casszabek · 5 years
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casszabek · 5 years
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Honey Boy (2019)
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casszabek · 5 years
imessage ↪ hannah
HANNAH: ............. don't involve my gma in ur possible crimes please
HANNAH: .........these are all red flags. im remembering this.
HANNAH: do u need like medical attention? do you need supervision?
HANNAH: that's valid like a white welcome mat doesn't seem v practical
HANNAH: you need warm water and peroxide
CASS: 2 late me n ur gma have already committed arson 2gether
CASS: im fine tho its jst my face nd tbh im tired of goin 2 the fuckin drs its not like im dying or some shit
CASS: right???? its fuckin bullshit
CASS: peroxide??? what???? idek wtf that even is why tf would i just HAVE that gma come on work w me here
CASS: have u got any over there??
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casszabek · 5 years
imessage ↪ NOAH
NOAH: well yes i do
NOAH: i have tripped over enough times in my life to know these things hahaha
NOAH: what is it though? depends on the material
CASS: carpet basically
CASS: like the soft fluffy fancy shit??
CASS: u ever get blood on smth like that??
CASS: also u good??? y u trippin so much
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casszabek · 5 years
Send ✉ for an 2 AM text Send ✘ for an unsent text Send ☠ for a threatening message Send ❤ for a lusty/loving/affectionate message Send ♣ for a drunk message
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casszabek · 5 years
imessage ↪ hannah
HANNAH: um.........
HANNAH: i'm sure my grandma would know how to get out a stain but i'm going to need an explanation before i ask her
HANNAH: i dont want her to think i'm an accomplice to a murder
HANNAH: are you okay??
CASS: bs ur grandma loves me
CASS: she wldnt think i killed anybody
CASS: even tho she prolly shld but wtvr
CASS: i'm fine i just fucked myself up a bit as usual
CASS: i bled on syds fuckin welcome mat while puttin her mail up tho and its fuckin WHITE
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casszabek · 5 years
imessage ↪ open
CASS: hey
CASS: do u kno how to get blood out of somethin white or shld i just throw it out
CASS: dw i haven't murdered anybody or anything
CASS: i mean yet
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casszabek · 5 years
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One Day at a Time   Episode 3.04, Hermanos
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casszabek · 5 years
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casszabek · 5 years
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Timothée Chalamet in Lady Bird (2017)
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casszabek · 5 years
text  |  ✉  |  kitty & cass
kitty: i mean?? look at that glow up
kitty: and? im not 10 anymore
kitty: like id be talking to atticus again
kitty: we aint spoke since the funeral
kitty: it was dolly
kitty: its always dolly
cass: ya nd no 1 is gonna let u play mother mary now
cass: at least when u were younger u had the cute nd sweet thing goin 4 u
cass: wut happened
cass: well fuckin abt time ive known atticus was an asshole since i was fuckin six years old
cass: took u long enough
cass: fuckin dolly
cass: yk wut i'll fight her 2
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casszabek · 5 years
text  |  ✉  |  kitty & cass
kitty: bitch im proud of that
kitty: mother mary wasn't so meek and mild
kitty: and she fo sure aint a virgin anymore
kitty: bc its not the same
kitty: i love a one woman show as much as the next girl
kitty: but sometimes u get an itch only an ensemble can scratch, u get me?
cass: god ur weird who is proud of shit like tht
cass: fuck nope i am about 10 secs away from fuckin blockin u dixie my fingers on the trigger
cass: how did u get my # anyways was it fuckin atticus cuz i'll fight him again
cass: so now ur telling me u want to have an orgy??? tf???
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casszabek · 5 years
cass makes the mistake of looking up from his phone when the other speaks and instantly regrets it the moment he gets a good look at him. he truly couldn’t roll his eyes hard enough. “that’s cause i don’t fuckin’ like talking to you, asshole.” cass didn’t make good on his promise to track phoenix down last night, and maybe that was where his real mistake was. if he had killed him twelve hours ago they wouldn’t be having this conversation. “doing it on-- are you insane?” cass asks in disbelief before he’s wrinkling his nose and adding, “why would anyone fuck themselves up on purpose just to see you? because honestly, whenever i fuckin’ see you i kind of wanna light my eyes on fire.” 
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@casszabek​ ⁑ closed starter -  bringing his black coffee up to his lips phoenix takes a massive gulp before standing up and abandoning his table, slowly heading toward the takeaway waiting area after noticing at familiar face. “you know, you never answered me about those bandaids.” no hello, just straight to it as he crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the wall. “you should try being less clumsy if you don’t wanna see my face otherwise i’m gonna think you’re doing it on purpose.” 
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casszabek · 5 years
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       “if i wanted to cry, you think i’d be doin’ it out here on the street? people would think i’d lost my mind. i’d be the town cuckoo bird until further notice.” usually their banter didn’t even faze her and she could quickly throw something back at cass with ease…but the growing anxiety about her boots was throwing her off. it WAS cass, though - which means she can’t be a total dickhead right now without feeling guilty for it later. it’s just not worth it. her face softens at his offer, a bit surprised he’d be willing to do that for the sake of some boots. she even manages to crack a smile when he kicks her sole. “you don’t get a cold from being wet. you only get it from germs, cass.” rox just had to slip in some smart-ass retort before giving in completely. the offer was too good to pass up. “either way, you’ve got yourself a deal. i’ll draw you whatever you want because i OWE you. my boots and i are grateful.” she bends over to untie her boots so she can slip them off and hands the pair to him. “don’t take this the wrong way but i can’t believe you’re doing this for me. maybe you DO like me, huh?”
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cass frowns a moment as he shrugs, blunt as he retorts. “that’s not that much worse than how people think of you now. edgy artist and cuckoo bird are like... pretty fuckin’ equal on the weirdo scale.” cass makes a face at rox’s retort, head tilting before he’s saying, “well, that sounds fuckin’ fake. you go out into the winter with wet hair, you get a cold. you walk around in the rain with wet socks, you get a cold. that’s why when people get caught in the fuckin’ rain and get soakin’ wet, they get a cold. it’s fuckin’ science.” it wasn’t honestly, and since cass learnt this information from nothing more than experience, the old wives tales of his very polish grandfather, and tv, he can only hope he’s actually right. maybe he’ll google it later. but he’s pretty sure he’s fucking right, and he’s sure as hell not gonna let rox see him anything less than confident in his words. he nods as she agrees, shifting his jaw idly as he waits for her to take off her boots, only to wrinkle his nose at her teasing. “watch yourself, or i’ll fuckin’ take it back, drawing or no drawing.” he wouldn’t, but the threat still feels appropriate. cass takes the boots and slips them into his bag more carefully than he’d like to admit before he’s offering his backpack to roxanne. “put this on, and then,” cass moves to crouch before her arms behind his back at the ready as he says, “get on. don’t try anything though, i will drop you if you get fuckin’ cocky.” 
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casszabek · 5 years
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all melina does is roll her eyes when cass mentions the damn sharks for the millionth time in the past five minutes that he’s been here. while he likes to say he’s only ever here to see the sharks and never her, she knows he’s lying straight out of his ass. well, partially, because the boy does love his fucking sharks for whatever reason. mel tries her best not to burst out laughing at the kid that face plants in front of them, mainly because she worked here and didn’t need some customer reporting back to her manager about how awful of an employee she must be to laugh at a kids stupidity. “oh is that so? funny, cause i never thought about working with otters till i was like, what…fourteen? fifteen? you must be a fucking wizard to already know what job i was gonna do at such a young age,” she teases with a playful smile. “i’ll let you feed the sharks when i’m done being friends with you and use you as their own personal bait. you’ll technically be feeding the sharks, and i’ll find get some peace and quiet.” 
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“well, i’ve been meaning to tell you this for a fuckin’ while too — i can see the future. like that one bird chick from that show that used to be on disney. so fuck you.” cass replies with a playful narrow of his eyes in return, well. playful for cass’ standards. his lips are still pulled down into a scowl as he makes a face at melina’s suggestion, bringing a hand up swipe across his throat as he says, “no, no, no, no, no —  that’s not what’s gonna fuckin’ happen! the moment you push me into the water the sharks will welcome me as one of their own. they know i respect them. i will ride them into the fuckin’ sunset and they will become not my pets, but my fuckin’ peers. i’m gonna leave all you fuckers behind for the superior species, and then when the donald trump pulls some stupid shit that inevitably gets america blown to hell, i will be safe with my new fuckin’ family.” cass opens his arms wide with the words for a moment before he’s getting quickly distracted by the churro cart, immediately switching gears as he playfully pushes melina out of the way on his warpath to food. “oi, you have an employee discount right? use it for me, i want a churro and a coke.” 
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casszabek · 5 years
text -- > elijah &
elijah: give me three good reasons not to drop out of college
elijah: otherwise i'm not showing up to my 8am tomorrow
cass: wtf r u askin me 4
cass: im not in college nd i also dont like u
cass: drop out, see if i care
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casszabek · 5 years
@scoutsking !
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Timmy Chalamet being a little shit on Little Women Behind the Scenes
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