catmoneygun · 13 days
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Next event in a new venue, see you there or not.
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catmoneygun · 2 months
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Secret punkparty in Szentes at the end of July! MEAN MACHINE (BCN) + VEHEMENCIA + W.A. BOHNER gonna play so close to the river! ¡Tener cuidado!
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catmoneygun · 3 months
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Belgrade attacks Szeged, finally. Why did it take so long?
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catmoneygun · 6 months
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how I deal with stress, 2024
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catmoneygun · 7 months
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Auróra, get readí for this! Punxters are coming!
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catmoneygun · 7 months
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On the 6th of March, 2024 we released our demo with Energia80. Check it here: https://szegyenkazettak.bandcamp.com/album/demo-12
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catmoneygun · 8 months
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We released our first EP yesterday with the coolest chicks I got to know. Photos are taken by Rozi Kassai. https://macskanyelv666.bandcamp.com/album/s-t
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catmoneygun · 8 months
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First party of the new year by Husókacica +- Friendz Booking! See you in Szeged, motherfolker!
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catmoneygun · 11 months
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Punkattack @ Kripta!
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catmoneygun · 1 year
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Punkvonat 1:0 Fék
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catmoneygun · 1 year
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come to Veszprém! No, not to the Zoo, but Terem!
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catmoneygun · 1 year
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Soon in Szeged!
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catmoneygun · 2 years
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I found some old newspapers like Szovjet Híradó from the late 60s and Nők Lapja from the 80s at my grandparents' attic. I always have doubts if it's okay to cut these historical documents up to pieces but when you create something new from them and don't let them rot untouched it might be an acceptable way of usage.
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catmoneygun · 2 years
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catmoneygun · 2 years
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catmoneygun · 4 years
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2020. 08. 07. Lajka & Shot in the Neck @Grand Café Szeged First and last show for a while after and before the plague, second wave is coming, prepare yourselves with some experiences among people
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catmoneygun · 5 years
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