catsinthewoods-blog · 7 years
Is anyone there?
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catsinthewoods-blog · 7 years
Charles Dickens: It was the best of mimes, it was the worst of mimes.
Mime: ...
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catsinthewoods-blog · 8 years
You know, before this summer's presidential primary and campaign season, I was very anti-Hillary. I said flatly, "The US will never elect Bill Clinton's cuckolded wife to the Presidency." But now... I guess growing up professionally in a progressive environment is finally taking fruit. I'm tentatively peeking out from my escapist shell, emerging from the "coccoon" as the buddhists would say.
I think the locker room banter description is exactly why this is the nail in Donald Trump's campaign, and another "devastating blow" to the predominancy of conservative, fundamentalist values.
In front of the entire world, Trump identified himself as part of the establishment that we're all fighting against. The 1%. The male attitude that "grabbing them by the pussy" is inside the social norms. Yes, Trump did that years ago, and a big problem I have with politics is that things you said and did 20 years ago can take you down. Can't we change our minds? Don't we evolve and learn lessons and apply them to become something new?
But he hasn't changed his mind. He didn't learn anything since saying those repulsive things and expressing that mentality. He hasn't grown and changed with the times to understand that is not appropriate behavior anymore. That is now outside the social norm. The Steubenville rape case, Brock Turner, everyone is now speaking out and rebelling against that oldschool mindset. Now when they see it perpetrated, people rise in outrage and demand that it stop. Just look at the petitions demanding the recall on Judge Persky's robe.
It's not a mistake all of these events are coming together. To use another buddhist term, this is "auspicious coincidence." To some, it is evidence of a higher power that is going to take care of us. God is not punishing us as the fundamentalists say. The universe is giving us a choice between the establishment of the old ideals and moving towards a future.
I am ashamed now that I identified Hillary as "only Bill Clinton's wife." She is absolutely the most qualified person to become POTUS. First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State. She's not some outsider that's only coming from a business standpoint. She has seen how this country has been run from so many different angles, she has literally been educated over the past 20 years to be right where she is, right when she is.
I've heard Fox News watchers say that Hillary's attitude is, "It's my turn." You know what? It is.
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catsinthewoods-blog · 8 years
They told me I was wrong. They told me to calm down and couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to. They told me I was too sensitive, impulsive, or even overcaffeinated. They laughed at me. My mother laughed in my face when I cried.
I know now that I am not alone. That it wasn’t me failing to do something right, it’s they were giving me the wrong tools in order to deal with my issues.
Here’s wishing me luck as I begin researching how to fix this shit. Stay tuned.
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catsinthewoods-blog · 8 years
Life of the Singleton
On Monday, I was offered a new job. The people in my life are happy for me, they know what things have been like for the past couple of years. In the words of one, the organization was "sucking out my soul"--and she's not the first to say that.
But as I went to other people I found I didn't get the reaction I was looking for. My oldest friend was subdued, she said, because she tries to be calm at work, when I called to talk to her about it. My dad didn't even understand what I said the first time and I had to repeat it. Even my online friends weren't engaging me about it the way I wanted to be.
I think this is what I traded away when I opted for the single life. I have my cat, whom I love. When I'm listening to Jody Whiteley and she tells me to imagine a happy, comfortable place, I think of laying on the couch with my cat curled on the back cushion while I read or play games on the phone. But there's no human whose place is to bask in a happy moment with me.
It's a loss, but not a devastating one. More, bittersweet that I lose out on this moment for all the others I've gained.
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catsinthewoods-blog · 8 years
I am laughing so hard at this presidential election.
In a related thought, perhaps I should watch The West Wing. I spoiled myself on both the US and UK versions of House of Cards so there’s no use in watching that. Other than I love Kevin Spacey.
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catsinthewoods-blog · 8 years
tfw you rally your trainer only to see he’s got no breath
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catsinthewoods-blog · 8 years
I hate it when you’re in that first battle, and you’ve just built up enough breath, then the fucker dodges and it’s like you put in all that effort for nothing. Plus, you’re probably left with 1 or 2 melee so you’re screwed.
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catsinthewoods-blog · 8 years
I feel like Kerry Washington in Django Unchained when Christoph Waltz and Leonardo DiCaprio were signing the ownership transfer papers. Too incredulous and fucking scared and having to hold myself back from smiling.
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