carterscollection · 3 years
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While looking for photos for my art archive, this photo of what appears to be a seal stuck out to me the most. It raises a lot of questions, “why is he there?” “what’s he doing?” “is there water nearby?” It’s an interesting piece because of the odd location of the seal, as many people including myself are accustomed to seeing seals on snow or on rocks, maybe even in water when this one appears to be in some sort of field. It’s a very unusual location and if it were possible to track this image down to its very source, I’d like to know where this image came from. Along with this, the seal has a very gloomy expression, which further emphasizes why I’d like to know why he is where he is in this image. Overall, I think this photo is more bizarre than it seems at first glance, and I can’t help but question it. Image found on pinterest.com 
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carterscollection · 3 years
Marja Pirila is an artist and photographer with a heavy fascination with camera obscura, a method of taking pictures through a dark box that changes images like nothing else can. She sees the method as magical and has been working with it since 1996. Marja’s art explores the world from different angles and manipulates light as we know it. Along with her creations, she graduated as a photographer and a biologist, in which her studies gave her a deep fascination with flies. Since her debut, she has had dozens of solo exhibitions all over the world. 
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Spiral Camera Obscura, 2006
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carterscollection · 3 years
Michael Joo is an American-Korean contemporary artist that uses many different types of media to express meaning through his work. His goal is to represent and reflect human history through his sculptures, paintings, prints, etc. 
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His work revolves around the question “Why do we perceive the way we do?” Exploring the human mind and how we go about reflecting on our history. He wants to expand upon the idea of our own self-perceived image until we perceive of ourselves as something that cannot defined, which is why he makes objects that can barely be conceived through just thought.
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carterscollection · 3 years
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Free Trade Hall, Peter Street 1851
While going through Manchester Archive Plus, I stumbled upon a collection of archived photos of buildings that have now been demolished. Although every single photo in the collection is spectacular in their own way, and each and every building is unique and deserves to have its memory preserved, the one that struck me the most is the Free Trade Hall in Manchester, England. Now a hotel, the site is home to the Peterloo Massacre, where fifteen people were killed when cavalry charged into the crowd in 1819. Years later it was bombed during World War II in 1940. It housed the Halle Orchestra for 138 years, but was closed 1996. It’s very important to archive pictures and places such as this because it helps keep the memory of the Free Trade Hall alive. Being around for 138 years, its no question that thousands of people were impacted by and attached to this building, making it crucial for it to be remembered. 
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