casaunova · 4 years
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Why won’t you let me die. 
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casaunova · 5 years
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[I haven’t been on this blog in what feels like fucking Years but happy birthday grim
edit; holy shit the last time i did anything Ic on this blog WAS a year ago. wildin]
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casaunova · 6 years
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[im offended that nothing got flagged so i can make a trash man joke. the audacity]
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casaunova · 6 years
There is a knock at the door, a sly grin melted into the ground next to a package--Upon opening it there is a cake with familiar handwriting scrawled out: "Happy 1047th Birthday, Asshole." Upon the reveal there is a snicker from the ground, a familiar chubby purple hand waving at Grim.
Already? He expected at least one person to drop by- Iris, maybe Flannery if she remembered or Acerola if she ever conned that ‘uncle’ of hers into digging up his birthday, but the former would have had to fly in.  
Either way, he could be bothered to answer the door for once, and was almost happy to find it empty.
Almost empty. Almost happy. 
It didn’t take any time for the handwriting to register, sinking his chest for a moment before it shifted into an uplifted bloom instead, pushing the corner of his lips in a crooked smirk. Boy, he sure wouldn’t fit all those candles on it. 
Grim’s glaze flicked from the cake to the hand, chuckling to himself as he picked up the parcel. 
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“Well, come on then. I’m not eating this entire thing by myself. I’d never hear the end of it if I died fat.”
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casaunova · 6 years
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Huh, it’s his birthday. 
Maybe he’d go out and get some cake flavored vodka.
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casaunova · 6 years
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   “You still style your hair like one, so I can hardly see how that’s my fault.” 
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“You should really teach your pet rocks a better sense of humor- maybe you’d get a little practice in realizing when someone’s teasing.”
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casaunova · 6 years
casaunova replied to your post: …………his ears are ringing. 
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          “…Grimsley! The nerve. We’ve been good friends since childhood, what have I done to deserve your scorn!?”
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“Well, the last time we spoke you called me a Skuntank, and that was how long ago? Maybe I’m still hurt........”
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casaunova · 6 years
Standing on his feet while he let him move, which was almost as bad as stepping on them, but she couldn’t reach much of anything then.
‘Yep~!  Maybe next year I’ll get even higher.’
  Hopefully, but she was rather happy to be able to just reach him now.
There was a nod at his direction. Right, follow she could do that. She stepped back soon as he moved forward as she attempted to follow his movements. Eyes trying their best not to wander down to look at her feet.
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The elite’s smile quirked in it’s usual crooked way. It started small: a bit of a smirk, then a full grin until suddenly he couldn’t hold in his chuckle. 
“If you concentrate any harder, smoke’s going to come out of your ears,” he teased, stopping their sway for a moment. He was surprised her tongue hadn’t stuck out in all the effort. 
“Take a moment to listen to the song- you can hear the steps in to it: one, two three, one two three. Do you hear it?” 
He stood tall again, head raised and ready, “Here, what if I tell you what your feet are doing for you? I can narrate the counts with directions, or you could always look at your feet, you know. This is just for practice.”
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casaunova · 6 years
There was a slight huff at the tease made at the expense of her height. What else was new really? But she took it rather lightly. Hands on her hips as she looked up at him.
‘I can reach your shoulder just fine, you’ll see.’
Luckily, she didn’t have to lean up on her toes to do so with a small hand placing itself on his right shoulder with the other taking his offered hand. 
The record she gave him had a slow, yet steady melodic sound, which indicated it was more of a waltz.
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“Well now, would you look at that-” He crooked his head in an exaggerated fashion, examining her form, “no heels, no tip toes, and not standing on my shoes? I guess I was wrong after all.”
She needed to stop growing so fast. Soon she might not bother with dancing. 
Music filled the room slowly, the orchestra and the dancer readying themselves for the full count. It didn’t take more than a second for Grimsley to get a feel for the tune, but he didn’t know how well Iris could pick up the rhythm. 
“Alright now- I’ll lead, you follow, so you step back on my step forward.” He gave her hand a bit of a nudge, guiding her, “One, two, three. One, two, three.”
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casaunova · 6 years
'I think you're scaring the locals of Aloha, Graham. They're thinking there's a ghost haunting the shores of the beach now.' Kinda funny though, since seeing someone as pale as Grim seemed so abnormal here. Least Iris was enjoying her time here.
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“Am I?”
He didn’t sound very concerned with the prospect. In fact, if his chuckle had anything to say about it, he seemed downright thrilled. What sort of stories where there? Was he a pirate? A vengeful spirit? Mistaken for a woman looking for her husband at sea? The kimono probably didn’t help.
“I have made acquaintance with miss Acerola- you know her, yes? She’s the….kahuna? Trail captain? She’s some sort of figure head on this island, anyways, and a ghost specialist. Maybe that’s where all the stories are coming from?”
Grimsley ruffled her hair a little, “I think you’d like her. She reminds me of you when you were younger, right down to the unruly purple mop of a head.”
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casaunova · 6 years
'Graham~! I have something I wanna tell you!' She fanned the taller man down to get his attention. Soon as he'd lean down to her as she wanted she'd lean up to press her forehead against his as she smiled brightly with a happy hum made, 'I love you~'
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Oh? A secret, perhaps? What sort of secret would a champion house? Surely nothing too scandalous. After all, everyone knew a master of the dark type was prone to trading stories, right? 
But this was Iris. Sweet, little Iris.
Grim nuzzled into her forehead a little, whispering back in return, “I have something to tell you as well~.”
And boop! A small kiss to the nose. 
“I love you too.”
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casaunova · 6 years
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[Damn you leave a blog for 3000 years and the only follows that are active or mel, poppy, mango and cher
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casaunova · 6 years
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Where is his hug.
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casaunova · 6 years
casaunova replied to your post:              “New game. Every time a Unovan…
take the real shot coward
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             “Brave talk coming from a man whose liver resembles a shriveled up prune.”
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“Is it that bad already? I’ll have to harvest a new one when I go out sucking on necks. Say, you’re not a drinker- what are you doing later? Preferably after sunset?”
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casaunova · 6 years
  “Freaking idealists and their tits….”
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“Just say fuck, Shinri.”
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casaunova · 6 years
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put this on your blog to protect yourself from cyber bullies and the fbi
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casaunova · 6 years
I’ll evade death until I can’t.
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Mark the ones your muse has done. Use your result as your post title. Please repost and don’t reblog!
Tagged by: @marshalarts Tagging: you
[x] consumed alcohol [x] slept in the same bed with someone of another gender [x] slept in the same bed with someone of the same gender [x] kissed someone of another gender [x] had sex [x] had someone in your room other than family [x] seen porn [x] bought porn [x] tried drugs [x] been drugged TOTAL: 10
[x] taken painkillers [] taken someone else’s prescription medicine [x] lied to your parents [x] lied to a friend [x] snuck out of the house [x] done something illegal [x] felt hurt [x] hurt someone [x] wished someone to die [x] seen someone die TOTAL: 9
[x] missed curfew [x] stayed out all night [x] eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [x] been to a therapist [x] received a ticket [x] been to rehab [] dyed your hair [] been in an accident [x] been to a club [x] been to a bar TOTAL: 8
[x] been to a wild party [] been to a Mardi Gras parade  [x] drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night [] had a spring break in Florida [x] sniffed anything [x] wore black nail polish [] wore arm bands [] wore t-shirts with band names [x] listened to rap TOTAL: 5
[x] dressed gothic [x] dressed girly [x] dressed punk [x] dressed grunge [x] stole something [x] been too drunk to remember anything [x] blacked out [x] fainted [x] had a crush on a neighbor TOTAL: 10
[x] had a crush on a friend [x] been to a concert [x] dry-humped someone/been dry humped [x] been called a slut [x] called someone a slut [] installed speakers in a car [x] broken a mirror [x] showered at someone of another gender’s house [] brushed your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush TOTAL: 7
[] considered Ludacris your favorite rapper [x] seen an R-rated movie [x] cruised the mall [x] skipped school [x] had surgery [x] had an injury [] gone to court [x] walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping [x] caught something on fire [x] lied about your age TOTAL: 8
[x] owned/rented an apartment/house [x] broken the law in the police’s presence [x] made out with someone who had a GF/BF [x] got in trouble with the police [x] talked to a stranger [x] hugged a stranger [x] kissed a stranger [x] rode in the car with a stranger [x] been harassed [x] been verbally harassed TOTAL: 10
[x] met face-to-face with someone you met online  [] stayed online for 5+ hours straight [] talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight   [x] watched TV for 5 hours straight [x] been to a fair [x] been called a bad influence [] drank and drove [x] prank-called someone [x] laid on a couch with someone of another gender [x] cheated on a test TOTAL: 7
If you have 00-10 … write [I’m a goody-goody] If you have 11-20 … write [I’m still a goody-goody] If you have 21-30 … write [I’m average] If you have 31-40 … write [I’m a bad kid] If you have 41-50 … write [I’m a very bad influence] If you have 51-60 … write [I’m a horrible person] If you have 61-70 … write [I should be in jail] If you have 71-80 … write [I should be dead] If you have 81-90 … write [I got a ticket to Hell]
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