casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 10 months
just me and this loneliness i have had since i was 4 years old
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casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 10 months
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casperrps · 11 months
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casperrps · 11 months
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Rafael wears a lot of 'loud' pattern dress shirts, and will absolutely not wear ripped jeans. His style is decently formal while still being on the casual side of things, he likes button ups ( that he does not button up all the way ). Raf also likes to accessorize with a good bit of jewelry, lots of chains and bracelets. Nice watches, dress shoes. He'll sport the occasional leather jacket but there's usually a flashy button up underneath it. For some reason there's an unhealthy amount of stripped shirts in his closet specifically. In every color under the sun. He even follows a similar trend when it comes to his underwear, as he owns more then his fair share of silk boxers and semi-dramatic robes. Raf is also the type of person who wears designer sunglasses as an accessory. He thinks they give him some 'mystique'. He thoroughly enjoys walking around looking like some cliché romance novel character about a mafia boss's son.
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casperrps · 11 months
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Roxanne has a fairly noticeable style, lots of fish nets and glitter happening in her wardrobe. Her exotic dancing outfits are in a class all their own, but she doesn't dress much tamer off the clock to be honest. She has a lot of fun with her style. She wears a lot of heels, in all different designs, some cute and strappy and others a complete glitter bomb. She's a 'wears her heart on her sleeve' kind of person, there's a lot of personality in her clothing choices. She accessorizes a lot. Stockings, purses, heels, jewelry - you name it. She loves pink and isn't afraid to show it, and she isn't afraid to show off her body either. Roxy feels like people's style says a lot about them, even though she knows not everyone puts as much attention into theirs as she does. There's a lot of butterflies, roses, and hearts in her attire choices. She's the kind of person that can go out for the night with the assurance there's very little chance anyone is matching her, her unabashed style isn't something you pick off the rack in the mall.
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casperrps · 11 months
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Admittedly, Asher has a very low effort style. He is the kind of guy that just blindly buys comfortable t-shirts and pairs almost everything with a leather jacket. He owns a decent amount of plaid and Henleys, but he wears a lot of just soft fabric well-worn t-shirts. Doesn't care about there being holes in his jeans. Asher is very nonchalant about his wardrobe, and he tends to wear a lot of dark rich colors. He does end up wearing the occasional accessories, mostly just very basic jewelry - leather braided bracelets, a watch, silver chains. He wears boots but definitely owns a few pairs of nearly half-dead Converse. Absolutely nothing about his attire reads that he comes from money. If he has to dress up, he probably looks like he's going to a funeral in black jeans and a black button up. The only time he might try to look a little bit less 'I rolled out of bed like this' is if he has a date.
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casperrps · 11 months
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casperrps · 11 months
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casperrps · 11 months
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It's changed a lot, over the years, but Stasya dresses in a fairly eclectic modern casual style. It's difficult to describe, but she definitely fits into the concert scene if a bit more... wealthy in her wardrobe options then a lot of girls who just wear band t-shirts. She likes velvet and black lace, and wearing a lot of jewelry. She wears ripped short shorts, crop tops, friendship bracelets, knit tops, and so many rings. Her jewelry choices have a lot of recurring motifs: moons, stars, moths, layered chains, lockets. She has more then a few high end evening gowns, but they're tucked away to be worn only when the occasion truly calls for it. She tends to wear boots over heels, but again, she has plenty on hand if need be. It's a little cliché as a vampire but Stasya does tend to wear a lot of ruby red, color wise. A touch of black here and there, for aesthetic sake, but she prefers to overall wear outfits that are a bit more eye catching and have personality.
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