catboy-of-light · 6 years
The Miqo’te
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CLASSIFICATION: Spoken SUB-CLASS: Races of Man LOCATIONS: Eorzea, Ilsabard, Meracydia LIFESPAN: Same as Hyur POPULATION: 
Limsa: S- 20% | K- <10%
Ul’dah: S- 10% | K- <10%
Gridania: S- <10% | K- 10%
Ishgard: S- <10% | K- <10% 
Ala Mhigo: S- 10% | K- <10%
Sharlayan: Census Results Unavailable
Encyclopedia Eorzea - The Miqo’te: “A race distinguished by their large, feline ears and supple tail. For reasons that are not entirely clear, female Miqo'te vastly outnumber males, a phenomenon unique among Eorzea’s races.”
Encyclopedia Eorzea - Miqo’te History: “The Miqo'te are descendants of a hunting people that crossed over the frozen seas to Eorzea in search of prey during the Age of Endless Frost, when famine gripped the land. Cleaving to their old way of life, they have largely accepted their status as one of Eorzea’s less populous races. Fiercely territorial and proud of their traditions, it could be said that Miqo'te are unsuited to life in the city-states. Nevertheless, as natural-born hunters given to a nomadic lifestyle, many Miqo'te have achieved great success as adventurers.”
Lodestone: “Though their presence in Eorzea is lesser than that of the other races, the Miqo'te are easily distinguished by their large, projecting ears and restless, feline tails. The ancestors of this line first made their way to the realm during the Age of Endless Frost in the Fifth Umbral Era, traversing frozen seas in pursuit of the wildlife upon which they subsisted. Instinctual territoriality causes many among them to lead solitary lifestyles. Males in particular are said to shy from contact with others.”
1.0 Lodestone: “The ancestors of the Miqo'te made their way to Eorzea during the Age of Endless Frost, traversing the frozen seas in pursuit of the wildlife upon which they subsisted. Adaptation to a hunting lifestyle has fashioned them with a keen sense of smell, powerful legs, and a tail which provides them with exceptional balance. Miqo'te are known to be very territorial, and many individuals tend to lead solitary lifestyles, particularly males. The few Miqo'te who have made the transition to life in Eorzean society are predominantly female.”
Encyclopedia Eorzea - Miqo’te Tongue: “Despite their inherently solitary nature, the Miqo'te adopted the common tongue early on, born of a need to barter with other races to procure materials with which to craft their hunting tools and weapons. Remnants of the old tongue can be observed in the distinctive Miqo'te ‘huntspeak’ - a system of tongue-clicks and whistles used to communicate with companions while in pursuit of quarry.”
Encyclopedia Eorzea - Miqo’te Identity: “A common trait among all Miqo'te is their fierce pride for their heritage as hunters. Seeing themselves as part of the natural world itself, they prize above all the freedom of the hunt, and do not shun death when old age and infirmity sap them of the physical talents needed to pursue their quarry to their satisfaction. To the free-willed Miqo'te, other races’ way of life - their wont to flock together with their own kind, to overrun nature to build cities, to seek safety and stability in laws and alliances - must seem quite curious indeed.”
Loupard: “As I’m sure you’ve gathered from the tail an’ ears, Q'yantaa’s a Miqo'te, and huntin’s in their blood. Could be this plan might actually work…”
Encyclopedia Eorzea - Miqo’te Dress: “The agile Miqo'te value freedom of movement above all else, shunning unwieldy armor that might restrict their range of motion. Miqo'te legwear is invariably perforated with a hole through which the tail dangles free, allowing them to maintain their unerring sense of balance.”
Archer Lodestone: “Together with the longbow sentries of the Elezen military, the shortbow hunters among the Miqo'te are widely regarded as most skilled with the bow.”
Encyclopedia Eorzea II - Shortbow: “Though lacking in range, the shortbow is well suited for hunting within a forest’s tangle of roots and boughs. It has long been prized by Miqo’te tribes for its speed and versatility, allowing for precision whether it be while in pursuit of fleeing quarry, or perched atop unstable limbs waiting for a target.”
Alchemist Lodestone: “The craft’s establishment as a tradition in Eorzea dates only to recent history. It was born primarily of ancient techniques and knowledge brought from the Near East, but has come to contain elements of Lalafellin herbalism and Miqo'te occultism as well.”
Alvak’s Spyglass - Much Ado About Aether: “According to ancient Miqo’te mystics, aetheric energy permeates all creation even as it exists in its own distinct dimension, parted from the physical plane. If Eorzea might be compared to a colossal creature, aether would be the lifeblood that courses through its veins, supplying it with sustenance.”
Fat Cat Minion: “Despite convincing research by top academics from around the realm and beyond, most Miqo'te scholars refuse to believe that there may be some ancestral connection between their race and cats (fat or not).”
Wind-up Mithra: “A stack of dusty tomes and a healthy imagination served as inspiration for this automaton designed to depict the Mithra─supposed ancestor of the Miqo'te. She wears a traditional scorpion harness rendered in painstaking—and pointless—detail by her Sharlayan creator.”
2018 Fan Fest GE Interview w/ Koji Fox: GE: “Where is Miqo’te lore at these days? There were lots of hints that Meracydia might have been involved, and those references were pruned away and now it’s all about Ilsabard. What’s the truth?”
Koji: “First off, you have so many eras. You talk about them coming over the land bridge, but then that’s very recent. In general, people are migrating everywhere. Think about it in terms of Earth. Where were people, and how did they move, over a thousand years? Now multiply that by six eras! Shit happens here, in Eorzea, a Calamity, it gets too hot, it gets too cold; people move away to a place that’s better. They break off there, and come back.
So the Fifth Umbral comes and ice starts appearing and disappearing all over, and you can get to and from different places that you couldn’t before, sometimes; even the southern islands where the Lalafell are from. The Miqo’te are coming back from Ilsabard and they’re coming back from Meracydia, but they got there in different time periods. They converge on places that are rich in the aether, because that’s what it’s all about. Places that have more aether are going to be more lush, be better for growing crops and surviving, and there’s going to be animals.
And we explain that; everybody ends up converging in Eorzea because that’s where the best aether is and that’s where you’re going to have the best hunting. The Miqo’te especially being hunters are going to follow where the best animals are and that’s where it’s all rich. You go beyond that and things start losing that. There’s still aether everywhere in the world, but it’s the rich places where people converge. It’s like the Mesopotamian thing where you have the two rivers there, the rest is desert, people are going to come back here, even if they get shut out by a flood, they’ll come back at some time.”
Aloe: “A thick spiny-leaved cactus indigenous to the southern continent of Meracydia. The Miqo'te are known to treat severe burns with the cool gel-like substance found inside the leaves.”
Sesame Seeds: “A tiny seed rich in aromatic oil, sesame is native to Meracydia, and thought to have first been brought to Eorzea by migrating Miqo'te.”
Tuna Miq'abob: “A traditional Seeker of the Sun dish consisting of light, flaky tuna and ripe peppers on a stick, roasted to perfection.”
Forest Miq'abob: “A traditional Seeker of the Sun dish consisting of freshly picked mushrooms on a stick, roasted to perfection.”
Meat Miq'abob: “A traditional Keeper of the Moon dish consisting of tender dodo meat and ripe ruby tomatoes on a stick, roasted to perfection.”
Salmon Meuniere: “A traditional Keeper of the Moon dish consisting of a thick fillet of salmon breaded with flour and friend in rich butter and savory spices.”
Thunderbolt Sculpin: “A rare freshwater fish decorated with a thunderbolt-like pattern down its back. The Keepers of the Moon who inhabit the Black Shroud will eat one of these before a big hunt, claiming that it grants them speed and strength.”
The first in my new series of racial lore posts. More will be coming soon, so please look forward to it! You can find more lore on the Keepers of the Moon, the Seekers of the Sun, Tribal Lore, Poacher Gangs, Miqo’te Saints, Miqo’te Purring, and even some strong words about a certain fanon misconception I’m tired of seeing in the Read More below! Hope this helps!
You can find lore on Mixed-Clan Miqo’te here!
You can find more of my lore posts in the Lore Index!
Keep reading
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catboy-of-light · 6 years
[Gilgamesh][RP Event] A Very Merry Starlight Banquet, Saturday December 15!
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It’s that time of year again! Join Scoot and Natsuki for a warm and friendly night of feasting, gift-giving, and RP at this spectacular venue decorated just for the occasion. Open to all, in-character or out, mains and alts alike. Bring gifts to exchange, or enter to win some of your own!
This event will be followed by the Winter Market event in Coerthas. We will also be streaming on behalf of MuseCastXIV’s Extra Life fundraiser at Twitch.tv/MuseCastXIV.
Contact Remix Sakura#1347 on Discord for more information.
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catboy-of-light · 6 years
[Gilgamesh][RP Event] Moonfire Night’s Dream, Saturday August 25!
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It’s Moonfire Faire, a.k.a. Natsuki’s favorite holiday -- especially at night, when the fireworks light up the sky. We’ll be celebrating with some casual RP fun this Saturday at a new location, the Brimming Heart area of The Goblet, Ward 3 (the closest we have on Greg to an RP ward). Be sure to bring your sexiest bathing suit, your new /splash emote, and lots of fireworks confetti!
Respectful OOC observers are always welcome. Contact Remix Sakura#1347 on Discord or Natsuki Mc’catboy in game with questions. See you there!
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catboy-of-light · 6 years
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Hello yall! \(n_n)z
Maintenance hours!! Sooo that means productivity in other things aside from the new patch >w>; … giving me time to type this up!
I loooove the angelic set! As a kiddeh, I’ve always liked guardian angels and aesthetic of the like. I thought this gearset wouldn’t hit the NA server so it was an insta-buy when I found out it was up in Mogstation! My chocobo’s already been sporting the angelic barding so now we’re in couple ensembleeee~ hee hee hee-
How is everyone doing? I’m currently obsessed with farming the new EX trial myself! I’m hoping to see the mount and crafting item drop from it more often- I’m a little unfortunate on the loot >_>; but no matter cuz I like the fight overall itself! Sadly, I’ll be keeping a doodle of things related to it in secret for a while cuz it’s the first week of the patch. FFXIV MSQ is just too good to let spoilers slip out early!
I didn’t expect the difficulty of the Lighthouse as a newbie… must be hard too with effects on and lag/delay. I mean even if you could do the math, panic and latency can still troll you > .<
I also just started the Namazu Beast tribes a while ago and NAMAZUS ARE SO CUUUUTE <3 I hope to be able to get a plushe of them one day! I’d usually slack on Beast Tribe Quests but this one has one heck of an -e x t r a- mount of cuteness and funny sooo >u>b
Outside FFXIV, I’m working on more art commissions, as well as planning a WhyMaige Patreon. Gonna contain behind-the-scenes on how I make my comics and advance view of future content too! There are other things aside from monthly content on healers or current events that I want to doodle casually and share…like NPCs, other jobs, or some MSQ events… maybe even other games? But that would mean that there would be some spoileriffic content though so… it might be a problem..? x_x Unless I lock em in a tier hmmhmm. This system may be able to address inquiries about Avatar Commissions in the WhyMaige style too! (ovo)b Is there anything else you guys would like to see though? :O Lemmi know, okay? :>
Ultima Weapon Ultimate (UwU) is coming out soon too! As well as Eureka pt.2… AND NEW POTD! I’m so excited for these! 4.3 really is an amazing patch and I’m totes looking forward to the latter half of it >:D I hope you guys are doing well! I shall go back to finishing next month’s comic! ᕕ༼✿•̀u•́༽ᕗ Oh! And don’t forget to follow WhyMaige on its newly born Twitter! https://twitter.com/WhyMaige
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catboy-of-light · 6 years
FFXIV: ARR character asks
25 of them. I tried to make them as open as possible to as many character concepts as possible, but apologies if a few of them aren’t applicable to a given character!
When is your character’s nameday? Do they celebrate it? If so, how? Do they pay any heed to the god whose month they were born under? Do they have any happy memories of their namedays in years gone by?
What name does your character go by? How were they given this name - did they choose it themself, earn it through their deeds, get it from their parents, or something else? Do they still go by the same name they were born with? Why or why not? If they renamed themselves, did they change their nameday too?
What is your character’s gender? How do they relate to the concept of gender? Do you have any worldbuilding headcanons about gender in Eorzea, and if so, how does your character fit into them? Did they ever receive boons or face problems over fitting into their expected gender role?
How old is your character? Do they look their age? How do others react to them based on their age? Do they live up to those expectations, or not? Do they wish they were older or younger? Why or why not?
What race is your character? Do they have many friends of the same race? Do they face any prejudice from others over something to do with their race? How do they relate to the concept of “being [their race]”?
What clan is your character from (e.g. Keeper vs Seeker; Xaela vs Raen)? Do they follow the traditions of their clan, or have they struck out on their own? Do they face any prejudice over the clan or race they hail from? Does their clan affect the way they view themself at all?
Where on Hydaelyn did your character grow up? How do they think of the place they spent their childhood? If they still live there, then do they sometimes wish they could move elsewhere? If they don’t, then do they sometimes wish they could go back there?
Where in Eorzea does your character live? Did they grow up there? If not, why did they end up there - did they choose to move there, or were they forced?
Where’s your character’s favourite place in all Eorzea? How often do they get to visit? Why is it their favourite? How about their least favourite - is there anywhere they’re a wanted fugitive, or simply refuse to tread foot?
Is your character affiliated with a Grand Company? If so, which one, and why? What role do they play within it? And what do they think of the other Grand Companies? If not, then do they have any strong opinions about any of the Grand Companies?
Is your character affiliated with a Free Company? If so, which one, and why? What role do they play within it? If not, would they ever join one, or start one themself?
What does your character think of the Twelve? Do they pledge themselves to one of them, worship all of them equally, or not worship any of them at all? Why or why not? What do they think of the different gods?
What does your character know about Primals? Have they ever had direct contact with any of their worshippers?
What is your character’s dayjob? Are they “an adventurer”, or something else? How do they survive from day-to-day?
Is your character proficient with any methods of attack (such as weapons or magic)? If so, which ones, and how did they learn to use them? Do they, or would they ever, own a “job stone”? If not, then is that by choice, or happenstance? Would they learn if circumstances changed?
If your character was injured and needed help, who would they go to? Or would they try to deal with things themselves? Do they have many personal allies and friends in Eorzea, or do they try to stay independent?
What does your character do by way of a hobby? Do they get a lot of “spare time” to pursue things they enjoy, or are they constantly busy with duties or chores? Is there a hobby they wish they could pick up, but can’t for some reason, and if so then what’s stopping them?
What festivals of Eorzea does your character celebrate? Do they have a favourite? How do they go about spreading the festivities? Are there any they avoid - if so, why?
Does your character have a romantic life? If so, why not - lack of opportunities, or lack of interest? If so, what’s it like? How do they think of their love(s), and how does the world view the partnership? Have they, or have they ever thought of, “settling down”? Why or why not?
Does your character have any companions, such as a chocobo or a pet such as is found in the “minions” tab? If so, what are they like? If not, why not, and would they ever want to have one?
Has your character ever met any of the major lore characters, such as the Grand Company leaders, Ishgard’s elite, or the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? If so, in what circumstances, and did they find the meeting positive or negative? If not, are there any they would like to meet; and if so, what would they like to say to them?
Where was your character during the Calamity? Did anything happen to them as a result of the Calamity? If not, why not? If so, what’s the worst thing they lost? Do they feel they’ve recovered after the Calamity, or do they feel they’re still picking up the pieces? Do they believe that the Seventh Astral Era has truly begun?
How does your character view death? Have they ever had to attend a funeral? If they were tasked with organising the funeral for someone, what manner of rites would they have performed? Do they believe in an afterlife? What about the Raise spell - do they believe it can be used, at all, or for the forces of good? Would they consent to being Raised themself?
Has your character ever done something that’s considered illegal in any part of Eorzea? Were they ever caught - and if not, are they fearful of being so? Do they believe what they did was wrong? Do they feel guilty, or vindicated? If they haven’t, then what would it take for them to break the law? Do they consider themself “law-abiding”? Are they afraid of law enforcement, or have they simply not had an opportunity that would be worth breaking the law for yet?
Is your character a Warrior of Light? If not, what do they think of the fabled Warriors? If so, what do they think of Hydaelyn?
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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Titan totally does 2 tankbusters in a row…..|- ‘ )
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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2018 may have already arrived in the real world, but in our world, the big moment has yet to arrive! What sort of magic will the heavens bring when the clock strikes midnight, the confetti rains down, and the guests choose on whom to bestow the traditional first kiss of the new year? The main theme of this RP event will be to play out the traditional ball-drop / clock-strikes-midnight scenario, according to Eorzea time. In order to align this with real-world time, the ball drop will happen when midnight Eorzea time lines up with 9PM Eastern / 6PM Pacific on Sunday night. The hall will be open both before and after the big moment, so don't be late! Food and drink items will be provided by the host. You are encouraged to bring all the confetti items you can. Formal attire is also strongly encouraged (suits, ties, dresses, gowns, proper shoes; no armor, weapons, or work clothes), but will not be enforced since Natsuki is too nice to turn people away -- but nonetheless, do please keep it classy. ;) I’m really hyped for this event, and look forward to seeing you all there~
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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The Starlight season is upon us once again, and that means celebrating with fun, friends, family, and lots and lots of food! For the second year in a row, Scoot and Natsuki will be hosting a Starlight Banquet, and inviting friends old and new to join in the festivities. This year, the venue has moved from a simple one-room Goblet apartment to a large Goblet estate — and ten times the space means ten times the fun! The Starlight Banquet is a casual, open-to-the-public RP social event taking place December 9, 2017 at 7PM EST on the Gilgamesh server. Whether you’re a long-time member of the Greg RP family, new to the server, or new to RP, you are welcome to attend! Public text channels will be used strictly for in-character chat, and those attending IC are encouraged to use the RP status. If you would like to simply observe the event, you are free to come, but please do refrain from using Say, Yell, and Shout for the duration of the event. Banquet Menu Appetizers: Morel Salad, Kasha, Beet Soup, Knight's Bread Entrees: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Starlight Dodo, Pan-Fried Mahi Mahi Drinks: Mulled Tea, Heavenly Eggnog, Loquat Juice Desserts: Baklava, Rolanberry Cheesecake, Sachertorte — and one secret dessert you’ll have to discover for yourself! Potluck Menu Have a specialty dish you’d love to cook and share with your fellow adventurers? Let your host Natsuki know — and be sure to bring enough for everyone! Gift Exchange There will be a totally-optional Secret Santa-style gift exchange for any guests who would like to try their luck at giving and receiving a surprise gift. Please let your host Natsuki know if you’d like to participate. Questions? PST: Scoot Patoot or Natsuki Mc’catboy (Gilgamesh) Email: [email protected] Twitter: @musecastxiv Discord: Remix Sakura#1347
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
Recently, a little-known Seeker of the Sun known only as “K’Taku” has made increasingly outlandish claims in an effort to draw attention. K’Taku’s claims are so patently ridiculous, misinformed, misguided or outright sinister that it’s hard to ascertain what their true goal could really be. However, in the interest of doing our sworn duty to inform and protect the realm, The Crucible has learned this disgusting cat’s true goal:
They’re being paid by a shadowy cabal to spread mayhem, thus making the realm easier to destroy!
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Yes, they attempt to attack the very Twelve themselves, to weaken the peoples’ faith in their governments. They want nothing more than the complete destabilization of Eorzea. And why? For a pittance of coin? For an onze of attention? K’Taku’s latest claim is that no one in Eorzea has gotten a single night’s sleep in over a year, because the only reason anyone ever finds themselves lying down is for sexual purposes.
Really, K’Taku?
There are many idiot children who think themselves adults that will make claims of their own falsified sexual exploits. It’s a phase of life that some good people and many jackasses entered into, and one K’taku clearly never left. Beds are “pretty much” only used for sex?
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I don’t know who this does more a disservice - the people of Eorzea who just want a night’s sleep, or the people of Eorzea creative enough to find more than one way to be passionate.
K’Taku, if that is their real name, is and should remain a laughingstock. Their attempts to damage the realm are best left ignored, aside from mockery, as it’s attention and outrage that they thrive off. When starved of this, they’ll fold and disappear as so many other wailing insects have before. They are a pest that will be blown away by the desert sun and find themselves long forgotten in hardly any time at all.
The Crucible would suggest we celebrate at that time, but that’d require we remember whoever that suncat was.
Kagome Voulaizunlezotre doesn’t hate ALL suncats, just all the ones she’s ever met. Or seen. Or heard about. Or known of.
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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I looked this up for my Miqo’te RP. Spread the word!
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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Fun times are happening on Gilgamesh tonight! \o/ Natsuki has a lovely beachside property, and would love to have you as a guest. See you there!
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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Witchy-looking Serpentskin caster gear!
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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🎈 Happy Birthday GK  🎈
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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🎵 everybody cut footloose 🎵 #finalfantasy14 #ff14 #ffxiv #finalfantasy #finalfantasyxiv #miqote
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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New goth-tastic healer glam, because clearly the mun is obsessed with top hats, and the Diabolic Hat of Casting is just too sexy not to make an outfit around. Featuring my newly completed WHM relic!
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catboy-of-light · 7 years
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Just chillin’ out with my good buddies, the Eorzean Alliance. (Patch 3.56)
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