cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
CAT by  By 九米 / Zhaobangni (1631123)
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
If you ever say to yourself “I can’t write that it won’t make sense,” Just remember that that doesn’t stop Shane Madej.
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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Their new favorite game is "Camper Ambush".
[Description: a gif of Polk, sitting in the Cat Camper as Dearborn walks up. Polk leaps out of the camper and chases her offscreen. Two seconds later Dearborn darted back and leapt over the camper to come be comforted by Dad.]
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
reblog if you hate nazis and don’t think they should speak on college campuses
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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Zoooooooooooom! My website – My Instagram – See me on Webtoon!
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is wild. Someone will be like "hey just so you know the thing you did was a little bit loud/uncomfortable/insensitive but it's ok I know you didn't mean it" and my brain will instantly translate "you should be shot"
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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Fred and Mocha when they first met.
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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110K notes · View notes
cat-r-gunn · 5 years
Want. Cookbooks
Is making fake cookbooks for my fantasy world that isn’t even focused on Food in the slightest a self-indulging excuse to write long paragraphs about flavor? Yes.
Is there a high chance that it’s happening anyway? Also yes.
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
can’t wait until christmas movie marathons
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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Blessed yule
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
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Non-Alcoholic  Mulled Wine for Yule
Y u l e is a time of great symbolism and power. It marks the return of the sun, when the days finally begin to get a little longer. Enjoy this hot heavenly drink with traditional Yule spices & help yourself to the delicious fruity remnants!
For the base I used hibiscus tea. If you want to substitute it, you can use various types of juice (apple, cherry, grape, pomegranate,  chokeberry, blackcurrant, etc) but make sure the juice is not too sweet. 
Ingredients: - Hibiscus Tea: 500 ml - Water: 500 ml - 1 Orange - 5 teaspoons of honey
Spices: - 1  cinnamon stick - 6-8 whole cloves  - Anise Star -2 stars Optional: nutmeg, ginger, or/and vanilla pods for extra sweetness in next year. 
If possible, try using cinnamon sticks, anise stars etc, rather then milled spices, if you don’t wan the ‘wine’ to look muddy.
Boil water in the kettle (I boiled 1 litre at once). Separate into two pots. I had hibiscus tea in tesbags, and i used four of them. Let the tea brew. Meanwhile, put another pot on the stove and add spices; let them have a nice one minute bath in the boiling water.
 Cut the orange, add it to the water with spices; pour in the tea. Add honey and stir until it is dissolved. 
Best served hot, with gingerbread.
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
Yule Practices
Yule is about celebrating the Sun’s long journey back towards the Earth. During the time leading up to Yule, it’s a good idea to do some deep cleaning and de-cluttering, followed by a cleansing ritual so you have a fresh space to celebrate.
Before Yule - A time for preparation
Knit or sew new clothes
Prepare for winter
Store food and herbs for winter use
Take in potted plants and harvest the last of your herbs
Arts & Crafts
Make stove top potpourri
Make witch balls and hang them around your home or on a tree
Make a wreath using herbs that correspond with your intent (peace, happiness, prosperity, etc)
Use birch branches to craft a besom
Cleaning & Cleansing
As you do any cleaning, visualize removing all of the negative energy from your life
Clean your bathroom – scrub toilets, wipe down counters, clean out the bathtub
Clean your mirrors
Clean your windows
Finish all your cleaning with a good smoke cleanse using sage, sweetgrass, pine needles or mistletoe, along with your other favorite herbs. Start at the front door and move the incense around the doors and windows of every room, following the lines of the walls.
Get rid of all the extra clutter in your house
Replace your home’s air filter
Sprinkle carpets and rugs with baking soda and vacuum, making sure you move all your furniture to get underneath. Vacuum walls, baseboards, ceiling fans and all the other hard-to-reach places
Use a broom to sweep up dirt
Bake and cook with family and friends, blessing the food with intent of prosperity and happiness
Brew cider infused with herbs and fruit that correspond with prosperity and happiness
Cook a feast of wintery foods
Add comfy white pillows filled with herbs to your sofa for a sacred space to meditate
Decorate your tree and bless all of your ornaments
Hang golden suns around your house to welcome back the sun
Hang mistletoe for love and protection
Hang a sprig of holly in the house for good luck and safety
Leave out birdseed ornaments
Light lots of candles to symbolize bringing light back into your life
Spell-casting & Divination
Cast spells for peace, introspection, wishes and new beginnings.
Do a winter solstice tarot spread for yourself
Cast spells for light, purification, renewal and rebirth
Divination centered around messages and omens
Other Activities
Burn a Yule log in honor of the sun, and toss in a sprig of holly to burn away the troubles of the past year. note: use only a small amount of holly if burning indoors, as the fumes are toxic
Give gifts
Go carolling
Make holly water by soaking the leaves overnight in spring water under the full moon
Play in the snow and collect some to use in spells
Take a walk under the full moon and record any important thoughts or visions you receive
Tie up any loose ends in your life
Volunteer in your community or donate old belongings
Write about your reflections of the past year and what your goals are that you’d like to achieve by the end of the coming year. Bless the page with motivation and love.
After Yule - A time for resting
Do not make new plans
Sleep as much as possible
Take care of your body
Take hot baths and moisturize your skin
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