casuallychat · 9 days
tragic. they found an angel stcuk tangled in the telephone wires outsside your house. sorruy. yeah we dont know how to get it out cus anyone who approached the divine light of their holy aura got obliterated. yeah we forgot their names. it'll probably get free sooner or later. dont go outside
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casuallychat · 1 month
Great eared nightjar
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casuallychat · 1 month
Part 17 masterpost
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casuallychat · 1 month
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casuallychat · 1 month
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casuallychat · 1 month
2014: Wow I love Supernatural and Destiel so much! Sure they never TALK about Destiel but if you look at the colors in this scene and the way Dean looks at Cas here, maybe someday they will be cannon. I know it’s a long shot though.
2024: “If the CW hadn’t been so homophobic, Dean and Cas would’ve been balls deep.”
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casuallychat · 1 month
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How else am I supposed to explain Misha Collins sudden eruption of Destiel shipping?
[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'RIP CW sniper' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
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casuallychat · 2 months
it is once again... binturong appreciation hour
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casuallychat · 2 months
I'm begging you to turn the sound on
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casuallychat · 2 months
wdym an average platonic bond cant be deep and meaningful do none of you remember the power of friendship
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casuallychat · 2 months
"Isn't it weird that [thing humans commonly eat] is poisonous to literally every domesticated animal" I mean, there's a pretty good chance that [thing humans commonly eat] is at least mildly poisonous to humans, too. One of our quirks as a species is that we think our food is bland if it doesn't have enough poison in it.
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casuallychat · 2 months
Suddenly struck with a need to explain to you how boat pronouns work (I work in the marine industry).
When you're talking about the design of the boat, you say "it".
When the boat is still being built, your say "it".
When the boat is nearing completion, you can say "it" or "she".
When the boat is floating in the water you probably say "she", unless there is still a lot of work to be done (e.g. no engine yet) then you say "it".
When the boat is officially launched and operating, you say "she". If you continue to say "it" at this point you are not incorrect but suspiciously untraditional. You are not playing the game.
If you are referring to a boat you don't really know anything about you may say "it" ("there's a big boat, it's coming this way"). But if you know its name, it's probably "she" ("there's the Waverley, she's on her way to Greenock").
If you are talking about boats in general, you say "it" ("when a boat is hit by a wave it heels over")
If you speak about a boat in complimentary terms, it's "she" ("she's a grand boat"). If you are being disparaging it may be it, but not necessarily ("it's as ugly as sin", "she's a grotty old tub").
If she has a boy's name, she's still she. "Boy James", "King Edward", "Sir David Attenborough"? The pronoun is she.
If it's a dumb barge (no engine), you say it. But if it's a rowing boat (no engine), you say she.
I hope this has cleared things up so that you may not be in danger of misgendering floating objects.
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casuallychat · 2 months
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, to listen to doctors and get my flu vaccine and any shots i could because they remembered Before.
then they started fighting Covid precautions.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that the ozone was disappearing and the earth was dying and we needed to recycle and save the planet.
now my parents think climate change is a myth.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that racism was a plague, that we had to love and accept everyone, that we should never judge before walking a mile in their shoes.
then they told me that protesting for my Black siblings was wrong.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that we needed to give to the poor. working at soup kitchens. making quilts. collecting food and money and supplies. building houses. because it was the christian and just plain right thing to do.
now they look at me, on food stamps with their grandchildren, and lament the "welfare state".
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that any rich man, especially an immoral one, should never run our country.
you can guess who they voted for.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, so very much.
when did they forget?
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casuallychat · 2 months
this person’s response to being constantly assaulted by their own cats is to hide inside an enclosed tent in their living room
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casuallychat · 2 months
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Happy 10th anniversary to Winter Soldier coming out!
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casuallychat · 2 months
twsb more like bisexuality.epub
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casuallychat · 2 months
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