carter-jarman · 4 years
“It might be something you want to make clear for yourself just in case, some of these villains have building crushing abilities. I really wouldn’t want you to get hurt at all” she nodded. “I get that, I mean…Well. Kinda. I don’t have family, but I understand someones need to protect the one they have”
Carter chuckled. “I know, I’d like to say this isn’t my first rodeo, but it is. But I guess a part of me figured that with a super powered sister, I’d end up in this sort of situation at some point.”
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carter-jarman · 5 years
“I mean, are you sure that is wise? We have no idea what these villains are planning to do. They could easily blow this row of buildings up for all we know?” she then pursed her lips “Is there at least some sort of basement area here that you can go underground with?” she wondered, taking a breath and clicking her tongue.
Carter laughed. “Sure, there’s a hole to the kitchen next door, used to be an old booze running entrance.” He said. “Doesn’t change my mind, I’m staying here. I’m Thana’s older brother, I have no plans on outliving her.” He added.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
“Hah! That’s the best” she laughed out, watching the cat that wandered around her feet, having always had a strange connection with animals. They definitely were more in tune to the spirit realm than any human was. “How are you getting on with the current city situation, do you have plans on where to go if evacuated?”
Carter let out a sigh. “I was arguing with Thana about that a couple of weeks ago. She says I should just go to our parents place. But I’m already planning on a black out and just holing up here. She’s already chucked a good handful of bodies around the shop and can summon them in a pinch. There’s also my offer of using my shop as a way station. Or a med bay. The tower’s on the other side of town.” He remarked.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
“Ugh, it’s always the case when you really need someone isn’t it?” she sighed and licked her lips, her gaze then going to the cat “I probably spook him…I am not exactly of this world and I know that cats don’t like that” she admitted, smiling down to the kitten “I promise I won’t hurt you little guy…I’m just connected to the other side, that’s all” 
Carter chuckled and had sip of coffee. “Always, I once needed a guy to open a door for me in a time crunch and he was on the toilet and I nearly missed getting on stage in time.” He said. Carter then watched as Lev wandered around and hung by the woman’s side.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
“I tried, but I guess either my phone isn’t working or hers isn’t. Or shes on patrol, maybe training” she rambled and came to lean against the counter. “Yeah, trust me I know all too well where she’d end up, I want her to avoid that for as long as possible”
“If she’s working on something new she’s probably ignoring her phone.” Carter said as he took a sip of coffee. “But if you want, you’re welcome to look around. And don’t worry about Lev,” He added since he’d noticed that the kitten had managed to gotten off the counter. “Just, don’t let him out.”
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carter-jarman · 5 years
“Hm, then I’m all out of options on where to find her…” The hero sighed, before looking around the space “Nice shop” she noted “I don’t think I’ve ever had the chance to come shopping in this neighbourhood before” she admitted, stepping closer “I work with Thana, not a crazy trying to hunt her down”
Carter chuckled. “Thanks, and my best bet as to where to find her, have you tried calling her?” He said as he took a sip of coffee. “And thanks for not trying to kill her, though I’m still not 100% certain that would go over well.” He added.
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Carter was on coffee mug number two as he sat on the back perch with Lev on the main counter, splayed out napping. He’s hoped that despite the blown up bridge he wouldn’t lose too many sales. “Welcome to Radiance!” He said when the bell above the door rang.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
Heidi had been hoping to come across Thana and with not knowing where she was in HQ, she figured Radiance would be the next best place. “Oh, Hey, Good Afternoon” she beamed, looking around in hopes of spotting the girl “I uh, your sister isn’t round here is she?” she wondered awkwardly, stepping forward further into the shop.
Carter furrowed his brow over his coffee mug as he took a sip. People looking for his sister came in two varieties: People looking to harm her, and people who work with her. Still, didn’t matter in this case. “Nah, hasn’t stopped in recently.” He replied.
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Carter was on coffee mug number two as he sat on the back perch with Lev on the main counter, splayed out napping. He’s hoped that despite the blown up bridge he wouldn’t lose too many sales. “Welcome to Radiance!” He said when the bell above the door rang.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
Carter was on coffee mug number two as he sat on the back perch with Lev on the main counter, splayed out napping. He’s hoped that despite the blown up bridge he wouldn’t lose too many sales. “Welcome to Radiance!” He said when the bell above the door rang.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
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carter-jarman · 5 years
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Carter Jarman -- Owner of Radiance Records and former indie heartthrob
Name: Carter Alexander Jarman
Age: 32
Occupation: Owner of Radiance Records
Carter Jarman is Thana’s older brother and spent most his time before settling down and running the record shop on the road playing in various bands as a drummer. He’s commitment phobic which is how he ended up as the subject of so many pop punk songs. He’s pretty chill, but don’t get on his bad side.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
“He is, and I love him. I’d try to steal him if I didn’t like you so much,” she said. “So is he, like, the official shop cat now?”
Carter laughed. “Yes he’s the official cat. Seems to like being here.” He said. “And thank you for your consideration into not stealing him.” He added.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
Billie reached for the indicated box, nodding as he explained.  Tilting her head, she watched him consider, before following his gaze, though she didn’t know enough about what she was seeing to understand his thought process.  Still, she could recognize what he was doing: the sight of someone forming a strategy was a familiar one, even in this unfamiliar context.  “Ready.” She responded, blinking out of her analysis and following him down the aisle with the box held ahead of her.
Carter clapped his hands and chuckled. “Right! So, we’re going chronologically, and thanks to some lovely feedback by other customers, we’ll keep this in fragments and I’ll keep it slow. We’re gonna start in the 50s. Specifically, rock and roll with a dash of everything else. Sound good?” He asked.
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carter-jarman · 5 years
Bella couldn’t help but grinned as she pet the kitten - he was so adorable. “I love Lev, I’ve only had him for five minutes and if anything happened to me I would kill everyone in this city and then myself.”
Carter let out a laugh. “Why am I not surprised?” He asked. He continued to watch her pet the small kitten that he was happy to watch over, but sometimes worried more about than he really should. “Lev’s a good kitty.”
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carter-jarman · 5 years
Signe looked down, “Isn’t it crazy?” She questioned, looking up at Carter, “The fact that we’re here now, talking about your cat, and in a few short days we’ll be at war?” The woman sighed, scrunching her eyebrows and in a state of almost disbelief.
“It’s surreal I’ll give ya that.” He muttered as he drank his coffee. He didn’t like thinking about it, it made him nervous. Stressed him out. And he was already way too stressed out for his liking. “Part of me hopes that everyone’s just overreacting, and that it won’t actually come to that. The other part of me knows better and knows it’s foolish to hope otherwise.” He added. 
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carter-jarman · 5 years
Signe nodded, putting a few packets of sugar in her coffee before stirring it and taking a sip. “I see. I suppose I’m just used to covering the taste of the bitter coffee the other heroes make with ungodly amount of creamer.” She spoke with a chuckle before taking another sip. “I wish I could be this chill all the time. Just drinking coffee with friends and jammin to good music.”
Carter chuckled. “That’d be nice, uneventful and quiet week. A good way to stop this entire nonsense.” He said as he took a sip of coffee. “Lev enjoys it a lot.”
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carter-jarman · 5 years
“Maybe so,” she replied. Her attention was then focused on the kitten that she had caught sight of. “Thana mentioned you’d gotten a cat! Oh my god, he’s adorable.”
Carter chuckled and watched her pet the kitten. “Yeah, his name is Lev. I found him out back after taking out my garbage. He’s super affectionate and I thankfully have not had to worry about teething.” He said with a smile
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carter-jarman · 5 years
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