carryonchristmas · 7 years
Big Thank You!
I’ve been back at Uni for a week now and only just realized that I kind off forgot to post the last days of Carry On Christmas! (I hope you don’t mind.) Anyway .. I wanted to give a masive shout out to all the amazing artists that contributed to Carry On Christmas and also to everyone who support the blog in other ways! (Like Rainbow freaking Rowell, who reblogged the Fangirl Christmas post and got it to like 170 notes.) The blog is now at about 200 followers and that alone is mental. Thank you so much and hopefully we’ll meet again next year (or rather this December) when it is, again, time for Carry On Christmas!
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
Another one of my favourite if not THE favourite Snowbaz song I have. It’s called “Yes, I Do” from the Disney Channel telenovela “Soy Luna” and the way I imagine it, it’s sung from Simon’s perspective which makes the blonde (Yam) Simon and the black hair one (Ramiro) Baz. My favourite line (which is soooo Carry On):
“I love you and your jeans”
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
Oh Snow, you are so weird and freaking beautiful love you so much, Baz
Lovesick Baz (Another Haiku)
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
Oh Baz, how could I not like you the way you are a freaking vampire
Simon Snow (with love)
A tiny little haiku for the Carry On Christmas party.
(via thegreatlawn)
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
This is so freaking beautiful! (I love your art style!)
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the book mentioned a picture of agatha and simon so i decided to draw it
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
So for my Christmas gift today I decided to share number three of my favourite Snowbaz songs. It’s called “LikeLikeLike” and the shared video is the official music video by Sophie Hunger, the artist who wrote the song. Originally I wanted to cover it but time flies and I wanted to share it anyway. Totally from Baz’s perspective, I can imagine him very well walking next to Simon during their truce and singing it inside his head. “I know I’m not supposed to look at you the way I look at you.”
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
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(Didn’t have much time to take the picture which is why it’s a little bit odd.)
Simon, Penny and Baz during their Christmas celebrations in 217.
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
jingle bells, simon smells, his microphone is dead, butter's gross, maria tops, and cookie saved the day
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
snowbaz’s first christmas
concept: baz and simon celebrating their first christmas together with penelope showing them the way. neither of them have ever really had a christmas with how they grew up. penelope explaining all of the traditions. baz trying to reason his way through it “but why do we have to get a specific tree? why can’t it be any tree?” “why do we have to wrap the presents? wouldn’t be easier to just give them in person?” “why twelve days of christmas and not twenty-five?” while simon is just loving the feeling he’s getting from it all because it reminds him of the feeling of magic. he feels it again. all of them baking and decorating christmas cookies together. baz trying to make everyone’s perfect, ignoring his own while simon is just eating icing from the tin and penelope is the only one getting them done. snowbaz slowly falling in love with everything about the holiday, and they end up never go a christmas without calling penelope to set up their tree and go christmas shopping and decorate cookies. like the old days. the first christmas they ever had.
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
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Day 19 - Late nights / early mornings
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
So pretty!
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Day 24 - stars
“By the time I get to the end of the next phrase, the room around us is gone, and the stars feel close enough to touch.” - Rainbow Rowell
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
This is actually so clever!
Merry Christmas! ^^♡
For a lovely: @random-meee
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
Carry On Christmas
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Baz: Happy Holidays
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
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Simon ♡ Baz on Christmas morning
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
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Merry christmas everyone!!
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
We did Christmas toy crackers at dinner today and one of the jokes today was what do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire, and I had to physically restrain myself from shouting out SNOWBAZ!!
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carryonchristmas · 7 years
The days in between
Merry Christmas
“Another Christmas, come and gone.”
           Baz turned to look at Simon, who almost appeared to glow in the firelight.  “You sound sad.”
           “I always get a little sad on Christmas Day,” Simon shrugged.  “It’s exciting and everything, but then it’s over, and then all you can think about is how you’ll have to wait a whole year to have Christmas again.”
           “What about all the good stuff in between?”
           “I know, but it still throws me off. Christmas is one day out of the year, if you don’t enjoy it enough, you’ve missed your chance until next year.”
           “Did you enjoy it enough?”
           Simon thought for a moment.  “I don’t think I can know.”  He leaned into Baz’s shoulder.  “It was wonderful, but there’s always the fear that I didn’t have a good enough time.”
           “So you’re punishing yourself for the slightest possibility that you could have been happier?”
           “I guess.”
           “That’s rubbish.”
           “I know,” Simon sighed, “but don’t you ever get that feeling?”
           Baz shrugged.  “I didn’t today.”
           “It’s our first Christmas as a couple, Si,” he kissed Simon’s cheek, “I don’t think I could have been much happier.”
           “Second Christmas, isn’t it?”
           “You’re counting last year?”  
           “Didn’t we make it official on Christmas Eve?”
           “Well, yeah, but we were a mess back then.”
           “And we’re so much better now.”  They both chuckled at that.
           “Alright, fine,” Baz relented, “second Christmas as boyfriends, first Christmas that we don’t have the fate of the entire World of Mages on our shoulders.”
           “That’s better.”  Simon snuggled into Baz’s shoulder and watched the lights on the tree. “For what it’s worth, every day dating you feels like the first day.”
           “That was about the sappiest thing you could have possibly said right then.”
           “Don’t ruin it,” Simon laughed, “and anyway, it’s still true.”
           “You too?”
           “Simon,” Baz looked him in the eye, still smiling, “every day I wake up to find that you’re still my boyfriend is a day that I would have never thought possible.  It’s like winning the lottery every morning.”
           “Now who’s a sap?”
           Baz watched the flames in the fireplace until the flickering patterns plus the warmth of Simon’s head on his shoulder made him drowsy.  This really was too good to be true.
           “Maybe you’re right,” Simon murmured, “maybe the days in between can be good, too.”
           “We can try our best.”
           “That’s about all.”
           “Yeah, but we’re pretty great.”
           “After all,” Simon looked up at Baz, “Christmas is just another day.”
           Baz returned the gaze.  “We can still treat it differently, though.”
           Simon had to think about that for a second.  It was only a day, it didn’t have to be special.
           But maybe that was the secret.  Maybe every day could be special.  Maybe this year it wouldn’t feel like waiting.
           Baz kissed him softly on the mouth.  “Happy Christmas, Simon.”
           “Happy Christmas, Baz.”
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