catra4life · 4 years
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I dropped every project on my plate to make this comic lol.
This is based on a post I made (before the stream where Finn came to life!!) about DT being a terrible wonderful auncle to Catradora's kid. Featuring my future DT design.
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catra4life · 4 years
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After the dust settles i think Catra would be of two mind:
Relieved she has Adora back and thanks Angella
But upset with herself because she’s the reason Angella is gone
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catra4life · 4 years
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I would watch a thousand episodes about Perfuma helping Catra with her anger and abandonment issues
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catra4life · 4 years
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Don’t you get it? I love you
You’re such an idiot; I love you too
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catra4life · 4 years
inspired by @teenagedirtbag080 s post
catra is big dead
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catra4life · 4 years
I am so W E A K 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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catra4life · 4 years
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catra4life · 4 years
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catra4life · 4 years
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guys……. i think catra likes her
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catra4life · 4 years
“catradora is toxic” “catradora is unhealthy” “catra and adora are like sisters” SORRY CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF CATRA AND ADORA MAKING OUT!
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catra4life · 4 years
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catra4life · 4 years
True story
She ra s5 summary
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catra4life · 4 years
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some more catra sprites
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catra4life · 4 years
Catradora in Thaymor, translated
There’s three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth. -Robert Evans
It’s painful and frustrating how the main conflict in SPOP is predicated on a bunch of miscommunication and misunderstandings. Of course we see a lot of that in “Promise,” but actually Catradora’s initial falling out in Thaymor is also one big misunderstanding. At the heart of it is Adora and Catra’s differing priorities leading them to focusing on different things. Adora has swallowed the Horde’s Kool-Aid and believes they are the good guys, and is very focused on doing the right thing and saving the planet from evil. Meanwhile, Catra knows they work for terrible people (how could she not after all her abuse?) and is very focused on protecting herself and Adora to survive this in hellish environment.
Because of these differing priorities, they hear one crucial section of dialogue very differently in their heads. And unfortunately, it is this exchange that cements Adora’s decision to leave The Horde, with or without Catra.
A: “I can’t go back, not until The Horde leaves this town alone. You have to help me!”
C: “What are you saying?”
The original
A: “I’m saying this is wrong. They’ve been lying to us, manipulating us, Hordak, Shadow Weaver, all of them!”
C: “Duh! Did you just figure that out? Manipulation is Shadow Weaver’s whole thing. She’s been messing with our heads since we were kids.”
A: “How could you possibly be okay with that?”
C: “Because, it doesn’t matter what they do. The two of us look out for each other. And soon we’ll be the ones calling the shots. Now come on, can we go home already?”
Translated into: Adora POV
A: “I’m saying that everything The Horde taught us is wrong. We’re the bad guys, and our leaders have been to lying to us about it this whole time!”
C: “Duh! Did you just figure out that the Horde is evil? What’s the big deal, anyway?”
A: “How could you possibly be okay with working for evil people?”
C: “Because, I don’t care what’s right or wrong, or who we hurt. All I want is to rule the world, with you. Now come on, let’s go back to Evil HQ and continue our quest towards world domination.”
Translated into: Catra POV
A: “I’m saying it’s wrong, the way the Horde hurts people like this. They’ve been messing with us this whole time to make us believe that it’s okay, but it’s not!”
C: “Duh! Did you just figure out that the people who raised us are terrible? Shadow Weaver’s been fucking with our heads and abusing us since we were kids! You saw her hurt me again and again and this seriously never occurred to you before?”
A: “How could you possibly be okay with being treated that way?”
C: “Because, it doesn’t matter what anyone else does to me as long as I have you. Besides, it’s not gonna last forever. Soon we’ll have enough power to protect ourselves. Now come on, let’s go home and hang out. I missed you.”
Adora sees this exchange as a larger moral argument about good and evil, so Catra’s flippant response makes it sound like she doesn’t care about morality or who the Horde hurts. Meanwhile, Catra sees it as a conversation about the two of them and their abusive upbringing, so Adora deciding not to go home despite the consequences for Catra feels really insensitive, like she knows what will happen to Catra but doesn’t care.
And unfortuately, Adora’s feelings of confusion and betrayal lead her to behave coldly towards Catra the next few times they see each other, while Catra’s need to prove her worth to her superiors and protect herself in Adora’s absence leads her to push any morality aside in the name of conquering for the Horde. So really, the fallout of this argument is that they end up confirming each other’s misconceptions and skewing their views of each other into the worst possible versions of themselves. No wonder there was too much baggage between them to reconcile.
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catra4life · 5 years
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catra4life · 5 years
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this is so pretty.. i love how catra is shown to be such a contemplative person because it highlights just how forcefully she has to shove down all her fears and guilt and who she really is to do the stuff shes been doing. BUT ANYWAY THIS POST IS ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE
maybe its just me but i didnt see the significance of this at first because it only lasts two seconds and there was a lot going on in 4x03. but i was thinking and like… this occurred right after the elberon mission, which was a complete success right? double trouble infiltrated the rebellion, she got to screw with adora, hordak was happy. everything went to plan! so why was catra all broody afterwards?
then i realized THIS
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happened a couple scenes after THIS
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catra wasn’t chillin on the roof for no reason, the implication is that she was up there contemplating how adora just tried to KILL HER. (i mean i say that but adora must have known catra would jump away in time.. right? yeah lets go with that. anyway) it says a lot about where her head’s at with adora after the portal stuff happened. because remember this whole thing in season 2
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what i’m saying is this HAD to have played a role in her meltdown this season… like for the first time feeling the full force of adora’s hostility, realizing that whatever was left of that bridge is now totally burned. she was confident that adora would never truly hurt her but now the same girl who used to protect her is willing to use lethal force against her and she’s struggling with how shitty it feels. she knows she only has herself to blame too because earlier in the episode she had the nightmare about the portal so that regret was shown to be weighing on her. catra wanted to get rid of adora, but losing her affection? thats something else entirely that she never imagined would happen. now she’s probably wondering, is there even a point to beating adora if she doesn’t care about me anymore? do i want to beat her, or do i really just want to break her heart like she broke mine?
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catra4life · 5 years
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