cascott92-blog · 6 years
Notaries Matter
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It might surprise you to learn that Samuel Clemens, who is more commonly known as the literary genius Mark Twain was a notary public for the State of Nevada in 1864 before he became a beloved author whose writing still holds up to this day.
It was the only public office he ever held in his lifetime. He is one among the many other famous notaries that exist. And notaries are not unique to the western culture, and can even be dated back to ancient Egypt, during which time notaries were referred to as “scribes”.
Notaries mattered in the past and still continue to matter in the present day. We ensure the signing of documents are conducted fairly and impartially, while also validating the identity of signers to help deter and prevent fraud. While fraud continues to grow more rampant, notarization continues to grow more vital to combat the threat. Thank you for reading!
Visit here: http://bit.ly/2NizgMO Blog:https://www.masternotarysns.com/blog
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cascott92-blog · 6 years
Empathy & Skepticism, Our Strongest Weapons Against Fraud. Analyzing The Big Bad Wolf, Jordan Belfort
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Many victims of fraud have restlessly struggled with the question: 
"Why did this happen to me?" 
While this is a great question, the best question to ask is something more like: "Why did x person chose to commit this fraud against me?” 
See how applying Empathy and Skepticism can help to cripple fraud by visiting: masternotarysns.com/blog
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cascott92-blog · 6 years
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“Empathy and Skepticism, Our Strongest Weapons Against Fraud. The Big Bad Wolf, Jordan Belfort.”
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cascott92-blog · 6 years
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Remember The Victims of 9/11
“I want to take time today to remember the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
While our scars from 9/11 will never fully heal, we Americans can all do our part to ensure tragedies of this caliber never happen again by simply upholding anti-terrorist legislation,
and by appropriately aiding law enforcement officials who do their best to make the United States a more safe place to live. God Bless America. Thank you for reading.”
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cascott92-blog · 6 years
The Real Wolf of Wall Street
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The Wolf of Wall Street movie is not a reliable reference to understand the real Jordan Belfort. We should be wary of people like the real Jordan Belfort, the infamous Wolf of Wall Street as he likes to boast to everyone. 
 If we are reasonably skeptical with people like Belfort, and we continue to apply pressure and ask questions, we all might come to realize that Belfort is not as “reformed” as he claims to be. 
 I’m not saying he’s done anything illegal since his indictment and conviction for fraud in the past. What I am saying his behavior and actions suggest that his motivations have not evolved or changed. 
 If you read his books, watch his interviews, and listen to his ‘motivational talks’ as a neutral spectator, anyone should be able to come to the same conclusions themselves. 
 This is not to say people aren’t capable of changing and better themselves, but if people promise you the world and more if you give them money, it’s not unreasonable to be skeptical. Thank you for reading!
Youtube video click here...
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cascott92-blog · 6 years
Free Resources to Fight Fraud and Forgery in America
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"Fraud and forgery are serious issues that continue to victimize millions of Americans out of billions of dollars of their hard earned money. Notarization is important to help deter fraud and forgery, and obtaining a notarization that is conducted correctly from a certified notary can drastically decrease the likelihood in fraud and forgery occurring.
I've provided links that contain reliable free information and free resources that can definitely help prevent fraud and forgery, or help any unfortunate victims of fraud and forgery, such as identity theft that continues to plague Americans and citizens across the world.
The Federal Trade Commission lists the top frauds of 2017: http://bit.ly/2MVWKao
And the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners provides more information on preventing and spotting fraud and free resources: http://bit.ly/2Q6WvHg
Thanks for reading!"
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