cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
chew on some wires
Elevator wires?
It can also mimic voices
Gregory's voice?
Also do you want us to call emergency services?
Cuz that wound probably needs medical attention
Finally please call emergency services or anyone or anything it's dark down here and I'm pretty sure I'm hurt bad!! Passing out for a couple months isn't good I assume!!
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
The mimic may not be smart enough to drop the elevator
But it can take electricity from it
Its smart enough to do that
Honestly I've seen that thing walk into a wall For an hour so I don't think you can control electricity out of it's smart enough to do that but it could definitely chew on some wires.....
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
I'm honestly surprised that you haven't lost your sanity yet within the past several days-
Well I've been seeing things a bit but that's probably from black of food and water... Mentally I'm fine I don't- think anything is wrong!?
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Has your eye been feeling okay since you woke up? Also, do you feel any different? Like, are you having any changes to how you feel about different things, like compared to before, for example, do feel any different about the VANNI mask?
Also, here. It’s my old Roxy plushie. You probably need it more than me.
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Thanks for the Roxy I miss her...
I can still be fun which doesn't really make sense and I've been hungry lately I think it's adrenaline but it's good since there isn't that much food down here.. As for the mask I haven't touched it since I think it has something to do with the mimic thing..
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Hey.. it's father's day...
I'm sorry...
Already??! But yeah it's okay there's going to be more father's days after this one you know so better get used to it now
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Where exactly are you? Can you describe the room your in?
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Well here's a basic map of where I am. I've been staying in one of those weird squared off room things that you can only get to through the vents.
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Is Gregory dead to you?
Yeah... He dropped that elevator and trapped me down here no matter what you guys say. I've seen that mimic thing and trust me it isn't smart enough to drop a fucking elevator!!!
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Have you found Roxy yet?
I know where she is.. After waking up I went to check and yeah she's still there dead and that stupid robot thing is still just wandering around like nothing happened
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Months of being unconscious that can't be good for your health! How are you feeling?
Fine... Weirdly fine.. On the bright side my arm wound seems to have healed a bit it's no longer leaking black stuff so that's better right?
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Wtf is a Faz Phone- 😭😭😭
Well it's like a normal phone but made by faz entertainment so it doesn't have half the features and you can only Stuff thay made....
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
*gives Cassie an apple*
Thanks I haven't had an apple and forever... How long was I out without food that's probably a problem...
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Okay, I get it, you're a 2030's kid, but you seriously don't know what Angry Birds is!? IT WAS LITERALLY EVERY KIDS DREAM IN 2000's-2010's!!!!
Ooooh you're missing outtttt-
Um yeah.. Sorry My dad only ever let me have A faz phone they don't run software that isn't directly made by faz ent
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cassie-in-the-dark · 3 months
Oh my God I'm back!! How long was I gone???! I was just sitting here and then everything went black for a bit and then I woke up and the phone says it's been months...
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cassie-in-the-dark · 5 months
What happened to your mother? I mean, except for your father and uncle, you never mentioned any other family. What happened?
My mom left when I was really little. I don't remember her that well really.. dad doesn't like talking about her either. I think she gambled too much.
My dad's side of the family is just him and my uncle. My grandparents passed away before I was born and because of the maybe murder my uncle did in the 80s no one really talks to my dad....
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cassie-in-the-dark · 5 months
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the circus was in town that day 🤡
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cassie-in-the-dark · 5 months
What-? I don't think that people eat green angry bird pigs💀
Who even does that!?
Angry wha?? Are you talking about the weird green circle pig??
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cassie-in-the-dark · 5 months
ok fair because I have thousands of them
finally, someone who understands...
ok? I haven't really gotten hungry in days anyway and your little pig thing looks friendship!
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