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[ txt ] baby 💞
sebastian: i let him go outside and play around for a few minutes but i brought him in and made sure he was warm and dry
sebastian: he hasn't felt good all day and i'm such an idiot i should've took him to the doctor's sooner
sebastian: please tell me you're close
cameron: whatever happened isn't your fault, okay?
cameron: you're not an idiot, baby. at least you kept him warm and dry.
cameron: i can't lie, it might take me fifteen minutes to get there. but i will get there. just stay where you are. and if i my replies are late it's bc i'm driving
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micah is getting a single-muse-blog c:
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[ txt ] baby 💞
sebastian: please hurry cam
sebastian: I love you too i'm trying
sebastian: I really hope you're right
sebastian: he's crying so much i'm really scared for him cameron
cameron: i'm being as fast as i can, seb
cameron: and i appreciate that you're trying
cameron: you're not alone. i've got you
cameron: what happened? did he play in the rain again?
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[ txt ] baby 💞
sebastian: 911 911
sebastian: ben's running a fever
sebastian: i don't know what to do
sebastian: he's crying a lot and i'm trying to calm him down but it's not working
sebastian: i'm 2 seconds away from having a break down please help
cameron: shit i'm on my way baby
cameron: just hold on
cameron: i'll drive us to the hospital
cameron: we're going to be alright
cameron: i love you. take deep breaths, my love
cameron: he's going to be okay. our benny will be okay.
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i always fail at group rps and go back to indie it’s getting unhealthy
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           She wasn’t having the best day since work and school had somewhat been taking a toll on her. It was a struggle, maintaining good grades for university while she was drumming for her brother’s band. People around her had their own household problems, by their bitter remarks and empty gazes. But her face lit up once she saw Finn across the screen, followed by her giggle ( which she found annoying ) and hated so much, practically making her forget about her struggles. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Partner,” she answered, once she had calmed down from his clumsy disposition. Oh, how she loved him so. “I’ve missed you, Idiot. How are you holding up without me being there to tie your shoes?” She teased, smirking coyly as her gaze never left his live image.”
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“son of a bitch,” is the first thing they probably hear from finn as he’s grumbling to himself while trying his best to figure out skype. apparently he’s not that great with computers, go figure. at least he moves back from the camera a little once he hears his s/o chuckling at him; doesn’t even find the time to be annoyed at them for being amused at his incompetence, though, because a wide smile spreads on his face as soon as he sees theirs again. it’s always been too long since the last time. “hey baby. i do reckon you look more beautiful every day.”
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hmu if you want a canon calum i have mega muse for him
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i love the janoskians
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          The brown-eyed boy might as well get sick of being stuck with the same person, but he wasn’t complaining. He enjoyed having Mia’s company, because then he could be comfortable enough to be himself. And he really believed that it was terribly exhausting to pull a facade every single time, just for the sake of protecting his family. His parents might as well be complete fakes, but they were just two people; he had relatives who hadn’t done anything wrong. His face was getting read from the amount of liquor, but it wasn’t noticeable, thankfully from the dim-lit portion of the bar. He was aware that there were people out there, searching for the perfect son that his father would brag nonstop about-- the perfectly nonexistent one. He flashed a charming smile, rubbing the back of his neck as his gaze lowered to her dress, then the ground ( wondering why on Earth he just did that ). It was probably the alcohol; yeah, Alex, blame it on the alcohol. "A smart badass, making the most out of it until it lasts,” he made his point. “Of course I would. What would the lady like to drink for tonight?” He offered, looking towards Mia expectantly.
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mia’s happy to take the seat next to him, get away from all the middle aged men and women constantly coming up to her to comment on how lucky she is to have a father who cares about whatever cause this event is supporting and so on. it already gets tiring after the first time, so she’s happy to use him as a way to escape it. the two of them definitely relate to each other – having similar families with similar secrets and habits and vices. not that mia likes him that much, is annoyed by him a fair share actually, but he’s still nice to be around when everyone else is just a no. tugging down her already short dress – means to piss off her mom – she slides onto the stool next to him. snickers at his response, turning her head away from him to let her gaze wander over all the people who her father had managed to gather into the ballroom. “what a badass you are, alex.” her eyes slide back on him then, one eyebrow raised and a subtle smirk etched onto her lips. “you gonna pour me a drink as well or..?”
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i am so moody rn omfg it’s affecting everyhting -____-
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          He was looking fairly dapper, clad in aesthetics of royal purple and white, matching those of his parents. Xander never liked joining them when it came to formal occasions, especially a charity event that he just knew wasn’t created for a good cause. But that was something he had gotten accustomed to as he grew up, being an only child, stuck inside the fiery grasp that his father would call ‘tough love’. He was attempting to search for Mia in the crowd, but since they were the only ones who ever got along, he might as well just go on, knowing she were to catch up. “It doesn’t take a fortune teller to figure that out, unless you are Mia Edwards, of course,” he responded cheekily, taking a swig from his wine goblet. Xander patted the empty stool beside him, beckoning for the brunette to join her. And as he was reaching for the bottle of liquor, he merely chuckled at her question, pausing to look at her. “Something along the lines of how I need to slow down, or how it’s going to stain our perfect reputation. But I can’t listen to somebody who can’t practice what they preach,” he shrugged his shoulders. “Short to say, I know his dirty little secret. He can no longer control me, and I can happily do whatever the fuck I please.”
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“i figured i’d find you by the booze,” she teases as she approaches the boy standing, as she’s already mentioned, next to the table where the champagne tower is stacked. mia hates going to the charity evenings her father organizes, mainly because she knows exactly how much he doesn’t really care about the cause and is only doing it for the votes so he could stay in office, doing nothing until the next election. but, there is a bright side to being here – him. “what would your dad say if he saw you drinking right now?” @cathcrsxs
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          “Well somebody has to make light of this, because then we’d be arguing nonstop. And I’m so sick of fighting,” he hadn’t noticed that he was raising his voice. Sebastian was being responsible, too responsible, and that wasn’t bad-- if it wasn’t for Cameron feeling the complete opposite. He had accepted that he was at fault, even when he wasn’t giving the most appropriate reactions for their scenario. Cameron might be physically present, but his mind was wandering, overtaken by the physiological effect of his stimulants. “Two toys then? Three? Ben’s a kid, and he will get over it. Heck, he might not even remember all this happened,” he insisted, and a thought hit him-- he was stressed again, and it was a perfect time to get high. “That’s not his last school play in the world. Is it? So calm the fuck down,” he snapped, brushing past him to get the medicine and the glass of water his boyfriend had requested. “Seriously, we’re going to be just fine,” Cameron repeated, not sounding too pleasant when he placed the glass of water on the side table. “You don’t have to be uptight all the time. It’s unnecessary, and next thing you know, Ben would wake up and wonder why his Dads are fighting again.”
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         Sebastian should be more lenient with Cameron considering that he knew that the other was still getting used to fatherhood, but at the same time it was their son, and the last thing that he ever wanted was for his son to be upset or crying, especially not because of them. Hearing the way that Cameron tried not to make it seem like a big deal it only seemed to add to his growing headache. “Don’t try to make light of this.” He said, voice sounding stern as he glanced at his boyfriend. The mention of just buying Ben a toy to make it up to him hit a nerve, remembering that his own dad used to do the same thing to him when he was a child. “Do you really think a toy is going to make up for not going to the one thing that he’s talked about non stop for the last two weeks? The thing that you helped him rehearse for? The one thing that you promised him you’d go to? I seriously can’t believe you missed it, Cameron.” He scooted away from the hand on his shoulder, despite the idea of a back rub sounding amazing. “If you want to help can you grab me some aspirin and a glass of water?” He laid down on the couch, resting his head on one of the couch cushions with a little groan. “My head is killing me.”
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           Iris was now shifting uncomfortably at the pair of eyes that were on her-- lovely eyes, but it was how she looked, how she was that had her worried. She would take hours in solitude, practicing for whatever it was to improve her skill. It would take her a while to progress, though it was still considered as progress. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked out loud, obviously lost. It was her first day, and she was finally dismissed from her last class. But people haven’t been easy on her, not like she expected any better from them. The girl’s smile was contagious, making her crack one of her own, but she was still terrified. “No normal person would do what I just did,” she followed along with a chuckle. “But isn’t that how it all begins? Trial and error, until we could make something out of it. Eistein never pulled out the theory of relativity in thin air. I’m pretty sure he worked his ass to get there.”
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          maybe scarlett shouldn’t have been intruding on the girl’s privacy. maybe she should have been quieter and just left her in peace, but she’s cute. scar can’t just leave that alone now. leaning against the frame of the door, the girl just shrugs with a small grin before shaking her head. ❛ long enough to see that last part. ❜ she’s smiling all the while, making it known that she’s only teasing and trying to lighten the mood a bit. then again, her jokes were often times inappropriately timed. ❛ hey, i give you credit. if i tried to do what you just did, i’d probably be in the hospital right about now. ❜
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          She blew away the stray hair falling on her face, adjusting her already messy bun. She propped her hands on her knees, catching her breath-- and of course, she was exhausted just like that. But Iris turned once she heard the other’s commentary, realising she wasn’t alone and hoping she hadn’t embarrassed herself just yet ( at least not as much as she would assume ). “H-how... how long have you been there?” She questioned with narrowed eyes, her cheeks looking pink and flushed. She didn’t get the impression that the other was flirting with her, frowning as she settled for the bench, popping open her jug of water. “I guess I’ve never been much of a dancer, but... it doesn’t hurt to give it a shot. Right?”
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          ❛ looks like someone has two left feet. ❜ it’s a light-hearted comment as she lifts a hand to cover the evident smile touching her lips before she’s biting her lesser lip and arching an eyebrow. ❛ just get those legs yesterday? ❜
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what the fuck is happening that i suddenly cant leave the house or even call for take out food
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            He was a flower child who was finding his place in the world, right after his sister forced him to go to college, sending him out of San Francisco. The people were so different from where he had moved, and while he wasn’t doing so well with his studies, he was magically gifted with somebody like Greyson. Micah can’t seem to imagine why he was blessed, but he wasn’t going to ponder over it, just that they were destined to be where they were. Normally, Micah was one who would take what was given to him, but the sincerity behind his boyfriend’s intentions always had him at a loss of words. He’d break out of his carefree persona once or twice, wondering if he was worth caring for. Because nobody, not even his own parents, had ever loved him the way Greyson did. He smiled slowly, staring at the key that was now in his hand, “I won’t... I want the key in pink but.” Micah placed aside that silly thought, face looking solemn before he kissed his boyfriend’s plump lips. “I love you, Greyson. I love you... sooo much that it consumes me.”
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          The sound that Micah made as he pulled away had Greyson looking at him amused, and he shushed him gently. It was always so cute to him when Micah whined whenever they stopped kissing. He almost laughed at the way he looked around as if Greyson was going to give the key to anyone else. Greyson really thought that they were getting serious. Micah spent so much time in his house that a whole section of Greyson’s closet and dresser were filled with clothes that Micah left. They drove to school together, came home together, slept together ( in more ways than one ). They’d fallen into a domestic routine without really realizing it, and Greyson was in love. He nodded his head, “Yeah, I’m sure..” He said, “I–I thought about this a lot a–and it makes sense. I mean, you’re here most days, and sometimes my study groups run a little late, and I don’t want you to wait around the library for me to finish so..” He gently placed the key in one of Micah’s hands, closing the other boy’s fingers around it carefully, “Just please don’t loose it.” He pressed a kiss to Micah’s forehead, 
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