catbatchelder · 6 years
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All photos pictured are of one photographer, Brandon Woefel. I have been drawn to his work for many years now. He has been able to create a style and brand for himself that is well known to a lot of people throughout social media. He mainly focuses on portraiture, which I absolutely love. But he also adds in many pieces to his style that is not particularly portraits or close to his generic bokah themed works. I love the vibrancy that he uses throughout his pieces along with the changing color palette that still is able to fit within the realm of a “Brandon Woefel piece”.
His way of portraying portraiture is very modern and what I think a lot of people wouldn't normally go for. He liked to use New York City as his springboard for a lot of his photographs by incorporating monumental elements that scream the cities name. Most of his compositions are very centered but he does use the background to his advantage and makes it compliment the model. He is a growing artist that’s name gets thrown around a lot. 
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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These are from a Caribbean Island’s, Aruba, main tourism page. This website did a very successful job of making me want to go to Aruba. Following looking through this website, I looked at the prices of plane tickets and hotels that it would cost to visit. Some of the most appealing aspects of the page I pictured above. One of them was a part of the home page. On the home page, there was a moving video along with a text overlay of different things to do on the island. this is successful because it draws the viewer in and makes them see a synopsis of what the island is about.
Another part that was appealing was a little bit further through the site. They had a very photo appealing part of the site that had a photo along with some of the things it pertains to. The photos that they chose are almost out of a movie, they make the viewer want to drop everything and catch a flight right away. One of the most appealing parts was how easy it was to use. they had a running head with a bunch of topics with subtopics that were super easy to get to. But they also had a directory almost at the bottom that lays out everything so you could just click on the part that you wanted to get to.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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The first two works are some of Paul Rand’s many logos. Paul Rand was a well-known designer in the industry. he was most known for his logos and creative thinking. He has created many different iconic logos including ups and ABC. but, I'm more drawn to his IBM logo. His work is very clean and sophisticated, which is a lot of what I like to create as well. Overall, he was known to be an amazing designer and his work proceeds to outlive him.
The last few photos are some of the brandings by an up and coming designer by the name of Tom Hayes. He graduated around two years ago from college and has already jump-started his career. I like the contrast between the two designers as they are both more concentrated on branding and logo designs. Hayes has a more cluttered logo making the design, but it still has cleanliness to it. He is a good tool to see where designers overall will end up out of college and see where life takes them.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
Barnes Foundation
On the visit to the Barnes Foundation, I found out some cool information. While there, we were not able to see any of the art on display, but apparently Westphal students get free admission at any time so I'm excited to venture back out there again. We got to talk to the only in house designers that work there. They were able to tell us some interesting information about being at in house job rather than an agency. At this time period, I've been leaning more towards being in house because I like having a great array of diversity in my job and this presentation demonstrated it.
I think the most interesting design that they showed us was the postcard and design for their ball for donors. I found it interesting because they had to balance creativity with a lot of legal constraints surrounding their ideas. They went through around 3-4 different designs to try and get something approved, although it is still in the works now. Overall I think it was an interesting trip to learn more about what some Westphal graduates are doing and how they came to do it.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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The book that I chose for the Library visit project was a book about different sans serif fonts. I was drawn into this book by the spine of the book. It’s all black with a silver metallic font saying “sans serif”. The entire cover is all black but the entire inside of the book is filled with lively colors. I really enjoyed the way that the artist displayed the different fonts and they’re differences even tho they all had the same feature of being a sans serif font.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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All of the designs I chose are all sketches of designs that may or may not have been actually created and stocked together. I was drawn to all of these because of their colors and the extravagant designs. All of the designs incorporate texture in their own way that add to the design and shape of the various dresses. For the general most part, they all follow a color scheme with 2-4 colors next to each other on the color wheel.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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Rittenhouse Square is a beautiful place. In my group we ventured out on probably the worst possible day to go as it was close to 10° and snow everywhere. We got there by septa, which was a whirlwind of an adventure. We took it to city hall and walked the rest of the way. We saw and explored some cute shops and the park itself until we couldn’t feel our faces. We went to federal donuts, a local favorite, for some warm donuts and hot coffee. It was a fun place to explore and I would absolutely come back when it’s warmer to see more!
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catbatchelder · 6 years
Time management
College is crazy. Drexel is even crazier. There’s always 20 million things to do and never enough time. In order to get things done and be productive, I tend to make a list of the things I need to get done on a sticky note and will put it on my laptop. It makes it easier because I normally always have my laptop on me in my backpack or on my desk in my room. If it’s something urgent, what I normally do is make a reminder on my phone. I always prioritize school work before other things but I like to have fun and take weekend trips places, like I’m doing now on a bus to visit my friend.
A time management tip that I know but I tend to not use is saying no. I want to do a lot of fun exciting things and I like responsibility so it’s hard. I hope to say no to more things within the winter term so that I can have more time to focus on myself.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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Zodiac Gradient Poster - Pisces & Libra⠀ ⠀ #graphicdesign #digital #digitalart #gradient #constellation #zodiac #minimal #minimalism #subtle #elegant #modern #stars #poster #print #starsign #colourful #pisces #libra https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0A-RYBpdm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9wi0eifoeoqz
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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These are all amazing album covers because they convey a message. They are able to give someone that general idea of the music and an insight to what genre it is portraying. They are diverse in whether they are simplistic or elaborate. I think these all give an insight to the type of music that is being produced and release in an entire calendar year. 
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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What haven’t I done in forever? Bowling. When I was back home I used to go all the time with my friends from work. We would get bored of the same old stuff in the city and just bowl. We went so many times that when I was going away for school the guy who works the front desk let me bowl for free my last night there. For my sorority, we have a winter date night at north bowl up in philly. Obviously I got excited and invited my best friend from back home to come with me. So, yes he is driving up 2.5 hours to go bowling with me, also he’s never been to philly either so he wants to see the city. I hope that I’ll find time to bowl up here but nothing can beat the times back home with my amazing friends!!
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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These ads range from large spread world wide companies like Coca Cola to paint on a bridge for a fabulous school in Philadelphia. My eye was drawn to all of these ads because of their use of color. Whether that is a large contrast, as seen in the covergirl ad, where there is a stark line between black and white or many colors standing out against a toned background, as seen in the skittles ad.
I think all of these ads are successful in some way. The ones that read better for the viewer is when there is a strong variation in light vs dark or the main element(s) are able to be read well against its background. Out of all ten I think the Gatorade ad reads very well. If it was blown up to a billboard sign size, the message could still get across.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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Old city is known as the historical part of Philadelphia but that is only part of what we saw. Carley, Nina, Karyn and myself all took a trip to the western part of the city. After we got off the septa we found ourselves right outside of the revolution house, where we ended up eating for lunch that day. I had Mac and cheese and it was pretty good. The revolution house was a cute little restaurant near second street. Once we finished our meal we ventured on to explore the great old city. We found ourselves petting cats, walking down elfreths alley, going to a super small pastry shop, and visiting independence hall. It was a fun eventful day in the city!!
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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Typography I like
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catbatchelder · 6 years
Paula Scher
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Following watching the small documentary on Paula Scher from Netflix’s Abstract series of artists I learned some new ideas. I thing the most surprising thing that I saw in her work is her love for typography. In the video she points out the different uses of typography and the message each little movement will make. She then uses that information to create the branding for the projects she works on. Another thing that was very surprising to me is how she comes up with ideas. She has a desk space but she only has a MacBook on it. At her desk she only answers emails or takes phone calls. She does absolutely no designing in a stationary environment. She even said her best ideas come from when she is in the cab because she can just see all of New York and the art that is there as an inspiration for her current projects. 
A project that she mentioned a lot in the documentary was the Public Theater branding that she did. She explained the process that she went through to get to the final design and that was amazing. She took all that they were known for and combined it into one logo. The word public is all different weights and thicknesses to resemble the general world pubic. Not only did she go into a lot of thought when designing the logo but she even mentioned that she does back into it every five to ten years in order to change it up a little bit. If you search through the history of the logo, a designer can notice the small tweaks but to the general public, it hasn't changed since she started it. I think she is successful because al the hard work and devotion she puts toward her job. Designing is hard and the only people that become super successful are those who truly love it and it is amazing what they can do from it.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
Color Combinations
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All of these combinations are ones that I thoroughly enjoy. They range from around on the internet to took in a bunch of different cities including Philadelphia, Nashville, Washington DC, and Baltimore. Some of the combinations are as simple as a different shade or tint of a color but then others are a mixture of colors that sometimes you wouldn't really associate together. I love how in some of the photos the use of negative and positive shapes and tones is able to make the overall photo aesthetically pleasing. I love how the phots in general don't make up the same aesthetic but alone each individual photo is so strong.
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catbatchelder · 6 years
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To get better immersed into the events that the Westphal College puts on, I attended the premiere of Ralph breaks the Internet. The event started off with a bunch of difficulties. First the sound failed to work and then they got it cooperating. Next, the screen proceeded to move up and down without a reasoning. I began to think if it was worth coming thirty minuites early when they were still trying to figure out how to work technology after fourty-five minuites after it was supposed to start. Randomly take on me started to play and everyone got super excited. The excitement was suddenly killed when they still said there was issues with the audio again. When they said they were fixing the issues, they just started promoting their video that wouldn’t play, see other photo.
When they finally decided to begin the presentation, the directors came out and started their lecture. They shared about how it was to make to movie and other rid bits of interesting information. The thing that stood out to me the most was the amount of research and background information they have their team do prior to creating the animations. They will fly specialty people in from all over the world just to add a quirk to their movie. I believe the biggest information to grasp relating to design is that it takes work to get to the final destination. They had said that they spent 10 months on a 3 minute sequence just to make it perfect.
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