carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Seventh Oak (T, 8k)
By @mostlymaudlin and @urban-sith
Illustrated by @artsyunderstudy and @stardustasincocaine
Simon, Penelope, and Agatha know the drill: They come to school, they get a mission, they save the day. Sure, there are always hiccups, but they've been at this long enough that nothing can truly shock them anymore. Right?
Read on AO3!
And stay tuned for the printable version!
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Six White Hares (T, 5.1k)
By @martsonmars
Illustrated by @ivelovedhimthroughworse and @letraspal
Baz has plenty to worry about at the beginning of his sixth year at Watford School of Magicks: the fact that phones and the internet have been banned, the workload required to get top grades, and most of all his annoyingly handsome roommate, Simon, who’s so on edge and distracted that he’s ignoring Baz. Determined to get Simon's attention in a way that doesn't involve (too much) violence, Baz starts sending Simon anonymous notes. Initially insults and practical jokes, Baz finally sends one intended to help, and finds himself pulled into Simon’s latest adventure in search of the six hares.
Read on AO3!
And stay tuned for the printable version!
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Five Blades (G, 6.1k)
By @otherworldsivelivedin
Illustrated by @erzbethluna and @gekkoinapeartree
5th year Baz! Chimera, falling down the stairs, voice recorder, oh no I think I fancy Snow. All to the tune of self loathing and coming to terms with his place in the war.
Read on AO3!
And stay tuned for the printable version!
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Selkies Four (G, 2.5k)
By @bookish-bogwitch
Illustrated by @ionlydrinkhotwater and @technetiumai
Agatha and Simon are fresh back from confronting the selkies four. They nearly drowned, but their classmates are less interested in adventure than romance.
Read on AO3!
And stay tuned for the printable version!
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Third Gate (G, 5.7k)
By @captain-aralias
Illustrated by @artsyunderstudy and @cutestkilla
Watford’s Founding Stones are hidden behind three gates and they’re failing. Simon and Penny are desperate to help, despite the Mage’s warnings. It might get them into trouble, particularly because Simon’s nemesis is also looking for the Gate of Time for his own reasons…
Read on AO3!
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Second Serpent (G, 3.5k)
By @yellobb
Illustrated by @cattocavo and @kohatenz
Simon was starting to think that Watford was just his imagination, but his second year starts and he finds himself making a brand new friend - Ebb, the goatherd.
Read on AO3!
And stay tuned for the printable version!
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Mage's Heir (G, 3.5k)
By @foolofabookwyrm-activated
Illustrated by @krisrix and @yellobb
Simon Snow is an 11-year-old beginning his first year at the Watford School of Magicks. Simon is different from every other child attending—he is an orphan who only discovered he had magic a month ago and most unbelievably has been told that he is the prophesied Greatest Mage, the hero who will protect the World of Mages from the greatest threat to magic. However, Simon feels anything but great—he can’t make a single spell work on his own and is openly hated by his roommate. Thankfully, he is befriended by a plucky young mage who lives for adventure.
Read on AO3!
And stay tuned for the printable version!
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
Are we excited?
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Seventh Oak
by @mostlymaudlin and @urban-sith
illustrated by @artsyunderstudy and @stardustasincocaine
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She thought then, for some reason, of the class her father was teaching on the Humdrum. She was missing it by being out here in the Wavering Wood with Simon, but really, what was she missing? She had more firsthand experience with the Insidious Humdrum than her father could dream of; she didn’t need to hear him tell her things she’d already seen the Humdrum do. The best way to learn about the Humdrum was to build a Chosen One around it.
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Coming to AO3 on June 27th!
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carryonpicturebook · 3 months
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Simon Snow and the Six White Hares
by @martsonmars
illustrated by @ivelovedhimthroughworse and @letraspal
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Snow, he wrote. You’re wearing your trousers inside out.
It was idiotic, honestly, something his little sister would come up with. But he could imagine Snow hurrying to put on his trousers the right way, only to notice (or hopefully not notice) that there was nothing wrong with them in the first place. And he could imagine Snow looking around to find him, because he liked to blame Baz for every little misfortune he encountered, at least when he couldn’t blame the Humdrum.
Maybe notes were the key to Snow’s attention.
Baz muttered a spell and smiled.
It was going to be an interesting year.
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Coming to AO3 on June 26th!
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carryonpicturebook · 4 months
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Simon Snow and the Five Blades
by @otherworldsivelivedin
illustrated by @erzbethluna and @gekkoinapeartree
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Baz watched Snow gulp showily—his chin jutting out, Adam’s apple bobbing with nerves.
Wide blue eyes, blush highlighting the freckles on his cheeks.
Snow was terrified, and Baz started to plot.
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Coming to AO3 on June 26th!
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carryonpicturebook · 4 months
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Simon Snow and the Selkies Four
by @bookish-bogwitch
illustrated by @ionlydrinkhotwater and @technetiumai
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Agatha had had enough. She was going to do what they should have done as soon as the skin ensnared their feet. What they should have done instead of faffing about with unhelpful magic trying to keep the bloody thing intact. She took a deep breath, crouched, and sunk her fingers into the selkie’s skin.
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Coming to AO3 on June 24th!
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carryonpicturebook · 4 months
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Simon Snow and the Third Gate
by @captain-aralias
illustrated by @artsyunderstudy and @cutestkilla
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“Welcome back to Watford,” the Mage said, clapping Simon on the shoulder.
They’d never hugged. Penny thought that was weird. The Mage had made Simon his heir two years ago. Good dads usually hugged their sons.
Simon didn’t mind. He didn’t like hugs that much (they felt like being trapped) and he knew the Mage didn’t think of himself as anyone’s dad. He was Simon’s headmaster. It would be weird if they hugged.
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Coming to AO3 on June 23rd!
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carryonpicturebook · 4 months
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Simon Snow and the Second Serpent
by @yellobb
illustrated by @cattocavo and @kohatenz
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It felt like everything reminded him of Watford. Every time he saw someone with coloured hair, he’d think of Penny. Every time the other kids argued about the heat, he’d think of Baz. Every time he smelled nail varnish, he thought of Agatha. Every time one of the care workers said they expected better of him, he thought of the Mage.
And now, staring at the little goat figurine in front of him, he couldn’t help but think of the Hills Beyond, where the goats roamed at Watford.
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Coming to AO3 on June 22nd!
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carryonpicturebook · 4 months
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Simon Snow and the Mage's Heir
by @foolofabookwyrm-activated
illustrated by @krisrix and @yellobb
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In the months since coming to Watford, Simon was now positive that not all creature stories were make-believe. Penny’s roommate was a pixie, his Greek professor was a minotaur, and the dean of students was (possibly?) an elf. (Or so the rumours told.)
Simon himself was almost a legend. The Mage had told him that he was the Chosen One. The Greatest Mage in existence. A mage who had been prophesied for centuries, who would come when the World of Mages needed him most. Simon knew he was different. He certainly had access to more magic than most mages ever dreamt of.
None of those stories could have prepared Simon for what he faced now.
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Coming to AO3 on June 21st!
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carryonpicturebook · 4 months
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Project manager
Art directors
@krisrix and @tea-brigade
Covers designer
@captain-aralias, @bookish-bogwitch, @foolofabookwyrm-activated, @martsonmars, @mostlymaudlin, @otherworldsivelivedin, @urban-sith, @wolfywordweaver, @yellobb
@artsyunderstudy, @cattocavo, @cutestkilla, @erzbethluna, @gekkoinapeartree, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @kohatenz, @krisrix, @letraspal, @stardustasincocaine, @technetiumai, @yellobb
@cutestkilla, @johnwgrey, @krisrix, @palimpsessed
Copy editors and consistency editors
@agni-ashes, andi, @cutestkilla, @krisrix, @martsonmars, @mostlymaudlin, @otherworldsivelivedin, @sillyunicorn, @technetiumai
@captain-aralias, @cutestkilla, @krisrix, @martsonmars, @mostlymaudlin, @palimpsessed, @tea-brigade
Promo team
@cutestkilla, @martsonmars, @stardustasincocaine
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Thanks to everyone who made this project possible and as great as it is. So excited for everyone to see what this wonderful group of people helped create!
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carryonpicturebook · 4 months
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Time to get excited, because the Carry On Picture Book is finally coming! Very soon.
Stay tuned for updates and sneak peeks 👀
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