catholicnewstheword · 2 years
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Fourth Sunday of the Advent
Marie, Queen of Heaven
From the Book of Hours of Frédéric d’ Aragon by Giovanni Todeschino (Italian,  14..-1503)
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catholicnewstheword · 2 years
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Mater Misericordiæ monstra te esse matrem.
An 18th century copy of the miraculous image of the Mother with the Bowed Head, known in German as Mutter mit dem geneigten Haupt, in the Ursuline convent church in Landshut, Bavaria.
The Latin inscription translates as “Mother of Mercy, show thyself to be a mother”, words which originate from the Salve Regina and Ave Maris Stella.
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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“who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was granted to us in Christ Jesus from all eternity,” - 2 Timothy 1:9
“and He Himself brought our sins in His body up on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness; by His wounds you were healed.” - 1 Peter 2:24
Christian at the Foot of the Cross by Sir Joseph Noel Paton.
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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after experiencing “feelings” i have decided that this just isn’t for me but thank you for the opportunity
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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Catholic rosary.
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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Tea for the Virgin Mary Events:The Triple Youth Ministry Pack girls 10-39 years.Girl Prayer (Includes www.youtube.com site live rosary and Virgin Mary Novenas) Prayer Journal.Proverbs Love Pack.Marriage is Sacred Song of Solomons Pack and Several other Print outs.$100.
Save your daughter.Invest now.
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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Did your Youth Ministry Leader tell you about these new innovative Catholic teaching tools?
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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“(..) psychologists say that shame ruins your capacity for reverie by making cracks in the mind where it is dangerous for thought to wander.”
— Anne Carson, Float; “Shame stack” (via kitduckworth)
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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Red Pink Sunsets means " Prayers were answered and demons defeated."
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catholicnewstheword · 3 years
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