carryonproject · 5 years
How's the project going? I can imagine there's a lot of content to organize, edit, etc (I can hardly wait to see how it turns out! This is such a lovely idea that has come together with all sorts of amazing talent!) I've never been on a project like this before, so I just wanted to shout out that y'all are awesome for putting this together and from what I've seen from the individual submissions people have shared in the discord, it's going to be beautiful! Sending kudos and good vibes!
Honestly I’ve barely been around, I’ve dropped some notes on the server that groups need to start compiling stuff alone since everyone technically has access (and frankly I’d suggest running that message again in case anyone missed it)
My life kinda. Burned down after organizing it. Wife got hurt at work, then legal battles, then losing the house and trying to move, then the engine blowout, and currently being the sort of voluntold caretaker of a geriatric woman in very end-of-life-care (and occasionally being driven insane, as she’s even chased out paid At Home care people with her attitude in the past) to even have a place to stay? PHEW. So I’m sorry, but like I literally couldn’t foresee this kind of landslide of BS.
If anyone needs me to promote them to roles to make the editing available or change system permissions, please DM me on Discord and I’ll promote people’s status and listing. As it stands I barely have time to squeeze in 20 minutes for even a light fan-edit on a day, and after a week put a whole maybe 4 hours into it if I screw my schedule and stay up till 2 AM -- the video computer has been subsumed by art commissions to keep us afloat, so I really can’t manage 300~ tracks of footage @_@
Like I said, I just organized it, originally expected like 10 friends, not half the fandom. Y’all were basically a self moving machine and if you guys can push for that, please do, otherwise, IDK if we’ll meet a deadline.
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carryonproject · 5 years
Hey! I am incredibly sorry, but I haven't managed to submit my singing part yet (rl has been... difficult, to put it that way) and I realise it's way past the deadline now. Could I still send my part if I manage to record it in the next few days? I understand if that's not possible, and if so, maybe there is something else I can contribiute. I really want to be a part of this, and again, sorry for blowing past the deadline.
Yes, and I actually request you reblog this to get word out: We’ve extended deadlines a few times, first due to delay getting the tenor part out and now just due to some lifetime THINGS going on for several heads of the project. Closing the singing stuff would remove a bunch of people from being able to contribute for absolutely no reason since we can’t use the material yet anyway. Feel free to contribute for a while longer.
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carryonproject · 5 years
All singer roles ready, submissions open.
A copypaste of our details and updates channel:
@everyone @Singers now all have complete tracks for each of their roles, check your respective channels for #soprano-org #alto-org #tenor-org -- I'm aware the ranges may be difficult for some of our deeper guys, so we're going to have to take a minute to figure out how to work that in. If any of our true bassy males have good music theory, check the harmonics in #singer-org and see how you think you can lead a deeper pitch that syncs in, we'll work with you. 
Our poor @Music Directors have a lot of chaos to sort to accompany instruments but have been working really hard for our @Musicians -- some instruments may be suited to adjust for our lack of a large bass section, others are likely to be solo interludes that interrupt our acapella arrangement as we need to flex, but sorry Musicians, working on it, swear there's progress. 
@Contributors and resulting @Card Project remain open. Contributors, Singers now have a recording date through all of June. Please get us your submissions before then. We've pushed the date out from May to June due to our internal delays. So now it's through June. 
As always, love you all. Youdabess.
Sorry for the delays. A wave of unfortunate events slowed us down but we’re back on track and have plenty of time, let’s do this thing.
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carryonproject · 5 years
hey! what is the card project?
Hey! The card project is a way for people to put in if they're nervous about singing, or drawing, or anything else. It's a series of messages people are coordinating on flipped cards. Such as “You taught us” “We found,” and other cues with answers like “Strength” or “Family”, short messages about how they’ve inspired you to hold up on an easily read card. “To be myself” etc. You can find more information if you join that specific project.
We have our own channel for it on the server. If you're not on the server yet, use this link https://discord.gg/y3TGebk (I fully admit I can't even track everyone's cross platform aliases, so if you're already there, forgive me!)
Chuckbot doesn't really have a card project auto-feature, but if you hit "Contributor" you should see initial access TO the card project. If you want to be included in Card Project PINGS, please @Minchester on the server and I'll manually add you.
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carryonproject · 5 years
@thismessedupholisticuniverse submitted a question, “Where do we submit videos?”
To to the #contributor-org channel in the Discord Server and check the pins. There’s a google drive. Drop it into the according folder.
Also please keep in mind submission box is different from ask box. =) Submission box is more if someone wants to post their art to the public etc by proxy, but submission is not the same as standard ask box. And it’s okay, don’t worry about getting them confused.
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carryonproject · 5 years
HEY EVERYONE. If you’re part of the Carry On project, or have friends that are, please make sure to READ THIS WHOLE POST, and REBLOG it. 
First of all, we’re about to make our first big progress push. IF YOU HAVE A SINGING ROLE IN THE SERVER, PLEASE TRY TO MAKE YOURSELF AVAILABLE SOON. That means paying attention for server pings and checking in at least once a week. Our previously mentioned tentative date of May 1 for recording -- well, we’re here, and we have some BIG NOTES about ALL OF THIS.
First of all, this is a duplicate of our post in the details and updates channel, so EMOJI THE POST IN THE CHANNEL TO CONFIRM ENGAGEMENT ONCE YOU SEE THIS.
Alto and Soprano have finished tutorial videos for your parts, they're pinned to the channels. Tenor experienced a delay due to Team Lead illness but Austin will be covering for that and uploading one soon. Keep in mind the date of the first was a tentative date, so if we run a few days behind, that's okay, this is a long haul project. Once all Singer teams have available "follow my lead" videos, we'll open submissions. So expect this to ride up on us within the next few days, and carry us through the end of the month.
Art and writing contributions remain open. @Card Project seems to have made substantial headway. 
Our @Music Directors have finished writing the bass instrument parts and are working on our other sections actively, stay tuned. If you think you have an instrument for bass, please ping @Theta 
have completed their con recordings but I need you to reach out and find a way to send them to me, ping me in your con channel. No word from Hunter U yet. 
@Signers 🤟  
will need some patience with us as we need to get our rhythm down before you sign through to it, sorry for the delay! 
And thank you to EVERYBODY contributing. 
I'll also add uh, hi @Video Editors . No updates. Because we don't have anything to do video with. But practice the concepts pinned by your Team Lead in your preferred client in the channel as that may still be useful even if it's a few months off. ILU.
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carryonproject · 5 years
Heya! Could I join your project? It sounds super fun, and a great idea to show the SPN family how much we appreciate them!
Sure! Anyone can join until the 15th, where we’re closing sign ups so we know what we have to work with. Join the discord server, get your friends in, whatever! Artists, singers (even if you don’t think you’re good, you’ll be harmonized in a choir), instrumentalists, writers, video makers, whatever, there’s something for just about anyone > https://discord.gg/y3TGebk
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carryonproject · 5 years
It’s been a ride!
Just here to sort of poke the crowd and let you know we’re alive. We’re essentially in cooldown time letting the composers sort their stuff out, but if you want an idea,
SAT parts (think... choir harmonics) are technically done, they’re just being shuffled around to figure out how to work with our instruments.
The guy who made the original sheet music that was later modified by GISH has actually joined our project!
We’ve experienced a few TL shifts resultingly, but nothing major.
Contributions were opened early. Please check the pins at the top of the contributor org server.
Previous deadlines for registration are in effect. Unless we open up a second call, solo auditions are closed. I may ask those who submitted musical solos for consideration to upload them somewhere later for my personal tracking (I’ve left that in the hands of the music directors so far) but beyond that--
General musician and singer sign ups close on the 15th.
The server will be fairly quiet until/after that until recording begins. Team Leaders that have been designated are still requested to check in even if it seems slow on direct pings or announcements. Singer Team Leads will get activity before anyone else, as they’ll have to do the Follow My Lead track for everybody else.
If you have any questions, just climb in the server and ping Minchester. https://discord.gg/y3TGebk 
For more information on ... just about anything, check out this blog and other recent posts.
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carryonproject · 5 years
Hi! I want to audition on my flute for a solo but I’m out of town right now and I don’t have my flute so can I please send it in one day late? I’ll get home on the seventh
I’ll let the music directors know and see if we can make an exception.
Checked: They said yes, as long as it’s the 7th.
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carryonproject · 5 years
I know you probably get a lot of stuff like this but I would like to join in with this project, I'm a writer of sorts and Wanted to know If I could, (I'm also really new on Tumblr so bear with me.)
Yas! Literally anybody can join as long as it’s before the Apr 15 deadline, so climb aboard!  https://discord.gg/y3TGebk
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carryonproject · 5 years
Some info for Contributors:
Contributors are a catch-all umbrella term for submissions that are not “being a singer” or “being a musician” (or any leader roles above those). The most common contributor types are writing and art, but we also class “submitting a video of how SPN changed my life or encouraged me to live it” as contributor.
Contribution submission begins Apr 15 and closes May 31.
We currently do not have team leaders for this section. If you are interested in helping handle a great deal of STUFF in cooperation with both our dev team, and our future zine Team Leader, please ping Minchester on the Discord Server (link) Requirement: must stay broadly available ON the discord. (Link)
Regarding Art: 
The video is likely to be around 1080P. The higher resolution submitted art is, the better. It’s easier to size-down than it is to size-up, sizing-up loses quality. Just don’t send us some billion by billion graphic.
Due to the artful nature of this fandom, we can’t guarantee all art will make it into the video but we’ll do our best. Submitted art will be included in the zine to be printed for the guys as a hard copy.
Regarding Writing:
If you’re looking to write thank yous, there’s a few ways in mind. If you want to do a “letter to the editor” as instead “a letter to J2M”, this will likely be included in the zine. Small notes below 250 characters or less we may find a spot to use in the video, but the size of this project has grown so exponentially we can’t pledge to use all of them. If nothing else, those, and longer submissions (within reason) can make it into the zine.
Other contributions in discussion:
There has been talk of people filming holding up cards with notes in frames of the video, and that’s on you guys, but I encourage it greatly. Find people in the Contributors general section who want to participate.
Examples of these have been someone holding a “We Found” card while other people rotate up others like “Love, hope, strength, courage, friends, family” or whatever you can concisely put on a card. Others also include “You taught me,” and so on. 
Submissions like this we request you choose an unofficial team leader for, and have them catch and bulk them in that team leader’s inbox, so when we open submissions they can shuttle it off to the dev team at the same time. 
Similar ideas are also highly encouraged. Brainstorm. Make it all of yours.
Regarding video submissions for special moments and more:
Please check our recent post about submissions and deadlines for more information. (Link)
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carryonproject · 5 years
HI! Can I join your project? I'm a singer but I also play guitar, ukulele, bass (but not I'm starting so not incredible xD) piano and my favorite(with singing); drums ;) Well I hope it's not too late ^^ Anyway have a good day !!!:) -Alice
Sure thing, Alice! Climb in the discord server here and pick your base roles. Chuckbot in #role-assignment will let you select Singer and Musician roles.
Once taking a Musician role, please check the pin at the top of the #musician-org channel and find the gdoc tracking instruments, skill levels, and more so our orchestrators can adjust it to your comfort level.
Once taking a Singer role, please check the pin at the top of the #singer-org channel and take the voice test, then post it in #voice-test-results so our choir director can place you. 
(Discord Link)
(For more info on deadlines, recording timelines and more, please read this.)
If you need any assistance, look for active Managers (red names) or Admins (blue names) for server level help.
If looking for channel/role relevant help, keep an eye out for anyone displayed in the “Music Directors” listing, or also anyone in green, as green names are a team leader for SOMEWHERE. Once you’re placed for your singing role, you’ll be given access to the related channel (soprano/alto/tenor etc) and you can find the name of your team lead pinned at the top of the channel. Until you’re assigned, just ask any directorial or managerial people for help.
You can ping me almost any time (that I’m conscious) @ Minchester on the channel. 
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carryonproject · 5 years
Please read this post VERY, VERY THOROUGHLY. It is all incredibly important and will answer like 90% of current questions our admins are getting.
Musicians & Singers
All musician roles (both instruments and singers) have a sign-up deadline of April 15. After this, if you want to contribute, we'll take you on in another capacity until other deadlines limit those.
It’s fine if you can’t be super active between then and recording, but if you want in, we have to KNOW by then. Recording deadlines are below.
Instrument-musician roles seeking a solo have a deadline of April 6 to present why you're a bawss and can be worked in for a solo.
Between these dates and the end of April, our Music Directors are finalizing writing and distributing the sheet music to incorporate everybody.
Recording will come in May. We have a tentative projected deadline for these recordings at the end of May, meaning recording for instruments and singers will be May 1-May 31, give-or-take.
If you are planning to submit a video to this project aside from the above, we'll be taking these from April 15 through May 31st. After this, our video editors will begin our long and arduous process.
If you are expecting a video shortly after this deadline (like, you're gonna meet your 10 year digital BFF at a con, or something, early June), contact us.
Ping the Video Editors and let them know, and we WILL discuss that and be willing to hold a spot for you within reason.The above point also covers if you’re planning to arrange a con-choir akin to how we’re cooperating with DarkLight in Paris. If your convention date is past this, but you at least get a confirmed schedule before the general submission deadline is past, let us know and we’ll hold a place for your con-choir. Please note this is only for con-sized events, not small individual groups. 
If you personally orchestrate a gathering of friends singing the song outside of our digital choir, standard submission dates apply.
As-before, we're looking for major life events or super wild things this fandom has done to encourage you to live life. Crazy GISH vids are encouraged. Emotional meetings. Etc. But if you wanna just flex that SPN tat you got in a two second video clip to show it off, that works too.
So to clarify: Submissions for video content will open April 15 and close May 31, with the above exception. 
If you are submitting static/unmoving art for use in the video, we will use it as best we can. Not all art will be able to make it into the video. Art that does not make it into the video will be included in a zine. This zine will have PDF format and be printed out to be presented to the crew. We don't have the financials to make it open distribution/printing and we're not gonna beg for money to do so, but in everybody here leaving with a copy of the zine, you can all find your own resources to print it individually so you will always have a copy of this, and of course -- yes, we're going to make sure the crew gets it.
Art submission deadlines for video inclusion mirror video submission deadlines (Apr15 - May31). However, please see "The Zine" below.
News on how to submit will be provided when submissions are open. Please do not ask until then, for my sanity.
Dev Team Our dev team is everything from music directors, sound mixers, and video editors. Once music & singing recording is completed around the end of May, early June becomes their terrain. The end of the year is our goal to have the video project finished -- which may sound excessive, but we're going to be dealing with several hundred tracks of video alone, much less audio clean-up and so forth. Those will be five-to-six very busy months for our post-production crew, so the above deadlines are incredibly important. There will be no specific deadline in signing up for any related post-production team elements because, let's face it, if somebody shows up in August and thinks they can help with sound or video, odds are, they probably can. We'll update you if this changes.
The Zine The zine itself is going to handle overflow from the video and accept longer contributions. We don't have a specific date on it beyond wanting it done by the end of January. If you miss the video submission deadline for art, we can still include it in a tribute also intended to be delivered to the crew. We do not yet have a decided deadline on this, and will update as we get a better idea of our future horizon.
Art is not to have shippy content, but should be designed in a fair and balanced display of the crew. Team Free Will, Found Family, undersung heroes, and yes, Sam and Dean. And hell, Dean and Cas, as long as that's an ampersand and not a slash, if you feel me. But please also respect that we don't want a bunch of "gen" representation of a specific ship alone, either. Because I know the Destiel fandom is a tentacle monster of love, and extremely digitally engaged. So it's something to keep in mind. If too much of a specific duo is submitted, it'll be on zine handlers to consider what to use and what to not, and we don't want anybody's stuff getting disregarded!
That said, if you want in as a musician or singer, even if you can’t contribute RIGHT NOW, now is the time to climb into the server. Just be available to record some time in May.
And of course, as always, the discord link >> https://discord.gg/y3TGebk
If you are part of this project, or know anyone that is part of this project, PLEASE reblog this for a signal boost of the important deadlines and information above. We have our plan in gear. We need all of our participants or interested parties aware. We’re already over 250 people on our server in the last 3 days since we opened the project, so this next few weeks of sign ups will determine a lot more for us. Make sure nobody misses their chance.
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carryonproject · 5 years
Okay, but mood
funny text posts arent my
Tumblr media
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carryonproject · 5 years
Well, vibrate harder. We’ve already climbed to 131 individual singers not counting our groups since we made this post, and it’s taken an extra leap with major evolutions in our sheet music and early composition work with collaboration from the Gish Digital Choir, who also has been set up with a channel similar to DarkLight. Yeehah, folks. 
Carry Forward:
Mar 28, 2019 – Update
So this has been… impressive. First of all let it be said, we’ll still be accepting new entrants until at least the night of the season 14 finale for most roles. After that, some may be limited.
As always, feel free to hop into the Discord server. << Link
This is a list of the currently available base roles (and an idea of how many of each we have at the time of this post!). You can sign up for these with Chuckbot automatically on joining.
Musicians - Those who plan to take part in the instrumental arrangement. This may include those who play an instrument, those who can read/arrange music, or those who have orchestral experience. Or any others who fit into this category! (18)
If you have special skills in the area, like sound mixing, music theory, voice coaching, composing or transposing, let us know and we’ll manually promote you to another role like Music Director (4)
Singers - Those who will be acting as vocalists of any kind. Singers of all experience levels and ranges.(99)
Once you join the singer group, you’ll find a pin to test your base vocal range (if you don’t know.) Show the result and a TL, Manager or Admin will set you into that range for future tracking/pings/organizing
If you have particular skill in singing, ability to read sheet music, understanding of music theory and self confidence, check if your voice range has a team leader. Team leaders will test early composition harmonics with other team leaders and make “guide” videos once we have our composition set.
Developers - Sound, video, or other development experts. The ones who will put it all together and help with the technical bits along the way. (14)
This kinda crosspollinates with some other crews depending on what you can contribute so speak up in the group and let us know.
Signers - d/Deaf folks who will be signing. Please don’t assign this role to yourself if you are hearing. If you are hearing and would like to contribute, please get in touch with Crypto, the Signer Team Leader. (4? this one is being discussed)
Contributors - Those who wish to contribute in another way, such as doing art or contributing words of gratitude, etc. Or neat videos of inspirational things this fandom has encouraged you to do (crazy gish moments, awesome meet ups, things people normally wouldn’t call “art”) (42)
Once you’re in, let us know if you do art or writing so we can eventually slim this down into managed groups and pick team leaders for these roles as well.
We have 17 translators covering a bunch of countries if somebody needs help communicating.
Also, if you wish to make a group effort on your end, let us know. For example, we have a “DarkLight” team for DarkLight Con in Paris that has their own channel and are planning to make a group choir out of… most of the con. Let us know your groups, we’ll set you up a channel for you to participate in the respective category (like Singers) while still being able to coordinate both among yourselves and with any other dev teams.
For those just tuning in, this started as the idea of a few people singing “Carry on my Wayward Son”. That’s still the idea, but we’re about to Peter Hollins up this bitch plus some instrumentals and a message of what this show and crew has done to improve your life, what it has helped you create, and what it has helped you do. There’s already talk of potential overflow projects and followups to other big “fandom songs”, but of course, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Hah.
“What do you say?”
Thank you. We say thank you. And we say goodbye.
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carryonproject · 5 years
Carry Forward:
Mar 28, 2019 – Update
So this has been… impressive. First of all let it be said, we’ll still be accepting new entrants until at least the night of the season 14 finale for most roles. After that, some may be limited.
As always, feel free to hop into the Discord server. << Link
This is a list of the currently available base roles (and an idea of how many of each we have at the time of this post!). You can sign up for these with Chuckbot automatically on joining.
Musicians - Those who plan to take part in the instrumental arrangement. This may include those who play an instrument, those who can read/arrange music, or those who have orchestral experience. Or any others who fit into this category! (18)
If you have special skills in the area, like sound mixing, music theory, voice coaching, composing or transposing, let us know and we’ll manually promote you to another role like Music Director (4)
Singers - Those who will be acting as vocalists of any kind. Singers of all experience levels and ranges.(99)
Once you join the singer group, you’ll find a pin to test your base vocal range (if you don’t know.) Show the result and a TL, Manager or Admin will set you into that range for future tracking/pings/organizing
If you have particular skill in singing, ability to read sheet music, understanding of music theory and self confidence, check if your voice range has a team leader. Team leaders will test early composition harmonics with other team leaders and make “guide” videos once we have our composition set.
Developers - Sound, video, or other development experts. The ones who will put it all together and help with the technical bits along the way. (14)
This kinda crosspollinates with some other crews depending on what you can contribute so speak up in the group and let us know.
Signers - d/Deaf folks who will be signing. Please don’t assign this role to yourself if you are hearing. If you are hearing and would like to contribute, please get in touch with Crypto, the Signer Team Leader. (4? this one is being discussed)
Contributors - Those who wish to contribute in another way, such as doing art or contributing words of gratitude, etc. Or neat videos of inspirational things this fandom has encouraged you to do (crazy gish moments, awesome meet ups, things people normally wouldn’t call “art”) (42)
Once you’re in, let us know if you do art or writing so we can eventually slim this down into managed groups and pick team leaders for these roles as well.
We have 17 translators covering a bunch of countries if somebody needs help communicating.
Also, if you wish to make a group effort on your end, let us know. For example, we have a “DarkLight” team for DarkLight Con in Paris that has their own channel and are planning to make a group choir out of… most of the con. Let us know your groups, we’ll set you up a channel for you to participate in the respective category (like Singers) while still being able to coordinate both among yourselves and with any other dev teams.
For those just tuning in, this started as the idea of a few people singing “Carry on my Wayward Son”. That’s still the idea, but we’re about to Peter Hollins up this bitch plus some instrumentals and a message of what this show and crew has done to improve your life, what it has helped you create, and what it has helped you do. There’s already talk of potential overflow projects and followups to other big “fandom songs”, but of course, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Hah.
“What do you say?”
Thank you. We say thank you. And we say goodbye.
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carryonproject · 5 years
What languages do you have translators for? And what exactly do the translators do in this project?
Currently, translators help people that have limited english speaking skills. For example, we have several french translators that help us with the DarkLight project so they can comfortably speak their own language and not strain to coordinate with us over the convention in Paris. People from other geolocations wander in and it doesn’t hurt to have a few hands in each language just in case.
Long term, I would definitely enjoy at least one translator from each language available to us to copy down a “thank you for everything” style line (or another line as agreed upon while the project starts taking shape) to include and hold up in the video to really let them realize how far and wide they’ve impacted lives. 
Currently we have assistance in german, polish, albanian, hungarian, danish, french, finnish, swedish, czech, russian, spanish, arabic, hebrew, portuguese, japanese and chinese. And I just got a little dizzy realizing how long that list is. I’d love more arabic or japanese coverage since the person who speaks those is an algerian-french woman that’s often helping the darklight project so she’s kinda divided. But anything helps. =)
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