cass-watson · 3 years
persephone & open
day: monday location: the ball
the mark on her arm wasn’t a blessing ( more a curse ), but that didn’t stop the witch from being intrigued by the prospect of it all. suddenly those with the toughest exteriors were cracking around someone supposedly meant for them, and if there was one thing she enjoyed, it was ensuring she came out on top. rubbing elbows with the right people would only continue to help — which was why she’d dolled herself up and stepped foot into the ball at all. 
gliding about the room, her lips tugged into a small smile as she came to a stop, settling beside another. “a joyous occasion, is it not?” she asked, glass of wine being brought to her lips to help swallow down the lie that sounded sweet but tasted bitter. “i cannot wait to see how this all unfolds. the week will certainly be a long overdue celebration for many.” 
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Cass had no intention to partake in any of the events going on this week. Maybe the carnival at the very end, if only because she would be allowed to bring Maggie along with her. Sadly pets, of the non-service kind were not allowed at the ball. A point against it in her book. A client of hers politely asked Cass to accompany him since he didn’t have a date, but the moment he locked eyes with a well dressed vampire he left her here. Alone with her drink.
Yet not for long. As Cass was joined by a beautiful stranger. “I suppose for some of them it’s joyous.” She almost didn’t bother hiding the bite in her words, small sip of her sparkling juice preventing her from ranting more on it. Instead she put on a small smile and nodded. “If I know Everwinter it will be a mix of fun and chaos. It all depends on which side of the chess board decides to make a move first. Hopefully its not as bad as when this whole shitstorm started.”
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cass-watson · 3 years
☠️ - does your muse fear death?
Cass does not fear dying or death in general. (threaten to kill her? So what. Then she's just dead. Threaten torture or hurt her family? That will hurt her and deeply deeply anger her.). To her death is just the end of her life and its not like she will be conscious to experience whatever happens after. She fears for her family when or if she dies. What will happen to them, what they will do, their financial situation, their happiness, etc. Since moving to Everwinter Cass has been working on a will.
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cass-watson · 3 years
🔴 - what are bigger gestures that are important to your muse
MAGGIE. Watching and taking care of Maggie when Cass is at work or busy. Playing with Maggie. Being nice to Maggie. The pup is a big part of Cass' life and if Maggie does not like someone Cass does not care for them either. (Which would take a lot for Maggie to dislike someone and to get there is akin to a herculean task).
FAITHFULNESS. While not big to some, being true to one's partner or friends is one of the biggest gestures to Cass. Having a mother who had multiple affairs and bailed on her children often, a father who drank and never came home, to a boyfriend who cheated on her, well Cass has deep issues with people who aren't faithful. Almost to the point of murder.
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cass-watson · 3 years
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
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cass-watson · 3 years
Questions For My Muse(s)
👁‍🗨 - what is a secret that your muse hasn’t told or is hiding
💬 - for my muse to directly say a secret or confession
⚪ - what are small things that mean something to your muse
🔴 - what are bigger gestures that are important to your muse
👌 - what are some of your muses quirks?
💦 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re shy or nervous
💢 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re angry or sad
🙌 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re extremely happy
🤞 - what’s the most impulsive thing you can picture your muse doing
☠️ - does your muse fear death?
👻 - recall one or more times your muse has been the most scared or fearful
😠 - what is something or someone your muse has ever hated or hates
🏹 - would your muse ever kill and why
💢 - what would cause your muse to be annoyed
👍 - what are your muse’s good traits?
👀 - is your muse prone to jealousy?
🖤 - can your muse be selfish?
❓ - can your muse be indecisive?
🙈 - can your muse be blindly loyal?
❌ - what would cause your muse to be petty or say something hurtful
🙊 - has your muse ever put their foot in their mouth?
💥 - is your muse reckless? or too cautious and paranoid?
🔷️ - is your muse good or bad at lying?
🤔 - is your muse cynical? naïve?
✋ - can your muse be rude or unfriendly?
🤝 - is your muse a people pleaser?
😔 - is your muse insecure?
🎭 - does your muse try really hard to compensate for something?
🤜 - is your muse overprotective? in-between? or not protective/concerned enough?
⬛ - what are some bad traits your muse might have?
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cass-watson · 3 years
Aladdin - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
Cass took this time to really think through the question. A memory takes her back to her childhood. Sitting in a pile of her siblings watching Disney movies while their parents were gone. It was so easy to answer it back then. Her youngest sister's first wish was the be a princess that could turn into a mermaid, if only wishes really could come true. "I'd wish for my siblings to find happiness and have the ability to follow their dreams, for my mother to finally want to get better, and--" Cass closed her lips, her teeth clenching behind them. The buried hurt and anger coming up her throat almost spilled out to give voice to a dark selfish wish she could not allow to be fulfilled. Even hypothetically.
"I guess my final wish would be to set the genie or whoever gave me the wishes free." She answered, lying.
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cass-watson · 3 years
❛   you’re  so  unaffected .  ❜ (markus)
An eyebrow rose as she continued to move the knife with practiced ease. The rhythmic sounds of her chopping up an onion for her dinner tonight harmonized with her hum in acknowledgment. "Not to state the obvious. But out of the both of us there is only one who has senses extreme enough to pick someone out of a crowd by what shampoo they use alone." Which could be a little be creepy, but it was not something Markus could turn on and off on a whim. The onion was fully chopped with a final and defining crunch. Cass used the knife to push the vegetable into a bowl with the rest.
"Does it bother you? Being able to hear or smell so strongly like that?"
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cass-watson · 3 years
Moana + Alice in Wonderland
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
"No... and yes." Cass thought for a moment. She found her thoughts often contradicting themselves more recently. Too often she would wish for things to be simpler, like they were before. "Back in school my teachers always believed that no matter how good my grades were I was always destined to turn out like my mother. Nature versus nurture mindset at its finest. But that is the destiny I don't believe in. The one forced on me by those who don't know me. I believe in the destiny I forge for myself."
Alice in Wonderland - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
"This is going to sound weird but I only dream when I'm sleeping alone. Which hasn't been possible since I adopted Maggie. She is a huge bed hog! But a great warm thing to cuddle at night." A smile came to her lips at the thought of her dearest companion. However it slowly grew sad. "When I first moved to Everwinter I used to have horrible nightmares, mostly about my dad and my mom. Sometimes my subconscious felt guilty about leaving my siblings back and my nightmares played upon that. Sometimes not dreaming is a good thing."
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cass-watson · 3 years
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Hercules - Is your muse more physically strong, or emotionally strong? 
Cinderella - Did your muse experience any childhood traumas? Did they overcome them?
Bambi - What is your muse’s relationship with their parents like?
Pinocchio - How honest is your muse? What is their moral stance on white lies?
Fantasia - Does your muse believe in magic? What is their view on it?
Dumbo - Has your muse ever been bullied for a physical difference?
Mulan - Is your muse secure in their gender identity? Have they ever experienced sexism or transphobia?
Aladdin - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
Zootopia - Would your muse enjoy living in a utopia, or would they feel out of place?
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
Atlantis - Is your muse adventurous or do they prefer to seclude themselves?
101 Dalmatians - Does your muse have a large collection of any particular thing?
Frozen - What is your muse’s relationship with their siblings like?
Beauty and the Beast - How has your muse changed as a person over their life? Have they changed for the better or for worse?
Sleeping Beauty - What is the worst possible curse your muse could face?
Pocahontas - How does your muse deal with being exposed to unfamiliar cultures? Are they open and accepting?
The Jungle Book - Is your muse happy living off of the bare necessities, or do they need more in life?
Oliver and Company - Is your muse more street smart or book smart?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - What is your muse’s religious beliefs? Have they ever experienced oppression at the hands of religion?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - How trusting of strangers is your muse? Would they accept a gift from a stranger?
The Princess and the Frog - Would your muse accept someone else’s help in fulfilling their dreams, or would they want to earn it for themself?
The Emperor’s New Groove - What animal would you associate your muse with? Why?
The Lion King - Is your muse prepared for the responsibilities laid out for them in life?
The Little Mermaid - Would your muse change themself for love, or would they wait to find someone who loves them for who they are?
Peter Pan - Is your muse a child at heart? What is their mental age or maturity?
Wreck-It Ralph - What does ‘being a winner’ mean to your muse?
Lilo & Stitch - Does your muse have any pets? Do they want any?
Lady and the Tramp - What are your muses romantic standards? Would they ever fall for someone of a lower class?
Alice in Wonderland - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
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cass-watson · 3 years
@cass-watson​​ || ophelia & cassandra
day  — saturday location — the carnival
having spotted her neighbor shortly after arriving at the pop up carnival, ophelia scrambled over to her side ( knowing it was a way to ward off any others  — granted if they ran into remington she was certain he wouldn’t give a damn about niceties or manners… ). “cass!” offering a large grin in greeting, ophelia looped her arm through the other womans ( but only after offering maggie a rather loving scratch behind the ear ). “you live closer than almost anyone else and i feel as if i have hardly seen you all week. talk about a rather interesting turn of events this has all been, huh? catch me up on how you’ve been?” 
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Cass could not help but grin in return. The sight of Ophelia was a welcomed one especially after the week she had. Bringing their looped arms closer she gave her good friend and favorite neighbor a side hug. Maggie, in all her unfathomable love for people couldn’t stop her tail from wagging. Even wagging her whole body. Thankfully the pup refrained from jumping on Ophelia to demand more pets. “Phe! Let’s just say this has been a week,” Cass sighed heavily. Her shoulders slightly sagging as if a weight had just been put upon them. “Overall I’ve been fine, I’ve gotten a lot of new students in my classes, but this whole soulmate business is really not something I planned on dealing with ever. And this “celebration of soulmates” festival is... not great. It does give me an excuse to bring Maggie out with me, sadly she doesn’t count as my soulmate.” Even though she’s better than any potential soulmate she could have.
“What about you? How do you feel about these turn of events?” 
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cass-watson · 3 years
❛   you  said  forever .  ❜ (markus)
"I..." Cass bit her lip. Words that she said in a undoubtedly weak moment were coming back to haunt her. Could she blame it on the feelings and the pull on her soul that she tried her hardest to never ever voice? Or think about? Her hands moved as if to reach for Maggie. Like she always did when she felt nervous and needed comfort. However her companion was not at her side this time. Sadly. So her hands found themselves interlocking with each other. She took a breath, a deep one. "Look... I'm human. I am going to grow old and die at some point in the future. It happens to all of us. Forever... isn't possible."
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cass-watson · 3 years
❛   oh  god ,  i  sound  crazy .  ❜ (ophelia)
"I mean..." Cass closed her mouth. Unsure of the words to say that would be honest yet not stifle Ophelia's creativity. However she had to look at Phe's house everyday, so she felt it was her duty to say at least something. "While I understand the um... appeal of having an entire garden gnome village in your backyard. I'd worry about possibly you tripping over it or the gnomes becoming possessed." Or Maggie sneaking over thinking the entire thing was her own personal playground.
"Maybe just start with like one gnome?"
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cass-watson · 3 years
*   𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑  𝐁𝐘  𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀  𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐎  .      lyric starters from sour, change pronouns as needed.
𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥 .
❛   i  want  it  to  be ,  like ,  messy .  ❜ ❛   i’m  so  insecure .  ❜ ❛   i’m  so  caught  up  in  the  news  of  who  likes  me  and  who  hates  you .  ❜ ❛   they’d  all  be  so  disappointed .  ❜ ❛   where’s  my  fucking  teenage  dream ?  ❜ ❛   i  don't  stick  up  for  myself .  ❜ ❛   i'm  anxious  and  nothing  can  help .  ❜ ❛   i  wish  people  liked  me  more .  ❜ ❛   all  i  did  was  try  my  best .  ❜ ❛   this  the  kind  of  thanks  i  get ?  ❜ ❛   i  wish  i  could  disappear .  ❜ ❛   god ,  it’s  brutal  out  here .  ❜ ❛   i  feel  like  no  one  wants  me .  ❜ ❛   i  only  have  two  real  friends .  ❜
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫 .
❛   i  played  dumb  but  i  always  knew .  ❜ ❛   i  kept  quiet  so  i  could  keep  you .  ❜ ❛   ain’t  it  funny  how  you  said  you  were  friends ?  ❜ ❛   you  betrayed  me .  ❜ ❛   i  know  that  you’ll  never  feel  sorry .  ❜ ❛   loved  you  at  your  worst  but  that  didn’t  matter .  ❜ ❛   but  you’re  still  a  traitor .  ❜ ❛   there’s  no  damn  way  that  you  could  fall  in  love  with  somebody  that  quickly .  ❜ ❛   and  you  told  me  i  was  paranoid .  ❜ ❛   i  wish  that  you  had  thought  this  through  before  i  went  and  fell  in  love  with  you .  ❜
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 .
❛   i  got  my  driver's  license  last  week .  ❜ ❛   she’s  everything  i’m  insecure  about .  ❜ ❛   how  could  i  ever  love  someone  else ?  ❜ ❛   i  know  we  weren’t  perfect  but  i’ve  never  felt  this  way  for  no  one .  ❜ ❛   i  just  can’t  imagine  how  you  could  be  so  okay  now  that  i’m  gone .  ❜ ❛   all  my  friends  are  tired  of  hearing  how  much  i  miss  you .  ❜ ❛   i  kinda  feel  sorry  for  them .  ❜ ❛   they’ll  never  know  you  the  way  that  i  do .  ❜ ❛   i  guess  you  didn’t  mean  what  you  wrote  in  that  song  about  me .  ❜ ❛   i  still  see  your  face  in  the  white  cars .  ❜ ❛   can’t  drive  past  the  places  we  used  to  go  to .  ❜ ❛   i  still  fuckin’  love  you .  ❜ ❛   i  still  hear  your  voice  in  the  traffic .  ❜ ❛   you  said  forever .  ❜ ❛   now  i  drive  alone  past  your  street .  ❜
𝟏 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝, 𝟑 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 .
❛   i  called  you  on  the  phone  today .  ❜ ❛   all  i  did  was  speak  normally .  ❜ ❛   somehow  i  still  struck  a  nerve .  ❜ ❛   you  got  me  fucked  up  in  the  head .  ❜ ❛   never  doubted  myself  so  much .  ❜ ❛   like  am  i  pretty ?  ❜ ❛   i  hate  that  i  give  you  power  over  that  kinda  stuff .  ❜ ❛   it’s  always  one  step  forward  and  three  steps  back .  ❜ ❛   i’m  the  love  of  your  life  until  i  make  you  mad .  ❜ ❛   do  you  love  me ,  want  me ,  hate  me ?  ❜ ❛   no,  i  don’t  understand .  ❜ ❛   maybe  in  some  masochistic  way  i  kind  of  find  it  all  exciting .  ❜ ❛   which  lover  will  i  get  today ?  ❜ ❛   will  you  walk  me  to  the  door  or  send  me  home  crying ?  ❜ ❛   did  i  say  something  wrong ?  ❜ ❛   did  i  do  something  wrong ?  ❜ ❛   maybe  this  is  all  your  fault  instead .  ❜ ❛   i’d  leave  you,  but  the  rollercoaster’s  all  i’ve  ever  had .  ❜
𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮 .
❛   i  bet  she’s  braggin’  to  all  her  friends .  ❜ ❛   so  when  you  gonna  tell  her  that  we  did  that ,  too ?  ❜ ❛   she  thinks  it’s  special,  but  it’s  all  reused .  ❜ ❛   do  you  call  her ,  almost  say  my  name ?  ❜ ❛   that  was  our  place .  ❜ ❛   i  found  it  first .  ❜ ❛   do  you  get  déjà  vu ?  ❜ ❛   let’s  be  honest ,  we  kinda  do  sound  the  same .  ❜ ❛   i  hate  to  think  that  i  was  just  your  type .  ❜ ❛   that  was  the  show  we  talked  about .  ❜ ❛   don’t  act  like  we  didn’t  do  that  shit ,  too .  ❜ ❛   a  different  girl  now,  but  there’s  nothing  new .  ❜
𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝟒 𝐮 .
❛   well ,  good  for  you .  ❜ ❛   i  guess  you  moved  on  really  easily .  ❜ ❛   remember  when  you  said  that  you  wanted  to  give  me  the  world ?  ❜ ❛   you  look  happy  and  healthy .  ❜ ❛   not  me ,  if  you  ever  cared  to  ask .  ❜ ❛   you’re  doin’  great  out  there  without  me .  ❜ ❛   god ,  i  wish  that  i  could  do  that .  ❜ ❛   i’ve  lost  my  mind .  ❜ ❛   i’ve  spent  the  night  cryin’  on  the  floor  of  my  bathroom .  ❜ ❛   you’re  so  unaffected .  ❜ ❛   i  really  don’t  get  it .  ❜ ❛   i  guess  you’re  gettin’  everything  you  want .  ❜ ❛   it’s  like  we  never  even  happened .  ❜ ❛   what  the  fuck  is  up  with  that ?  ❜ ❛   it’s  like  you  never  even  met  me .  ❜ ❛   remember  when  you  swore  to  god  i  was  the  only  person  who  ever  got  you ?  ❜ ❛   you  will  never  have  to  hurt  the  way  you  know  that  i  do .  ❜ ❛   maybe  i’m  too  emotional .  ❜ ❛   your  apathy’s  like  a  wound  in  salt .  ❜ ❛   maybe  you  never  cared  at  all .  ❜
𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 .
❛   ‘cause  i  thought  you’d  like  me  more .  ❜ ❛   tried  so  hard  to  be  everything  that  you liked .  ❜ ❛   stupid ,  emotional ,  obsessive  little  me .  ❜ ❛   i  knew  from  the  start  this  is  exactly  how  you’d  leave .  ❜ ❛   the  nеxt  second,  you  were  gone .  ❜ ❛   you  left  me  there  crying .  ❜ ❛   you  always  say  i’m  never  satisfied .  ❜ ❛   but  i  don’t  think  that’s  true .  ❜ ❛   all  i  ever  wanted  was  to  be  enough  for  you .  ❜ ❛   maybe  i’m  just  not  as  interesting .  ❜ ❛   you  couldn’t  have  cared  less  about  someone  who  loved  you  more .  ❜ ❛   i’d  say  you  broke  my  heart .  ❜ ❛   but  you  broke  much  more  than  that .  ❜ ❛   now  i  don’t  want  your  sympathy .  ❜ ❛   i  just  want  myself  back .  ❜ ❛   don’t  you  think  i  loved  you  too  much  to  be  used  and  discarded ?  ❜ ❛   don’t  you  think  i  loved  you  too  much  to  think  i  deserve  nothing ?  ❜ ❛   don’t  tell  me  you’re  sorry .  ❜ ❛   feel  sorry  for  yourself .  ❜ ❛   someday  i’ll  be  everything  to  somebody  else .  ❜ ❛   you’ll  be  the  one  who’s  crying .  ❜ ❛   i  don’t  think  anything  could  ever  be  enough  for  you .  ❜
𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫 .
❛   i  thought  my  heart  was  detached .  ❜ ❛   does  she  mean  you  forgot  about  me ?  ❜ ❛   i  hope  you’re  happy  but  not  like  how  you  were  with  me .  ❜ ❛   i’m  selfish,  i  know  .  ❜ ❛   i  hope  you’re  happy .  ❜ ❛   but  don’t  be  happier .  ❜ ❛   an  eternal  love  bullshit  you  know  you’ll  never  mean .  ❜ ❛   now  i’m  pickin’  her  apart .  ❜ ❛   i  wish  you  all  the  best ,  really .  ❜ ❛   i  hope  you’re  happy,  but  don’t  be  happier .  ❜
𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 .
❛   i  kinda  wanna  throw  my  phone  across  the  room .  ❜ ❛   wish  i  didn’t  care .  ❜ ❛   i  know  their  beauty’s  not  my  lack .  ❜ ❛   It  feels  like  that  weight  is  on  my  back .  ❜ ❛   i  can’t  let  it  go .  ❜ ❛   comparison  is  killing  me  slowly .  ❜ ❛   i  think  i  think  too  much .  ❜ ❛   i’m  so  sick  of  myself .  ❜ ❛   i’d  rather  be  anyone  else .  ❜ ❛   my  jealousy  started  following  me .  ❜ ❛   i  see  everyone  getting  all  the  things  i  want .  ❜ ❛   i’m  happy  for  them,  but  then  again,  i’m  not .  ❜ ❛   i  can’t  stand  it .  ❜ ❛   oh  god ,  i  sound  crazy .  ❜ ❛   their  win  is  not  my  loss .  ❜ ❛   i  can’t  help  getting  caught  up  in  it  all .  ❜ ❛   all  your  friends  are  so  cool .  ❜ ❛   yeah,  you’re  living  the  life .  ❜ ❛   i  wanna  be  you  so  bad .  ❜ ❛   i  don’t  even  know  you .  ❜ ❛   all  i  see  is  what  i  should  be .  ❜
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞 .
❛   know  that  i  loved  you  so  bad .  ❜ ❛   i  let  you  treat  me  like  that .  ❜ ❛   i  was  your  willing  accomplice .  ❜ ❛   i  watched  as  you  fled  the  scene .  ❜ ❛   the  things  i  did  just  so  i  could  call  you  mine .  ❜ ❛   i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime .  ❜ ❛   you  used  me  as  an  alibi .  ❜ ❛   i  crossed  my  heart  as  you  crossed  the  line .  ❜ ❛   i  defended  you  to  all  my  friends .  ❜ ❛   you  know  that  i’d  do  it  all  again .  ❜ ❛   it’s  bittersweet  to  think  about  the  damage  that  we’d  do .  ❜ ❛   i  was  doin’  it  with  you .  ❜ ❛   i  say  that  i  hate  you  with  a  smile  on  my  face .  ❜ ❛   look  what  we  became .  ❜
𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐤 .
❛   somehow  we  fell  out  of  touch .  ❜ ❛   hope  he  took  his  bad  deal  and  made  a  royal  flush .  ❜ ❛   don’t  know  if  i’ll  see  you  again  someday .  ❜ ❛   i  hope  that  you’re  okay .  ❜ ❛   we  don’t  talk  much .  ❜ ❛   i  just  gotta  say  i  miss  you .  ❜ ❛   address  the  letters  to  the  holes  in  my  butterfly  wings .  ❜ ❛   nothing’s  forever .  ❜ ❛   nothing’s  as  good  as  it  seems .  ❜ ❛   i  hope  you  know  how  proud  i  am  you  were  created .  ❜ ❛   i  hope  that  you’re  happier  today .  ❜
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cass-watson · 3 years
foolishly, he’d thought that if he’d managed to find his soulmate early enough, he would have been able to use the week of events to assist in the initial wooing of the woman. but the more time passed, the more annoyed he became. this, it seemed, was the sort of bullshit luck he was destined to have. some might argue he’d already waited hundred of years — what was a few more days? but it was driving him spare.
mark fully on display, he’d trudged through the festival with hands shoved into his pockets ( the search for his soulmate falling to the back of his mind and instead replaced by the thought of watching after the clan ). it was probably in his distraction ( mind elsewhere ), that the dog had managed to approach without his notice. though not one for animals himself, markus didn’t particularly mind the loyal beasts, which was likely what led him to squatting down to present a hand to the dog ( while he himself was undoubtedly the bigger predator, he’d seen humans do the action enough that it was almost common place ).
“and you decided to bring her to a festival?” a brow arched in amusement. “i must say you’re either brave enough for the adventure that will undoubtedly be trekking all over this place, or you underestimated the beast.”
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Softly laughing, feeling oddly at ease Cass shrugged one shoulder. “A bit of column a, a bit of column b. It beats losing my entire paycheck to rigged carnival games.” She pointed a thumb over her shoulder towards the duck hooking game she previously had been failing at. It also kept her mind from soul marks. Kept her eyes from looking at each person’s mark for one that may match her own. Though given the uniqueness of it Cass felt doubt that anyone was a match.
For a brief moment her eyes betrayed her and fell on his arm, his mark. It seemed familiar. Like a wreath her brother would hang on the door at Christmas time. Yet the more her eyes looked at his mark, the more her own made itself very aware. Cass rubbed the back of her neck and shook away the odd feeling brewing inside her. She must be more tired than she thought. “Anyway. You have any luck with these games? I’ve been trying to win Maggie that big ball but I don’t exactly have the... reach.” Slightly spreading her arms out to emphasize their shortness. “I’d pay you back for it. A favor for a favor.”
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cass-watson · 3 years
@ofpastlives​ // cassandra & markus
day  — saturday, 5 pm location — carnival, hook a duck
This festival was overrated. Soulmates were overrated. Cass did not want to celebrate something that she didn’t want, that would send shakes of dread each time she thought of it. It was hard not to. She saw the mark in the mirror this morning and she almost stayed home if it wasn’t for Maggie. The young pup happily sitting beside her. Watching others, silently begging them for pets when Cass wasn’t looking. 
Her hair was tied up for once and her denim jacket tied around her waist, the first time since it appeared her mark was laid bare. It was too hot to keep it covered. Though her hand would brush over it intermittently as if she was constantly bitten by a mosquito. She leaned forward more. The rows of plastic ducks swimming on along the water track taunting her. Yet had she hooked even one.  
Damned if she would not win the giant ball for Maggie. “Crap!” Cass yelped as she was suddenly tugged from the booth by an eighty-five pound pup who had found someone to give her attention. Pivoted with ease she grasped the leash around her waist with both hands, tugging Maggie to a stop right before she jumped upon the man. Markus was his name. She thinks. Cass met him before, a long time ago but it had not been memorable. 
“Sorry!” Cass commanded Maggie to sit, who did so immediately. A hand came to rest on top of her gray head lightly stroking between her ears. “ She’s a bit of an attention whore when around new people.”
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cass-watson · 3 years
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⋆ ⠀⠀⠀࿐ྃ ▸ ; ⠀ [ crystal reed. human/feeder. 36. Bisexual. cisfemale. ] was that just CASSANDRA WATSON, I saw coming out of THE GYM? the SELF-DEFENSE INSTRUCTOR is best to be described as + INDEPENDENT, but pronouns could also be - RECKLESS and as well as being previously unmarked they can easily be noticed by RUNNING HEADFIRST TOWARDS THE DANGER, LIVING WITHIN HER MEANS, DENIM JACKETS, as well as THE HEAD OF MEDUSA, which has only just appeared. @lovebitestarter
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Alcoholism, Mentions of Infidelity, Mentions of drug use, Mentions of overdose, Mentions of Physical, Verbal, and Emotional Abuse (None of it is explicit or heavily touched upon beyond a sentence or two, but it is still there) [[If anyone cannot read this due to the triggers let me know and I will give you the short version! I don’t want anyone to feel like they have to force themselves to read something that’s potentially triggering.]]
About You
My name is Damian and I live in the cst timezone. I’m twenty-five, currently working from home, and have two dogs of my own. I am open to any kinds of plotting! Currently my discord is not setup so for now the best way to reach me via tumblr messenger. The biggest plot I am looking for is for a vampire who Cass is the personal feeder for! Other than that I enjoy drinking iced tea and knitting while listening to podcasts.
— *    ⟢ 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕤 !
full name: Cassandra Ann Watson
species: human
age: thirty-six
date of birth: april 19, 1987
hometown: everett, washington
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
+ likes: working out, yoga, going for walks with her dog, autumn, cooking, gardening - dislikes: people who get into her business, the ocean, heights, coffee, mustard
positive traits: Independent, Courageous, Protective, Dependable
negative traits: Reckless, Impatient, Impulsive, Possessive
hobbies: Archery, Yoga, Cooking, Gardening, Trying various new foods
fears: The Ocean, Heights, Being Cheated On
You were born in a town in Washington. To two high school sweethearts who loved each other and they loved you. The apple of their eye. Doting on you, supporting you, you walked with them hand in hand. And when your family grew bigger that just meant more love and attention to go around. You loved your siblings, even if they did not resemble you or your father, your mother told you that meant god wished for your family to be as colorful as a rainbow.
You are a child no longer
Your childhood was a lie. A lie you would not see until you were finally old enough to understand. Your father is an alcoholic and when he’s not out on the job he’s at the bar, you rarely see him sober. Your mother got pregnant in high school and the year you were born was the year she dropped out, to raise you. She reminds you constantly that if it weren’t for you her life would be better. Your siblings, whom you love so dearly do not have the same father as you or each other. Your mother sleeps with other men a lot. Sometimes she’s doesn’t come home. On those nights it’s up to you to take care of the home, of your family. You are more of a parent than your own parents ever will be.
You cannot escape their claws
When you graduated high school it was with honors. You were almost valedictorian. You wanted to be more than your parents were and more than they thought you would be. You get accepted into the college of your dreams on full scholarship. There is nothing that is stopping you from finally achieving your goals. In your first year, only a few months in and you get a phone call. Your father beat up your mother and her current secret lover pretty bad. Both are in the hospital, your father in jail. Your mother begs you to come home. She needs you. You drop everything and move back home. To take care of your family again. Your mother tries to be better, do better now that your father isn’t around but she falls back into old habits. She tells you that with you back home where you belong and your father in jail she can do what she wants. You are left back at square one.
You love so much but who will love you
You are now turning twenty and working at the local diner, trying to make ends meet. Your brother picks up a job after school and your sister watches your two youngest siblings while you’re at work. There is a guy your age at the diner. His name is Derek and he washes the dishes, maybe even cooks if the diner is short staffed. He flirts with you often and you just roll your eyes with a smile. You have no time for dating or flings. But one night you both work late. You both talk as you work and for once you felt seen, all your issues, your baggage is accepted. You feel lighter than you have in years. You decide to go on one date with him. It turns into two that turns into more. You are in love, truly in love and you tell yourself that this is will last. Through the rose colored glasses you don’t see him breaking your heart until it is too late. Another woman is in his bed and you see red. You want to murder him, no you want to hurt him like he hurt you and it takes everything you are to not do it. Instead you break the nearest thing he owns, you slash his tires, you make sure he knows that you will kill him if you see him again. 
You don’t let yourself cry
Four years later and you set foot into Everwinter for the first time. You had to get away, you needed a fresh start. You needed to bring yourself happiness for once. And the first couple of years go by fine. Until, almost like deja vu you get another dreaded phone call. Your mother overdose on her pills. She’s in the hospital. She needs you. It is like you are back in college. Like your mother has you like a puppet on strings that she tugs when she thinks you’ve been happy for too long. This time is different. You are not returning home this time. You are not giving up the life you are finally building for yourself. You tell her in no uncertain terms that you will be sending money each month to your brother, he will use it to take care of the family as he sees fit. Your mother will not get direct access to it. Unless she once and for all gets better, does better, actions speak louder than words. When you hang up that phone you feel like a puppet who cut its strings. And you feel good.
You broke the water’s surface and finally draw breath
You spend a year with your feeder buddy before you become an official feeder. The first vampire who employs you is for the most part nice and that’s it. Neither of you try to become friends and that is fine for you. Few years with them then you are employed by a different vampire, your current employer. They’re different. They talk to you before they feed, sometimes even chat afterwards. At first you are guarded however they have a knack for wearing you down. You’re not the biggest fan of your job but the money is nothing to sneeze at and your employer doesn’t care that you send all your earnings back home. You don’t have a use for such luxury. Life is good, you are content.
Your mark appears and the water begins to ripple
Other Info
Has a 3 year old blue nose pitbull named Maggie that tends to be at her side at all hours of the day. Cassandra loves her and doesn’t think she would have gotten through the past couple of years without her. (image)
She is bisexual, leans towards men/masculine presenting people.
Is a Self Defense Instructor at a local gym. However due to also being a feeder she just gives verbal instructions while using her coworkers as visual aids.
Speaks English and German fluently. Does have a basic understanding of ASL. Currently learning Spanish.
Does not take cheating well at all. If she is in a relationship with someone or with two others then she expects it to be exclusive. She does not share.
Wanted Connections
Cassandra’s Current Vampire Employer: either gender or non-gender. She has been a feeder since turning twenty-six and they would be her current vampire employer, possibly only been feeding from her for at most five years or so. They have a not quite friend but not strictly business relationship. They would know that Cassandra sends all the money she earns to her parent and siblings.
Cassandra’s friends: either new or old friends though she has a difficult time keeping up with her friends and isn’t proud that she sometimes leaves them on read. Has been trying her darndest to do better and do right by her friends, hanging out a lot more. 
Cassandra is a human through and through, she can’t imagine being anything else. Living forever or being stronger does not hold much appeal to her.
The potential that she is bonded to a different species is terrifying. But the idea of her being bonded to anyone is terrifying to her.
Vampires: she feels neutral about vampires as a whole. Her vampire employer isn’t too bad. However she is often warned by other feeders that most rogue vampires, and those of the Malkavian Clan are practically evil incarnate while they consider the Menesis Clan heroes. Cass knows that like humans even vampires are not black and white.
Witches: she does not hold much opinion on witches. To her they seem the closest to humans, if you just think of it from a mortality perspective. Each witch is vastly different from each other so most of her opinions are based on individuals.
Cassandra is terrified of being bonded to someone or someones. She does not want it to become another string to control her like her mother did. Or another Derek situation. If she can avoid it she will and is somewhat grateful the mark is in an easy to hide spot.
Getting her mark only recently Cassandra knows, at least assumes the person she’s bound to is a vampire. At least one of them is. She feels pulled in more than one direction.
She does not plan to let her mark disrupt her life. Hopefully. She is trying her best. Cassandra focuses on her two jobs and her dog.
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