HA HA HA!  THE MOVIE LINKS ARE HERE!  Here they are, as promised! No idea how long these will be up, but go ahead and download them while you can!  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fZWlcv8vX0FaCOV45WLpJo9jS6SxaSri (Movie with subs) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NSKJQ9TKhaxGMjdjpgO_RD_V5jDSnOFF (Movie without subs, good for screenshots, not dubbed!!)
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Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.
No one should scroll past this
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He sit
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Hey fun fact, if you write fuck in the tags your post wont show up in any tag, so uuuuuh heads up
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A proposal
Sometimes, in fandom, we just want to write id-tastic fic that rolls around in tropes that might be viewed as problematic. But we don’t want to address the problematic side of things in this particular fanwork; we just want to roll around and wallow.
It is considered courteous to give readers a heads-up via use of AO3 tags. I propose a tag that signals that a given fanwork is for rolling around, not giving a measured evaluation of anything. The MCU has carved out a space for this sort of fic with the “HYDRA Trash Party” tag, for which I commend them. Trash Party is a bit too specific to cover all of the ground I’m thinking of here, though; I propose “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.”
For those of you not familiar with Arrested Development, Michael Bluth finds a paper bag in the freezer labeled “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.” He opens the bag, finds a dead dove, and reacts as follows:
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[gif of a white man saying “I don’t know what I expected” in a deadpan manner]
The “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat” tag would essentially be a “what it says on the tin” metatag, indicating “you see the tropes and concepts tagged here? they are going to appear in this fic. exactly as said. there will not necessarily be any subversion, authorial commentary condemning problematic aspects, or meditation on potential harm. this fic contains dead dove. if you proceed, you should expect to encounter it.”
(more at KnowYourMeme: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-dont-know-what-i-expected)
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A bit of advice for friends of depressed/anxious/etc. people (not just me, but anyone):
Sometimes, what we need is to be talked through a situation. Not berated, or told to cheer up, or told it’s “not that bad”… but to be helped through some of the practical considerations that may not always be obvious when we’re freaking out or self-hating.
For example, a friend just helped remind me that I could make oatmeal. When I was freaking out at her about how I didn’t have anything I could eat right away, she helped me go through a list of what I had, and figure out what I could cook at my current spoon level. As a result, I was able to eat and feel a little better.
Another example: Some of you remember how, way back in May 2011, I finally reached the transition-or-die breaking point, which physically manifested as me freezing/trembling in the middle of class in front of everybody. I was fortunate, then, to have a school instructor who helped talk me through the situation and who helped create the beginnings of a plan of action for coming out at school. This then snowballed into coming out at work and getting my name change process started, and I’ve been living as my lady self “full-time” ever since.
Notice how there was no minimizing of the situation, no attempts to tell me that I was “blowing things out of proportion” or whatever. It was more, “Okay, let’s look at the practical situation, and see what we can do.” That sort of help can be invaluable to a person as anxiety-prone/depression-prone as I am.
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How long did it take before Toshinori Yagi wasn’t fazed by coughing up blood…?
Some head-canons on All Might’s recovery from his fight (thinking it was a pretty slow recovery…) with Toxic Chainsaw (even though we all know who he really fought with, but spoilers pls).
Headcanons below <3
Keep reading
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Art trade with @tealleadership
A motivation Toshi to help through your exams! >u>
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An Oblivious Yagi Toshinori And Reader’s Confession
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All Might has always had one thing and one thing only on his mind
The public.
As his buff All Might form, Yagi, became the ever so important symbol of peace, a pillar of justice in Japan.
When he lost that form, Toshinori became a teacher, to find the perfect candidate to take up the mantle of his quirk and become the next symbol of peace.
Needless to say, Toshinori has never had time to consider adding romance into his life. And in all honesty, he’s never really considered anything outside of his hero work, explaining why he’s so inexperienced as a mentor.
The only way a romance could really work with All Might is to be a coworker or someone who knows him in his most authentic form.
But even then, he’s clueless about anyone’s adoration towards him.
Any flirtatious comments are brushed away as you just being friendly or perhaps being a part of your personality, just like how Midnight’s flirtatious behavior is just something she does. It’s just part of her hero persona.
Being open and trying to be around him, at least in Yagi’s eyes, is just you being helpful to a new and inexperienced teacher. But even the other teachers can see what’s going on, and it’s a little sad.
“Oh, thank you for your help! I think I have a hang of the grading system now.”
“It’s no problem at all, really!”
“I think I can handle everything from here on out, thank you again!”
“Oh, um…alright. If you’re certain.”
While compliments on his appearance when in his Small Might form are an effective way to fluster him, All Might is well aware that he’s self-conscious of his appearance and at times, it becomes visible to the people around him. Therefore, your compliments are just a means of cheering him up or bolstering his own self-image.
Part of the reason why he’s so oblivious and part of the reason why he can’t fathom your interest in him is his age. 
Sure, no one knows exactly how old he is, but he’s definitely not young.
There are so many others you could have a chance at, so why him?
When you do confess to him, however, best do it in the most straightforward way possible.
Heroes like All Might get a ton of fan mail, so mailing him a confession letter wouldn’t work. Hell, sometimes he even gets a few presents that were sent to the school.
 When the time to confess comes, it’s best to pull him away from anyone and anything that could interrupt the two of you.
And when you’re as straightforward as you can be with how you feel, Yagi’s face burns as he realizes the motives behind your behavior around him, puzzle pieces all falling into place.
“OH. O-Oh. I…um.”
“Are you okay Toshinori?”
“YEs! I’m fine, it’s just a lot to process, sorry! It really does explain your behavior, huh?”
Yagi doesn’t want to go around breaking too many hearts, especially for someone he respects and cares for as a coworker, so he’s open to trying out a relationship with you, despite his own insecurities and doubts. But in the end, even if the two of you don’t work out.
He’s just happy that you could summon the bravery to speak to him.
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|| small might all right ||
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A collection of All Might icons, uncolored and colored so you can make your own style if you want! Please use and enjoy!
If you use the uncolored icon please message me because I’d love to see what you come up with!!
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#030 - Plus Ultra Baking
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Every single time Toshinori has smiled in the manga bc i have no life PART 1
So recently i showed my friend a picture of all might smiling from one of the last chapters and she told me how rare his precious smile is. So I’ve decided to look through the entire manga to count every single smile of his and rate them.
I’m also sorry for any mistakes, English isn’t my native language.. This is also the reason the panels are written in Russian. So sorry for that hehe
Also I didn’t count any of his smiles as all might, bc obvious reasons
And if i missed any beautiful smiles feel free to add them!
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1. Right form the first or the second chapter! Look at this grin.. He looks so proud of his new student and his determination to inherit his power! 10/10 smile
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2. This one isn’t EXACTLY in his real form, but…. We’re still shown more of it so it counts! This, again, is a smile of a proud and thankful father. Just look at his pleased face, he managed to stay alive after all the shit he’s just went through. What a good smile 10/10
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AND AGAIN we see a proud smile of a parent who believes in his child 11/10
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4. Just look at this dorky smile and tell me in my eyes it doesn’t make you feel all fuzzy inside
SO APPARENTLY almost all of his smiles thus far are proud smiles and this is no exception. Izuku makes this lonely man so happy amd their relationship is so wholesome.. I just love this so much….. 11/10 smile
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5. Spying on some kids from management department.. This is a rare sly little smile 10/10
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6. So after the tournament arc we haven’t been getting any smiles, and this one only comes during the home visits chapters. BUT THIS IS SUCH A GREAT WARM BIG SMILE I JUST CAN’T
look at this little dorky face i cannot take it
11/10 smile
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Honestly how can someone be so kind and humble and be one of the most famous people???? i love this little subversion so much
So yeah this tiny pure smile is 12/10
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8. Okay first of all why the fuck does he look so weirdly beautiful in this panel
And second.. This smile looks so warm and supportive, he tries his hardest to reassure his students and other teachers that he’s okay and can be present during this exercise because he wants to help and i think that’s beautiful, 11/10 smile
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9. “ugly crying”
this… This is the best, god tier, you cannot get better than this
this small, gentle smile that shows, again, how proud he is of his son student and his growth. and the sheer love you can see in his eyes… 12/10
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10. Another proud happy little grin! It’s hard not to smile back when you see this pure sunshine man…. 11/10
link to part 2, cause i couldn’t put everything here 
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Every single time Toshinori has smiled in the manga bc i have no life PART 2
link to part 1 
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11. And another proud dazzling grin after izuku saved him from being crushed! 10/10
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also, in this Russian translation izuku is named in toshi’s contacts as “midoriya my boy” and i adore this so much thank you translators….
12/10 smile
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another humble, hopeful , but in some way a sad smile, 11/10
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14. Honestly, i thought that after Nighteye’s death and Izuku offering Mirio ofa he wouldn’t smile for a lot of chapters, so i was really happy to see that his other student and children made him smile and KINDA gave him hope for the bright future, 11/10
Also, I’m still kinda sad we didn’t see all might’s reaction on children being still exited about seeing him but oh well
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15. And the most resent smile! I adore this look on his face.
Also note the state of his bang, I’m glad horikoshi is actually making his crazy anime hair behave more or less realistically
12/10 smile!
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A rare soft and kind smile….. 15/10
Thank you for reading these two posts and sorry for the enormous amount of mistakes i’ve probably made.
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Cas in 4x16 “On the Head of a Pin”
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probably my favorite gif by far
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Imagine your OTP
Person A: The stars are so beautiful
Person B: they're just giant balls of gas
Person A: you know what, if you're just going to ruin this then I--
Person B: and yet none of them are as huge as my love for you
Person A: oh...
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