catladykels · 9 years
Some students today are confused over authorship, integrity and originality while some are redefining it. Those who are confused do not understand the concept of personal creation. Many students think that since the information they received was formed via collaboration they do not need to give credit. Collaborative writing requires even more creativity than writing something by yourself. Students do not seem to understand this idea. They think that information found online is just up for grabs. Meanwhile, some students believe that there is no such thing as originality. They think that new works are formed by piecing together miscellaneous pieces that were already around. This idea completely defeats authorship and originality. Students are transitioning to an era of authorship, integrity and originality having little meaning. Students find citation to be pointless, thus lessening the value of people’s original thoughts and words.Teachers can handle plagiarism through various punishments or by letting the student learn from their mistake. I think that teachers should be allowed to handle plagiarism as they wish. If they believe that citations are not necessary than they should not require it. I think every teacher should provide a lesson on how they wish for their class to cite their work. (Gabriel)
Source: Gabriel, Trip. "Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age." The New York Times. The New York Times, 01 Aug. 2010. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
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catladykels · 9 years
White Privilege
“In my class and place, I did not see myself as a racist because I was taught to recognize racism only in individual acts of meanness by members of my group, never in invisible systems conferring unsought racial dominance on my group from birth.” I have never sat and thought deeply about the issue of racism. I have developed my own thoughts on the issue which are racism is pointless and should not be a daily factor in any person’s life. While my personal views differ from many people, I had the mindset that since I did not act in racist manners, I was not a racist. Although, I never thought of being immediately thrown into a pool of racism due to being white. I know that I do not discriminate due to color, but I also know I do not necessarily stand up against those who do. I was born and raised in the south and sadly southerners typically do not do well with people of color. I have heard many inappropriate comments slip through the lips of my peers, but I always chose to ignore them. Looking back now, I wish I would have said something. Today, after reading this article a lot more things make sense to me. All of the revolts that have occurred due to trials favoring in the way of whites always confused me. The way I saw it was, act with respect and get respect. The way I know see it is, they acted with respect for years and now in 2015 they still have yet to gain full equality. Nobody should have to earn respect, we are entitled to it. Skin color, sex, age, economic status should never cause one to lose their identity as a human.
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catladykels · 9 years
is it okay to not be seen as a human being?
During the class discussion the question is it ever okay for a person to no longer be seen as a human being? This question came up when Abduls mother was haggling him to wake up because he could not make money while he was dreaming. When his mother spoke to him in that way I was taken aback. I could never imagine a woman treating her kid with such disrespect and expect all of his respect. In many third world countries children are seen as money makers. The more children in the family the more money there is. This concept is very odd to me because the child loses its identity as a human and morphs into this thing. I think many times in society today people are no longer humans, but are made into these things that roam the earth. For example women. Today, women are objects, they are idolized and marketed to make me lust after them. Marketers perceive women to have bodies that are unnatural and unattainable. And sadly, many of us sit idly letting it happen. Elementary school girls are self-conscious because of this marketing tactic. Humans are losing their humanity and I just can’t wrap my mind around it. We are people and it is not okay to lose who we are because of those around us belittling us. We have to learn to use our voices even when we are scared because our voices are all we have.
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catladykels · 9 years
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catladykels · 9 years
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catladykels · 9 years
Behind the Beautiful Forevers
“Wake up fool! She said exuberantly. You think your work is dreaming? Superstitious Zehrunisa had noticed that some of the families’ most profitable times had occurred after she had showered abuses on her eldest. Januarys’ income being pivotal to the Husains’ latest plan of escape from Annawadi, she had decided to make the curses routine”
This section of the chapter submerged me into a pit of anger. The mother has such little respect for her child, she solely sees him as a money machine. I understand he is vital to the family’s survival, but I think he still deserves love. I mean a boy working that hard to keep his family alive and doing so well deserves a pat on the back. He does not deserve to be threatened and belittled. Nobody deserves to be treated in such a way. I think the way we treat one another is a huge issue with the word today. We have no respect for each other, we simply see people as objects that are blocking our path. This view is so awful, people are so much more than that. They have emotions, ideas, personalities and so much to offer. If we listened a little better, I think the world would benefit immensely. We would not be stuck in a society where elementary kids are getting violent, middle school kids bullying or high school kids thinking sex is the only way the opposite sex will like them. Unfortunately this is the world we live in and it is continuously getting worse.
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catladykels · 9 years
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10 Middle Aged Cats Wondering What They Have Done With Their 9 Lives
"I shoulda bought that boat…"
(All photos via Reddit. Please click on each photo for individual credit.) 
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catladykels · 9 years
Serving in Florida
“I don’t cry, but I am in the position to realize, for the first time in many years, that the tear ducts are still there and still capable of doing their job.”
                I chose this quote because often times I think that we all need a reality check. And in a sense this is what happened in “Serving in Florida.” She set out with the idea that she was working with a mathematical equation that focused on patients (people) she came in contact with. She left with the realization she had failed at being poor.
                Yes, she did fail at being poor, but can you imagine a mother and father that fail to make good money? It feels even worse than her failure. Living paycheck to paycheck is no way for a human being to live. Working so hard you make yourself sick so you can make sure your sweet baby girl has dinner the next day.
                While this idea may seem abstract to some, it is not to me. My family hasn’t had to worry about getting us food. But, I have been forced to sit back and watch my parents kill themselves so our bills could be paid on time. For years my mother worked one job from 8am-4:30 and worked another from 5 to 11, while my dad worked from 9am-9pm. The worst thing about watching my parents do this was being unable to do anything for them. So badly I wanted to help, but there was nothing I could do I was too young to work part-time. Therefore, as soon as I could, I got a job. Yes it was crappy and I was stuck pushing papers at a car dealership, but I was able to pay for my extra expenses. This helped my parents out a lot. Not having a lot of money isn’t easy. Often times kid joke about being a broke college kid because they can’t afford to eat out with their friends. But that is much different than actual poverty.I think the experience endured in “Serving in Florida” was very beneficial. While it was a hard time to travel through it provided a reality check for her and her readers. This chapter showed that poverty is an issue everywhere, not just in the slumps.
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catladykels · 9 years
SO SWEET! Love you lots and I can't wait to see where God takes both of us in life!
It’s an interesting thing to hear what a person has done in their life and what they want to do. I was able to get a glimpse of what my friend Kelsey will be in the future and not only what but who. Kelsey will be one who cares for those that many others don’t always care for. She will show her...
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catladykels · 9 years
Interviewing a friend about things you don’t usually talk about is a thrilling experience. Interviews allow us to slowly unfold the unknown. They prompt us with questions to guide us down hallways we have not yet explored. And keep us wondering about what is going to be around the corner next. Continually rushing excitement through your blood. Personal interviews enable you to grow into a deeper relationship with the friend you’re interviewing. So, when you leave the chat you have a different connection then when you first met up. To me, nothing can compare to getting to know a friend more. I love hearing about people’s lives, the struggles, the good times and even the awkward times.
 It was really interesting for me to get to know Allison even more than I did. I never knew about her past missions or how they affected her life. I also got to learn more about her passions and her relationship with God. I always knew she was pretty great, but I didn’t know what motivated her. Interviewing her enabled me to find out what experiences molded her into the person I met a few months ago. I enjoyed spending time listening to her just talk about the Dominican Republic and how painting the girls faces filled her heart with joy. I find service project stories to be very inspiring, hearing how she showed God to people so far away slapped a huge smile on my face. Overall I really enjoyed the project, interviewing Allison provide many laughs, thoughts and heartwarming stories.
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catladykels · 9 years
I am the exact same way. I have so many things I want to accomplish and I get really excited and just go for it. But, I get so disorganized and stressed so I never accomplish the goal I began with. "One Step at a Time" encouraged me to take my time so I can do what I want to my best abilities.
For me, and I am sure for many others, I always find myself trying to accomplish a zillion things at once. And as a result, I become overwhelmed and frustrated, and just completely give up on whatever it is I am doing. As stated in the article One Step at a Time, “Nothing gets accomplished when...
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catladykels · 9 years
One Step at a Time
“But since it’s a story of your own making, you can start anywhere you wish.” –Soul of a Citizen
            Everybody has a passion, whether it is video games, athletics or anything else. We spend a lot of time with those passions, but not much on seeing what our passions can do for others. Even if you think it is trivial, it’s not. You love it therefore it is important. Personally, my heart goes out to the mentally handicapped. For a very long time I pitied them and was uneasy when around them. But, one awesome day God decided to change those feelings. I longed to be with the mentally handicapped, I wanted to show them just how amazing they are. I am finding ways to do this. I will be volunteering during the school year at North Shelby (the school for the mentally handicapped.) I will also be volunteering over summer with Reality Ministries, which is an awesome ministry and everybody should check it out!! Since my story lies within the mentally handicapped, I will start it with volunteering. Later in life, I will do more than just volunteer but, I will work with them. I will counsel them and show them that there is nothing wrong with them. I detest the idea society produces that is, if you are different there is something wrong with you. No. Being different makes you awesome. Being mentally handicapped alters your mind, not you heart. And that is what I will teach the kids I work with. I will teach them to love themselves for who they are. I do not want to just put a commercial out saying to end bullying because that is ineffective. I want to go to those in need a help them and show them how to help themselves and others. I want the idea of loving you for you and everybody aside from their differences to live on when I am no longer on this earth. So, my story will begin my freshman year of college with volunteer work and it will never end.
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catladykels · 9 years
Making Our LIves Count
This chapter really made me think. I was wondering about my passions and how I was going to pursue them. Over the past couple of years my heart has grown more and more for the mentally handicapped. That is the reason I am studying ASL and then going to grad school for mental health counseling, because I want to show them just how wonderful they truly are. Everybody deserves to love themselves for who they are and not what society tells them they should be. Because of this I have goals and achievements I desire to achieve. At times I feel scared and unsure if I will be able to achieve the things I desire. And that’s why Virginia’s words hit home for me, “Afterwards she thought “about how this process has changed me, developed potential I’d never dreamed of.” These words resonated with me because often times I find myself doubting my abilities. And when Virginia made this statement I realized no matter what the world tells me or others tell me I can do the things my heart desires. And I think that this is a very important mindset to have. Life is not just about what can make you the most money, but it is about investing your time into your true passions. I would much rather live a life doing what I love and making little money, than doing what I hate and making a lot of money. I think this because I also do not worry about how much money I will make in the future because I know that God will provide me with what I need. Doing what I know he wants me to do trumps any dollar sign or any fear. This chapter helped me realize this, it provided me with multiple examples of people living out their true dreams and loving the outcome. I will live a life full of pursuing my true passions.
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