cassandra-ozuna · 3 years
AET 315
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cassandra-ozuna · 3 years
Scale and Proportion
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Hallstatt, Austria is a painting by Art by Danielle
Scale and Proportion The piece above is a painting of the town Hallstatt in Austria. Here we can see that the artist use geometry to compose the houses by using rectangles, triangles, and cubes. In relation to the house, the scale of the mountains is relatively large but accurate in proportions in order to emphasize the beauty and the closeness of the town to nature. 
Scale is the size of one object in relation to other objects in a design.
— a certain relative or proportionate size or extent (A human is 7.5 heads tall.)
— a standard of measurement or estimation (The UFO was as big as a football field.)
— point of reference by which to gauge or rate (My puppy is twice as big as your chihuahua.)
Aspect Ratio refers to the proportions of the height and width of an image. It defines its overall shape, and it is usually shown as W:H (W is the width and H is the height).
Geometry - spheres, cubes, cylinders can be used to build more complex objects
Hierarchy - Arranged according to importance or power. What’s bigger or taller is often more important or harder to kill.
Human scale - sets the stage for the story happening to human-sized characters
Proportions - The size of the parts compared to the whole. Relativity.
Ratio - a ratio tells us what proportions mean to each other. Measuring one thing in terms of another. That monster is twice the size of the human. Their ratio is 2 to 1.
Relative - how objects appear in context with each other
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cassandra-ozuna · 3 years
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Bill Hammond's painting titled Fall of Icarus.
The Fall of Icarus features is bright colors in order to provide emphasis on the anthropomorphic birds presence. For, Hammond wished to address the endangered birdlife of his native New Zealand in this piece and gave the environment a more dark dreary look compared to the colored birds. The birds are the focal point of the piece and resemble the ornithological studies and figures of Maori folk tales. We can tell that they are the focal point due to their isolation and placement within the piece. The brightly colored birds are perch upon oriental-style branches in the foreground that project onto a streaming background of the pure greenish teal. Their color juxtaposes the greenish teal background and dark trees, thus isolating themselves from the piece.
Emphasis - Pow! Something in a scene dominates. In other words, the designer gives visual priority to part of a scene in order to draw the eye there first. Contrast in size, color, texture can make one thing stand out from the many things around it.
Focal Point - The focal point demands attention, it is accentuated, contrasted – the star or the most prominent component of a scene.
Isolation- Feature a single element alone, away from other elements to create emphasis.
One Element - Eliminate everything else in the composition and the thing that’s left will grab the attention such as a bold title or symbol.
Placement - Position your most important design component in a place to grab attention, such as the center of a poster.
Subordination -The focal point has the visual power while other elements of the scene are subordinate.
Whole over Parts - Sometimes we don’t want the eye to go somewhere specifically such as in an establishing shot at the beginning of a story. We want to show an overview of the environment before we jump into the story. We might look at a map with lots of details. The whole map is the important thing. When we select a place on the map to visit, then that spot becomes the focal point and the Emphasis shifts from the whole to the specific. Another example is that the whole game is more important than its levels.
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cassandra-ozuna · 3 years
The two videos above are from the same movie Dream Girls and are scenes of Deena (1st vid) and Effie (2nd vid) singing the same song, "One Night Only". For some context, Effie (2nd vid) originally sang the song"One Night Only" but Deena's manager stole the song and rebranded it, without Deena knowing she would perform the song.
In general, the scene had low contrast in lighting, due to the dim appearance of the studio and restaurant. The color choice of the clothes were complimentary colors and direct contrast of each other with a silvery blue disco suit and blue cape on Deena and a dusty orange dress on Effie.
Effie sings lower than Deena and in a more legato manner, which makes the duration of the song longer in order to create intimacy in the performance. While Deena sings higher and more staccato to create a dancing disco song, and thus takes a shorter duration to complete.
We see the story through the camera, thus we can conclude that contrasting camera angles in both of the scenes create different narratives. The camera is positioned to show Effie's upper body in order to make us become connected with Effie and view the song as if it is our own. While, Deena's performance was captured in large shots to show the choreography of their dance, but in doing so it established us as the viewer and created a disconnect.
Lastly, we could see that Effie's environment was more fluid and intimate due to the asymmetrical positioning of the people, objects, and camera angles. While Deena's performance was more symmetrical due to the choreography established in order to make the scene appear more professional.
Contrast - Refers to the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.) in a composition so as to create visual interest, excitement and drama.
Contrast - Creates variety within a unit, draws the eye to a focal point, creates a sense of adventure or mystery. Contrast is a unifier . Value contrast is when a character or object has a strong darks and lights compared to the scene around it. Size contrast is a gigantic space cruiser compared to much smaller fighters.
Asymmetrical balance- A dynamic compositional strategy in which each side of the axis are distinctly different yet belong to the same story.
High Contrast- Strong dissimilarity such as black letters on a white background. The high contrast setting is an accessibility feature built into interfaces to assist people with vision impairment. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color and brightness of the object and other objects within the same field of view.
Low Contrast- A minimum of contrast between light and dark, so that the image is either predominantly dark or predominantly light. The sun sets, dusk sets in and in the gloom there is low contrast in the landscape.
Symmetrical - A form of balance in which both sides of the axis are the same, a mirror image of each other, creating stability and formality.
Contrasting Camera Angles- Part of your story is how you show as well as how you tell. The camera is your audience’s view of your story and should be well planned to reveal the story in he most effective way possible.
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cassandra-ozuna · 3 years
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Navajo rug weaving is recognized throughout the world due to its aesthetic qualities and unique stylistic variety. While every Navajo textile is unique, there are some common patterns that have special and often spiritual significance to the Navajo, such as crosses, which symbolize the Spider-Woman. The Navajo people believe the art of weaving was taught by Spider-Woman.
The unity is created by the repetition of pattern and color within the rug. The varying repeating crosses as a whole are the conceptual unity of the Spider-Woman it represents her spiritual energy, her teachings, and all of Navajo culture. Thus, the unifying strategies were used to dedicated the composition to her. (According to tradition, it is dangerous to represent the Spider Woman through an earthly symbol since she's not from here, so many weavers will insert a small circle in the design or create a physical hole so her spirit can escape) The alignment of crosses appear to be in two rows horizontally positioned that are separated by black borders in proximity. The blue outlined in the border of the main crosses help contrast the form of the crosses in the red rug.
Unity - is an entity that is a systematic whole. A fusion or union of parts in harmony to create a oneness. A game is a unity based on a fusion of levels.
Alignment – a common axis creates relationship, the line up creates meaning. Alignment in games can help you find your way on the map or aim true with your weapon. Alignment of troops or vessels indicates organizational strength. Maps are visually aligned with the edge of the frame. Your stats are aligned in a table.
Beat Boards are used to illustrate major story points before the rest of the storyboard is completed. Beat boards are a series of single drawings that depict key focal points in a scene. Beat Boards can be compared to a children’s book illustration because an individual picture shows a complex story. Beat boards can serve in art direction to indicate how the shot is staged and show color strategies, using shapes and colors, but are not detailed sketches. (paraphrasedfrom https://roshnikakad.blogspot.com/2012/02/ss2-discovering-beat-boards.html )Making sure the beat boards relate to each other creates unity.
Composition - is the arrangement of visual elements within a shot. The three basic shot compositions in filmmaking are long-shot, medium-shot, and close-up.
Conceptual unity – a palm tree, an ocean beach, and a beer unify around the concept of ‘vacation’
Contrast – creates variety within a unit, draws the eye to a focal point, creates drama. Contrast is a unifier . Contrast is when a character or object has a strong darks and lights compared to the scene around it. Size contrast is a gigantic space cruiser compared to much smaller fighters.
Proximity – closer distances connect elements and far apart elements create separation and sometimes magnetism
Repetition – things that look alike relate to each other. Shapes or colors that recur in the image create rhythm and recognizable situations.
Unifying Strategies – Designers manipulate contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity to create visual unity and to pull a story along.
Visual unity – is a group of repeating or similar elements that create balance or form a structure
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cassandra-ozuna · 3 years
The video shows Juan Gabriel performing on stage with the mariachi behind him.
This beautiful song was written by Juan Gabriel and was made as a "prayer of love" for his mother who died during his 20's. This describes depression and the way in which the person living sees themselves in the mirror after the result of the loss.
The mourning song can be described as legato due to the smooth-flowing manner in which Gabriel sings in and the smooth-flowing motion of the violins. However, the guitars and guitarron set the tempo with their staccato movement for the violins to follow. We can visually see the rhythm and motion due to it being a live performance recording, we can see how the motion of the performers repeat fingerings/pickings, speed up bowing, and slows down their movement to create the rhythm of the piece. Progressive rhythm is created when Gabriel sings "Oscura soledad estoy viviendo yo" due to the intensity created in his presentation. Overall, the piece uses varying polyrhythmic patterns to create the composition, an example of this can be when the trumpets join to play the melody while the strings play the tempo and Gabriel sings the lyrics.
Rhythm is caused by patterns in movement. What are those footsteps in the darkroom? Are they slow or fast? Running or sneaking up on you? Rhythm controls the pace of action in your story. Rhythm can be repeated character types, weapons, or color strategies. We see and hear rhythm throughout nature as well as in our digital environment. Rhythm organizes units into patterns. Rhythm is created through repetition, alternation, and progression.
Alternating - Alternating rhythm is a form of repetition and is predictable. We switch back and forth from one thing to another like a tennis match. Alternating rhythm can create tension, such as switching close-up headshots of one character arguing with another.
Audio Rhythm - sounds that create patterns such breathing or shooting rounds of ammo.
Conceptual Rhythm - Intensifies, moves along, or calms the story. Conceptual rhythm coordinates visual and audio rhythm with the pace of your story.
Contrasting Rhythms are two or more sounds or motions at obviously different tempos.
Legato means music in a smooth flowing manner, without breaks between notes or a smooth flowing motion.
Polyrhythmic patterns - use of simultaneous contrasting rhythms. A battle scene has many(poly) rhythms such as big guns, small guns, shouts, rumbles, footsteps, and explosions.
Progressive rhythm is a pattern that changes over time to more or less intensity. Progressive rhythm makes us feel that. something is in an evolving state of change. We can tell when the battle is heating up by the rhythm of the sounds and the actions of the characters running toward or away from the fighting
Repeating- The same thing again and again gives us a feeling of predictability
Rhythm and motion - When a motion repeats, speeds up, slows down it creates a rhythm. The rhythm of tai chi is slow. The rhythm of Kung Fu is fast.
Staccato derives from the Italian verb staccare, meaning “to detach,” and can now describe anything - not just sounds - made, done, or happening in an abrupt or disjointed way.
Visual Rhythm - When motifs such as lines or shapes repeat visual rhythm forms.
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cassandra-ozuna · 3 years
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The images above is from the animated series Avatar The Last Airbender.
 In the first image we see Aang in his avatar state, where this blue tattoo arrow on his head and eye glow blue, while his power circles around him manipulating the environment. The second image is depicting the back of Aang and shows his dejected head turned down in the foreground, with the skeleton of Monk Gyatso in the background.
How point are used designs?
Point is the first and simplest element of visual design. Point serves as the focus of something visual and thus draws attention to the element or provides emphasis. We use points everyday to function for everything has a point. 
Avatar the last Airbender: Points In Design Analyzation
Aang and his new friends visit the Southern Air Temple to try to visit his air nomad people after his 100 year disappearance. It is there that Aang learns that the Fire Nation wiped out his people, including Gyatso, a senior Monk who raised him, this causes Aang to summon his avatar spirit out of anger and pain. 
In the first image, the glowing blue eyes and arrows on Aang’s body brought on by the avatar state, serve as the focal point. The focal point is achieved by contrasts within Aang’s face, the dark shadow upon covering his face intensifies the light bright blue glow that is within eyes and arrow. The point of the Avatar state is to emphasis the power that is within Aang, and to establish him as the hero of the series. In addition, the brought on Avatar state also serves to visually depict the pain and sorrow that Aang feels in that very moment, it was to intense for him to control. After, Aang releases him emotion and leaves the avatar sate, in the second image, we see that Aang is now comprehending the reality of his situation, he must bare the overwhelming burden of the extinction of his people and put hold the responsibility of the Avatar.  When he entered the avatar state it notified the 3 nations of his arrival as the Avatzr. Aang is at the point of no return ​now since the fire nation will seek after him and his way of life will never be the same, for he has no home to go back to.
Point Glossary
Point​ is the smallest visual component.
Pixel ​is a recently invented groovy word. The word "pixel" was first published in 1965 by Frederic C. Billingsley of​​Jet Propulsion Laboratory to describe the picture elements of video images from space probes to the Moon and Mars. A pixel is the basic unit of programmable color on a computer display. Think of it as a logical - rather than a physical - unit. The physical size of a pixel depends on how you've set the resolution for the display screen. Each visual composition on your screen is made of thousands of illuminated points of hue and value.
Focal point​ is the​ feature​ of a​​design or work of art that is the most​ interesting​ or important​ or the most​ strongly​ emphasized​.
The Point​ is what a player will tell a friend about the game if they like it.
The point​ is the mission or a moving target.
The point of no return ​(PNR or PONR) is the point beyond which one must continue on one's current course of action because turning back is dangerous, physically impossible or difficult, or prohibitively expensive. The point of no return can be calculated point during a continuous action (such as in aviation). A particular irreversible action (such as setting off an explosion or signing a contract) can be a point of no return.
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cassandra-ozuna · 4 years
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How motion is used in the design aesthetics of compositions?
Motion is used in design to help guide a viewer's eye, in a specific rhythm, flow, or sequence, throughout a space, causing a sense of movement to occur. Motion allows characters to be dramatized or can embody their personality. The motion occurring in a scene helps set the scene of a piece, ex: fast pace camera movements, indicate intensity.
Demon Slayer: Motion in Design Analyzation
The image above shows a scene from the anime “Demon Slayer”, here we see Tanjiro Kamado (on the left) and Zenitsu Agatsuma (on the right) sward fighting in snow-covered woods near a boulder. The shot of the scene above effectively follows the 180-degree rule, the camera shots of the fight are on one side of an imaginary axis between two characters. This scene creates tension through the usage of anticipated action, here we can see Tanjiro leaping forward with his sword but have yet to see Zenitsu counteract. Zenitsu has not yet made his reaction, thus we anxiously wonder will he engage in seconds or be disarmed, “what will happen next?”. Now commenting on Tanijro, he appears to be intensely engaged in the fight with a dynamic fluid stance. The thrust and vitality of his movement are created by his line of action. We can visually his Tanjiro’s strength, speed, and movement of his sword by the motion blur following in a wavelike appearance. Tanjiro’s movement is empathized and contrasted by the stillness of the background and Zenitsu, for the snow stopped falling during the scene.
180-Degree Rule: In filmmaking, the 180-degree rule is a basic guideline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between a character and another character or object within a scene. By keeping the camera on one side of an imaginary axis between two characters, the first character is always framed right of the second character.
Anticipated Action: A dramatic action frozen in time, the tension mounts, we feel anticipation. We expect the sword to swing or the finger to pull the trigger or the couple to kiss.
Camera Motion: Arrows are standard cues, a simple and recognizable way to show motion or progression in a storyboard.
Kinesthetic Empathy: A player’s actual movement when responding to action in a game. Leaning into a curve in a driving game is kinesthetic empathy.
Line of Action: Line of action is an artistic concept, an invisible line that captures the thrust and vitality of the movement. The line of action can be drawn by artists as the first element to capture or exaggerate the pose.
Motion Blur: When your eyes or objects are in motion, the image will suffer from motion blur, resulting in an inability to resolve details. To cope with this, humans generally alternate between saccades (quick eye movements) and fixation (focusing on a single point).
Optical Movement: Optical movement is an optical illusion. Although the image is not moving, it appears to move.
Stillness: Stillness is calm, quiet, inaction, and peace. Stillness is the opposite of motion. It can be used to contrast with motion.
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cassandra-ozuna · 4 years
Pattern & Texture
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How pattern/texture is used in the design aesthetics of compositions?
The Pattern is extremely important in design because it creates the rhythm of a piece, indicates visual interest or emphasis on the focal point in a composition, produces contrast within a piece, or it can help visually balance a composition. In design, Texture relates to both the physical and visual aspects of our senses, this relation allows designers to cause a viewer’s physical and mental attention to be called by a piece; causing them to be more immersed in the experience at hand.
Attack on Titan: Pattern/Texture Design Analyzation
The image above shows a scene from the anime “Attack on Titan”, which shows the layout of the environment of the Shiganshina District. The design and atmosphere of the scene are created through the usage of both patterns and textures. Let’s look at the main focal points of the scene, the houses, and the ground. The house’s windows and building architect are comprised of geometric patterns, created by wooding paneling. The geometric patterns on the architect, which are usually seen in hamlet houses, visually help us predict the time period, the technological/industrial advancement, and the wealth of the district. Allowing us to relate our world to the Shiganshina District. The houses, rocks, and pavement, appear to be tactile, as though we are looking at the scene from a camera, where we could reach out and tangibly touch the objects. This illusion is created by the usage of visual texture, the design of the scene is manipulated to give the impression of texture, while the surface of our screen is smooth and flat. In addition, the realistic-ness of the piece is credited to its usage of chiaroscuro, here we can relate the scene to the real world due to the appearance of a shadow being cast from the right onto the buildings and ground. Chiaroscuro is credited to the usage of gradients, the rooftops appear to be lighter and faded, while their body appears to be darker and more saturated.
Pattern: an arrangement, configuration, array, formation, guide, matrix of repeated forms. Patterns create rhythm and can be used to predict and organize design elements such as using a grid.
Alternating pattern: to occur in succession, such as day alternating with night. To pass back and forth from one state, action, or one place to another.
Chiaroscuro: A technique of painting or drawing using a predictable sequence of light and shade to achieve a three-dimensional quality.
Collage: A technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
Gradient: is continuous change, darkening, lightening, increasing or decreasing color saturation. A gradient is created when two or more different colors are layered to paint one element while gradually fading between the hues or values.
Grid: means a rectangular system of coordinates used in locating the principal elements of a plan.
Progressive patterns: create active change, momentum by shifting in a direction, increasing, escalating, or accelerating.
Radial balanced patterns: based on a circle with its design extending from its center. A few examples of radial balance are; a star, the iris in one’s eyes, and a wheel with spokes.
Texture: the way that something feels when you touch it, how smooth or rough it is. The texture of an object depends on the unique structure of its molecules. Fur may feel soft or coarse, metal may be oiled and shiny or rusted and rough.
Tactile textures: physical, touchable textures that you can actually feel on your skin in the real world, like when you pet a cat or dog.
Texture mapping: a process in which a two-dimensional surface, a texture map, is wrapped around a three-dimensional object. When wrapped, the 3-D object acquires a visual surface texture.
Visual texture: an illusion of texture. Pixels or traditional drawing and painting media can be manipulated to give the impression of texture, while the surface actually remains smooth and flat. The texture on an ancient wall, a vehicle, or a creature’s scaly or slimy skin increases the immersion of a game.
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cassandra-ozuna · 4 years
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Why is Space used in design?
Space in design is extremely dynamic and useful, allowing designers to use variable spaces to either expand or contract as their stories progress. Without the elements of space or depth in design many of the animations we would have today would look overwhelming to the human eye or unrealistic. For space and depth allows animators to create new worlds for their audiences to experience.
Rick and Morty: Space/Depth Design Analyzation
This scene above is from the animated series “Rick and Morty”, which successfully presents Rick in a foreign alien world through the usage of space. Starting at the foreground we notice the alien grass/vegetation is overlapping Rick giving this 2D animation the perception of depth. As Rick pushes forward the grass in front of him becomes closer to the viewer and his travel path behind him further away from us. It is important to note that the designers used size relationships in order to create space, by making the background (sun and hills) smaller as their distance from Rick increases. In addition, the Sun, hills, and pond use vertical position to appear farther away by placing them higher up in the composition. Currently, Rick appears to be the largest insight due to his closeness to the foreground and size comparison, to the middle ground and background. The pond behind Rick appears to be fluid and follows an s-curve around the land. The pond gives the illusion of depth by using transparency to give a reflect look through the usage of varying saturations and color (Yellow, Mustard, Peach, Green, and Blue). Lastly, the designers used atmospheric perspective upon the Sun, hills, and clouds to make them appear farther, by increasing the value contrast on the bright sun and clouds and decreasing the saturation of the hills.
Space/Depth Glossary:
Space: An area, expanse, territory, distance, or range.
Atmospheric Perspective: Value contrast and color saturation decrease with distance. Brightness increases as objects fade further into the background. In addition, objects such as mountains may appear more blue.
Diagonal Shapes: Pull the eye in a direction to create the illusion of depth. If the diagonal is going back like a railroad track or fence-line the eye will follow it into the perceived distance.
Elliptical Perspective: An ellipse is an oval shape. Elliptical perspective provides visual clues to the location of curved surfaces in space.
Foreground, Midground, & Background: The 3 treatments of objects in space support design to achieve depth. This template for placing and sizing objects in the picture plane shows variations on the foreground, midground, background configurations.
Foreshortening: When an object’s dimensions appear shorter when angled toward the viewer. At the same time, the part coming toward the viewer is enlarged.
Linear Perspective: A system used by artists in which the relative size, shape, and position of objects are determined by drawn or imagined lines converging at a point on the horizon.
Overlapping: Overlap is when a part of one object is obscured by another object. The obscuring object appears to be in front.
S-Curve or Winding Path: In an image of a landscape, S-curve or winding path will draw the eye of the viewer into a perceived distance.
Size relationships: Objects appear smaller as their distance from the observer increases.
Transparency or Opacity: Transparency or opacity is when we feel like we can see objects through a glassy, gauzy, smoky, or dusty layer. The transparent/opacity adjustment affects the saturation and color of objects to give a feel of depth.
Vertical Position: Places objects higher up in the composition to appear further away.
Volume: The amount, expanse, extent, magnitude, size, aggregate, bulk, dimensions, or mass of an object. The volume variable indicates the amount of territory needed for each object in a scene.
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cassandra-ozuna · 4 years
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Image by: https://www.teahub.io/viewwp/iRRTwwR_futurama-futuristic-city-drawing/
Why is Shape used in design?
A shape is the external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something; the outline of an area or figure. All objects are composed of shapes and all visual elements in designs are shapes in some way or form. The limitless variety of characteristics given by shapes, enables various messages to be communicated to various audiences.
Futurama City: Shape Design Analyzation
This drawing of a futuristic city, from the series Futurama, uses a variety of shapes and shape elements to create the composition of the piece. First off, Plant Express ship and the city in a whole can be described as positive shapes, the focal point in the piece. While the blue sky is the negative space/shape of the piece, where it balances out the heavily composed city and bold ship by surrounding the areas of interest. We know that the forms at the bottom of the piece are representational of buildings due the usage of rectilinear shapes in their design, for rectilinear shapes are what we associate modern buildings with. The incorporation of curvilinear shapes in the buildings and tubes allows the city to be viewed as futuristic due to these shapes not being common in modern architecture. Thus, the buildings of the city can be characterized as futuristic, by usage of both rectilinear and curvilinear shapes into their design. The silhouetted city, is easier to identify and conveys the message that this city is enormous. Lastly, we can see the an exaggeration of distortion in reality by the design of the dogs, these dogs bodies are stretched out to given the appearance of flight. The continuous line of flying ships is squashed to give the impression of motion.
Shape Glossary:
Abstraction: Means no recognizable objects. Abstraction is a sliding scale from realism to completely non representational.
Biomorphic: A free-form pattern or design with a shape suggestive of a living organism.
Curvilinear Shapes: A shape bound by curved edges, oftentimes s-curves.
Distortion: Exaggeration, contortion, reform, slant, twist, or warp in ways that depart from reality.
Idealism: Asserts that the physical world is less important than the mind or the spirit which shapes and animates it. Idealists choose the soul, the mind, or the psyche over the body, the material, and the historical.
Non-objective Shapes: Have no object as a reference and no recognizable subject matter. Non-objective shapes are often used to simplify design shapes.
Positive and Negative Shapes: Positive space is the subject, focal point, or areas of high interest in any composition. Negative space is the area around the areas of interest. All compositions balance positive and negative space.
Realism or Naturalism: Attempts to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality or exotic or supernatural elements.
Rectilinear Shapes: A boxy shape made with straight lines.
Representational shapes: Objects that players can name. The object represents something from the real world, or something that has the verisimilitude of realism.
Silhouette: A profile or shape that is easy to identify.
Squash and Stretch: Shapes profiles that emphasize motion. The stretched position shows the form in an extended condition.
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cassandra-ozuna · 4 years
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Why is Value used in design?
Value describes the lightness and darkness of color in design. In reality, value gives us the ability to see anything, because of value contrast, the difference between light and dark. Rather than having a stagnant piece, with value one an make their piece become more full, create space, create emphasis, create an atmosphere, or make a pieces become easier to comprehend visually.
Tokyo Ghoul scene: Value in Design Analyzation
The scene above is screenshotted from the anime series Tokyo Ghoul, here we will analysis the composition/element of value in it’s design. Due to the usage of values in design the overall atmosphere of this scene is created and can be described as intense, emotional, and ominous. The anime uses Kaneki’s white and Hideyosi’s orange hair’s value as emphasis to distinguish to distinguish them as the main characters from the background, by contrasting Kaneki’s hair to the dark night sky and Hideyosi’s orange hair to the white snow. In addition, the bright red in Kaneki’s blacked out right eye is emphasized. Both the characters design are using value as contrast when wearing the black suits as a tool to juxtapose the white snow. Kaneki’s pale almost white complexion is comprised of light values which are used to give him a sickly look, while his black nails is comprised of dark values to contrasts his complexion. Lastly, the scene is using value and space to cast a shadow directly onto Kaneki’s and Hideyosi’s body, because of the highlights and shadows used we can tell the light source is behind them.
Value Glossary
Value in design is lightness or darkness on a scale of white to black (with white being the highest value and black being the lowest value). Value is widely considered to be one of the most important variables to the success of a design.
Chiaroscuro (English: kee-AR-ə-SKOOR-oh, -​SKEWR-, Italian:; Italian for “light-dark”), is the use of strong contrasts between light and dark with bold contrasts affecting a whole composition. Chiaroscuro is a technical term for the use of contrasts of light to achieve a sense of volume in modelling three-dimensional objects and figures
Light and dark - Every element in your design has a value from 1% black (almost white) to 100% black. Value is relative to everything in the composition. Every color has an underlying value somewhere between white and black.
Value as emphasis happens when a strong contrast in value draws attention to itself such as on this ancient Greek vase illustrating value contrast in the service of visual storytelling. Kylo Ren’s red light sable shows value contrast against the dark background.
Value and space - Designers use dark and light values to create the illusion of light as it falls on objects. Value is used to create the illusion of highlights and shadows. Highlights and shadows combine to create the illusion of a light source. The pattern of light and dark can create dimension, volume, and mass.
Value patterns appear regularly in the world, in human-made design, and even in abstract ideas such as stories. The elements of a pattern repeat in a predictable manner. Night and day is a value pattern common in stories.
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cassandra-ozuna · 4 years
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Sketch done by Reddit user: Miss Soha
Image: Sketch drawn of Finn the human and Jake the dogs tree house, from the animated cartoon called Adventure Time.
Why are Lines used in the design?
Lines are one of the most essential elements of design, for they usually are the starting point for all artistic expression. In design, lines can be used to direct the user's eye, divide space, create flow, create depth, create emphasis, form shapes, express movement, and organize all design elements into form. 
Sketch of Treehouse: Line Design Analyzation
If we look at the treehouse, from Adventure Time, sketch we can see that the most prominent elements presented are varying lines, which fully compose the piece. The overall silhouette of the treehouse can be labeled as contour lines, for it is indicating the edges and curves of the house in a whole. The treehouse is given dimension and depth through the usage of lines as value, we can imply that the light source is high in the sky ahead. Here we can see cross hatching used to darken the back of the trees leaves in order to create volume within the tree. In addition, we can see the hallows of the tree are almost completely shaded out in order to create depth within the tree. Lastly line Quality, line weight and lost and found lines are used together in order to create texture on the connected shed below, the plants, grass, and the trees leaves. The sheds outer lines are thick, while it has thin incomplete lines within the shed to mimic the texture of wood. The dimension of wood is created by making the main shapes of the shed stand out more by the usage of darker and thicker lines. The trees leaves use lost and found lines with a thin line weight in order to emphasis the flowless of the tree’s leaves and create a fluid type texture, like ruffles in a shirt.
Line Glossary
Contour Lines
Contour lines indicate the edge around an object or the changes in volume within an object. Contour lines dramatize changes of plane within the form. The curve of a belt around the waist is a contour line.
Diagonal Lines
Diagonal Lines are useful to draw the eye into a composition such as toward the vanishing points. Three common types of diagonals are 1) actual diagonal lines 2) objects placed diagonally in a scene 3) a diagonal line created by the viewpoint such as
the Dutch tilt
Dutch Tilt (known as a dutch angle, canted angle, or oblique angle) is a type of camera shot that has a noticeable tilt on the camera’s “x-axis.” The Dutch tilt camera technique was introduced by German Expressionists in the 1920s — so it’s not actually Dutch. Directors often use a Dutch angle to signal to the viewer that something is wrong, disorienting, or unsettling.
Explicit Lines
Explicit means clear, direct, and obvious. If a drawing is easy to read it may be that the lines are explicit, clean, with efficient use of variety. There are explicit lines around the frame of the Dutch Tilt illustration.
Gesture Lines
Gesture Lines capture motion, such as in an action pose when gesture drawings are used in storyboards. The figures at the head of the Rembrandt Elephant drawing show the quickly sketched human gestures responding to the elephant.
Implied Lines
Implied lines in 3-D scenes a line in a scene that is not physically there but is suggested by points in the art. Implied lines suggest the edges of an object or planes within an object. The line may be broken such as a dotted line, it may be defined by value, color, or texture, or it may not be visible at all. With implied lines, our brain interprets that a line exists.
Line as Value
Line As Value has a long history. Artists have used line drawings to create value, or shading, and to achieve the impression of volume. In this quick sketch of a live elephant Rembrandt used outline contour lines around the edges of the elephant and curved contour lines around the big legs and belly. Most of the lines are at the lower part of the elephant to show that the light source was from above.
Line of Action (Also see motion)
Line of action is an imaginary line that extends through the main action of the figure. When you draw an action figure you can capture the line of action on one layer then draw the figure drawing on another layer.
Line Quality
Line quality is the expressive essence of lines. Varying the line quality makes objects appear more 3-dimensional and exciting. Range in line quality heightens descriptive and suggestive potential. A single line can change in darkness and width, can vanish all together to mentally reconnect later on an edge.
Line Weight
Line weight refers to the thickness or thinness of a line.
Lost and Found Lines
We don’t really need a strong contour line around every part of an object because our brain will fill in the blank where the edge disappears. When a line fades out and then restarts further along the edge it is called a lost and found line. There is a lost and found line at the top of Rembrandt’s elephant behind the head. There is a strong contour line of the skull of the elephant and a strong bulge of the back, but between the 2 curved shapes the line fades out, yet we still know that the elephant shape continues.
Psychic Lines
Psychic lines are invisible. Psychic lines form between characters or between a gun and a target, or a hand pointing in a direction. There is no real line yet we feel a line. Eyes looking in a direction, especially characters looking at each other create a psychic line
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cassandra-ozuna · 4 years
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Image by Matt Groening: Digital Image of Steamland from season 3 of the Netflix series “Disenchantment”. Comprised of varying towers, bridges, flying aircrafts, and lights with smog comprising the image.  
Image by Matt Groening
Why are colors used in the design?   
Color is extremely significant in design due to the influence it holds on the human mind. Color creates ideas, atmospheres, energies, conveys messages, provokes viewer interest, initiates emotions, and provides emphasis to different forms of mediums. For example, to set a happy and positive mood one would use bright colors, whereas to set a serious or negative mood one would use dark colors.
Steamland: Color Design Analyzation
The colors in this image, from season 3 of disenchantment, are used to show the fast pace and industrious life that makes up the country Steamland. The lights from the varying towers smog are lit up to create brightness within the image. These lit-up windows and lights symbolize the beauty of Steamland and use warm colored hues (Yellow, Orange, & Red) in the lights to conceal the gloominess of industrialization. While the smog, which encompasses most of the image, is lit up by the cool-colored hues (Blues & Violets) in order to symbolize the overwhelming misery that comes from industrialization. In color psychology, the warm hues are red towers are presented to make the scene seem warm and powerful, as a visual statement of Steamland’s greatest level of achievement in technology compared to others. The color psychology of cool hues initiate the feeling of sadness and indifference, which is a real visual representation of the reality of living in Steam land. The muted palette used in the background helps the towers and lights become the focal point of the image by using a saturation contrast. 
I truly loved that I used this image of Steamland as my example because I have so much respect for the creators of Disenchantment. I love that the color design of Steamland in its self is the literal embodiment of industrialization, the good the bad, and the ugly, through the usage of color psychology.
Color Glossary
Visible light spectrum ​is the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view. This range of wavelengths is called visible light. Typically, the human eye can detect wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometers.
Color Psychology
Color psychology is the study of the effect that colors have on emotions, behavior and feelings of people.
Color Systems
Color systems classify color and analyze their effects.
● The additive color system is used for colors of light such as light emitted from computers, phone screens, and projectors. Red, green, and blue are the primary colors
● The subtractive color system is used for pigments such as ink, dye, and paint. Cyan, magenta, and yellow are the primary colors.
Color to Show Depth
Change in Color is to use color to separate the foreground, midground, and background planes to create the illusion of depth and is commonly used in animation.
Color Wheel
The color wheel, or color circle, arranges a pattern of hues around a circle. There are several ​versions of the color wheel​ or color circle. The circle connects relationships between hues to illustrate color strategies. (see 12 Chromatic Strategies)
Local Color
Local color is the natural color of an object unmodified by adding unrealistic light and shadow or any other distortion. The color that the eye observes is altered by lighting conditions such as time of day or the surrounding environment. The local color of a lemon is yellow.
The definition of a palette is the range of colors used in a particular composition or by any person who uses color such as an artist, house painter or interior decorator. An example of a palette is Vincent Van Gogh’s limited palette of hues in his Starry Night painting. ​Starry Night’s palette ​is a variety of blues, greens and yellows. Close up video of ​Starry Night​ lets you come closer than you could at the Museum of Modern Art.
Properties of Color
Properties of color are hue, saturation, and brightness. The H, S, and B in the Photoshop Color Panel​ stand for hue, saturation, and brightness.
● Hue is the named color around the color circle such as red, orange, green, yellow, violet, and blue.
● Saturation ​is the intensity or purity of a hue. Fire engine red is more highly saturated than brick red or the color of red wine.
● Brightness​ is the perceived intensity of light coming from a source such as a screen. On a color screen, brightness is the average of the red, green and blue pixels on the screen. Brightness is important to both color perception and battery life on mobile devices. Brightness of a screen can be adjusted.
Symbolism of Color
Symbolism of color in art and anthropology refers to the use of color as a symbol in various cultures. There is great diversity in the use of colors and their associations. Diversity in color symbolism occurs because color meanings and symbolism occur on an individual, cultural and universal basis. Color symbolism is also context-dependent and changes over time
12 ​Color Strategies
1. Monochromatic ​means variations of a single hue such as a light blue and a dark blue or a greenish aqua blue and a lavender blue.
2. A chromatic ​color strategy integrates variations of black, white, gray, and a full range of neutrals.
3. Full Spectrum Strategy​ represents the full circle of spectral colors by incorporating at least five of the base hues.
4. In the ​Achromatic/Chromatic Mix​ strategy Achromatic colors dominate the composition with a chromatic hue accent.
5. Warm/Cool:​ Contrasting ‘temperatures’ of warm & cool. Cool colors appear on the green/blue/violet side of the color wheel. The colors on the red/orange/yellow side of the color wheel are called warm. Emphasis is on the contrast between warm and cool a chromatics: brown - gold (warm), grays - silver (cool)
6. Saturation Similarities/Saturation Contrast
● Saturation Similarities​: Hues may vary in this strategy, but all colors must have the same or very similar saturations.
● Saturation Contrast​: Hues may vary but all colors must have significant contrast of saturation.
7. Value Similarities/Value Contrast
● Value Similarities: ​Hues may vary in this strategy, but all colors have the same or very close values.
● Value Contrast​: Black (or dark desaturated hues) contrast with white (or very desaturated tints of hues). The Value Contrast strategy demonstrates strong distinction of value with the strongest example being between black and white.
8. Complementary Dyad​ creates a strong hue contrast. Complementary hues are located directly opposite each other on the color circle.
9. Split Complementary​ strategies are based on two complements. To create a split complementary color strategy select one hue and contrast it with the hues on either side of its complement, such as Red & Yellow Green/Blue Green.
10. A ​Tetrad ​strategy uses four equilateral hues from the color circle, such as Red, Orange, Green, Blue.
11. A ​Triad ​strategy uses three equilaterally balanced hues from the color circle, such as primary, secondary, or tertiary.
12. Analogous ​strategies collect 2 or 3 neighboring hues on the color circle.
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cassandra-ozuna · 4 years
Hello World :D my name is Cassandra Ozuna and welcome to my CMYK blog. This blog will explore the Variables/Elements and Aesthetics/Principles of design, illustrated by varying animated series as my choice of examples.
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