castlebyler84 · 2 years
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Netflix isn’t even trying to be subtle about this (x)
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
will nonchalantly talking about committing fraud in vegas with a huge smile on his face is not talked about enough.
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
reblog if you'll come with me to revolt against the duffer brothers if byler isn't canon
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
The fact that the hug between Jonathan & Will in the pizza place scene wasn’t scripted is just crazy. It definitely made that moment 1000% more emotional.
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
Okay this might piss some people off but I am a firm believer in the fact that Eddie’s death was necessary & therefore he should stay dead. First of all, bringing him back would feel cheap - we’ve already had that happen with Hopper so you can’t really do it again because then it loses its meaning. It would also undermine the emotional moment between him and Dustin.
Second of all, the Duffers have said that he was a doomed character from the start. If he had gone through the portal when Dustin did then he would still have been subject to a life on the run because people still believed he killed Chrissy. Hawkins is a very small town with very small minded people, so convincing them that Eddie was innocent is highly unlikely. There is also the possibility that Eddie would’ve gotten caught & put in jail for the rest of his life. If Eddie’s your favourite character, you would agree that ending up in jail or on the run isn’t a very satisfying outcome for him. I really enjoyed Eddie’s character this season but it made complete sense that his character arc ended with him no longer running away from fear and inevitably sacrificing himself for his friends & the greater good of Hawkins.
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
If my boy Will doesn’t get a gun in season 5 I will riot
Duffers I am at your door
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
I find the Surfer Boy Pizza scene very interesting - mainly because of how they use El’s costuming to convey a deeper meaning. So we know that at the start of this scene El is dressed in her usual clothes, with a blue plaid shirt, plain blue & white t-shirt and white floral long sleeve top, with white pants.
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Then once we get inside and the group start preparing the tub ect. Mike and El sit down to talk. It’s been discussed before that we think El was going to break up with Mike in this moment, which I still very much believe. But what I also find interesting is that in the moment between entering the pizza shop and sitting down with Mike, she has taken off her plaid blue shirt. Therefore she has already begun to shed her layers of blue - and has begun the process of letting go of Mike, which would help to solidify the theory that she was breaking up with him.
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When El starts getting ready for the tub she sheds her final layers of blue - her blue & white t-shirt and blue socks. Considering they did a close up shot of El taking off her socks indicates that they want us to focus on this process of her shedding her blue layers - of her eventually letting go of Mike.
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The only time we see any of El’s blue clothing again in this scene is when Mike is giving his monologue and her blue & white t-shirt is bunched in the top left hand corner of the table. This symbolises the fact that Mike is trying to get through to her and trying to keep them together and keep him in her life, but El has already let him go and cannot be as close to him as she previously was - shifting from romantic to platonic affection.
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Finally when the cali gang arrive back in Hawkins, we see El only dressed in her white floral top - no blue layers whatsoever. She continues to keep Mike at arms lengths even after his monologue.
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After that, we only briefly get her wearing a blue hoodie to use as a cover when in a public place (such as the hospital) to avoid government recognition. This could represent that she’s also using Mike as a cover of sorts to blend in and be normal and avoid recognition (that her relationship with Mike isn’t too great at the moment). But in the final scene we see that she’s yet again shed her layers of blue & ditched the blue hoodie. She’d Finally stepping into her own, away from Mike, and facing the challenges that are yet to come - both supernaturally & personally.
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
well first and foremost i am a "they filmed mike crying on his bike the way back home after seeing will's fake body in the river, to have it as an unseen flashback in s5" truther
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
Having byler get together mid-season 5 instead of at the end is a NEED not a want. I NEED to see them be all cute and affectionate towards each other. And more importantly I NEED Will to find every opportunity to tease Mike about being so obvious about his lip staring & being so hopelessly in love with him I just—
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
Byler is giving me major Anne & Gilbert (from ‘Anne With an E’) vibes. Like the slow burn romance is just too similar and I have a feeling that this might mean that Mike & Will won’t get together until the last episode of season 5 (similar to how Anne & Gilbert didn’t get together until the very end). Which I hope isn’t the case because I NEED to see Byler all lovey dovey as a couple for more than 5 seconds.
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
This is how the Stranger Things seasons are grouped in my mind. It just makes sense:
Season 1 & Season 2
Season 3
Season 4 & Season 5
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
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This is enough byler proof for me tbh
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
It’s so obvious that Will’s love for Mike is requited purely based on how they frame the shots of Mike, Will & El. If you look at the examples below you can see that Mike is always in middle of El & Will.
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This means that he is the point of the triangle - he is the one who has to choose between his two love interests.
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So the fact that there is a CHOICE for Mike to begin with should make it pretty clear that Mike feels some form of romantic feelings towards Will. If he didn’t have feelings for Will then there wouldn’t be a choice at all and he would just stay with El - it would be easy. Which would make the whole love triangle thing kinda pointless because all they achieved was making Will miserable. But we know that’s not true because of how it so clearly parallels the Nancy, Jonathan, Steve love triangle and we know that whilst Steve and Jonathan’s love for Nancy is obvious in season 1, it’s Nancy that is more ambiguous with her feelings - we see that she likes Steve and dates him but aren’t too sure how she feels towards Jonathan until season 2 when they get together.
Similar concept will most likely be applied to Mike, Will & El. In season 4 (when the love triangle is more officially introduced) it is obvious that both El and Will love Mike, but what’s less obvious is Mike’s feelings - we know that he’s dating El and that he supposedly ‘loves’ her but we aren’t too sure how he feels towards Will until it is hopefully resolved in season 5 when they get together.
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
I don’t think people realise how awesome the press will be after season 5 is released. Like think about it, it’s the final season, they no longer have to tiptoe around questions because they’re worried they might spoil something for the next season because there will be no next season. I especially can’t wait for the Duffers and Noah & Finn to finally discuss Byler, just being completely open and honest about EVERYTHING. Season 5 can’t come soon enough.
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
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No thoughts just Mike & Will clinging onto each other whilst everything is going to shit
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
I just finished ‘A Dream Always The Same’ by sevensided on ao3 and now I don’t know what to do with myself. Feelings are being felt.
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castlebyler84 · 2 years
Is it just me or is anyone else a bit confused about if Karen & Ted know about El? I mean I know they know Mike has a girlfriend, but do they actually know who she is? Has Mike told them that his girlfriend is Eleven? Because technically she’s still hiding from the government and Karen & Ted already know who Eleven is based on Brenner confronting them about El hiding in their basement in season 1. So surely if Mike told them he was dating Eleven they wouldn’t approve. Does that mean he just said he was dating someone random?
But my main question is that how did Mike explain that he wanted to go to California to visit her? Because they knew he was going to visit the Byers so did they just think that his girlfriend conveniently moved to California at the same time as the Byers? I’ve just always wondered how much the Wheeler parents know about the Mike & El situation.
It would be extra funny if they thought Mike was just visiting Will in California and when Ted said, “and that means no sweetie pie” he was actually referring to Will because he thinks they’re dating hahaha
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