. With helping hands, you could easily mend anything that is broken and be glad that you thought ahead and prepared for any number of issues. Call your local insurance broker or agent and have them explain your business insurance options to you in person.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Why Worry? Consider Structural Insurance and Structural Warranty
Whether you are buying a new home or building it from the ground up the last thing on any home buyers mind is worrying about issues once you move in. Are you absolutely sure nothing is going to break or malfunction once you finally begin using it? Of course this type of stuff or any issues for that matter can never really be guaranteed not to happen. Structural insurance and warranty is sometimes overlooked in the insurance arena. We are well aware of the insurance arena and how massive it really is. Talking insurance can be exhausting, considering we need all kinds to even walk upright in today’s society. We have to worry about the car, life insurance, medical, flight and whatever else they can attach the word onto. But, before getting sorted to build your dream house through contracted builders, you must absolutely purchase structural insurance. What is structural insurance anyway? When it comes to self builds or any sort of building construction, many choose a policy to cover certain aspects of the building project. For example, choosing a policy like 10 year structural insurance, can guarantee protection on the build even after completion. 10 year structural insurance is for self builders and is specifically designed for those building their own homes as well as conversions. The advantages of purchasing this type of policy for a self build project includes basic appliance, like microwaves, ovens/stoves; along with duct-work, electrical and plumbing. Mechanical systems like air conditioning and heating is also insured. If any sort of damage or failure occurs or if something needs to be replaced in the above item list, the only cost you will have to incur is the service fee. What about Structural Defects Insurance? Structural defects insurance is also essential in self builds and can ultimately protect further down the road. With this policy you get peace of mind and security on your new build. If later down the line you run into trouble because of bad workmanship or defective materials etc., you are well covered and protected in replacing or fixing them. This type of insurance can last from 10, 12 or even 15-years from the completion date on your new home. This is often also referred to as latent defect, home defect, structural warranty and new home defect insurance. What does Structural Defect Insurance Cover? This involves a combination of construction quality and a financial assessment. In the UK it is approved by the central government and complies with the mortgage lenders. Basically, you have a much better chance of being granted a mortgage if you are covered with this policy. This will protect you against any defects in the overall design, workmanship or materials of the housing unit that is affecting or possibly causing destruction or physical damage. This could be waterproofing or drainage issues for example. It can also cover any issues involving contaminated land. Overview The disadvantages of not having structural insurance on a new build are evident above. The bottom line is you probably won’t find a lender for your mortgage. The lenders or banking institutions want to be assured their money is being used on something sound and protected. Just like you want to make sure your investment into a self build home is being used in the right way.
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carrieractimeonline · 5 years
Commercial Automobile Insurance And Personal Vehicles
Commercial automobile insurance plans understandably protect vehicles being used for commercial purposes, such as fleet vehicles for a large corporation, tow trucks, delivery vans and other vehicles used in commerce and other business pursuits. And they can be relatively affordable compared to similar personal auto plans due to the fact many fleet vehicles are maintained regularly and their drivers almost always must pass driving tests and drug screenings before they ever get behind the wheel. And if they are involved in an accident, they face yet another drug screen to ensure the driver was not impaired, and random drug tests also can be administered to prevent lapses of drug and alcohol use. But what many people do not realize is their vehicles might need to have the added protection of commercial automobile insurance even if they have full coverage plans in place on their personal vehicles. In recent years, most car insurers have excluded coverage when personal vehicles are used for what insurance companies consider to be commercial uses. That includes anything from delivering newspapers or pizzas to taking a group of people to church on Sundays. If involved in an accident while engaged in such activities, there is an excellent chance a personal auto insurance plan will not pay the costs, and that could be a tragic event if the vehicle is financed, damaged heavily or totaled in an accident or other mishap. It’s bad enough to have to pay a $500 or $1,000 deductible on a financed vehicle. But if a financed vehicle is damaged, totaled or stolen while engaged in a commercial activity, not only won’t the insurer pay, but the lender can demand immediate payment of the full amount owed. And that would be a financial hit that all but would assure anyone but the most wealthy will be stuck paying off a huge debt for a vehicle the no longer have as the financing company would reclaim it, sell it for whichever amount they could get and bill the borrower for the rest. The reason insurers will not cover accidents and other claims arising from commercial activities on vehicles that have only personal auto insurance plans in place is due to the greatly increased risk of using a personal vehicle for commercial purposes. People might be forced to drive numerous times during the worst times of day, and that might mean a greatly increased chance of being involved in an accident or causing injury to one or more people. Personal auto insurance plans only apply while commuting and using a vehicle for normal reasons, such as going to the store and back and forth to work. If in doubt about the need for commercial automobile insurance, it pays to contact an insurance provider and see if any of the uses might qualify as a commercial use and possibly jeopardize the insurance protection if involved in an accident or other mishap that otherwise might have been covered with a personal auto plan. An insurer will be happy to add a business or commercial rider to a personal plan to protect against the increased risk and liability arising from even occasional business activities.
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