cassandrak512 · 8 years
Can't stress it enough. 💛
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take care of yourself today and every day :)
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cassandrak512 · 8 years
as I know it has come to a screeching halt. In the past month I have lost my job, the place I called home, friends I once knew and loved, and one of the most important souls in my life. & in losing all of those things, I have in turn lost a monumental chunk of myself. My heart is full of nothing but hurt and the yearning that things will get better. It seems no matter how hard I try something else gets throw in my path coming to knock me down. If rock bottom had a basement thats where you’d find me. 
Now I’m at a place where I can either decide to do something about it or dwell over what’s happened. & because I am my mothers daughter I have decided (finally) that I am going to do something about it and not just something. 
Say goodbye to the old Cassey as she is no more. Say hello to the new and improved Cassey. 
The one who refuses to quit. The one who will come out better and stronger than ever before. The one who WILL get what she wants no matter what she has to do to get it. The one who will prove to the people watching that she can!
At every ending there’s a new beginning and this is mine. Here’s to finding myself and making this life all that it’s worth. Here’s to being forced to start over. Here’s to the mistake I’ve made that will shape me into a better person. Here’s to giving it all I’ve got. 
Look out world, I’m coming for ya’. 
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cassandrak512 · 8 years
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I have talked highly of people who have talked shit about me. I've helped dry tears of people who have caused mine. I have cared about people who have pretended to care about me. I have picked up people who have tried to knock me down. I have done favors for people who can do nothing for me. But..... I WILL NOT lose myself in the hatred of others; I continue to be me because, I am who I am and it is in my nature. Life isn't easy but even through all the bullshit.... I will still be here, being me.
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cassandrak512 · 9 years
The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.
E.E. Cummings
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cassandrak512 · 9 years
Welcome to the revamped version of my “blog”. I’m hoping that this will provided me with some of the things that I have been looking for. A place to write, rant, rave and express myself. Bare with me ladies and gents, I’m only just starting here. So... here goes nothin’. 
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