catboysimulator · 2 years
"‼️" A hug between brothers
Toadie waited by the water with the deep rumble in his chest that surrounded the area with a vibration of comfort and familiarity. A hum that drifted in the air like a song to call a loved one home. Tail curled, he leaned against the stone of a worn and crumbled ruin, the remains of a small outpost that had since been abandoned. It made for the perfect landmark to wait for his brother’s arrival.
The soft sound of the calm waters as it rippled against the shore of the tiny oasis brought peace. Small clicks and the flutter of bugs pestered Toadie’s ears as they flicked from the constant threat of flies. The heat was oppressive, but a welcome blanket he felt comfortable to navigate as he stood still under the shade of his post. The dark paints across his face made the glare of the sun less of a problem as he watched the horizon. Tail curled, he flashed a toothy grin as Dhezi filled his vision with red and his brother came to rest his chocobo at their shared oasis.
A chuff. The sound of familiarity and affection, Toadie already had an arm stretched to greet G’dhezi with laughter in their throats. Heavy clasps to the forearm, the brothers came together as arms wrapped to pull as they crashed into one another. Shoulder to shoulder, chest to chest, they hugged. The deep rumbles were shared as family and they laughed, reunited. Toadie pulled back and reached to hold the back of Dhezi’s neck as they pressed foreheads together in a shared breath and moment of connection.
“Welcome back, brother.” @jxmey
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catboysimulator · 3 years
Story Seven - El Primario y Segundo Desafio
Summers had come and gone since Dhezi's arrival, having spent about three years now with his tribe. Time had flown by, while also feeling like he had been with them forever. He has learned a lot with them-- changed a lot with them. Looking back to the person he once was, it's a bit surreal with how much had changed.
There was a difference in how he carried himself, how he acted. He was still silly and playful, loud and energetic-- yet, he was no longer the same child people thought him as. 
Back then, Dhezi was just a kid in a grownup's body. He had missed out on a lot of his childhood, and clung onto the desire to make up for it-- clung onto the feelings and experiences he was unable to go through as a normal kid would. Yet, ever since he has been welcomed home in the Sagolii, he has experienced that and much more. He was able to make up for lost time with them, and has grown into a better person for it. More mature, ready to take things on and handle his responsibilities. 
With mental and emotional changes, came some physical ones as well. Through the years, Dhezi has learned to take on new skills and strengths, including wielding an axe, chakrams, as well as some magic. Though, still, he remained a tried and true monk, his main power lying within his own raw physical strength.
He still taught the children almost daily on what he knew-- the same way his master had taught him before she had passed. Even if he didn't follow down the Fist's path, her path, he still took her teachings to heart and was sure to pass them down, too. 
As far as Dhezi was aware, he had experienced all celebrations and rites he had missed out on prior to his arrival three years ago, so he was going through his daily life normally and without any surprises. It was a life he had gotten used to quickly, picking things up easily as they came at him, as though he was just... meant to be here all his life. It's a conflicting feeling, really. He's happy to be here, happy to finally have the opportunity to be with the family he came from and call the Sagolii his home. Yet...
He misses Ul'dah. He misses his friends outside of the Sagolii; his family. His home.
Tani saw something in Dhezi, knowing that perhaps he was feeling a certain homesickness. Why wouldn't he, when the home he's known all his life was outside of here? So, he decided to talk to Sena and Maryn regarding this, bringing it up to them, and they too noticed it. The three spoke amongst each other, trying to figure out what to do for Dhezi... before deciding on the Desafios.
Every four years, the Sankres hold competitions called the Primaria and Segundo Desafio.
The Sankres have three sects within the tribe; Azuline, Roholo, and Amarila. The way people are separated is by the color of their eyes; blue, red, and yellow. Those with colors between can go with any group they want. These groups (or in this case, teams!) are purely established for sports and competitions, because at the end of the day, everyone is still part of the same pride.
The way the Primaria Desafio is done is by the Matron's Blessing. For those who would like to participate in the Desafio, they must first receive Rahja's blessing. Those chosen would then go up against the others within their groups who have also received her blessing, to see who would come out on top. 
So, Tani approached Dhezi one day, bringing up these... competitions.
Of course, Dhezi seemed to light up at the mention of these challenges and good sportsmanship, so why not? He grins and nods, eagerly accepting the invitation. Tani merely grinned in turn, smacking Dhezi's back eagerly and earning a loud 'oof' from her cousin.
On the first day of the Desafio, the challengers awaited to receive Rahja's blessing before moving back to their respective groups, preparing for the games they would be participating in. These games included challenges of strength, as well as wit. These sorts of games will help find the most capable out of all the willing contestants.
When it was time for the games, everyone was sporting their group's colors and wearing their respective feathers upon their heads, the cave practically a giant stadium. There were people cheering and music playing, lots of food and lots of festivities, decorations and colorful lights put up. It was an exciting time for everyone!
Though, when it came time for the contestants to introduce each other and wish each other luck, Dhezi couldn't help but to become Incredibly Nervous at the sight of his cousin Tani towering over him. He sure didn't expect to see her competing-- don't the leaders have other things to do? Though, he also noted how Sena and Maryn were also competing... Strange. 
With an intimidating, toothy, fanged grin, Tani loomed over Dhezi with a small narrow to her eyes. "Don't think that b'cause ye're m'cousin I'm gonna go easy on ya, primito."
Gulping, Dhezi shook his head and gave a sheepish smile. "N-- not at all!" And that was exactly what he was nervous about.
The challenges available were those of strength, agility, one's roar, strategy, quick-thinking, and reflexes-- but also, teamwork. Everything else is fun and exciting to see how people tackle, yet teamwork is integral, as well, for those in the same group as well as with the others. The tribe does not work on one person, it works on everyone.
The Roholo would be the last to compete against each other, so it gave Dhezi plenty of time to nearly keel over from nerves. He's never done anything like this, he doesn't know what's going to happen.
Before he knew it, he was lining up with 4 other Roholo members, including Tani. He kind of blanked for a second, yet came right back when he heard one of the elders call out, 'Let the games begin!' with raucous applause and cheering following after. 
Being grabbed by the shoulders, he was yanked backwards and led towards the first challenge by Tani-- before being led to another. Then another. And another. And another.
Back to back, there were challenges that showed off his abilities and capabilities. These events went from day all the way to night time, everyone exhausted from these games and yet still so excited and eager to learn who won!
Tani passed a glance over towards Dhezi, a knowing expression on their countenance along with a smile. The elders approached the three groups, looking over each miqo'te that had participated with a scrutinizing gaze, before making their choices. With a hand around his wrist, Dhezi was pulled out of the Roholo, while Sena and Maryn were chosen out of the Azuline and Amarila. 
Blinking owlishly, Dhezi looked to the elder, before towards his two uncles... A wide grin would grow on his face as his ears wiggle, his tail wagging just a tad as cheers erupted! Hooray!
Yet, Dhezi froze upon hearing the elder call, "Welcome to our new lideres!"
His gaze grew wide-eyed as his pupils blew as round as saucers, staring towards the elder with lowered ears. "... Lideres?" he inquired, softly, before his gaze flicked over towards his uncles before falling onto Tani who slowly approached him. Placing a heavy paw on Dhezi's shoulder, the older Seeker nodded while offering a gentle smile towards Dhezi. 
"The Primaria Desafio is done every four years for us to see who will become the next three leaders of th'tribe," he explains, grinning toothily down at the younger one. "'nd y'were chosen out of all a'us t'represent th'Roholo."
Remaining silent, Dhezi kept his gaze on Tani with an indiscernible expression, something within him stirring at this sudden responsibility. "I--... Why didn't ya tell me?" he inquired softly between them, and the older one merely shrugged. "B'cause I knew ya'd be a good fit fer th'spot," she answered, yet something was left out. They merely stared down at Dhezi with a scrutinizing look. "Well? What do ya say?"
Letting his wrist drop from the elder's hold, he stares down at the ground as his ears flatten back to the sides of his head as his tail droops. Opening his mouth a few times, it shuts and continues to shut every time he tries to croak out some words, before simply settling on shaking his head.
Tani merely continued to smile, canting their head to the side as they squeeze Dhezi's shoulder. "Speak, primo. Ye're among family, 'nd most importantly, people who love ya 'nd understand ya."
Looking back up at them after a moment, he gulps down a lump in his throat before shaking his head again. "... I can't. I can't take that position," he mutters, before Tani prods further by asking 'why?'
"I-. I have responsibilities elsewhere-- I-- I have other family t'go back ta 'nd see again. I cannot commit ta bein' a leader here, b'cause I'm still a leader somewhere else."
Tani's lower eyelids push up a bit, nodding. "I know, primo. I'm glad y'know it, too."
"-- Wh-? Y'ain't...mad?"
"Not at all. In fact, I'm happy that ye're able t'know where yer priorities lie. It's okay if y'can't lead us, it ain't th'end a'th'shard. Dhezi, we knew since th'moment y'got here that yer heart ain't one that stays in one place ferever. It drifts, 'nd y'go wherever it takes ya, 'nd honestly I kinda envy ya fer it. But like most everyone else here, I know this is where I will stay 'till I move on to th' great plains, but do y'think that's somethin' fer ya?"
"... I--... I wanna say yes, but... I can't-- choose."
"This is not t'make ya choose, primo," she states, taking a firm grip of his shoulders and grounding him. "This is t'help ya realize 'nd come ta terms that y'miss home, 'nd yer family. Y'know, th'ones that ain't here. Ye're not someone who's tethered t'one place-- ya've reached far 'nd wide ta other places 'nd have left yer mark everywhere y'go. Y'really got th'spirit of a true griffin; fierce, strong, protective... y'take care a'yer family, yer friends, all'a yer loved ones. But ye're also adventurous, curious, 'nd free. That's somethin' that no one can stifle or force from ya. No one can jus' force resposibilities on ya or make ya do things y'don't wanna. Ye're th'one who leads yer own life 'nd makes yer own decisions. Ye're th'only one who knows ya best."
Dhezi's ears lowered further the more Tani spoke, nodding slowly and gazing down at the ground, before Tani placed a gentle paw upon his forehead. "Don't think that this changes how we feel 'bout ya, primo. B'cause no matter what, ye're still family, 'nd that will never change. All that I ask from ya, personally, is fer ya t'visit us whenever y'can...aye?"
"A'course--! A'course, Tani..." he croaks out with a hoarse voice, nodding as he smiles and blinks a few times. With a smile of her own, she leans down to press a kiss to Dhezi's forehead after pulling her paw away. "Gracias, primo."
After a moment, the elder approaches once more with a gentle smile, taking Tani's wrist and lifting his arm up. "Our leaders!"
Once more, cheers erupt at the announcement as the three leaders come together, touching one of their hand's knuckles to one another's, before pressing them to their chests. 
With this, the Primaria Desafio is completed. Yet, tomorrow would be the Segundo, where the three leaders would go against each other to see who will be the head branch and the wings.
For now, everyone will return to their homes and celebrate with lots of food and some good rest for the next day. Heading to Sena's home, Dhezi took a long bath to unwind from the day and think. 
Once it was time for dinner, Maryn and Tani stopped by as well so they coukd all cook some delicious caldo and roast some sandworm meat, sitting around the table and chatting amongst each other. Joining them at the table after his bath, Dhezi continued to ruffle at his own hair with the towel before Tani papped his hands away so he could do it instead, ruffling up his cousin's hair for him but also making sure to help him thoroughly dry it. Not without messing with her cousin a little bit, of course.
Laughing, Dhezi lightly bats at Tani's arms while sucking his teeth, rolling his eyes. They grinned toothily down at Dhezi, continuing to dry his hair while saying, "You have somethin' on yer mind, primo. Let it out."
"-- Why do ya always call me out like this, huh?"
"It's my duty as yer cousin."
"Uh-huh. ... Well, I-... I was thinkin' 'bout...goin' back ta Ul'dah."
Becoming gentler in their ministrations, they looked up towards Sena and Maryn as they took care of Dhezi's hair, and his uncles merely smiled in response. Sena nodded, reaching a hand over to give a hearty pap to Dhezi's arm that rested upon the table, giving it a few fond rubs. "Then go, mijo. We will not keep you here if you wish to return to the rest of your family. Though, we would like it if you visited us again, too."
"Always, tio. There's no way 'm jus' gonna ferget y'all. Plus, y'all know where I live, too, so y'can always feel free t'drop by fer a visit, y'know?"
"Of course. Thank you, sobrino. When will you be leaving?"
"In a few sennights. I wanna see what's gonna happen t'morrow, 'nd then I'm gonna say goodbye t'everyone else."
"Sounds like a plan, kiddo," Maryn agrees with a nod, grinning and also reaching out to pat at Dhezi's arms a few times. This helps the young Seeker release tension that he didn't know he had pent up all this time, releasing a shaky laugh as he slumps and melts onto the table. He muffles into the wood, "Thanks... Thank ya-- fer everythin' y'all have done fer me."
"We did nothin' fer ya, primo, y'did everythin' yerself. We were jus' there t'help," Tani states, rubbing at Dhezi's head before draping the towel around his shoulders. "We're jus' happy t'have ya back, Dhezi, 'nd we know ya'll come back ta us whenever y'want."
With a warm smile, heart, and a belly full of food, Dhezi went to bed that night with a new sense of adventure in his heart, eager to return to Ul'dah and everyone else soon.
Of course, not without first seeing the Segundo Desafio! Again, everyone was gathered up to witness the second challenge, where the leaders would go head-to-head. Yet this time, they were outside.
This is the final challenge, and it is one where the three must again receive the Matron's blessing-- before she calls on her fledgelings, Rima, Tega, and Oto. The three may be young-- but that does not mean they cannot fly. 
As the three young griffins approached the leaders, they chose their handler for the day. Oto with Maryn, Tega with Sena, and Rima with Tani. Mounting the fledgelings after dressing them with their saddles, they take their reins and take flight. 
The magic users of the tribe created rings up in the air for the three to race through, as well as levitated targets and dummies for the three to shoot at and strike. 
Readying their bows, the three began their paths into the rings, holding onto the fledgelings with their legs and keeping their balance as they leveled their arms and shoulders, loosing their arrows towards the targets. Each one of them hit, yet some closer to their marks than others. Whenever they flew closer to their targets, they would slice and hack at them with their weapons, 
Flying closer towards the sun, the three would then turn and dive back down towards their final targets, releasing their own roars that rang throughout the desert. Each dummy's head is lopped off, Tani's with their axe, Sena's with his blade, and Maryn with his magicks. 
Landing back on the sand, the tribespeople would release loud, raucous cheering, satisfied and more with the show and sportsmanship. 
With the tallies marked up, the elders look to Tani with renowned pride, taking the Head Branch circlet and dawning it upon their head, while Maryn receives a feather upon the left side of his head, and Sena on his right. 
Grinning toothily, Tani then looks to Sena with a playful upwards tilt of his head, chuffing. "Told ya I'd fly circles 'round ya next time, viejo."
Sena couldn't help but to bark out in laughter at that, patting his sobrine's back before slinging his arm around Maryn's shoulders. "You sure did!" he responds with a nod and a grin before bumping his fist to Maryn's chest. "Switched places I see, eh, hermano?"
Maryn merely scoffed and rolled his eyes, poking Sena's side roughly with an amused, toothy grin. "Don't think that you can do my job better than me."
"Hah! We'll see!"
With the new leaders decided and the branches settled, it was now time for the exchange of feathers after thoroughly preening them. The Azuline give the Roholo their griffin feathers on both sides of their heads, the Roholo to the Amarila on their left side, and the Amarila to the Azuline on their right.
After placing the feathers upon each others' heads, the pride takes the rest of the day to celebrate and dance, their spirits loud and free. 
For the next few sennights, Dhezi had packed up his belongings and gave his farewells to his family, also being sure to give his partings to the children he had taught for the past three years, as well. He promised to visit them all every few moons, because now that he has found his pride, he is never going to leave them behind.
On the day of his departure, he gave his family warm hugs, clinging onto the backs of their clothes and letting their embrace linger before parting, smiling towards them. Tani grinned and pressed her fist lightly to her cousin's cheek, releasing a small chuff. "Don't worry, primito. We will see each other again, as long as we continue to live beneath the same Sun. Bajo el mismo Sol."
With a nod, Dhezi grinned toothily with a wiggle of his ears, turning to leave the cave before Rahja had shifted before him. Lowering herself and her wing, she turned her head towards her back for the young Seeker to climb on, causing him to blink a few times from surprise before his grin grew. He lets out a delighted laugh, moving over towards the griffin and giving her a big hug to her neck before climbing onto her back.
With a bellow, she ran out of the caves with Dhezi upon her back before taking flight, carrying home safe and sound.
Bajo el mismo Sol.
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catboysimulator · 3 years
Story Six - Bailando con los Muertos
The Fifth Astral Moon has arrived faster than Dhezi had expected. It had only been a few sennights since the sandstorm incident and Dhezi was still recovering, but he is definitely doing much better since then. Most of his bruising has lightened or gone away, and his fractal scarring grew more pronounced; permanent.
As the celebrations approached, the caves were decorated in beautiful lights and lanterns, braziers lit in multiple colors. Reds, blues, greens, pinks-- all the colors under the rainbow! It was beautiful, painting the caves' walls in a wash of stunning hues. 
The scent of delicious foods filled the caves, barrels and kegs of alcohol and freshly squeezed juice prepared and ready for the festivities. It was an incredible sight, the way everyone eagerly decorated their home together. 
It seemed that every other sun during the moon, everyone danced together with large feasts and plenty of drinks, before going to bed around the fourth bell, only to repeat the process the day after the next.
This was...going to be the most parties Dhezi has ever attended consecutively, but he was ready!
Or, so he thought. Already by the third night of festivities he was exhausted! His family laughed in amusement at the sight of Dhezi tired, Tani approaching him and giving him a (less-so) hearty pap to his back. "What happened, primo?! I thought y'were gonna handle th'celebrations!"
"How th'hells are y'all not tired?!" he whines, groaning and rubbing at his eyes. 
"We do this every year! You'll get used to it in a few days. C'mon, y'jus' gotta work off all that food 'nd drink lots a'water ta prepare fer the next night."
Huffing, Dhezi rolls his eyes and elbows Tani lightly, causing the taller miqo'te to laugh in delight. "I know y'can last until th'last day. It is th'most important day of th'celebration, after all."
"-- Ah?"
"Mm-hm. You'll see when th'time comes. Now, let's go! S'time I drink ya under th'table again!"
"UGH, I'm sick a'drinkin' so much already!"
"Fine, then I'll jus' eat more than ya!"
"... That ain't EVER gonna happen."
"Haha! That's what I like t'hear! C'mon!"
Dhezi, 7.
Tani, 6.
As the days went by, Dhezi surely did get used to the routine of the celebration. He felt much less sore from all the dancing, his stomach felt better from all the food, and he didn't feel so dehydrated anymore. Quicker than he expected, the final day of the celebration arrived.
This night-- the air felt... different. There was a change in the atmosphere, people were quieter, somber, yet still warm and content. Happy.
As Dhezi walked along the paths of the cave, he noticed how closely everyone was with each other, individual families coming together to spend the final night together. The braziers' colors were still colorful and vivid, yet dimmed. It was a softer ambience and comfort. 
Reaching Sena's home, he noted Tani there with her children, Sena with his, as well as Maryn with his. The group sat at a table together, chatting amongst one another and sharing food and drinks. Seeing Dhezi, Sena grinned towards him and stood up, moving to meet the other halfway, holding his arms open and bringing the younger Seeker into a gentle embrace.
"Welcome back, Dhezi. Come, let's sit together," Sena implores, bringing Dhezi to the table and pulling a chair out for him. Taking his seat, Dhezi looked towards his family with a curious expression. "So-- what's goin' on? How come everyone is here sittin' like this?"
"Well... On th'final day of our celebrations, we sit here t'gether. We reminisce. Share stories 'bout those who ain't with us anymore 'nd remember them 'nd the imprint they left behind," Tani explains, smiling while holding one of his kids on his lap. "Whether it's good or bad, we cannot forget 'em. We celebrate the life they lived, while makin' sure we do not repeat th'same mistakes."
As Dhezi listened, his ears lowered a tad, yet he continued to wear a soft smile. He understood the mood in the caves tonight, now. "I see... So--...does that include Nhogu 'nd Navra?"
"Sure does," Maryn spoke up with a nod. "Despite everything Nhogu has done, he was still Sena's and my brother. We have good memories with him, but it does not excuse all that he's done; it never will. Yet, he was still important to those who were close to him. Those affected by one's actions have the choice to forgive, but we must never forget."
Sena nodded as well, bringing up a portrait of Nhogu and Navra. "We still grieve and mourn for those we have lost; still miss their presence. Though, we do it together. With others, it is easier to handle the weight of one's sadness, because we share it with one another even when someone has never personally met another. All that matters is that someone is hurting and that they need support, so we give it to them," he explains with a gentle smile.
Dhezi listened in silence, nodding solemnly while gazing down at his clasped paws that rested upon the table. Maryn reached over to place his hand upon his nephew's paws, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Zizi... tell us more about your brother, Azhi'sae. We would love to know more about him," he suggests with a soft tone, smiling warmly. Sena and Tani also looked towards the younger Seeker, nodding with their own grins as they waited expectantly.
He sat in silence for a bit before a comforted beam crossed his lips, nodding. Taking in a deep breath, Dhezi then regales his family of all of the stories he remembers from when he was a kid, and when Azhi'sae was around. 
About all the times they got into and out of trouble together, when they painted and danced together, made instruments out of old scraps they found lying around, when they went swimming together in the watering hole by the Station and nearly got into trouble with the gigantoads. They were lighthearted stories, ones that made Dhezi grin and laugh as he remembered them, his family smiling happily and laughing with him. 
The more Dhezi recalled the times where his brother was happy and alive, the easier it was to manage the pain he had carried with him for nearly twenty years. Remembering him for who he was, and not for what became of him... It helped Dhezi in a way he didn't think would. Recalling his brother's smiling face, his laughter, his voice-- it brought the younger Seeker to tears. Yet, he was smiling all the while, sniffling lightly and gazing down at his paws on the table, his voice wet and hoarse as he continued to tell their stories.
A waft of flowers passed through the caves. The smell of flowers that do not grow within their home; flowers that belong in green plains rather than the arid desert. Flowers; mingling with familiar scents that have not been around for years. A wash of warmth and comfort enveloped Dhezi, the feeling of small yet loving arms coiling around his shoulders making him pause in his words.
The feeling of a loving embrace and the floral scent were fleeting-- but they were enough. 
They were more than enough.
His eyes welled with a torrent of tears, gazing up towards his family as they too had glossy eyes, reaching their paws out to place them atop of Dhezi's, a comfortable weight pressing down against his limb. Gritting his teeth, he nodded, choking out a sob as his brows furrowed upwards. 
He was never alone, and he never will be.
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catboysimulator · 3 years
Story Five - Swirling Sand and Lightning Strikes
The day seemed like any regular down in the Sagolii desert, Azeyma beating down on the arid environment while the people tried to remain cool during the weather. Most of the miqo'te were within their adobe homes, trying to keep cool while others still continued to work anyway, making sure to keep hydrated as they did so. 
Dhezi was up on the roof of one of the buildings, fixing the hatching and doing some repairs on the adobe, Tani lending him a hand by passing him clay and straw, and also making sure the ladder was nice and sturdy against the building. "Ugh, thanks, primo. I owe ya some drinks, y'know? Y'really have no idea how grateful I am to ya fer offerin' ta get up there, b'cause I sure as hells can't stomach it," Tani groaned while Dhezi merely chuckled with a grin. "S'no problem at all," he assured.
Though, as they were working, they then heard a loud rumble resound through the caves. Tani stood straight as his ears perked and pivoted, listening out for further sounds before sounding out a call of alarm that rang throughout their home. Dhezi blinked and looked around, watching as everyone ran away from their work and the springs, back into their home. "-- What's goin' on? Tani?" he asked, while Tani held onto the bottom of the ladder. "Come down, primo, there's a sandstorm comin'. I'm gonna need yer help coverin' up Azeyma's watch with Maryn," she states. Dhezi wasted no time in climbing back down, rushing over to meet with the Amarila leader. 
"Papa!" Tani called out, "sandstorm comin' in, 'nd I think it's bringin' along some relampago." Approaching Maryn, the yellow-eyed Seeker nodded towards Tani. "I heard the alarm. I will cover the Watch and call in the Matron and Patron. Tani, make sure everyone else here is safe," he advises, before calling out for more assistance. A few other miqo'te came out of their homes to join Maryn, following closely behind him. 
Though, before Maryn could leave, he gazed at Dhezi for just a moment before nodding to him. "You seem like you’re pretty capable, Dhezi. Come with me, we could use your help to pull through this."
"A-ah? Yes, tio," Dhezi agreed with a nod, also following along. 
Heading outside the caves, the group then scaled the side of the mountains up to the very top, where a large slab of rock bigger than the Watch remained. "Dhezi, help the others cover the Watch, I will call for the griffins," Maryn stated, curling his hands together and bringing them up to his mouth, releasing a unique sound that carried through the desert. 
Dhezi watched briefly, before moving over towards the group to begin pushing the slab over the Watch. Previously, this took a lot of effort even with many people, but with Dhezi's strength alone they were able to quickly cover it up and make their way back down and into the caves, way ahead of the storm.
The red Seeker remained atop with his uncle, though, standing beside him as Maryn continued to call for the griffins. He frowned, furrowing his brows as his tail flicked at the tip. "They aren't answering. The storm is fast approaching... They are intelligent creatures, so they should know to take cover either way, yet this has never happened before. Dhezi, you should go back down and take cover with the others."
"-- Tio, I don't feel comfortable leavin' ya up here alone. Please-- let me stay with ya until they get here."
"You must listen to me, Dhezi, this is a dangerous situation. Go back down, I'll be alright,” he reassured his nephew with a smile.
"I--... Okay," Dhezi resigns, gulping with a nod before shifting to start climbing down. Yet, before he can do so, he hears the familiar sound of lightning. Relampago. That's what they meant. He froze up, that familiar sensation of fear clamping down on him like a maw of sharpened teeth, a sensation of dread pounding over him like turbulent waves. 
Maryn noticed this, furrowing his brows as he called out, "Dhezi! Dhezi, what's wrong? Get down there!"
Heaving, Dhezi lifted his eyes towards the approaching sandstorm, noting the bright flashes within the gritty gales. Lightning-- lightning can happen in sandstorms?! Why was he never informed?!
The sand was fast approaching now, and Maryn stopped in his calls in order to rush over to Dhezi, casting his magics in order to form a shield to block them from the storm as he knelt beside his nephew. "Dhezi, hey, what's the matter?! Take a deep breath; breathe!"
Dhezi gulped down a lump in his throat, his shoulders quaking as his paws tightly ball up into fists, his claws digging into his pads. "T-Tio-- Tio, I'm s'rry, I c-can't-- I can't move," he stammers out, squeezing his eyes shut. Maryn draped an arm over Dhezi's shoulders, rubbing at them gently while furrowing his brows, looking up to see if he can try to spot the griffins. The sand pounded against his shield and he grunted, covering his nephew and taking the brunt of the storm.
Lightning struck closer and closer to them the further the storm moved towards them, Dhezi covering his ears each time and bunching himself up further. Why? Why does this keep happening? He thought he had moved on, but no matter what he does, the lightning always holds the upper hand. Tears burned down his face as he grit his teeth, mentally cursing himself out for seizing up, for being unable to listen and do as told, for being an incompetent coward.
Yet, in the back of his mind, he remembered the Sigwa. Remembered K'ilhi and Poki'to. 
Forcing himself, he stands up on shaking legs, brows furrowed and tears hot as they pour down his neck from his eyes. Maryn followed suit and stood with him, keeping the shield up despite the force of the storm. The hairs on the backs of their necks and on their arms stood on end, very much aware that if they do not move they will be struck, and may not survive.
"Move," Dhezi advises; warns. Maryn furrows his brows and looks towards Dhezi in concern and frustration. "Dhezi--," he begins, his voice sterner, before the red Seeker repeats, "Move."
Taking a deep breath, G'dhezi attempted to still himself; calm his heart. He has one chance to do this, or else he dies. He's very much aware of it.
He recalls that night in The Peaks with Toadie. Toadie kept him safe; protected him from a lightning shot by redirecting it northward. Dhezi has never trained on this, never attempted... but he resigned himself. Whether he lives out of pure luck or dies out of pure stupidity, he's fine with it.
But will everyone else be? 
That thought crossed his mind at the very last second-- right when lightning struck the paw he had stretched out to the skies. He cried out in pain, dragging his other paw down his chest to his stomach, before stretching it out southward, redirecting the bolt of plasma away from his uncle. 
Panting heavily, the red Seeker did not remain conscious for long, falling off the side of the mountain as he heard his uncle's cry of his name, not long feeling the sensation of feathers and a strong back before he had blacked out.
Slowly his eyes fluttered open, staring up at the ceiling of the caves, where the slab had covered Azeyma's Watch. The caverns were lit by lanterns and torches, yet they were spots of light in Dhezi's eyes. He felt warm, comfortable, as though surrounded by pillows and blankets.
It turned out, Rahja has curled up around Dhezi, along with her children. Her head rested off to the side while the fledgelings kept Dhezi supported up against her, resting near and against his legs. Rahja lifted her head the moment she could tell a difference in Dhezi's breathing, turning it in order to look at him. "-- Rahja?" he asked, yet his tone was pained and hoarse. 
She crooned towards him, pressing her forehead to his while her fledgelings also woke up to look up at the miqo'te worriedly. Not long after, Dhezi heard the familiar voices of his family rushing closer, Sena soon within his sight along with Tani and Maryn. "Dhezi!" Sena called out, tone full of concern and fear. "Mijo, mijo, estas bien? Are you alright? Can you hear me?"
Dhezi took a moment, but he gave a small nod. In response, a heavy sigh escaped Sena along with Tani and Maryn, yet Tani's brows were furrowed tight and her teeth grit. "Dhezi-- I ain't ever met anyone so foolish as ta do somethin' like that--! Don't ya understand how TERRIFIED we all were for you?! Ye're LUCKY ye're even alive!" he yelled, before the breath in his chest all but collapsed out of him. He shifted close to his cousin, kneeling close to him and reaching a paw out to place it atop Dhezi's head.
"Y'can't-- y'cant do that to us, Dhezi. Ta us, or ta th'people waitin' fer ya back in Ul'dah. I'm glad ye're alright, but ya can't risk throwin' yer life away like that," she states, firmly, through a trembling voice. "It is important; precious. It cannot be replaced. Do ya understand?"
Dhezi stares up at them in silence, before gulping the lump down his throat and nodding. This is not the first time he had been yelled at for nearly throwing away his life so easily-- yet this is the first time he has come to regret dancing with Nald'thal so intimately. "... Sorry. 'm sorry," he murmurs through his broken voice. 
Tani huffs lightly, nodding and blinking away their tears. "... Try not to move around too much, primo. Ye're all bandaged up. They said s'gonna take a few sennights fer ya ta recover. They're gonna take care of ya," he mutters. Dhezi blinked, yet nodded nonetheless.
CW: Discussions of death, suicide, suicidal ideation.
The first day Dhezi had been tended to, he had seen his wounds, his bruises. His body had the nastiest bruising he has ever developed; yellowed, purpled, and blackened skin mottled along his brown. It was the worst ever, but the medics assured him it would not last. They were bruises, not scars...except for one part. Fractal scarring bloomed along his skin, little patterns of lightning lining his neck, shoulders, chest, and arms.
It was beautiful, really, despite the bruising along the rest of his body.
Only after a few suns had passed and Dhezi was able to move a bit more without his body screaming at him, Maryn dropped by to visit him. The medics that were tending to Dhezi finished their work for the hour, excusing themselves and leaving Maryn and his nephew in private.
Dhezi's ears lowered as his uncle pulled up a chair and sat beside him, gazing at him so seriously. He normally sees his uncle smiling and laughing, fooling around with everyone in his vicinity and being playful-- but now he looked gravely serious, and it scared the younger Seeker just a bit.
"... Si, tio?" he asked meekly, his ears flattened to the sides as his eyes continued to flicker back and forth from Maryn to anything else in the room.
"Dhezi," Maryn began, taking in a deep breath before leveling his expression with the younger one. "You understand that what you did was dangerous, and even potentially fatal, correct?"
"Yes, I'm aware."
"What made you even attempt that?"
"I--... I knew we were 'bout ta get hit, so I wanted t'try 'nd protect ya..."
"Yet, you know I would have been able to protect us, right?"
"... Aye."
"So then, why?"
Dhezi fell silent at that, frowning as he gazes up towards the ceiling. "... Selfish reasons. Stupid reasons. I--," he paused, sighing out and bringing a paw up to his forehead, rubbing at it from frustration. "When I was a kid, I was raised in Ul'dah as y'all know. I was taken in by Mama Azhi when I was only a few moons old, 'nd she gave me th'name Azhi'li. But, th'same day, another kid showed up. A few years older than me, also without a name. She named him Azhi'sae, 'nd he was m'brother.
He 'nd I were two peas in a pod, y'know? He always got me outta trouble, always shared his food with me 'nd played with me. We even slept in th'same bed t'gether even until he turned eleven summers. Yet, on that eleventh summer, I saw somethin' I shouldn't have. There was a black mage outside th'gates a'Ul'dah, 'nd I saw 'em do things I know they weren't s'pposed ta, but they noticed me. I tried runnin' away, but I was caught, 'nd they were plannin' t'kill me. Seared m'side with fire, which is why I have th'scars there... Yet, b'fore they killed me, Zisi came 'round 'nd lopped off th'mage's arm with a sword he grabbed from a Brass Blade, grabbin' me by th'arm 'nd makin' a run fer it.
... We didn't make it far. He didn't make it far. Th'mage was aimin' fer me, but... Zisi shoved me outta th'way 'nd took a bolt a'lightnin' straight through his chest," Dhezi explained, taking in deep breaths here and there and swallowing lumps down in his throat.
"Ever since then I've been so scared of anythin' that sounds remotely like lightnin', 'nd whenever there's a storm or someone uses those magicks, I freeze up. I've been tryna get better, yet it's hard. Toadie told me there's no way fer me ta jus'...magically stop, it just takes time, but I've been so desperate to try 'nd get over it that I've been puttin' m'self in stupid situations that risk m'self gettin' killed. Fer th'longest time, I did not give a damn 'bout whether I died or if I lived. I actively sought t'jus' end it all after that happened with Zisi, but I stopped b'cause Mama Azhi told me to. I didn't wanna see her distressed th'way she had been, so I listened. 
Yet, that didn't stop m'apathy. If there was a situation I was in that risked m'life, I didn't care. Until recently. I've been told constantly by so many folks that care 'bout me t'stop bein' so reckless, 'nd I didn't listen. I understood that I hurt people that care 'bout me by bein' like that, 'nd I still didn't listen.
But right b'fore that lightning bolt hit, I realized jus' how ridiculous 'nd selfish I've been. Foolish; childish," Dhezi croaked out, draping his arm across his eyes as he grit his teeth.
"... Fuck, man." He sobbed, choking on his tears as he bit the insides of his cheeks, his claws digging into the pads of his paws and drawing blood.
Maryn moved a gentle hand to Dhezi's paw, prying his claws out of his paws and taking a firm yet comforting grip on his paw. 
"Dhezi... Be proud of yourself, for recognizing these issues. For being self-aware, and understanding the pains you have put not only others through, but yourself. You are not alone, mijo, you never were alone and never will be, even when there is no one around. Do not harm yourself, or beat yourself up... Be gentle with yourself, as there is only one of you. These pains of yours do not need to be handled on your own. You have your family with you, those that remain and those who have departed," Maryn states, his tone gentle and patient.
"I thank you for protecting me, but do not throw your life away so easily. It is precious, and one-of-a-kind. This sense of redemption must be released, Dhezi, for there is nothing left to redeem. You understand that too, right?"
"... Aye," the younger Seeker agrees with a nod, frowning, yet still curled his fingers lightly around his uncle's hand. 
“If you’d like, I can teach you some stuff with lightning. Because while that was a very… terrifying, incident, I can see that you do have potential with it. Have you been told that before?”
“A-ah… Haha, aye… Sure have been.”
“Hm. Would you like to try practicing, then? We will begin with small steps, and go slowly.”
“... I think I’d like that, yeah.”
Maryn gave a gentle smile down towards Dhezi, nodding. “When you are healed, then.” He went silent after a few moments, before speaking once more, "You know, mijo... We have a celebration coming up, called Dancing with the Dead."
"-- Uh? Wh-. Why is it called that?"
The older Seeker couldn't help but to laugh, grinning wider while lowering his nephew's hand from his face. "Every year during the Fifth Astral Moon is when we dance with our departed. We feast and we drink, remembering those who have moved on to greater plains, while they come to visit us from the lifestream to join us in our festivities."
"... They join us?"
"Right. We cannot see them, but we feel them. They are always around us, always there to look over us and keep us company, but we do not always feel their presence. During this celebration, we can feel them stirring our hearts; their warmth and their love. It is a reminder for us that we will never be alone, even when we have come and gone. Perhaps then, you may get the closure you have always been hoping for."
"I see... Thank you, tio."
"Of course, sobrino. Now, get some rest, you're looking worse than a bruised banana."
At that, Dhezi couldn't help but to grin and laugh, rolling his eyes. "Ay, thanks."
Maryn grinned toothily, ruffling Dhezi's hair before standing back up. 
"Sleep well, mijo."
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catboysimulator · 3 years
Story Four - The Matron’s Honor
Moons have gone by ever since Azhi'li has left Ul'dah; has left his old life behind. It is now the autumnal season, yet there is not much of a change in the desert, just some nippier nights... but there sure has been a change within the Sankres.
Ever since Azhi'li's arrival, the leaders as well as the elders have already been in the talks about a coming of age rite. There are children on the cusp of being ready for the rite; the Matron's Honor, and have been in preparation for it all year. The elders and handlers were prepared for the children they knew of, but certainly didn't expect one of them to be returning after twenty-four summers.
Azhi'li had no idea as to what was being spoken about amongst the three groups, until one evening when he was approached by G'sena. 
"Mijo, I know you haven't been here for very long, but... Your cousin, uncle, the elders, handlers, and I have been talking to each other about a coming of age rite ceremony for you."
Hearing his uncle, Azhi'li blinked owlishly before lifting his head from his bowl with his cheeks stuffed with caldo.
"-- hmpf?"
"You do not have to do it if you do not wish! But, we were just thinking...if you would like to do it, you have the option."
Swallowing down his caldo, he continues to stare at Sena silently before looking down at his bowl.
"... Really? Do-- y'all want me to?"
"Only if you do, mijo. We would never force you, but if you wish to do it, we would be thrilled."
Contemplating, the red Seeker rubs his thumbs along the rim of the ceramic bowl, before giving small nods and a smile, looking back up at his uncle.
"... Yeah. I think I would like to do that, tio."
With a brilliant grin, Sena would laugh and cheer happily, moving over to Azhi'li and ruffling his hair with a hug. "Andale, mijo, that's what I love to hear! We will prepare everything for you as well, then."
"When is it going t'be?"
"Within three sennights."
"O-oh. Uh. What do I have t'do?"
"You don't have to do anything until it gets closer to that time. Four days before the rite, you will be taken to the fledgelings where you will spend three days and nights in their nest, preening their feathers and familiarizing yourself with them. This will give them the chance to also learn about you. On the fourth day, you will climb your way up to Azeyma's Watch where you will meet Rahja, the matron. We will inform you on what needs to be done when that time comes, but for now, relax and wait for the day. Prepare yourself mentally, if you'd like, but I am confident you will do well, sobrino," he encourages with a smile, petting Azhi'li's head.
"And, when that time comes and all has gone well...you will come back down, and be able to fully take on your birth name-- if you wish to.  We call you that now, or at least I do, but if you are willing to take on the name, then everyone will happily call you Dhezi. It is your choice," he mentions, though his expression was almost-- pleading?
Azhi'li blinks a bit before his ears lower, giving his uncle a gentle half-smile. "I'll think ‘bout it, tio."
At that, Sena takes in a breath but continues to smile, nodding and pressing his forehead to his nephew’s. "Alright, sobrino. Whatever you decide, we will respect your decision. Now, I shall leave you to your devices, I have to leave for a few suns and visit the surrounding tribes."
"Okay, tio. I'll see you later, aye?"
"Of course."
He presses a kiss to the crown of his nephew's head before patting his shoulder, slinging a bag over his shoulder and passing through the tapestry of their home.
As the suns passed, Azhi'li had come to learn more and more about the Matron's Honor. It is when the matron griffin fully recognizes someone into the tribe for the rest of their life. It is usually done for children, yet also those who have later joined the tribe as refugees. Even if someone were to leave the tribe after their rite, they would still be able to call the Sankres their home and return whenever they wish. 
Yet, apparently, the matron didn't always recognize someone into the tribe. Whether it is because the person has hidden intentions, or they are simply not ready. This does not mean the end-all of everything, but that the person needs more time to figure things out for themselves, or have help from the Sankres.
This made Azhi'li quite nervous; the possibility of not being recognized. He understands that it's not a permanent thing and that he might need time, but... He also understands the history of his father. Of what his sire did and the damage he has done to the tribe, before Sena took care of him and took over leadership. 
What if his sire's reputation follows him, and the matron sees something in him that he is not aware of? To an outsider, it may seem absolutely ridiculous for a griffin to be the judge of one's worth, yet it is something that the Sankres have relied on, and they have not been led astray. Even Nhogu was not immediately acknowledged by the matron at that time, for she saw something. Yet, he was then recognized after a few more attempts.
Azhi'li knows he has no underlying motives! He never came to the tribe with any, but he's scared anyway! In hindsight, it's such a silly thing, and he knows... yet he was still filled with paranoia nonetheless.
With each passing day that came closer to the rite, his paranoia was more and more apparent. Tani saw this and huffed, yoinking her cousin by his shoulders and rattling him. "Stop it. You are psychin' yerself out fer no reason, an' I know y'know that," he states, firmly. 
"But, what if--?"
"Ah-ah-ah! Sst. Zip it. Another word outta ya 'bout this whole thing an' I'll knock ya around, got it?"
Azhi'li clamped his mouth shut at that, sighing heavily with a frown. 
Tani then squeezed his shoulders gently, affectionately; assuringly. "Primo... Do not make this situation bigger than it actually is. So what if she does not accept ya right away? You will have other chances. Plus, there is another thing y'need ta remember," they say, pressing a finger against his chest above his heart, "You are not Nhogu. You are Azhi'li Ditreinu, 'nd our G'dhezi, no matter what. Now, go on 'nd meet with th'handlers. They'll get ya all situated fer th'next three nights."
Despite Tani being brusque and a little rough around the edges, they sure do know how to help Azhi'li, and he cannot be more grateful for it. His frown would give way to a gentle smile towards the taller Seeker, nodding in response. "Alright-- Thanks, Tani."
She returns the smile, nodding and ruffling his hair. "Of course, primito. We'll see you again in a few days. Have fun!"
They shove his back, pushing him forward to send him off on his way. 
At the handlers, Azhi'li is then introduced to the fledgelings; Rima, Tega, and Oto. They are still young, yet are still bigger than everyone in the tribe. From what Azhi'li remembers, griffins are only native to Dravania, with some species brought over to Gyr Abania as well. To think that there are some in the Sagolii boggles his mind, especially since they are so well-trained, playing with the handlers and preening their hair affectionately.
Yet, once Azhi'li arrived, the three seemed to stop in their antics and simply stared at the Seeker. Taking a few steps towards him, they circle him while sniffing curiously, chuffing as their tails give little flicks here and there. Once they'd satiated their curiosity, they moved away from him and instead paid attention to the handlers again, while Azhi'li got himself situated on a cot near the pen, simply staring.
As the suns passed, the handlers taught Azhi'li how to preen the fledgelings, feed them, play with them, and generally get used to them. The looser the Seeker got and more relaxed, the more the three griffins did, too. Towards the end of the third night, they've gotten so comfortable with him that they curl up their massive forms near Azhi'li's legs, falling asleep before the Seeker could even slip back to his cot. It was a bit surreal, yet it filled him with a certain determination and renowned confidence. 
He went to bed feeling like he could take on the world.
At least, until he woke up. It was the fourth day, and that meant it was time to meet the Matron. Rahja.
In order to reach the Matron, the children are made to climb their way up to Azeyma's Watch on their own, without any outside assistance. One by one, they would climb the rocky mountains, and one by one they would come back down. 
Once they hear the cry of the Matron announcing her arrival, the final passage begins. The youngest child goes first, and the oldest the last. Azhi'li waited for a few hours, his heart pounding in his chest and a clammy sensation overtaking the nape of his neck. Sena, Maryn, and Tani are overlooking the process, their ceremonial feathers worn upon their heads and tagua necklaces around their necks, watching as each miqo'te makes their way up and back down, as well as taking heed of the Matron's decisions.
Soon enough, it was Azhi'li's turn. Staring up the mountain, his round ears pin back against his head. Tani whistled out for his cousin, catching the Seeker's attention as he mouths, 'Go,' offering a gentle and toothy grin.
Taking in a deep breath, the younger Seeker would nod as he began his ascent, scaling the rocks as though it were second nature. It did not take him long to reach the top, rivulets of sweat running down his forehead and chest as Azeyma beats down on his form. His breath stalls in his chest the moment he sees Rahja, her eagle eyes piercing straight into him. He feels seen; exposed, and he hasn't even approached her yet.
Gulping down the lump in his throat, he moves closer to her before doing as he was instructed to a few suns ago, raising his dirt-covered, calloused paws towards the Sun, shutting his eyes and craning his neck to bask in Her warmth. He lowers himself onto his knees afterwards, bringing himself down further into a kowtow before Rahja, pressing his forehead against the stones for a few moments before lifting himself back up to gaze at the Matron.
Rahja continues to stare down at the young Seeker before her, approaching him slowly and lowering her head down to his. Azhi'li couldn't help the vague trembling along his body, his breathing shallow and light, his eyes wide and pupils blown out into saucers. His nervousness was not any bit of a secret, and he knew it. She knew it.
And yet, it was as though a small gleam of amusement danced in her eyes. She leaned her forehead down to his, pressing them together. He took in a quick breath, before shutting his eyes and releasing a trembling sigh with a small laugh, his relief pouring out like a broken dam. He gently took Rahja's face into his paws as their foreheads nestled together, the griffin's eyes briefly shutting before she eventually pulled away and stepped back enough to flap her wings and release a bellow towards the Sun.
Azhi'li stared at her in awe, expression full of wonder and delight from her magnificence. It took a few moments, but he then realized the gravity of the situation, a heavy weight upon his shoulders and heart-- yet, not a burdened one. No, it was a comfortable weight, like a heavy blanket on a cold night. He laughs happily, cheering and hooting as he stands back up onto his paw feet, his tears warm as they streak down his cheeks while he grinned as brilliantly as Azeyma Herself.
This-- this is everything and more to him. 
Shifting over towards Azhi'li, Rahja lowers her head down to him once more before folding her legs beneath her, laying her wing down for the Seeker. He blinks and stares at her, stupefied, stammering out, "-- D--... Do ya want me t'get on?" Such a silly question, surely she wouldn't understand--,
And yet, she chuffs in response, craning her head towards her back. He still really couldn't believe it, but he carefully moved towards her, placing his soot-colored paws on her back gently, questioningly. She huffs once more, slipping her wing right under him and hoisting him right onto her back as he yelps in surprise. Once he held onto her feathers, she lifted herself off from Azeyma's Watch and flew him down below, back to his family.
Still stunned, Azhi'li blinked owlishly as he remained on her back even after she had laid on the ground, Tani cheering and calling for her cousin while reaching out for him to yoink him off Rahja's back, giving him a giant, crushing hug.
That surely did snap him out of his stupor, causing him to yelp and groan as he felt his air be squeezed out of him. "I TOLD you, primo! Don't ever doubt me again, ya hear?! If ya do, I'm kickin' yer ass inta next week!" she states, firmly. 
"Aye-aye! Okay!" he whines, yet laughs breathlessly nonetheless. Tani places him down and ruffles the younger Seeker's smaller mane, grinning toothily and placing a giant smooch to his forehead. "Eso, primo. That's what I like ta hear."
Beside Tani came Sena and Maryn, gazing towards their nephew with warm smiles, the former beaming proudly. "You never had anything to worry about, Dhezi."
With a light huff, the young Seeker's wet face softened yet remained elated, nodding in response to his uncle's words. 
CW: Mention of blades, bleeding, and scarification. No graphic details.
With the rite now complete, the new and official Sankres must go with the tradition of scarifying wings upon their backs.
It is quite a bit of a painful process, yet everyone in the Sankres have gone through it at one point or another. Some folks take it a bit harder than others, and must do it in increments, but Azhi'li was able to lay through it the entire time.
Carving wings into his back, they wrapped him up carefully with bandages, applying medical salve around the newly forming scars to avoid any infections. It hurt like hells, but it was done, and he couldn't be happier.
From now on, he will be known as G'dhezi.
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catboysimulator · 3 years
Story Three - Learning
A roar resounds through the training grounds, before a loud scream and 'thud' follows after along with the sound of a body rolling. A choir of 'OOH...' can be heard afterwards as a crowd stares down at the body of, none other than, Azhi'li. 
"Come on, primo! I taught ya better than that!" Tani taunts with a chuff, their tail whipping to and fro behind them. "Let's go, up an' at 'em!" 
Approaching Azhi'li, she reached down and lifted him on his two feet by pulling him up under his arms, staring at him with a quirked brow and pursed lips.
The red Seeker seemed a bit out of it, his head lolling back a bit, yet he was fine. Tani huffed once again and rattled her cousin like a maraca. "Oye! Despiertate! Wake up!"
Azhi'li groaned and whined, pawing at their arms and kicking a bit so she could put him down. Once he did, the younger Seeker plopped back onto his rump with a grunt, panting lightly. "G-gimme a bit, Tani--," he stammered through his ragged breath, before the older one sighed and simply sat in front of him, cross-legged. "Alright, take yer time. Need yer inhaler?"
"Nah, I'm-- I'm alright. Jus' need a moment. Gods, bein' smacked 'round by an axe hurts."
A loud bark of laughter came from Tani, causing him to grin toothily from ear to ear. "You're tellin' me? C'mon, what's goin' on? Tell me so we can work on it, primo."
Peering up at Tani through his lashes, he sighed and lifted his head a bit while his shoulders slumped. "I jus' dunno how ta deal with someone wieldin' an axe. Hells, I don't even know how ta wield one, m'self!" he exclaims, gesturing over towards the wooden axe he had long dropped before he was tossed.
"An' that's alright! Y'jus' gotta tell me, see? All ain't lost, nothin' is hopeless, it's just a matter of takin' the time ta learn, okay?" she assured, patting his knee with a hefty paw. "What do ya know, hm? Have ya fought against other folks?"
"Well, aye, a'course I have. Many times. In fact, Toadie's th'one who trained me ever since I knew him, practically."
"Okay, an' what did ya learn from him?"
"A lot."
"So then let's go through everythin' he taught ya all over again. From th'start, up until now. An' what better way ta do that than trainin', hm? Don't beat yerself up, man. Shit like this takes a certain kinda person, 'nd ya got it, y'jus' need more patience with yerself, b'cause y'get frustrated real easy, real quick. Y'know that, don't ya?"
"... Aye."
Huffing, Tani gives him a firm poke to his forehead. "Don't be like that to yerself. When y'have no one else around ya, ye're gonna be all ya got left. You're kind t'everyone else but yourself, and I'm sure ya've been told this many times before, hm?"
Smiling warmly, Tani stood right back up with a heavy plap to her knees, extending out a hand towards Azhi'li. "Up, Zizi. You're alright. You have so much time ahead a'yerself, so do not punish yerself for not gettin' things right away. Y'don't punish th'kids when they don't get it right away, so don't do that to yerself. Ye're no different, an' ya deserve no less patience from others," he states, firmly, yet not unkindly.
Azhi'li takes in a deep breath and nods, smiling lightly before grunting when his back is given a hearty SMACK from Tani's paw. 
"Now! Cuffs are off, weapons set aside! S'jus' you an' me, primo! Let's get down to th'basics!" they state, stepping away from Azhi'li before putting their axe down and stancing themself with their fists held up to their chest.
CW: talk/discovery of sexuality and gender. possible dysphoria triggers.
For five suns every sennight, Tani and Azhi'li trained together. Sometimes uncle Sena or Maryn would join in and show their nephew of what they knew with a blade and shield or magic. Every day there was something new for Azhi'li to learn, new lessons to keep close to his heart. He never thought he'd ever be able to do any of these things back then, but now he has gotten so used to it that it's almost as comfortable as his fists. Of course, nothing could ever feel as comfortable as that, but he can at least safely say he can wield an axe and blade now, as well as do some magic.
Yet, all of this physical training wasn't the only thing he learned about.
One evening at the circle, everyone was enjoying dinner and sharing stories, laughing and joking amongst themselves. Azhi'li and Tani were sitting together, snickering and sharing food and drinks with each other, the Seeker having gotten a better hang of alcohol thanks to Tani. He learned from the best!
And still, there is even more left to learn. Leaning back on a paw, Azhi'li rested his other arm upon his knee as he swirled the mead in his flagon idly, staring out towards the fire in front of them. 
"So, Tani... If y'don't mind me askin', uh... can I talk ta ya 'bout identity stuff?"
"... Identity stuff?" he inquired with a quirked brow, looking towards Azhi'li with a side-eye while popping a jocote into his mouth.
"Like... gender 'nd sexuality?"
"Oh. Yeah, what's up?" She grins towards him, her round ears perked and pivoted towards him as she suddenly became interested. Azhi'li huffed with a roll of his eyes before rubbing at the nape of his neck, leaning forward a bit. 
"So, like-- I've never really explored anythin' regardin' gender 'nd sexuality stuff all too much, I jus' know th'type a'folks I'm attracted ta."
"Which is?"
"More... masculine? types a'folks?"
"Hm, alright. Go on."
"Gods, why do I feel like I'm bein' judged super hard right now?"
"I ain't judgin' ya, primo, I'm just tryna figure out where ya stand on all of this. Haven't really spoken to cityfolk for this long, so I'm jus' pickin' at yer head, y'can say."
"... Okay, well, I know that there are lots a'identities 'nd ways people can feel comfortable callin' themselves, but I jus'... I dunno, never really had th'chance ta explore that fer m'self."
At this, Tani grows even more interested, quirking a brow and dropping the pit of the jocote into a bowl. "So, are ya sayin' ya wanna explore?"
"-- Aye. I do."
Grinning, Tani nods and moves to stand up, taking the bowl of jocote seeds with her to place on a table for them to either be discarded or planted.
Wrapping an arm around Azhi'li's shoulders, she jostles him a bit before gesturing for him to follow. "Come, primito, for I shall enlighten ya."
They make their way to Tani's home, where they're then met with squealing from children as they swing the door open and cry out, "Papa!" before flinging themselves at Tani. They catch their kids within their strong arms, laughing in delight and placing kisses upon the three young miqo'te's heads. "Buenas, bebecitos. Did ya have a good day?" he asks, the children chiming out, 'si!'
"Hello, tio Zizi!" they then say, and Azhi'li grins down at them and chuckles, ruffling their little heads and big ears. "Buenas."
Smiling, Tani nudges Azhi'li gently before gesturing for him to follow again into her room. Making it to a chair, she plops herself on it with a grunt while relaxing back into it, gesturing for her cousin to join her. He does just so, sitting across from her on another chair while the children clamber up on their parent, and one on Azhi'li. 
"So, Azhi'li," he begins, his tone gentle, before canting his head to the side as he holds onto a child in each arm, "What do you know 'bout yerself?"
"-- Well, what do y'mean?"
"What makes ya comfortable, an' what doesn't? Th'way you an' I operate are completely different. I don't feel th'same way you do, nor do you feel th'same way I do. So I wanna know 'bout ya-- but first, I think you should know 'bout ya. Y'said y'know 'bout 'identities' 'nd stuff, pero... what is it that y'know?"
"Um... I know that-- not everyone identifies th'way they're perceived? Like... someone who is normally seen as a 'woman' may not be comfortable bein' identified as such."
"Mm, alright. It's a start."
With a laugh, Tani shook their head and grinned toothily. "Not everythin' is all that meets the eye, primito. I understand that...cityfolks, t'use a lighter term, tend t'have this notion that a lot a'stuff is black an' white, when it really ain't."
"I don’t understand..."
"A lot a'cityfolks believe that if ya look a certain way, ya gotta be a certain way. Gotta be addressed a certain way, behave a certain way... We don't work like that here. Some folks are comfortable fitting within that binary, an' that's alright. Most a'us here don't do that," she explained, gesturing to herself afterwards. "Y'heard th'way people talk ta me here. El, ella, elle. Him, her, them. I don't give a rat's ass 'bout gender or sex. I jus' live th'life I want for m'self. Here, we call that volado. Flown. Think th'people outside of the Sankres call it non-binary or somethin' akin ta that. We don't exist within th'binary, 'nd that's th'way we wanna keep it, y'know? We ain't 'man' or 'woman', we're jus' our own person. That don't mean that volados is its own binary either, b'cause that ain't th'damn point of it, y'know? We ain't a 'third gender'."
"... Okay. I think-- I understand a bit more. Is there-- a way to know who's part a'that--... uh. Category..?"
"First of all, don't say that," he chastises with a huff, shaking his head. "Secondly, no. There ain't. It's never really a topic a'discussion ta be brought up, b'cause why would it be? S'jus' normal fer those folks, they know what they're doin', 'nd if they wanna tell ya or bring it up, then they will."
"Sorry. So-- how do I know if--... I'm someone like that?"
Tani shrugged, smiling lightly. "S'different from person ta person, primito. There ain't one decided way someone needs t'feel in order to consider themselves such. That's fer you to decide, no one else."
"... Well, I don't think I'm that-- I mean, I probably would'a known by now, right?"
"Hells no, y'wouldn't have. Zizi, there is somethin' y'keep missin', 'nd it's that everyone goes at their own pace. That includes you, too," she informs, firmly, giving him a pointed look. "Some folks know when they're a kid," they begin, patting one of their children's backs, "'nd other folks don't find out 'till they're old 'nd grey. In the end, they still find out 'nd are able to do whatever they want with that new knowledge. Everyone operates differently. It's never too late t'learn more 'bout yerself."
Azhi'li then grows silent, staring down at the floor between them while still holding onto his sobrine. They look towards Azhi'li curiously, smiling and papping at his cheek, causing him to blink and look over to them.
"It's okay, tio. You just do what makes you happy. That's what everyone says."
With a smile, Tani nods, looking back towards Azhi'li again. "At one point, y'jus' gotta think for yerself, primo. 'nd if ya discover that ye're happy with th'way y'call yerself 'nd identify yerself with, then that's all that matters, y'know? Be happy with yerself, jus' how others are happy that you're who ya are, too."
Locking eyes with Tani, Azhi'li grows silent once again before smiling a bit, nodding. "... I think I wanna at least learn more 'nd explore. Can I do that?"
"Always. There is never new knowledge fer those who don't seek it."
With Azeyma finally at rest and Menphina shining over Her Sister's watch, Azhi'li makes it back home-- Sena's home, where his uncle lovingly offered him a room to stay in. 
Parting the tapestry, he steps in and blinks at the sight of his uncle whittling before he spots his nephew, smiling warmly with a wiggle of his ears. "Welcome home, Dhezi. Did you have a good day?"
"I did, thanks tio. -- Hey, can-- can ya do me a favor?"
"Anything, sobrino. What's wrong?"
"Nothin', jus'-- can y'cut m'hair?"
Record scratch.
Sena blinked owlishly, glancing up at Azhi'li with widened eyes. Almost as though he was in disbelief. Well, no, not almost-- he was. "... Ah? I assumed you did not want to cut your hair since I thought it was something special for you?"
"It is. It always has been. I never cut it 'nd refused t'let people cut it b'cause... I kinda used it as a way t'hold onta y'all; t'hold onta m'brother, Zisi. But, now that I'm here with y'all, 'nd now that I am ready t'move on... I'm ready t'start lettin' go of th'past, too."
The older Seeker stared at his nephew in awe before smiling lightly, standing up slowly as he nodded. "Then it would be an honor. Come, sit down. Forgive your tio, though, because I may not do the best work..." he warns with a nervous chuckle. 
"Hey, it's fine, s'long as it grows back!"
"Oh, I'm sure it will with how long you've had it without maintaining it regularly," he quips with a chuff, causing Azhi'li to laugh.
After bathing, Azhi'li sat in a chair with his towel-dried hair over his shoulders. Sena rounded behind him with a pair of scissors and a comb before asking, "Now... Are you sure you wish to do this, sobrino?"
"Si, tio. I'm ready."
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catboysimulator · 3 years
Story Two - Daily Grind
In the early morning of the desert, the weather feels warm yet fresh against one’s skin. In the wee hours of dawn is when the Seekers of the Sankres begin to awaken, eager to begin their day while the Keepers continue to rest after having turned in only an hour or two prior. Fortunately, the Keepers are quite used to the Seekers’ morning routine of sound-offs, some hooting and others chirping, while the rest bellow and lazily roar.
 Coming out of their adobe homes after getting ready for the day, they are all prepared and eager to finish their workload. The inner machinations of the tribe work like the simplest, yet most efficient, well-oiled machine. Not one person works alone, every Sankre is integral to the pride for things to operate smoothly. Whether it is tending to the farm, taking care of the little ones, feeding the Gryphons, repairing, cleaning, cooking… The list goes on, and on.
 After his arrival, Azhi’li had no idea just where his place was. Everyone worked so easily, as though it was complete second nature. Azhi’li was itching to work, to do something, yet he was worried about trying to offer his help, afraid of making a mess of things.
 Of course, that was only after the first month or so of his arrival. He still feels a bit out of place, but he has gotten much more comfortable.
 “Good morning, Zizi!” a crowd of little voices chime eagerly, screaming and laughing ringing throughout the caverns as a pile of young miqo’te crowd and climb onto Azhi’li. The red Seeker laughs in amusement as the children cling onto him, lolling their heads back as they tug at their cousin.
 “Good mornin’, little ones! C’mon, y’all, get back down! Y’know very well I ain’t a tree!” he chastises them, yet his tone is purely amused. Still, the children listen, getting off Azhi’li and lining up, theatrically puffing up their chests and saluting the older Seeker by pounding their chests with their little fists. The older Seeker couldn’t help but bark out in laughter, rolling his eyes with a giant toothy grin while the young ones also laughed and lightly shoved at each other.
 “Alright, come on. Let’s all head on over to the trainin’ grounds, yeah?”
 Leading them along, the little miqo’te followed their cousin like little ducklings in a row, chattering amongst themselves.
 “What are we going to learn today?”
“I don’t know! Maybe he’ll show us how to split rocks with our BARE HANDS!”
“Or maybe show us how to split the EARTH!”
“Oh, oh! What about if he--?!”
 “Hey, hey! Come on, guys, cut me some slack! That’s all a bit too much ta be learnin’ right now, don’t ya think?” Azhi’li quipped in return while the children whined and asked, “So what are you going to show us today?”
“Mm… Well, before we start, how ‘bout we do some stretches, yeah? Come on! Early mornin’ stretches! Th’more relaxed ya are, th’better you’ll learn!”
 As soon as that was said, the young ones were quick to quit their questions and move on to do as told. Once their 10 minutes of stretching regiments were completed, Azhi'li let out a "whew!" before grinning towards the kids and pumping his fists. "Alright, li'l pugilists! Let's get started t'day, aye?"
"Aye!" they repeated before laughing excitedly.
It has been this way for a few sennights now, where Azhi'li would show the children what he knows, ever since his uncle G'sena told him of their history.
"We were built on the backs of monks, you know," Sena informed him with a gentle smile. "Our ancestors were refugees of Ala Mhigo during the time of King Theodric, when he razed the Temple of the Fist. What few miqo'te that had been under Rhalgr's teachings escaped to Thanalan, and made our home the way it is today. They carved the sides of the mountains with their hands to make our home, and gave us the Sun." He gestured up towards Azeyma's watch.
"Yet, the people here have long since forgotten our monkhood, and we have instead taken upon blades and shields, bows and axes, staves and chakrams. No one here has encountered a monk ever since your father, and even then he was not taught the way you were. We have soulstones, but no one uses them, nor has used them for many summers," he explained further, holding a box within his hands. "No one can open the box without the blessing of our matron. Yet... I believe with you here, Dhezi, you might manage to rekindle that fire within our people and the matron. And the best place to start with that, if you are interested, is with the younger generation."
"I could see that you are feeling a bit out of place still, so this might be a great opportunity for you to get in touch with your cousins... What do you think, Dhezi?"
Ever since that conversation with uncle Sena, Azhi'li had volunteered to take care of the little ones who were interested in pugilism. He wanted to take them through the steps he had first learned back in Ul'dah with the pugilist's guild, and fortunately they all seemed to be taking in the lessons quite well.
For the ones who didn't understand or seemed to struggle a bit more than the rest, Azhi'li was sure to be patient with and take his time teaching them. He knows he has plenty of time here, plenty of time to learn more of his family and to teach them what he knows, as well as learn about what they know.
This is his home.
After training, he takes the little ones to have lunch. Moving into the kitchens, he cooks them up some aldgoat stew, the same way Mama Azhi used to make it for him. He wears a bittersweet smile on his lips the entire time he cooks, soft hums escaping him as his tail sways slowly behind him. 
The children wait outside at the tables for their food, while Azhi'li is joined by some older miqo'te. Sunkissed, sunworn; the crinkles on their face creasing as they smile towards Azhi'li. "Dhezi, dear, that smells wonderful. Is there any way we can help?" 
"Ah! No, y'don't have ta--," he stammers out, before one of them chuckles and places a gentle hand upon his arm. "We would like to."
That makes the red Seeker pause before smiling a bit sweeter, nodding. "Alright. Let's make enough fer everyone, yeah?"
And so they cooked together, making steaming pots of aldgoat stew. The smell wafted out from the kitchens out into the caverns, bringing in many Sankres from each corner. A feast was not really planned out, but, here they are, passing out bowls to everyone so they can all eat together.
Sharing a warm, hearty meal like this, surrounded by so many people who are considered his family... It feels so strange, honestly, with how many there are-- yet, it is not an unwelcome feeling. These strangers are warm, kind, considerate, and caring to someone who they were meant to know all their lives, yet only just met. It helps Azhi'li relax, helps him realize that these people are indeed meant to be his family.
The caverns are full of laughing, smiling faces. Warmed by Azeyma's rays, as well as embraced by Menphina's light. This is not the type of tribe people have always warned him about back in Ul'dah, ever since he was a kid. Truly, what farfetched lies and stereotypes he was fed.
"What're ya making, Zizi?"
Approached by a young miqo'te, G’luna, Azhi'li looks up from his craft before offering a gentle grin. "Wanna see?"
"Yeah!" The little one's too-large-for-their-head's ears perk up and his giant, round eyes widen considerably as he steps closer and peers down at what Azhi'li was doing.
Weaving beads together, Azhi'li held onto the string carefully before lifting it to show the curious one.
"Oh! You're making a necklace?"
"Well, makin' that 'nd more. There's a lot of tagua that tio Sena told me about, 'nd the abuelitos showed me how to make jewelry out of them, so..."
"Why are you making so many, though? Do you like to wear them?"
"I do! But these are not for me. They are for m'friends 'nd family."
"... But we are right here? And we already have enough?"
Azhi'li couldn't help but to laugh lightly, nodding. "Ya are, 'nd ya do! But, I'm talkin' 'bout m'other friends 'nd family outside of the Sankres. I have more brothers 'nd mamas that aren't here, y'know!"
"More brothers? Why aren't they here, then?"
"Mm, b'cause they have their own family."
"... I don't get it."
"Haha, that's okay. So, y'know how y'have yer friends, right?" Azhi'li inquires while smiling, continuing to polish some more tagua before weaving them with string. Luna nods. 
"Well, I have many friends. People who are not related to me, yet that I know and that I enjoy th'company of. Some a'those people I consider very close, closer than anyone else that I know... so they're like family to me, too. Yer family doesn't only have ta consist of th'people y'were born with, but they can be yer friends, too."
"-- Oh. Okay, I think I understand, now. So, my best friend can be family, too?"
"Well, why not?"
"I dunno."
"So then what would stop ya from callin' 'em such?"
"... Nothing?"
Azhi'li would give them a toothy grin at that, nodding. The young one released a small 'ooh' of revelation, before shifting to sit beside the older Seeker. "... Can I help you make these? How many are you making?"
"Aw, hey, a'course y'can. I'm makin' lots! I gotta make some fer Toadie, Miss Rei, K'ilhi, Mama Azhi, Zi'a, Zi'to... Miss Nana, Ryska, Si'ra, Livia, Latika'a, Yato... ... Poki," he murmurs towards the end, his voice growing smaller the more names he listed. The names he missed more and more as the days went by. 
The little one canted their head to the side, looking up at Azhi'li with brows pinched upwards. "Zizi?"
He hadn't realized it, but globs of tears were pouring down his face. He takes in a sharp breath, lifting a paw to wipe at his eyes while muttering, "Sorry, 'm sorry."
Wordlessly, G'luna shifted onto their knees, shuffling closer to Azhi'li and embracing him warmly. "Papa always told me to never apologize for tears, he says they are blessings of one's love."
With a nod, the red Seeker shifted to return the embrace, taking a few moments of deep breaths before pulling away and stroking Luna's head. "Thank you, prime. ... Well, let's make the prettiest collares y pulseras for everyone, hm?"
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catboysimulator · 3 years
Story One - Reunion
After Toadie's departure, Azhi'li stared at his big brother's back for a while as he watched him grow smaller and smaller in the distance. He takes a shaky breath in before turning to go towards the Sankres entrance where he was then met by G'tani, his supposed cousin. Tani gazed down at the smaller and younger miqo'te with an indiscernible expression, before offering a little smile. "So... Ye're Dhezi, huh?"
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Nervously, Azhi'li looked off to the side, nodding and rubbing at the nape of his neck. "Supposedly."
"How did ya come across Rhinn?" she inquired, nodding towards the direction of the cave, gesturing for Azhi'li to follow her as they spoke. They went at a leisure pace, letting Azhi'li take the time to gather his thoughts and words.
"Well, uhh... Met him in Ul'dah one day, 'nd he tried ta loot me. But I chased him down, 'cuz he took somethin' important from me," he began, pulling the small pendant from his pocket to show Tani. The older miqo'te blinked and widened their eyes, gently taking it and inspecting it. "Haven't seen this in a long time," he mutters, before returning it to Azhi'li. "Go on."
"Well, after I asked fer it back, he gave it t'me 'nd treated me ta some food in Limsa. While we were there, we talked 'bout stuff, 'nd he saw th'scar on m'chin, sayin' he had given one similar ta his baby brother b'fore he never saw him again... 'nd that's how we reunited."
Shifting closer, Tani squinted just a tad as she inspected the scar on Azhi'li's chin, before pulling back with a nod. "Aye, sure 'nough y'have a scar. Considerin' y'know Rhinn, know yer own name, have this pendant, 'nd have that scar... Think it's safe t'say ye're back home, primo."
Azhi'li released a breath he didn't know he was holding onto ever since Tani shifted into his space, nodding while scratching at his cheek. "I ain't one t'lie 'bout that kinda stuff. I've-- been tryna find y'all fer a long time, but I didn't have a lot a'leads. Even Rhinn didn't really wanna tell me anythin', 'nd I dunno why."
The older Seeker gave a sigh, rolling their head along their shoulders. "He was exiled, so he prolly didn't wanna look back."
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"-- Exiled?"
"Aye. Not b'cause a'us, but b'cause of y'alls sire 'nd m'uncle, Nhogu. Now that Nhogu's gone, though, Rhinn can come back whenever he wants, 'nd I'm sure he's aware a'that, but it is his decision."
"So... what even made G'nhogu exile Rhinn?"
"Rhinn called him out on his bullshit. Nhogu wasn't havin' it, so he exiled one'a his own sons. That's pretty much what happened."
Tani nods, taking a slow breath before releasing it. "S'been a couple years since that whole situation, so things are different. Better. This is th'perfect time fer ya t'come back, primo, 'nd I'm sure everyone's gonna be ecstatic t'see ya again. So take a deep breath 'nd relax, okay? From what we know of th'Sigwa so far, I have no reason ta not heed their words or doubt them."
"Aye, they mean a lot t'me. They have been, 'nd still are, m'valley."
The older Seeker looked towards Azhi'li at that, going silent, yet smiling kindly nonetheless. Eventually, the two reach the clearing, where the cave expands and clears into a large settlement. In the middle of all the adobe buildings was an opening above them, man-made, where Azeyma's rays shone through and shimmered over the watering hole right in the center. There were so many homes; so many people. All who were working the day away, laughing and playing, eating, socializing... It was a bit different from what Azhi'li has seen and known all his life from Ul'dah.
Bringing two fingers up, Tani put them to the corners of his lips, whistling with a certain inflection. This made quite a bit of eyes land on them, especially on Azhi'li, and he couldn't help but to shrink just a bit.
Parting the tapestries of one of the adobe homes, an older miqo'te stepped out. His eyes were a striking, deep blue, hair grey and skin worn with age, yet a youthful glow still remained. He smiled towards Tani, nodding at Azhi'li in acknowledgement as he approached the pair. "Tani, I see you have brought a guest. Who is this?"
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"Tio, this is th'one Khaj had mentioned. Th'one he said was one a'us."
"Ah, right, I remember he had brought that up to me. What is your name, hermano?"
The red Seeker blinked as he stared at the older man in front of him, a familiar air about him that he cannot quite place. "-- Ah, uh. Azhi'li is m'name, but... Th'name I was born with is G'dhezi."
Just how Tani had froze earlier when she had first learned of his name, the blue-eyed Seeker did just as well, except clear surprise and shock was evident upon his face. "... Dhezi?" he asked, disbelief in his tone.
Azhi'li nodded, sheepishly.
As Azhi'li nodded, the older miqo'te let out an incredulous huff, yet was smiling as his hands came up into his own hair, holding onto his locks as he stared at the younger miqo'te in front of him. "-- Look at you... Look at you! Dhezi! Oh, Dhezi, I have looked everywhere for you-- and you're here! You're home!"
His hands shoot towards Azhi'li, yet stop short, hovering over him out of uncertainty. He wants to hug him tight, yet he does not want to go past any boundaries. "I-- I am your uncle. I am G'sena, brother of G'maryn, and G'nhogu. I've known you since you were a babe, I took care of you with your mother, G'navra-- we're family."
Azhi'li was blinking the whole time, trying to get out of his shock as he had briefly hunched his shoulders and recoiled from the hands that shot out to him earlier, yet his tension seemed to ebb away as Sena spoke more and more. His brows raise as he stares at the older miqo'te, his ears flattening to the sides as his eyes blow as wide as saucers. "G'sena... Ye're m'uncle?"
"Yes! Yes, your tio Sena! May-- May I hug you? Please?"
The younger Seeker still seemed a bit out of it from his surprise, yet nodded nonetheless and extended his arms out towards him, Sena soon swooping in to embrace Azhi'li tightly; warmly. It was a familiar, comforting feeling, one that Azhi'li had felt years and years ago. His brows furrow upwards as the dam broke down, releasing tears he had been holding onto for the past few suns. Sniffing, he buried himself in the older Seeker's shoulder, clinging onto the back of his clothes tightly.
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Home. He's home.
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catboysimulator · 4 years
hi its been a long time but i have many ideas stored in me noggin
[knocks on my head and everyone hears a hollow sound]
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catboysimulator · 4 years
Monday Night Story Circle
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When: Every Monday Night @6pm​ CST
Where: Mateus Lavender Beds ward 13 in Yainu-Par with the flowers
Calling all tribal elders, family historians, and bards of all caliber and walks of life! Join us every Monday night at 6pm CST for a night of story telling and merry making!
The Sigwa Tribe invite any and all to come and share their tribal stories, origin myths, family legacies, house legends, and all manner of tall tales with the public. Player tailored stories and repurposed legends are all welcome! We want to give folks a platform to tell their histories and keep the oral traditions alive.
Keep reading or check the site!
Keep reading
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catboysimulator · 4 years
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sobs really fucking loudly
i had the absolute pleasure of receiving a commission completed by clioart on twitter  involving my baby boy azhi'li from ffxiv! they captured his gremlin energy Perfectly and i love it so much!
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catboysimulator · 4 years
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Ritual Dagger, 17th century or earlier, Eastern Tibet, Kham region. Gilt copper alloy and rock crystal.
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catboysimulator · 4 years
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xiv update *thirsts viciously over my own oc*
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catboysimulator · 4 years
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after a year i finally redrew raih'li and updated his look 
big buff bara bastard manlet
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catboysimulator · 4 years
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those who rule from a throne of gold lead their people fiercely and courageously. even when they feel unfit to rule, they soldier on and never let their fears weaken any aspect of their reign. they value bravery over all other assets. although they care for their people with a burning loyalty, they also believe that violence is sometimes necessary, a symbol of strength to protect the kingdom when it is threatened.
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the leader who sits on a throne of glass values honesty and integrity. they rule their kingdom democratically and will uphold justice at any cost. their intelligence and perception is unrivaled in any of the surrounding lands. they will always be transparent with their views and be true to their people and what they stand for. however, it is unwise to lie to a ruler of glass - they can see right through any deception and believe dishonesty to be the most severe of crimes.
Quiz here!
azhi’s is.. pretty surprising to me, honestly, but not inaccurate! and osi’ra’s is 100% correct
tagged by: @myymsaetayuun​
tagging: anyone! have fun with it and feel free to tag me in it!
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catboysimulator · 4 years
after the damage .
a sentence collection for the warriors , those who fight and those who destroy .
“ i… i did this —”
“ i did this !?”
“ n—no , it — it wasn’t supposed to be this way! ”
“ ( name ) !!! ”
“ t—that’s… the smile… i was hoping to see… ”
“ thank you… for everything… ”
“ they are dead, don’t you get it !? you killed them! ”
“ they are all dead because of you! ”
“ don’t you dare run away !”
“ (name) … ? ”
“ i—is he/she/they…? ”
“ o—oh god, oh god w—we gotta — get you somewhere— ”
“ g—get me ou—out of here… ”
“ i can’t — feel my l–leg… ”
“ you fought well… ”
“ you did what you could. ”
“ there was no way around this. ”
“ if i had… only come sooner, then m—maybe… ”
“ they are trapped because of you! ”
“ who sent you!? ”
“ who asked for your help!? ”
“ if you had come sooner then maybe — maybe they’d be alive! ”
“ it’s — it’s all your fault. ”
“ i want—ed to do… more… “
“ no — no, please — please don’t talk… rest… ”
“ p—please ! ( name ) hang on! ”
“ don’t you DARE slip away from me now! ”
“ come on, come o—on — please!! please!! ”
“ for the lo—ve of god, (name) ! ”
“ (name) it’s… useless… “
“ h—hey… c—can y—you hear me???”
“ shhh , i’ve got you… i’ve got you… ”
“ don’t let go. ”
“ i wish… i got to see him/her/them o—one more… time… ”
“ did i… s—sav… save him/her/them… ? ”
“ hey n—now… wh—why are you crying… ? ”
“ th…ank you f… for believing in me, (name)… ”
“ this is… all… i could e—ever ask for… ”
“ i did… what i had to do… ”
“ ke—ep living on… f–for me…? ”
“ goodbye, (name)…”
“ (name), i — ”
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catboysimulator · 4 years
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