cas4pie · 2 months
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cas4pie · 7 months
Hi hello yes more thoughts about this hgduo pre-canon, hunger games/wars au(??) because my brain is rotating them at incredible speeds. (Obligatory cannibalism tw because yeah the lore do be like that.)
Bad originally finds Cellbit while the kid is trying to use a dagger to carve up a body to eat---key word trying. Bad stands back and watches him struggle for about thirty seconds before speaking up: "You're holding that wrong." (The kid jumps about two feet in the air. "WhhUH---") "Also you're not supposed to carve with a dagger, silly. You should really be using a knife. Here." And Bad passes him one of his hunting knives.
Bad mentally dubs Cellbit "Dagger-Kid" because he doesn't know Cellbit's name. When Cellbit later admits he doesn't know his name either, Bad officially dubs him "Dagger-Kid" or "Dagger" for short. ((For the rest of this I'll be calling Cellbit "Dagger")) ((Also I'm not 100% on this name yet but we'll see.))
I should note that I also think it would be funny that every time Dagger does something notable or reveals a new quality about himself, Bad tries to give him a new name. Like, they scavenge a piece of chocolate off one of their victims and Dagger loves it, so Bad tries to suggest, "Oh oh! What if we called you 'Sweets'! Or 'Chocolate'? 'Coco,' maybe?" all of which Dagger (playfully) rolls his eyes at. Bad rotates through nicknames regularly, but Dagger personally sticks with the first name Bad gave him.
Dagger was on his own for two months before he met Bad. He is injured and half-starved and utterly exhausted. The first time they make camp together, Dagger promises he'll take the first watch, but he nods off before even Bad can fall asleep. It's the first time Dagger has felt safe enough to truly relax, so his body just crashes. He sleeps for twelve hours.
This one's honestly more of a general qsmp headcanon I have but it goes here too: Bad teaches Dagger how to throw knives (for combat) and how to do knife tricks (for fun). Current-day Cellbit still remembers how to do the tricks, and he'll often use them as a way of fidgeting when he's thinking---with a pen or pencil instead, though.
One of Dagger's natural talents is stealth. He's not as quiet as Bad, but he's definitely good at it; his cat-hybrid traits definitely lend him a hand here, too. It's the main way Dagger survived before meeting Bad, stealing supplies out of camps while people were sleeping.
Bad, being a demon, doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep as much as mortals do, and certainly not as much as a teenage boy. To him, it only seems practical that he gives himself smaller portions of their rations, or takes longer nightwatch shifts. But Dagger (who can scarcely imagine ever being not hungry or not tired, much less at the same time) is still grateful and feels somewhat indebted to Bad, even after Bad explains.
Dagger (a cat hybrid and a little more than a bit messed up) bites to show affection. Usually Bad's arm. Any normal guy would be injured by the force of Dagger's bite---Dagger doesn't really seem to understand that not-biting-hard is an option---but Bad doesn't really mind it.
(The truth is that deep down Dagger really wants to hug Bad, but he knows Bad isn't a very cuddly person, and yeah Bad might give him a hug if he asked but he's too afraid to ask so all that affection stays bottled up until it rises rises rises and he just doesn't know what to do with it anymore and it needs OUT---)
Bad thwacks Dagger upside the head with his tail whenever Dagger is being a "little rapscallion" and eventually Dagger starts retaliating. His tail isn't as long or flexible as Bad's but he definitely does try.
Bad has a lot of stories to tell. Some true, some made up on the fly. He's always liked telling stories, and Dagger is a captive audience. He learns Dagger loves mysteries, and suddenly, all of his campfire stories are about spies, and detectives, and red-string cork boards and espionage.
The thing Dagger fears the most is that one morning he'll wake up and Bad won't be there because Bad decided Dagger slowed him down and thus abandoned him. He thinks about this near-constantly. (The thing Bad fears the most is that one morning he'll wake up and look at Dagger and start caring like he used to a long, long time ago. He does not think about this at all.)
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cas4pie · 8 months
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silly little #guapoduo sketch for halloween :3
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cas4pie · 9 months
saul goodman was meant to be in supernatural.
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cas4pie · 11 months
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cas4pie · 1 year
five nights at frezzzys that’s where i wanna be
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michael’s starting his morning with some light reading
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cas4pie · 1 year
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michael’s starting his morning with some light reading
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cas4pie · 1 year
guys is michael technically a furry?????
i mean people are animals (especially to someone like michael) and he is quite literally wearing adam…
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cas4pie · 1 year
OMG!!! love them
good evening midam fans and enthusiasts, i got my midam pin!!!!
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LOOK AT IT! now i can have adam and michael on my bag at all times!
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cas4pie · 2 years
hell yeah chapter 8 is out!!!!
here’s a little preview of their first hang out:) this is not the full chapter, the full chapter is posted on ao3!
The pair awkwardly sat across from each other, Adam occasionally tapping his fingers on the glass to fill the silence.
After what seemed to be fifteen minutes of nothing, Adam broke the silence.
“So… Let me give you a tour of this place!” He says, clearing his throat.
Michael gave Adam a puzzled look.
“Adam, I know every inch of this space. I share with you all your memories and I heavily aided in the creation of this physical plane.”
Adam gets momentarily hung up on the fact that Michael just told him he shares all of Adam’s memories, his face pinking slightly when he thinks of some particularly embarrassing memories he hadn’t intended other people (or angels) to see. Shoving the thoughts away, and recomposing himself, he doubled down on his initial offer.
“Well, too bad. I’m going to show you anyway. It’s kinda customary, and what kind of host would I be if I didn’t show you around?”
Michael didn’t respond for a second, giving Adam another confused look. His eyes traced Adam’s figure and he spoke in a sincere and reassuring tone.
“Adam, I can assure you. You are a wonderful host. You have held up very nicely. Very few beings can hold the likes of an angel, let alone an archangel and still maintain structural integrity. It is quite the impressive feat.”
Adam’s face went from totally lost to a humorous grin, and he had to stifle a laugh, “No, no, no. I meant like a party host, like the person who is hosting the hang-out!”
Michael’s brows furrowed as the confusion over took his face yet again. “Hmm, I see.”
“Nah, not yet you don’t. But you will, because I’ll show you what a host is supposed to be like.”
Adam reaches for the pitcher of lemonade before asking Michael, “Would you like some?” Followed up by, “…Do you eat? Or drink, ever?”
“No. I do not partake in the consumption of food or drink. I have no need.”
Hmm, Adam had pretty much expected that so he wasn’t that shocked but he still felt kinda sad for the guy, that means no pizza, ever.
“Alright, no worries. Here, let me put this pitcher in the fridge and I’ll be right back so we can start our tour.” Adam flashed a smile before turning to walk back inside.
Michael watched but said nothing, keeping his seated position as Adam vanished into the house.
Upon Adams return he asked, “So, where did you want to start?”
“Wherever you please, Adam.” Michael’s response disappointed Adam.
“Okay, well how about I give you two options and you pick one.”
“Very well.”
“Cool, do you want to start outdoors or indoors?”
Michael sat there, thinking, for a solid two minutes before he chose. It didn’t matter though, Adam was patient and just happy to have another being sharing his space with him.
“Outdoors, Adam.”
“Great! That’s my favorite! Let’s go.” Adam made a hand motion, to signal for Michael to stand up and follow him.
With a little extra verbal prompting, Michael eventually did just that.
“So, this is my grandparent’s back yard!” Adam said excitedly.
“Obviously you’ve seen the patio and table, here are some of the outdoor potted plants, we’ve got a cherry tomato plant, some hostas, and i’m not exactly sure what this hanging one is, it’s some type of succulent.”
“It is a Sedum Morganianum.” Michael offered.
“Oh, cool thanks, so then we also have the Sedum Morganianum.”
Adam started moving to the gate of the fence that lead out of the mowed back lawn, and Michael followed suit.
“My grandparents have about thirty acres of land and-“ Adam stopped mid sentence because of the face Michael was making at him. “What is it?”
“The land we are currently on is actually 27.8 acres.” Michael said, no hint of rudeness, fully just trying to inform Adam.
Adam rubbed his hair with his hand, “Okay, anyway, if you look past the back of the fence you can see my grandpas shed, and the gardening field.” He pointed to the left.
“I see.” Michaels eyes were fixated on what Adam was showing him.
“In our garden plot we have growing carrots, turnips, green beans, cucumbers, acorn squash, tomatillos, green peppers, zucchini, purple onions, scallions, and some wild asparagus grows around the edges. It’s really nice to have your own garden, when I was a kid, grandma would have me pick dinner from our own back yard, which I thought was super cool.” Adam physically counted on his fingers as he went down the list of produce.
Michael nodded silently watching each finger tick up.
“So, as you can see there is two-track trails leading deeper and to different spots in the woods. I think we should take that one.” Adam gestured to the one just behind the yards three apple trees. “That’s my favorite it leads back to a big field with some more apple trees!”
“I am aware of it.” Michael again spoke with sincerity and not convection, his words not matching his tone.
The two started their walk along the trail, through the vast array of trees, shrubbery and foliage. Adam felt slightly awkward with Michael but honestly, he’ll take it. It beats being completely alone.
“See all the different pine trees?” Adam asked.
“Yes.” Michael affirmed.
“Well-“ Adam walked a little faster heading right up to a smaller, slightly disfigured pine tree and rapped his knuckles on the bark. “This tree is a jack pine, you can tell because the bark is gray and kinda scaly. And also the needles come in pairs of two and are less than three inches long.”
“I see.”
“And this one,” Adam walked to his left to a very tall, triangular-ly shaped tree. “is a white spruce, I know that because the needles are four sided, and sharp, as well as the trees height gives it away. White spruces can stand up to one hundred feet, but normally stay around the sixty feet mark.”
Michael stared at the boy, why did Adam tell him about the trees? Surely he doesn’t think that Michael is unaware of these tree species. Michael teetered over the decision of telling Adam this knowledge was useless to him, as he already knew, and didn’t his tips on how to identify a tree.
He could view the chemical make-up of anything and everything, and would not need such barbaric ways of identification.
However, the enthusiasm and excitement exuding off of the humans soul was endearing in a way that Michael dare not disturb.
Instead, he hummed in response to Adam, showing he was listening and keeping his thoughts to himself.
Adam continued on identifying trees and by the time they reached the clearing Adam had identified and explained, jack pine, white spruce, balsam fir, cottonwood, sugar maple, bur oak, red pine, and white oak trees.
“Looks like we made it! I’ll stop telling you about trees now, but you know, summer after my fifth grade, I went to a boy scout/summer camp type-thing. I begged my mom to let me go for years before that and we finally put together the money so I could! I had so much fun and I never forgot the stuff I learned about plant identification and knot tying.” Adam laughed a little.
“You did very well, all of your identification was correct.” Michael praised.
“Yeah well, I would sure hope it was! I read a lot of books about Minnesotas native trees and plants after that camp so, I’m pretty confident in my skills.” Adam crossed his arms and had a smug smile on his face. “Come on, this way.” He called to Michael as he took off running through the field toward the seven apple trees.
Michael did not run, instead he simply appeared next to Adam when he had ceased his running. Adam was hunched a little, hand on the tree and catching his breath when Michael appeared next to him. It startled Adam for only a moment before he laughed.
“I definitely have some things to get used to with you.” He said through breaths and giggles.
“How do you mean?” Michael asked, cocking his head slightly.
“You didn’t touch your chair earlier, and you just went from one side of a field to the next in a split second, that’s not normal. I mean it’s not bad or anything, just not… the ‘human way’, I guess.” Adams soft smile faded back into a more observant expression.
“I do apologize, Adam. I am not used to having a vessel. Even if I was, I find it much more convenient to utilize my abilities than to try it ‘the human way’.”
“Yeah man, it wasn’t a diss or anything, just, an observation.” Adam threw his hands up in a don’t-sweat-it gesture.
“What is, ‘diss’.”
“Oh, it’s like, a diss is something someone would say to be rude or make you feel bad, it’s basically an insult. I was trying to tell you that I didn’t mean what I said as an insult.”
“I see. Well, I did not feel insulted so it is alright. I do understand that humans are lacking in almost every angelic ability, and I do not expect you to be familiarized with them.”
“Okay, great, glad you understand.” Adam gave a tight smile. He was starting to pick up on the fact that socializing with an angel might be more tiring than he originally thought.
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cas4pie · 2 years
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let’s hear it for misha collins everybody
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cas4pie · 2 years
kyledavidhall fan to transmasc pipeline is REAL. there’s just something about him
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cas4pie · 2 years
they destroyed mike's character and for what? so he could swap spit with some stupid girl?
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cas4pie · 2 years
diversity win!!! the character who's always sad and destined to suffer just to advance his straight crush's love story is GAY!!!!!
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cas4pie · 2 years
the duffers on july 1st
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cas4pie · 2 years
so excited for this fic!!
JUST RELEASED MY FIC YAY! im working on chapter 8 now i should upload once or twice monthly!!
Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: General
No warnings
Relationships: Adam Milligan/Micheal
After getting trapped in the cage, Micheal and Adam have to learn to get along with one another, within the confines of Adams mind. While Adam battles the anxiety that comes with, coming to terms with your eternal imprisonment-
Micheal, while at first distant, adapts to Adams human customs and learns to truly care for another person for the first time in his angelic existence.
And here’s a sneak peak of them arguing over their daddy issues in chapter 7 LOL:
“Faith? In what? You’re absent father? No thanks.” Adam said with a snarky tone, placing his hand on his hip.
“Adam.” Micheal warned.
“No, I’m not going to be stuck here waiting for a dead-beat dad that may or may not save me. That’s what killed me the first time, you know? I. Want. Out.”
“Your father was just a man, Adam. My father is God. He will save you, Adam. Surely you have the capacity for patience.”
Sorry it’s so hard for me to condense this content into a summary! If you like Midam, and slow burn just give this fic a try!
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cas4pie · 2 years
Me and Micheal
will pining and random byler angst at the end bc that parallel always looks cool in edits
(this is the second edit i have ever made so pls go easy on me haha)
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