carvedfromsins · 7 years
welp. that’s it for this blog. it’s been a fun ride. please take care of yourselves, stay healthy and happy ♡ feel free to unfollow!
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
discenture replied to your post
i kno we haven’t spoken or anything so it might be weird for me to pipe in but i enjoy seeing you on my dash and can understand the anxiety? i hope if you make a new blog you’re happier and comfier and feel more at ease but either way whoever you do end up rping with whether it’s here or someone else is a lucky duck! anyways, again i hope things feel a bit better soon
this?? isn’t?? weird?? at all?? it’s so sweet of you actually. i have to admit i’m a bit caught off guard and sorta speechless oml, but thank you so much. this really means a lot to me and i appreciate that you took the time to write this. aahh, i’m really bad at responding to stuff like this but really, thank you so much !!  ♡
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
i feel the urge to start anew. with a new blog, new alias, new muses and just. fix this. it feels messy and it makes me feel messy and idk. i don’t like getting on here anymore? i don't think i do, but then again i always have mad mood swings so idk. i feel like i've been inactive for so long that it's difficult for me to start again. and like, i hate to complain, because i hate to be a burden or make others feel bad but i genuinely don't think many people would care. and that's okay, really. think it'd benefit me to only have a small circle of people i rp and interact with anyways, my anxiety can't handle this.
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
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i wanna kiss the pout away T-T
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
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it’s late. it’s so late. one might question why he’s even still awake. the boy has an answer. he was at work & decided to slack off on homework. now he’s stuck doing a paper at a god awful time. really, it’s no one’s fault but his own. mentally he curses himself. he keeps his signature look, pen positioned behind his ear & so terribly deep in concentration. it’s only when he hears a knock at the door that he stops. the macbook that’s in his lap is RESTED on the couch, right in the spot beside him. the tall figure huffs, going to his door. he has his guesses on who might be behind the door. being the smart boy he is, his answer is right. he should probably be startled by the blood coating the other’s body yet he isn’t. he’s nearly immune to it at this point. the door is unlocked. ❛ jesus. what happened? ❜ nose scrunches up right then & there as he sighs, door opening up entirely.  ❛ don’t get blood on the carpet, please. ❜ it’s stated right after a huff. he sounds a little grumpy & maybe he is. he has a right to be with all the work piling up.
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he’s a prideful man but even he can’t tell exactly why he’s here, of all places. dark eyes taking in the sight of the taller male, reign’s facial expression remains stoic as he steps past him. “nothing happened. i just had a little bit of fun.” and just as the word fun escapes his parted lips, reign pulls out his silver knife and twirls it around idly. takes a second to look around whilst he kicks his shoes off ( he might be a madman, but he tries his best not to be completely rude ). it feels like a home, the atmosphere is warm and comforting, a bit too much, if reign is honest, and he turns upon the heels of his feet to look back at eugene. “why are you still awake? it’s late.” voice as monotone as ever, he takes the other’s words into regard, peeking down to see if he’s marked the soft carpet beneath his naked feet. doesn’t notice that he tightens his grip on the knife, fingertips turning almost white. “do you have any clothes i can change into?” such a domestic question. it’s almost a bit funny. however, reign doesn’t look at eugene whilst he talks, rather trudges away to open some kitchen cabinets in hopes of settling his rumbling stomach. his beloved knife is carelessly thrown into the sink, blood following the streaks created by the open water. his hand rests on the faucet, eyes fixated on the intense colour of red for a moment too long before he snaps out of it. still doesn’t look at eugene, however. just blinks a couple of times. “can you clean me?”
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
I am an impulsive roleplayer.
I let my muse take the reins and decide what threads to start or reply to in a given day. If the muse doesn’t feel it, it isn’t happening. That doesn’t mean that I hate you or that I no longer want to interact with you; I probably either lost our thread or my muse just said, ‘nah bro.’
I’m sorry I drop threads. I’m sorry I don’t reply to memes. I’m sorry I ignore my asks. I’m sorry I plot things and then don’t do them. I’m an impulsive roleplayer: my muse guides me.
Roleplaying isn’t my job: it’s my hobby. I do it for fun. My muse isn’t my coworker: my muse is my friend. We have fun together. If I started treating this as a job, it wouldn’t be enjoyable for me anymore, and the quality of my content would diminish greatly!
And while we’re on the subject, just because a thread gets dropped does not mean the relationship between our muses is dead!! Thread =/= relationship! We can start something new and continue building their bond! Relationships are important to building new aspects of our muses!
I always want to roleplay with you. Just…perhaps not with that thread. You feel?
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
@poisongardens !
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         reign can’t tell right from wrong. he lost his sense of morality at a young age, and thus, nothing really fazes him anymore. it doesn’t strike him as something odd when he’s lurking in the hallway of eugene’s apartment complex, covered head to toe in someone else’s blood and.. ––  oh. yeah. he almost forgot about that little fact, until his knuckles sound against the wood of gene’s door and he catches sight of the dried red droplets on his hands. funny. he must look horrible. becomes rather aware of the weight of his tucked away knife then, and reign sniffles. “open the door already.”
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
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Turn the weather into a photoshoot…
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
the signs and their downsides
Aries: is both the protagonist & antagonist of their own life Taurus: constantly torn between what they want and what they need Gemini: doesn’t know how to function without stimulation Cancer: they make “homes” out of people, and relies on others rather than themselves for a sense of security. Leo: sees everyone as a threat or competition Virgo has an all-consuming fear of insignificance and lacking in all forms (major preoccupation with proving their worth) Libra: frequently loses their sense of self (by tending to define themselves by their friends & the people they surround themselves with) Scorpio: extreme distrust in not only others but also in themselves, seeing their emotions & obsessions as treacherous Sagittarius: has bouts of overwhelming loneliness and emptiness (and will do anything to fill the void) Capricorn: can’t handle failure, it feels like the end of the world to them Aquarius: has an existential crisis every other week Pisces: constantly waiting for something to happen, having absurdly high hopes & therefore getting them crushed over and over again.
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
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© breeze; please do not edit。(1, 2, 3)
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
by cute do you mean you wanna frick frack or do you mean I look 12
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
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Feeling him move some of her hair back, Imelda tilts her head slightly in the male’s lap to look up at him more clearly. She grasps that it is a quite heavy subject – even more so that it was a sudden topic to talk about. Sometimes things just ate away at her, and she just had to say something. Listening to him talk, Imelda just simply nodded in a slight agreement. “That make sense too.. I can understand the whole wandering around.” Seeing as for the most part she  had done a lot of wandering before she decided to just settle herself somewhere. “I”m sorry – that was probably a weird question to ask.” Which is followed by a soft laugh, mostly to defuse the thin air. 
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he doesn’t mind her curiousity. it goes hand in hand with the same sort that keeps him up some nights, rendering him sleepless and frustrated. it only serves as a bit of a shock initially, because jumin wouldn’t expect such questioning to come from imelda. she’s always seemed so... soft. maternal in a way. “it’s not weird, it was just  –– sudden, is all. i’ve actually thought about that before.” a heavy exhale sounds, and he moves his hands away from her hair. there’s no particular reason for it, he just feels a tad bit restless. her laughter softens him, calms him down more than he’d like to admit and jumin falls comfortable again. a smile taking the place of his previous small frown. “have you been thinking about the meaning of life or summat?” 
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
me @ me rn: (ง'̀-‘́)ง
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
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carvedfromsins · 7 years
✧ * º • ─ main.
silas: please 🙄
silas: omg
silas: thats more like it. dont make me drop u for someone who cares about me and my earthly wellbeing
silas: being a little bit GAY doesnt mean ur not a homophobe... but lets not get into a philosophical discussion right now when im trying to get dicked tf down
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